1、广告创作,1. 现代广告创作潮流。2. 现代广告创作手法分析。3. 如何评价广告?,现代广告创作潮流,1. 掀起话题 引动舆论刻意以具争议性题目作广告意念或视觉主体,引起广大受众激辩,从而达成惹人注意目的。例:班纳顿平面广告,现代广告创作潮流,现代广告创作潮流,In 1994, Benetton created an ad with two twenty-something men wearing pastel shirts in a cheek-to-cheek embrace that left many wondering if the two were a couple. The ad
2、 appeared on billboards and in OUT magazine but the company said they were not supposed to be seen as gay, that they were in fact twins. This ad features two unlikely looking nurses about to kiss as they fondle each others breasts. Diesels director of marketing says this ad helped them sell over a m
3、illion pairs of sunglasses.,现代广告创作潮流,Kenneth Cole, like Benetton, was among few fashion advertisers that embraced AIDS as a cause earlier on in its ads.,现代广告创作潮流,In a controversial trend that may have started among gay men in Seattle, Benetton depicts a musclemans tattoos with the words “HIV positiv
4、e.“ 1995,现代广告创作潮流,2. 大意念 - 长期应用既定创意作不断演化,并且长期应用;当中广告元素会衍生成广告品牌或产品的重要资产。例:万宝路香烟 Absolut Vodka伏特加,现代广告创作潮流,Absolut Vodka2001平面广告,现代广告创作潮流,Absolut Vodka 平面广告,万宝路香烟 平面广告,现代广告创作潮流,现代广告创作潮流,万宝路香烟 平面广告,现代广告创作潮流,3. 集思广益 各显所能先拟定一简单广告主题,并采用不同的创作人:如导演、剧作家、音乐家.等来构想或摄制广告,形成百家争鸣现象,造成哄动话题。例:耐奇 Nike,现代广告创作潮流,超大制作以超
5、乎想像手法及令人侧目的制作来完成耸人听闻的广告。,现代广告创作手法分析,如何评价广告,简单评价程式P = L + R,如何评价广告,P 是什么? P ( Persuasiveness )说服力力度说服力力度高的广告就是有效的广告; 有效的广告就是好的广告。,如何评价广告,说服力力度愈高的广告,达成广告目的机会亦愈大。广告目的:*达成购买 *形像建立*意识形态传输 *信念建立*引起兴趣/注意 *其它,如何评价广告,P = L + R 己知 P =广告的说服力力度,那如何评定一个广告说服力力度的高低呢?L = 好感度( Likeability ) R = 相关度( Relevancy ),如何评价广告,P = L + R 说服力力度 ( Persuasiveness ) = 好感度 + 相关度( Likeability ) + ( Relevancy ),如何评价广告,好感度( Likeability ) 感性元素:好看、好听、好玩、好有趣、好感动、好酷、好美、好快乐、 好动人。 相关度 ( Relevancy ) 理性因素:品牌优势、产品强项、广告目 的等相关意念的传递。,The End 完,Thank You 谢谢!,