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1、智课网SAT备考资料新东方名师秘籍之SAT 考试单长篇阅读方法考生必备:2011年托福考试时间表新东方名师详解新托福阅读考试十种题型新东方名师解析攻克托福单词的三个阶段新东方名师谈托福雅思学习:越早准备越好 新托福词汇汇总 新托福语法汇总 新托福口语指导 新托福阅读指导 新托福写作指导 新托福听力指导 在所有的阅读篇幅中,长篇文章毋庸置疑是考生的拦路虎。长篇文章所涉及形式为两种:一种是单长篇,一种是双长篇。在这里笔者着重论述单长篇的阅读方法。考生会觉得单长篇难,有以下几个原因:一、篇幅太长,读前面内容忘记后面内容。二、读完之后无法把握文章大致内容概述。三、阅读速度太慢,因考试时间有限,浪费时间

2、阅读不该阅读地方只会影响答题效果。四、一旦篇章涉及到学生个人薄弱知识面,心理产生畏难心情。(文科学生最怕遇到科普性篇章,理科学生最怕遇到文史类篇章)五、回答问题时,学生不知解题思路,所以答题正确率往往不高。那么针对以上问题,想提高自己阅读成绩。应该从哪些方面着手呢?其实提高阅读成绩,无非从两方面下手:一、提高自己阅读能力二、提高阅读技巧首先,来解决第一个问题,也就是提高阅读能力问题。所谓提高阅读能力,更具体应该表述成提高自己SKIM &SKAN的能力。普遍学生颇有感受的是,自己在阅读中文时可以一目十行,但是为什么在读英文的时候,就不行呢。所以笔者建议考生在锻炼自己的阅读能力过程中,应大量阅读英


4、章的侧重问题。那么在读完文章之后,以下的几个问题是需要你在阅读完整篇文章后用来检查是否真的读懂了,它们是:文章大致内容是什么,作者写这篇文章有什么样的目的,作者的主要态度是什么。那么应该如何去读呢?具体的阅读文章步骤如下:刚接触文章的时候:浏览文章导言,首段,尾段,和文章中每段段首部分获取最基本信息。现在一起看一下官方指南的第648页这篇文章。导言部分提示:In this passage, the author discusses the question of womens rights during the Revolutionary War period.阅读完导言后,应对文章做一最基本

5、的推测。而导言很清楚讲到,这篇文章讲的是美国独立战争时代的女权问题。其实从导言上的信息,我已经可以把文字的主题锁定为两个字:女权。现在我们再来看这篇文章的首尾段,每段一,二句。首段:Among the founding fathers, there was no controversy or debate on the definition of a voter as male. The United States Constitution embodied the patriarchal assumption. shared by the entire society, that women

6、 could not participate in government. It was felt necessary by the founders to define the status of indentured servants, slaves, and American Indians in regard to voting rights, but there was no need felt even to mention, much less to explain or justify, that while women were to be counted among “th

7、e whole number of free persons” in each state for purposes of representation, they had no right to vote or to be elected to public office. The issue of the civil and political status of women never entered the debate.我们将首段内容进行一个概述,可以了解到,讲的是:女性的权利问题一直没有进入到美国权力问题的讨论范围之内。每段一,二句:第二段段首:Yet women in large

8、 numbers had been involved in political actions in the American Revolution and had begun to define themselves differently than had their mothers and grandmothers.第三段段首:The well-known exchange of private letters between John Adams and his wife Abigail sharply exemplifies the limits of consciousness o

9、n this issue of womens rights.从这个首句,我们依然获取的信息为女权问题。第二段讲述的是女性开始不同于自己的母亲和祖母,开始参与政治行为。第三段讲述女性权力的有限性。尾段:Here we see. in its extreme manifestation, the impact on history of mens power to define. Having established patriarchy as the foundation of family and the state, men viewed it as immutable and made i

10、t the very definition of social order. To challenge it was seen as both ludicrous and profoundly threatening.结尾部分讲述到,男性以男权基础建立了社会,认为这是永久的,如果去挑战它,男性认为是可笑的,同时也觉得有威胁感。按这样的步骤读完全文之后,我们可以了解到这篇文章一定是围绕女性权力文章的展开。一旦确定文章侧重点之后。我们再来答题。阅读文章后面的问题可以发现每个问题是依照文章段落展开。因为赛达的阅读篇章出题顺序和篇章展开一致,所以不会出现隔段出题。我们还是以这篇文章为例看到这篇文章对应

11、的题目10.The author most likely includes the quotation from the United States Constitution in line 10 in order to(A) point out the incongruity of women being characterized as free while having no political rights(B) demonstrate that women were in fact free, while servants, slaves, and American Indians

12、were not(C ) suggest that women could be appointed as representatives but could not vote(D) illustrate the difficult task of ensuring equitable political representation(E) explain how women could be represented in government without being considered free citizens作者在第10行引用美国宪法最有可能是为了A 指出不一致性:女性被认为是自由

13、的,但是没有政治权力B 表达:女性事实上是自由的,但是奴隶,仆人,和美洲印第安人不是的自由的。C 暗示:女性可以被任命为代表人,但是没有投票权D描述一个简单任务:确保政治代表的平等性E 解释女性如何代表政府,但是不被认为是自由的公民。分析此题时:.定位第 10题到原文首段该句话:Among the founding fathers, there was no controversy or debate on the definition of a voter as male. The United States Constitution embodied the patriarchal ass

14、umption. shared by the entire society, that women could not participate in government. It was felt necessary by the founders to define the status of indentured servants, slaves, and American Indians in regard to voting rights, but there was no need felt even to mention, much less to explain or justi

15、fy, that while women were to be counted among “the whole number of free persons” in each state for purposes of representation, they had no right to vote or to be elected to public office. The issue of the civil and political status of women never entered the debate.定位为引号的句子:一群自游由的人。(红字标注).读懂引号所在的句子。

16、(黄色背景句)开国元老觉得有必要定义奴隶,仆人和美洲印第安人的投票权,但是觉得没有必要提及,甚至没有必要去解释的是:尽管女性被认为是每个洲的自由的代表群体,但是,她们没有投票权,也不能参政。女性的民主和政治的权利从来没有进入到讨论之中。读完这句话之后,我们可以发现,这段话想强调的是女性虽然是自由群体,但是没有政治权力。那么由此我们可以将答案定为:A,并且可以发现B,E选项是和文章意义相反选项,而C,D 是文中未提及的选项。由此题,我们可以看出,其实问题的侧重点跟我们先确定的文章侧重点方向一致。另外,我们可以发现答案的一个特征,其实答案选项所描述的内容就是原文的一个等意替换。那么有没有什么方法可

17、以在最快的时间内找到等意替换的句子呢?方法是有的.也就是寻找表达转折,让步的关系词:while , although , though , but , however , nevertheless , nonetheless, yetsurprisingly, paradoxically , ironically , unexpectedly , unfortunately。我们可以发现在寻找此题答案,我们直接可以寻找转折,让步的关系词,由此可以锁定只用阅读以下这句话:while women were to be counted among “the whole number of free

18、persons” in each state for purposes of representation, they had no right to vote or to be elected to public office. The issue of the civil and political status of women never entered the debate.而这句话也是原文正好和选项表达意思完美贴合。二在读文章时还应注意不要过多地拘泥于文章的某个细节。每一篇文章中的细节都只是为了说明作者的思考和描述。因此考生在阅读文中细节的时候,应该采用快速阅读的方法。很多考生往往

19、希望能够在考试的短短时间内精确理解文章的所有内容,这无论在理论、还是在现实上都是行不通的,实际上也完全没有必要。那么有考生疑问,如果所考的内容是细节怎么办呢?例如该文章的另外一道题11 the author specifies“the fund-raising, tea boycotts, and actions against profiteering merchant” in line 18-19 in order to(A) prove that women altered the course of the American Revolution through their activ

20、ities.(B) demonstrate how women protested male dominance.(C ) point out the only activities available to women during this period.(D) indicate that women only engaged in political activities that directly affected their household.(E) given examples of political activities undertaken by some women du

21、ring the Revolution War作者描述“筹集资金,抵制茶叶,和行为抵抗暴利的商人” 是为了A 证实女性通过自己的行为改变了美国的历史B 描述女性是如何抵抗男性的C 指出在该时代,这是女性唯一能参与的行为D 指出女性唯一能参与的政治行为,此行为会直接影响到她们的家庭E 举出女性在独立战争时代下参与的政治行为。分析此题时,按刚才步骤定位原文Yet women in large numbers had been involved in political actions in the American Revolution and had begun to define themse

22、lves differently than had their mothers and grandmothers. At the very least, they had found ways of exerting influence on political events by fund-raising, tea boycotts, and actions against profiteering merchants. Loyalist women (those that sided with the British) made political claims when they arg

23、ued for their property rights independent of those of their husbands or when they pro-tested against various wartime atrocities. Several influential female members of elite families privately raised the issue of womens rights as citizens. 理解该句话在文中的意思:至少,她们会通过方式在发挥自己的影响力:筹集资金,抵制菜叶,和行为抵抗暴利的商人。理解完后,我们发

24、现所考的是细节,即使理解了,答题依然没有头绪,因为此题不像上一道题,找到等意替换的就是答案。那么应该怎么办呢?我们仍然把握文章侧重点答题,这篇文章一开始就是定位的是女权方面,那么一定跟女性权力有关。另外刚才在第一篇扫读文章的时候,已经看了该段的段首:Yet women in large numbers had been involved in political actions in the American Revolution and had begun to define themselves differently than had their mothers and grandmot

25、hers. 讲述的是女性开始不同于自己的母亲和祖母,开始参与政治行为。紧接着,在后面写出女性参与了些政治事件,我们当然能合理推出,后面所描述到的具体事件是为了支撑该段段首的观点的。那么我们可以马上把答案定位到E选项。而其他的 A,B,C,D 选项是文章边缘提及的,和文章的重心方面一点都没有关系。那么这道题和上一题不一样,有没有什么做题规律可循呢?当然是有的。我之所以推荐大家在做题目之前阅读文章首尾段和,文章内部每段的首句,那是因为每段的句首是观点句。观点叙述之后,当然是细节例子,这些叙述来支撑观点。所以,如果遇到题干给的定位是文章细节部分描写,往前文找答案即可。所以这题也提示考生,考场上不要做

26、翻译,不要试图把每句话看懂,只用关注所考到的细节部分,并且在理解基础上更重要的是知道细节在文中的作用,支持的观点是什么,依然联系文章侧重点答题。那么这里讲述两个题目为此提醒考生,做题之前把握文章侧重点是十分重要的。因为所有的题目都和文章的侧重点挂钩。同时做好长篇也需注意每一段的只要观点,所以,考生在阅读SAT文章的时候,应该注意抓住文章每一段的主题,而段落主题往往在段首出现,这也是为什么需要考生在首先浏览篇章时看首尾段和每段的段首了。另外考试时可以在心中问问自己“这一段的主要观点是什么?”“这一段的内容是如何与上下文衔接的?”“这一段在文章当中起到了什么作用? ”等等问题。对这些问题理解得越透

27、彻,考生的解题速度就越快,而且解题的准确程度也会越来越高。无独有偶,我们用个知道这个从细节找观点的方法之后再来看下一题。看是否能验证这一点。13 The author describes John and Abigail Adams as “a well-matched and loving couple” (line 38) to point out that(A) the couple fundamentally agreed on political issues(B )the couple were compatible until Abigail Adams became outsp

28、oken in her political views(C ) even compatible marriage partners did not agree on issues involving womens rights(D) contrary to public belief, John and Abigail Adams were a happily married couple(E) most married partners do not agree on issues that involve conflicts between men and women作者描述J和A是一对恩

29、爱,般配的夫妇是为了指出A 夫妻本质上是同意这个意见B 直到 A直言表达自己的观点之前,他们都是和得来的C 即使很合得来的夫妻也不会在女权问题上达成一致D 和大众想的相反的是,他们是这对很快乐的夫妻F 大多数结婚的夫妻不能同意男性和女性的冲突定位原文The well-known exchange of private letters between John Adams and his wife Abigail sharply exemplifies the limits of consciousness on this issue of womens rights. Here was a w

30、ell-matched and loving couple, but unusual in the wifes political interest and involvement. In 1776. Abigail Adams urged her husband, in a letter, to remember the ladies“ in his work on the legal code for the new repub-lic. reminding him that wives needed protection against the “naturally tyrannical

31、” tendencies of their husbands. 根据以上论述方法发现是文章细节部分,找到此段观点句(黄色背景标注)。发现此段观点句子意思是:一对夫妻通信的事情例证了女性权力意识有限性。 根据观点句得知此题一定于女权有关,很容易在答案中选到C选项,这是唯一个选项和女权有关的。三考场上考生阅读长篇遇到难题是不可避免的情况。那么应该处理呢?其实跳过此题,最后解答该题即可。难题一般分布在长篇文章的倒数2,3 题的地方。也就是说最后的题目未必是最难的,很多考生在做长篇的时候,一定要顺着做。其实没有必要,当有题目拿不准的时候,大可以放下来,先做把后面的题目做完。再回头做难题。原因在于,第一

32、如果在无法把握的情况下做难题,只会过多耗费时间,并且一旦填错,会倒扣分。第二当做完所有题目之后,其实这个过程也相当于把全文读完(笔者刚提到文章和题目是相对应展开,所有做完题目,你文章也会相应的看完。)此时,考生也能一定程度的宏观把握全文了。在这样的情况下再回头看难题,反而会豁然开朗。四最后再来讲一下长篇文章的共性趋势。可以看到以下一个历年的统计数据:OG :共 8套题 40篇文章社会:共14篇,占35%文学:共10篇,占32%科学:共8篇, 占23%人文:共4篇, 占10%06.10-10.05 :共 12套题 60篇文章社会:共21篇,占35%文学:共19篇,占31%科学:共15篇,占25%

33、人文:共5篇, 占9%由上面统计显示无论是官方指南还是历年真题,社会题材类文章是主流。那么这样篇章的长篇文章,经常考的内容方面弱势群体:女性,黑人和移民。只要是这样的文章,如果选项中有以下含义的选项都可以排除:1 仇视妇女和少数民族。2 认为这些社会问题不重要,不值得关注的。3 认为这些问题已经得到圆满解决的。比如OG648页15. The author uses the phrase “for an instant” ( lines 50-51)in order to(A) point but John Adams desire for an immediate solution to a

34、pressing issue(B) suggest disapproval of any amount of time devoted to such an insignificant issue(C ) indicate that John Adams glimpsed his wifes point despite his cultural limitations(D) express approval for John Adams swift response to a crucial issue(E) show outrage at John Adams outright dismis

35、sal of Abigail Adams request作者用了一个短语“在一瞬间 ”是为了A 指出JA期望解决问题的即时方式B 暗示不同意任何精力投入这个微不足道的事件之中C 表达尽管JA有文化限制性, JA后知后觉妻子的观点D 表达同意JA 对此关键问题的迅速反应E 表达气愤JA直白的拒绝了 AA的要求我们可以看到这里的B选项所表述的内容是作者认为女权问题是个微不足道的问题。那么其实不用阅读文章,就可以直接排除选项。在赛达考试中遇到长篇时,一定谨记以下几点:1 做题之前花1分钟阅读导言,首尾段,每段一,二句。推测文章侧重点2 答题时联系文章侧重点及段落观点句3 遇到难题不会做先放一放。全篇做完再回头看。4 答题时文章弱势群体原则的共性不要忘夯实基础,熟练技巧,了解思维重点,知道答题侧重点。在赛达考试中,考生认真做到以上几点,只有知己知彼方能取得高分优异成绩。更多出国留学、托福备考等精彩内容敬请关注托福频道


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