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1、阅读判断:1、Inventor of LED(LED的发明者) Holonyaksstarted it. .(2) Holonyak believedor later. Not mentioned.(3) Holonyak was1950s.(4)Holonyak believedin the future.(5)Holonyak saidinterested in.not mentioned.(6)Edith flanigenof LEDS.not mentioned.(7)The lemelson100 years.2、EI Nino(厄尔尼诺)(1)The methodin advanc

2、e.(2)The Columbiatemperatures.(3)The Columbiaoccurrences.not mentioned.(4)Wearesmeteorologists.not mentioned.(5)AccordingChinese people.(6)It takespeak.(7)A specialEI Nino.not mentioned.3、Smoking(抽烟)(1)It ishazardous.(2)Smoking reducesexpectancy.(3)SmokingMaycancer.(4)There iscancer.not mentioned.(5

3、)Male smokerssmokers.(6)Nicotine is poisonous.rigth.(7)Filters andsmoking safe.4、Engineering Ethics(工程道德)(1)Engineeringstates.not mentioned.(2)The numberuniversity.(3)The nationalethicalissues.(4)It seemsethics.(5)Severalethics.not mentioned.(6)Manyethics.(7)It isethics.5、Rescue Platform(救生平台)(1)A r

4、escuesideways.(2)The foureagle.(3)Withan hour.not mentioned.(4)In the thirdeagle.(5)The morecarry.not mentioned.(6)In the wakeidea.(7)Mr.metrevelieaglet.not mentioned.6、Microchip Research Center Created(微芯片研究中心成立)(1)The countryindustry.(2)That countrypurposes.not mentioned.(3)Althoughto pay.(4)Manyp

5、urposes.(5)Currentlyinvestors.not mentioned.(6)Mainstreamrapidly.(7)Moreself-reliance.7、Moderate Earthquake Strikes England(中度地震袭击英国)(1)Duringpower.(2)The channeloccurred.not mentined.(3)It wasseriously.(4)Francedoctors.not mentioned.(5)The countrys1580.(6)Mussonor later.(7)It canearthquakes.8、Easy

6、Learning(容易学习)(1)Babiessleep.rigth.(2)An infantyear old.not mentioned.(3)Finnishdistinguish.not mentioned.(4)The threesounds.(5)The srudyis asleep.(6)If an his pillow.(7)Cheoursworthless.9、Dangers Await Babies With Altitude.(高海拔地区的婴儿有危险)(1)Accordingunder-nourished.(2)GiussanisUniversity.not mentione

7、d.(3)Giussani didborn into.(4)The weightwomb.(5)High-altitudetheir bodies.(6) High-altitudeaverage.not mentioned.(7)Giussani hasgrow up.10、Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect(爱尔兰海豚可能有独特的语言)(1)The differenceSDWF scientists.not mentioned.(2)Ronan Hickey nose dolphins.(3)of the 32 IrishDolphins.(4

8、)Whistles couldbaby dolphins.(5)Sperm whalesthan dolphins.not mentioned.(6)As earlyShannon estuary.(7)Irish dolphinsevery year.11、Computer Mouse(电脑鼠标)(1)Most computermouse works.(2)According towas invented.not mentioned.(3)The computerof a mouse.(4)The keytwo LEDs.(5)When ana new one.(6)The mostIBM

9、ones.not mentioned.(7)The opticalmoving parts.12、Study Helps Predict Big Mediterranean Quake(科学家研究预测地中海地区大地震)(1)The faultby scientists.(2)It is to and tsunami.(3)Radiocarbonthe earth.not Mentioned.(4)Scientists predictbefore 2100.(5)Ms.shaw hasprediction.(6)Ms.shaw measuredAD 365.(7)The earthauakein

10、 the world.not mentioned.13、The Northern Lights(北极光)(1)The sunsto the earth.(2)The earthsolar wind.(3)Some scientistsin the future.not mentioned.(4)The aurorasthe atmosphere.(5)You cannotor Canada.(6)Tens of Northern lights.not mentioned.(7)An auroralong and thick.14、Biodiesel(生物柴油)(1)Thailand suffe

11、rsits biodiesel.not mentioned.(2)Biodiesel is Petroleum.(3)Biodiesel can cooking oil.(4)Malaysia,andof biodiesels.(5)Yuthachai fuellow prices.(6)Yuthachai,theBangkok.not mentioned.(7)It seemshis own.15、Image Martian Dust Particles(观测火星上的尘粒)(1)The dustof earth.(2)Using theand Jupiter.not mentioned.(3

12、)Scientists useon earth.(4)Tom Pikesmall particles.(5)An electronicparticles.not mentioned.(6)After collectingof it.(7)The Phoenixson Mars.16、Hercules(大力士)(1)Hercules wasthe world.(2)Hercules wrokedgarden.not mentioned.(3)Hercules was givenrid of him.(4)Atlas wasthe sky.(5)Atlas ranHercules.not ment

13、ioned.(6)Atlas gotking himself.(7)Hercules finallyAtlas.17、A Great Quake coming?(一个大地震的到来)(1)The Sanfault lines.(2)The 1906American history.not mentioned.(3)The highestpersecond.(4)Earthquakesbefore 1906.(5)San Franciscoearthauake.(6)Scientists willsoon.not mentioned.(7)A majoris inevitable.阅读理解:1、F

14、ord Abandons Electric Vehicles(福特放弃电动淘汽车)(1)What have theelectric cars?C They have given upelectric cars.(2)According topowered cars. B will not befuture.(3)Which autovehicles? A Toyota and Nissan.(4)According to thehybrid cars.C run morecars.(5)Which of paragraph? D The legislation will allowproduc

15、ed.2、World Crude Oil Production May Peak(世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值)(1)which of in paragraph 2? B stimulated. (2)The terma bell shaped curve”D start to decline(3)which of NOT truemodel? D It providesproduction.(4)What is last paragraph? AIt predicts globalin 2014.(5)who developmodel.B Kuwaiti scientists.3、Cit

16、izen scientists(公民科学家)(1)Ecologists turnthem.C to collect datathings.(2)What are citizendo? B to senddatabase.(3)In”allfor? B a citizen seientist.(4)what is NoTBudburst? A only expertsin it.(5)what is theBudburst? D to investigate4、Motoring Technology(汽车技术)(1)What areshocking rate? C They focusnew f

17、uels.(2)According tohappen. B becausemistakes.(3)Which of Not mentionedpassage? D windscreensvision.(4)What Not the purposecommunications? C To callin the traffic.(5)What is robotic drivers? A Roboticto use.5、Late-Night Drinking(在深夜饮咖啡)(1)The authorthat.C coffee is a stimulant.(2)which ofthesleep? C

18、 caffeinehormone.(3)What doesdiscuss? A Different effectssleep.(4)What doesparagraph 4 prove? D caffenine drinkers (5)The author of this passageagrees that.B we shouldsupper.6、Weaving With Light(编制灯光)(1)To makeartwork and.B sell it in villages.(2)Why canemit light? D all of the bove. (3)What does sh

19、eilaLight? C Portableget Light.(4)What is the mosttechnology? A HB LEDS. (5)LEDsin that.C LEDs emit coloreddont.7、Sugar Power for Cell Phones(用糖为手机发电)(1)According to the first paragraph CWhen the for mass production.(2)What troubleresearch? A They hadfuell cells active.(3)According to parpgraph 5 C

20、When thethe glucosea pocket.(4)What is excitingcell?B Their limitedgood beginning.(5)According to the last paragraphNot truecells? D It will take someproducts.8、Eiffel Is an Eyeful(引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔)(1)Why dosethe move? B Tourists ofthe tower.(2)What seemsauthor? A Visitors preferthe view.(3)Which statemen

21、tNot trueRichard?C He climbed 747 (4)What did Tower for? B Conducting research (5)Which of thethey will”? C Visitors can imagine freely9、Egypt Felled by Famine(埃及保受饥荒折磨)(1)Why does the author D Because even they(2)Which of the fllowing factors A Change of climate (3)Which of the following statements

22、 D The white nile and the Blue (4)According to Krom A immediately afterdrought. (5)The word”devastating” B damaging10、Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers(年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的兄弟)(1)Why do young female B Because youngbegin tomothers earlier.(2)What are the tools B Vegetation(3)Which of the following i

23、s true C Females could (4)How did the researchers DIt will make (5)According to the last A Adult chimps hunt11、The Net cost of Making a Name for Yourself(网上申请个人域名的费用)(1)The domain name B the company Network (2)The firm,shop B the us government (3)Global Names Ba company under (4)How can a company A

24、It must pay to $10,000 (5)What is the meaning”not cost” B The registration feeInternet.12、Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass(佛罗里达遭受冷气团的袭击)(1)Which of the followingnot meantparagraphs? B The temperature in the United (2)According to the second BParts of interior(3)Kings statement that”we brought A he was c

25、aught by(4)Governor Jeb issue C Wanted to stop trucks (5)Which statement is Not trueD Florida Citrus Mutualcitrus growers.13、Invisibility Ring(隐形环)(1)Harry Potter is mentioned C try to invent a device(2)What is trueB Their wavelengths are longer(3)What is NOT true of B Microwaves pass through (4)Wha

26、t does the Word”coaster” A A disk or Plate (5)Harry Potters invisibility C the cloaking device for microwaves.14、Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers(日本用来监视醉洒司机的新型概念车)(1)Which of the fllowing statementsconcept car? C It has sensors locked up (2)What has VoloB A breathalyzer attached (3)What is

27、 the function A It monitors the (4)According to doi.D Nissan aims to improve(5)Which of the following is NOT mentionedB The car will autonmatically.15、Winged Robot Learns to Fly(肋生双翅机器人学飞行)(1)Which of the following is NOT trueC The two professorsits wings.(2)How did the robt B It twitched but (3)Whi

28、ch of the following is nearest A The winged robot could really fly.(4)What measured how much B A movement detector (5)What dose”the process” D All the above16、Japanese drilling into Core of Earth(日本人的地心旅行)(1)According to the passage,Mount Unzen. B erupted in 1991.(2)According to the passage ,the stu

29、dyEXCEPT. D Predicting volcano(3)Why is this research A Because Japan has many living volcanos.(4)The drilling site on C about half way up (5)The title of this passage A drill a hole into17、A Sunshade for the Planet(地球防晒霜)(1)According to the frist two C despite the difficulty,scientists.(2)Scientist

30、s resist talking C think the problem has.(3)What does Stephen schneider A Methadone is an effective way.(4)What is stephen C To apply sunscreen.(5)What is NOT true D It decreases greenhouse.18、Thirst for Oil(石油溃乏)(1)”we will needsay so? D Oil supply is decreasing.(2) Which of the followingthe second

31、 paragraph? C Coal is the most environmentally(3)Which country is the A The united states. (4)What do experts say? B There will soon be. (5)What is NOT the result of D The sea level will go up.19、Prolonging Human life(延长人类生命) (1)The writer believes C a decrease in death rates.(2)It can be inferred f

32、rom B infants could be left dead.(3)According to the passage,which of A Many of them have.(4)In paragraph 3, D the need to take care of.(5)Which of the following besthospitals? D Critical.20、Explorer of the Extreme Deep(深海探索器)(1)What is Alvin? C A submersible.(2)which of the following statementsNOT

33、a fact A It can carry explorers6500 meters. (3)”a wold that isrefers to. C the ocean.(4)In what aspects areHOVsimilar? D shape.(5)In What aspectsHOVdifferent? D Both A and B.21、Plant Gas(植物-沼气的又一来源)(1)What was scientistsmethane? C It was produced in oxygen-free.(2)To test wheather plants B an enviro

34、nment with.(3)Which statement is true D The higher the temperature.(4)Which of the following about methaneD microbes in plants.(5)What is the beneficial point C Less methane reaches22、snowflakes(雪花)(1)What does professor A No two snowflakes.(2)What do the simplest D They are six-sided.(3)What are th

35、e factors A Humidity and temperature.(4)It can be felt from A admires the beauty.(5)Libbrecht is not able to; C createXnowflakes that .23、Powering a City? Its a Breeze(风力发电?轻而易举)(1)What are the symbols;B Wooden shoes and wooden windmill. (2)Which statement best describes;B It is a high-tech machine.

36、(3)The smallest models;C can be carried up.(4)Netherlands leads inbecause. D the Netherlands is a small country.(5)According to the lasttechnology?D Both A and C.24、Underground Corl Fires-A Looming Catastrophe(地下煤着火,即将来临的灾难)(1)According to the frist patagraph,one of the that C poisonous elements sou

37、rces.(2)According to the third paragraph,whatdisappear? A Coal heats up burns.(3)What did Stracher analyzeEcology? D Coal fires can haveenvironment.(4)Which of the following statementNOT true? B He has detected and monitoredNetherlands.(5)According to the fifth paragraph,What is the suggestedfires?

38、D Cuttihng off the oxygen supply.25、Eat to Live(为生存而食)(1)According to the passage,Which ofNOT true? D We have to childhood.(2)Why does theparagraph 2? B To illustrate themice.(3)What can be inferredthe passage? D They are more moreinflammation.(4)According to the author,which of researchers? A The m

39、ice that startedold age.(5)According to the last two paragraphsthat.C dieting is notlong life.26、Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently(男女飞行员引起飞行事故的差异)(1)What is the researchabout? B Gender difference incrashes.(2)Which of the statements is NOT true.D Only mature pilotscrash.(3)How did t

40、he study? A They studied the projects.(4)What is the mostfuel.B Loss of control.(5)In the comparison.D male pilots are found.27、Driven to Distraction(分散注意力驾驶)(1)Which statement is true.C Coyne is not reallywoman.(2)What do researchers wantparagraphs? D All of the above.(3)What are the prelimminary.C

41、 In challenging driving situations.(4)The sixth paragraph mainly.D Want to determine.(5)What kind of directionsprefer? B Men prefer more general.28、Sleep Lets Brain File Memories(睡觉促使记忆归档存储)(1)Which of the following statementsnearestfile”? A Does brain arrangesleep? (2)What is the result of .C Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus.(3)What is the relation of memoryparagraph 4? D The poorer the memorytolerance.(4)In what way is memoryshrinkage? B The more hippocampus shrinks,the poorer ones memory.(5)According to the last paragraph,What.D To control glucose levels.


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