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    完成句子 湖北版本 2013 自己整理 英语.doc

    1、A71Our teachers often say whether we _ relies on our attitude.(achieve)我们老师常说我们能否实现目标取决于我们的态度。 72It was in the city where _ that he received his compulsory education. (live)他是在那个他曾经住过的城市接受的义务教育。 73In response, Jiang Yu states that we hope the foreign countries dont _ in South Sea dispute. (involve)姜

    2、瑜在回应中称我们希望外国不要卷入南中国海的争端。 74By the time _, I will have finished the book.(come)到他回来时,我将完成这本书。 75_ at the meeting is important for you as well as for me. (present)出席这个会议对你对我都很重要。 76Out _ of students, most of whom were once my sons classmates. (rush)一群学生冲了出来,他们大部分曾经是我儿子的同班同学。 77The weather is hotter an

    3、d hotter; I would rather that _ winter now. (be)天气愈来愈热,我宁愿现在是冬天。 78I _ there when the traffic accident occurred.(happen)车祸发生时我碰巧在那儿。 79He didnt come to school yesterday _ that he was ill. (fact)他昨天没来上学是因为他生病了。 80Our new campus is _ of the old one. (size)我们的新校园是老校园的五倍大。 B71. When first _ , these prod

    4、ucts were widely accepted by consumers. (introduce)当初次被引入市场时,这些产品获得了极大的成功。72. He made it clear _ the problem by himself. (solve)他说得很明白,他自己能解决这个问题。73. The manager insisted that _ the companies who had done something that hurt our feelings. (break)经理坚持要求我们与那些做了伤害了我们感情的事的公司决裂。74. By no means _ before y

    5、our parents.(tell)你绝对不能在父母面前撒谎。75. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _. (mark)当你拿回试卷时,一定要特别注意那些批改了的地方。76. She is proud of her two sons, _ is now studying in the USA. (young)她为她的两个儿子而感到自豪,其中年龄小的那个现在正在美国学习。77. It is those who are willing to give rather than receive _ to be res

    6、pected. (deserve)是那些宁愿付出不愿获取的人应该得到尊重。78. Since 1978 _ in this small village. (take)自从 1978 年以来,这个小村庄发生了巨大变化。79. She _ her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. (hardly)昨天她一完成作业,她妈妈就叫她练习弹钢琴。80. He knows so much about this problem! He _ a lot of books. (refer)他对于这

    7、个问题知道得这么多,他一定是阅读了大量的书籍。C71. The minute the shopping mall opens, the customers came . (crowd)购物中心一开业,顾客们便蜂拥而入。 72. Marry never misses a chance . ( come)谈到表演,玛丽从不错过机会。73. According to the new traffic regulations, under no circumstances . (permit)根据新交通法规,醉驾决不允许的。74. about the city was its traditional c

    8、ulture and modern architecture. (impress)这个城市给我们印象最深的是她的传统文化和现代建筑风格。75. With the population increasing in this city, it is suggested that a new water supply plant bebuilt up, with the government . (provide)由于人口不断增长,建议在这个城市建一个新供水厂,资金将由政府提供。76. An order came that all the vehicles having seven or fewer

    9、 seats on the highway during the eight-day holiday. (charge)传来指令说,八天假期中七座以内的小型汽车免收高速路费。77. You could have entered a better college, but you much precious time in the past three years. (waste)你完全可以上个好大学的,但三年来你浪费了很多宝贵时间。78. Finally, we climbed up the mountain, lies an old temple. (top)我们最后爬上了山顶,山顶上有座旧

    10、寺庙。79. to travel by air? Fast, convenient and comfortable. (find)你认为乘飞机旅行如何?快捷、方便、舒适。80. I feel it is the absent-minded driver the traffic accident. (blame)我以为那个心不在焉的司机应为这起交通事故负责。D71If we understand how advertisements work, we can by them. (avoid)如果我们知道广告如何发挥作用,我们就能避免被广告控制。72Under no circumstances f

    11、or the national entrance examination is around the corner. (waste)高考在即,我们绝不能浪费时间了。73Everyone of us has many responsibilities we cannot avoid them and must do our best to undertake them. (attach)我们每个人都有依附于我们的责任。我们不能回避这些责任,我们得尽力去承担。74Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work

    12、 and left their children behind by their grandparents. (raise)很多农村的农民去大城市找工作,将他们的孩子留给祖父母抚养。75You have been working in front of the computer too long. you have got a headache. (wonder)你在电脑前工作太久了,难怪你头疼。76If the amount of vitamin D in the milk the demand of the babies, they would have fallen ill then.

    13、(adequate ) 如果牛奶中维生素 D 的含量不能满足婴儿的需要,婴儿那时早生病了。77The reason why people carry umbrellas in hot summer days is the hot sun may be harmful to the skin. (expose)在炎热的夏天,人们为什么带伞是因为暴露在烈日下可能对皮肤有害。78I that this collection can be made known to the public. (owe)多亏了他,这个珍稀的收藏才得以为公众所知道。79He had three uncles and aun

    14、ts, lived in China. (none)他叔叔和姑姑加起来有三个,没有一个住在中国。80That meat is because it is rotten. (give)那块肉在散发出一股臭味,因为它变质了。E71. What the coach really doubts is the serious disease soon.(recover)教练真正怀疑的是这位运动员是否会从严重的疾病中康复。72. Melbourne is a city with a warm and mild climate, _sports.(passion)墨尔本有着温暖宜人的气候,这里的人们都喜欢运

    15、动。73. It is annoying that when you are in desperate need of a taxi,it is . (nowhere)令人烦恼的是当你极需一辆出租车时,哪儿都找不到。74. Not only , we can also make new friends.(broaden)旅行不仅能让我们开阔视野,还能让我们结交新朋友。75. I _ that I went through the hard time after I lost my job. (owe)在失去工作后,多亏了我的父母,我才度过了艰难时光。76. , the old castle i

    16、s still in good condition and attracts tourists from all over the world. (date)源自于 16 世纪,这座古城堡仍然状况良好而且吸引了来自于世界的游客。77. snakes are very shy and normally attack only if they are disturbed and feel threatened. (well)好在蛇都胆小怕事,通常只有在被打搅或感到有威胁时才会出击。78. We made every endeavour to but in vain. (mind)我们尽力让她暂时忘

    17、掉她的烦恼,结果白费心机。79. In reality, you that abstract theory. (attach)事实上,你本没有必要看重那个抽象的理论。80. Many old houses to make way for the new road in the last few weeks. (tear)在过去几个星期,为了修新公路许多旧房子被拆除。F71. Those reports included one case, and destroyed two cars, although there were no injuries. (break)这些报告中有一份案例,尽管没

    18、有人受伤,但爆发了一场火灾,烧毁了两辆汽车。72. , you will have to make a great effort to give it up. (addict)一旦吸烟成瘾,你将不得不非常努力地才能戒掉。73. Only when you are willing to be fully responsible for your life truly confident in your efforts. (can)只有当你愿意对你的人生负起全部责任时,你才能真正有信心去付出。74. I first met John at my sisters wedding. He some o

    19、f the honored guests at the time. (chat)我第一次遇见 John 是在姐姐的婚礼上。当时他在和一些尊贵的客人交谈。75. He is already over thirty. Its about time that a wife and settled down. (find)他已经过了三十岁了。是时候该他给自己找个老婆安定下来了。76. go hiking with her friends made Jane a little unhappy all day.(allow)不准和朋友们一起去远足让 Jane 一整天都不太高兴。77. He taught

    20、us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we . (asleep)他在午餐后的休息时间及晚上本该睡觉的时间教我们学习。78. With the newly-elected president , most Americans think that things will change for the better. (come)随着新总统的上台,大多数美国人都任务事情会向好的方向发展。79. She was when her daughter didnt come home. (more)当她的女儿没回家时,与其说她生气倒不如说她担心。

    21、80. You have no idea during the last few months, which has affected me for a long time. (go)你不知道在过去的几个月里我经历了些什么,而这些影响了我很长一段时间。G71The child was told to remain so that he could be found easily. (lose)那个孩子被告知呆在他迷路的地方,这样就可以很容易找到他了。72His account brought back to me the happiest moments in the quiet mounta

    22、in village (spend)他的描述使我想起了我们在那个平静的小山村一起度过的快乐时刻。73A great sense of balance is to stand on a Swiss Ball (take)站在瑞士球上需要很好的平衡感。74They set off for the destination too late; otherwise they in the storm.(stuck)他们出发去那个目的地太晚了,不然的话,就不会困在暴风雨中了。75 ,the girl kept back her tears and managed a smile (as )尽管感到悲伤,小

    23、姑娘忍住了自己的眼泪,勉强笑了。76 cost the young man his marriage as well as his health (addict)沉溺于电子游戏让这个年轻人付出了自己的婚姻和身体健康。77His parents asked to be kept all that happened to him at school (in form)他的父母亲要求把他在学校发生的一切事情都告诉他们。78It is the first time that the actor and singer on the cover of the magazine Times (appear)

    24、这是那个兼演员和歌手于一身的人第一次出现在时代杂志的封面上。79With ,the farmers refused to take a rest, for fear of missing the best planting time (plant)还要栽很多树,农民们担心错过最佳栽种时节,都不愿休息。80My classmates kept asking me_that l worked out the math problem (how )我的同学们一直在问我到底是怎么做出那道数学题的。H71. _, there is a small chance that a large-scale wa

    25、r will break out between China and Japan. (judge) 根据目前的形势判断,中日之间爆发大规模战争的可能性很小。72. Finding himself under fire from all quarters, he had no alternative _ his scheme for the time being.(abandon )在这四面楚歌的情况下, 他除了暂时放弃他的计划没有别的办法。73. The two friends living in different cities met on September 28 _. (schedul

    26、e)像计划的那样,这两个生活在不同城市的朋友 9 月 28 号见面了。74. _a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. (time)曾经有一段时间湛蓝的天空,鸟的歌唱,月光以及花朵绝不会让我着迷。75. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they _ the fire burning all winter.

    27、( keep) 我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚。这意味着他们可能整个冬天都让火烧着。76. He made a few friends soon after he transferred to the new school, and _ he had no difficulty in fitting in. (help) 转学到了新校不久他就交了几个朋友,在他们的帮助下他毫不费劲地就适应了。77. They built shelters for the survivors in the open air with anything _. (find)他们用他们能找到的东西在开阔的地方

    28、为幸存者建造避难所。78. Shall we take a break in the shade of the tree? We _ in the sun for nearly two hours! (work) 可以在树阴下休息一下吗?我们已经在太阳下工作两个小时了。79. Tom is not popular with his classmates because he tends to talk as if _. (know)汤姆不受同学的欢迎,因为他往往讲起话来就好像他什么都知道一样。80. It is sincerely requested that you _ the painti

    29、ngs while visiting the gallery. (touch)恳请你们在参观画廊时不要用手摸画。I71_ a heavy traffic jam while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience. (catch) 赶往机场时,遭遇交通堵塞是很不快的经历。72In our class there are 50 students, two thirds of them _ Wuhan or living near Wuhan. (come)我们班有 50 名学生,三分之二来自武汉或武汉周边

    30、。73The hottest topic of this month is the 76-episode drama series “Legend of Zhen Huan” _ a novel of the same name by Liu Lianzi . (adapt)本月最热门的话题是根据流潋紫同名小说改编的 76 集电视连续剧甄嬛传 。74As the College Entrance Examination is in sight, we teachers feel _ you students. (relax)高考临近,我们老师并不比你们学生感到轻松。75_ you have s

    31、et foot on the Great Wall that you can consider yourself a truly brave man. (until)不到长城非好汉。76_ it is that Wuhan Happy Valley has been open to the public since April 29th! ( inspire)武汉欢乐谷自 4 月 29 日开始对公众开放,这是多么激动人心的消息啊!77A growing number of people express a strong desire _ another job to get more mone

    32、y to support their family. (take)来源:越来越多的人表达了想从事另外的工作以赚取更多的钱来补贴家用的强烈愿望。78Teachers are trying to make _ the importance of a deep breath and a balanced mind in face of exams . (aware) 老师们正努力让学生了解面临考试时深呼吸以及保持一种平常心的重要性。79Luckily, the accident didnt result in any death, nor _ any injuries. (cause)幸运的是这场事

    33、故没有造成死亡也没有造成伤害。来源:80Our boss _ a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. (promise)我们老板一直许诺加薪好些年了, 可到现在什么动静也没有。A71can achieve our goal 72he once lived 73get involved74he comes back75Being present 76rushed a crowd/ a group 77it were/was 78happened to be 79because of /owing to/ due to t

    34、he fact 80five times the sizeB71. introduced into the market72. that he could solve73. we (should) break away from74. can (will/ should )you tell a lie/lies75. have been marked76. the younger of whom77. that deserve78. great changes have taken place79. had hardly finished80. must have referred toC71

    35、. crowding in / crowding into it72. when it comes to acting / performing / performance73. is drunk driving permitted74. what impressed us most / best75. to provide money / fund (for it)76. (should) not be charged / (should) be free of charge77. have wasted78. on top of which / on whose top / at the

    36、top of which79. How do you find it80. who / that is to blame forD71. avoid being controlled 72. can we waste our time 73. attached to us 74. to be raised75. It is no wonder / No wonder 76. had not been adequate for 77. that being exposed to78. owe it to him 79. none of whom 80. giving off a bad smel

    37、lEwhether the athlete will recover fromwhere people have a passion fornowhere to be founddoes travel broaden our horizonsowe(d) it to my parentsDating back to/Dating from the 16th centuryIt is just as well thattake her mind off the/her trouble/worriesneed not have attached importance tohave been tor

    38、n downF暂缺G71. where he got/was lost 72. (that) we spent together 73. what it takes 74. wouldnt have been stuck 75. Sad as she felt 76. Being addicted to (playing) computer games 77. informed of/about 78. has appeared 79. many more trees to plant 80. how it was H71. Judging from / by the present situ

    39、ation Judging from / by 使用错误不给分,名词错误扣半分72. but to abandon 其他答案不给分73. as (it was / it had been) scheduled 其他答案不给分74. There was (once) a time when 其他答案不给分75. might/ may have kept 其他答案不给分76. with their help 其他答案不给分77. (that) they could find / that could be found 时态错误扣 1 分78. have been working 其他答案不给分79

    40、. he knew everything 其他答案不给分80. (should)not touch 其他答案不给分71. Being caught in72. coming from73. (which/that is) adapted from74. no more relaxed than75. It is not until76. What (a piece of ) inspiring news77. that they (should) take (up)/to take (up)78. students aware of79. did it cause80. has been promising (us)

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