1、Exercise: Do you know the following acronyms & shortened words?,ASEAN CPPCC OPEC UNESCO UNSC IOC WTO WHO UFO PR GMT PM GM grad pro rep expo,Keith Rupert Murdoch, (born 11 March 1931) is an Australian-American media mogul(巨头). He is the founder, a major shareholder, chairman and managing director of
2、News Corporation (News Corp). Murdochs first permanent foray into TV was in the UK, where he created Sky Television in 1989. In the 2000s he became a leading investor in satellite television, the film industry and the Internet.,Keith Rupert Murdoch 基思鲁珀特默多克,Acquisitions in Britain When the Mirror gr
3、oup decided to get rid of its mid-market broadsheet daily newspaper The Sun in 1969, Murdoch acquired it and turned it into a tabloid format; by 2006 it was selling three million copies per day. Murdoch acquired The Times (and The Sunday Times), the paper Lord Northcliffe had once owned, in 1981.,An
4、 Overview of American NPS,最有影响力的报纸有: 1)The Los Angeles Times洛杉矶时报 创刊于1881年,属钱德勒家族 (Chandler)所有 2)The New York Times纽约时报 1851年创刊,为苏兹贝格家族 (Sulzberger)所有. 3)Washington Post华盛顿邮报 1877年创刊华盛顿,属格雷厄姆家族(Graham)所有. 4)The Wall Street Journal华尔街日报 1889年创刊 5)The New York Daily News 纽约每日新闻 6)Chicago Tribune芝加哥论
5、坛报 创刊于1947年,在芝加哥出版 7)USA Today 今日美国Gannett Newspapers 由甘尼特集团于1982年创刊 8) The New York Post纽约邮报 ,较有影响的报纸有: 1)The Christian Science Monitor基督教科学箴言 1909年创刊,由基督教科学出版社出版 2)International Herald Tribune 国际先驱论坛报 3)Washington News 华盛顿新闻报 4)Washington Daily News 华盛顿每日新闻 5)Baltimore Sun 巴尔的摩太阳报 较受欢迎的报纸有: 1)He
6、rald Journal 先驱日报 2)American Express 美国快报 3)Journal of Commerce 商业日报 4)Tribune 论坛报 5)American News 美国新闻 6)News Weekly 新闻周刊 .au,An overview of American Mag.,1.时代周刊 (TIME) 2.新闻周刊 (NEWS WEEK) www.N 3.美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. NEWS &WORLD REPORT) 4.读者文摘 (READERS DIGEST) 5.商业周刊 (Business Week) 6.财富 (Fortune)
7、,An Introduction of UK NPS,英国全国性高级报纸有: 1)泰晤士报 Times:www.thetimes.co.uk 2)每日电讯报 The Daily Telegraph:www.dailytelegraph.co.uk 3)卫报 The Guardian:www.guardian.co.uk 4)金融时报 The Financial Times: 5)星期日电讯报 Sunday Dispatch 6)观察家报 The Observer:www.observer.co.uk 7)星期日泰晤士报The Sunday Times:www.sunday-times.co.u
8、k 英国全国性通俗报纸有: 1)每日快报 The Daily Express:www.express.co.uk 2)每日邮报 The Daily Mail:www.dailymail.co.uk 3)每日镜报 Daily Mirror:www.mirror.co.uk 4)星期日快报 The Sunday Express 5)世界新闻报 The News of the World:www.newsoftheworld.co.uk,Major magazines in UK,1、经济学家(The Economist) : 1843年创刊,与金融时报同属“皮尔逊父子公司”所有。 2、 旁观者(T
9、he Spectator) :www.spectator.co.uk 创刊于1828年,是英国全国性周刊中历史最久的杂志。 3、新政治家(The New Statesman) :www.newstatesman.co.uk 创刊于1934年,主要发表有关政治、社会问题、书刊、电影、戏剧等方面的评论。 4、妇女界(The Womans Own) : 1932年创刊,是图文并茂的妇女月刊,女性朋友必看。 5、 妇女之国(Womans Realm) : 创刊于1958年,适合新成家的青年妇女。 6、泰晤士报文学增刊(The Times Literary Supplement, The TLS) :
10、www.the-tls.co.uk 每周出一期,是英国最有影响的文学周刊之一。,The Classification of British Newspaper,Quality paper ; Popular ; Mid-market+The Times is read by the people who run the country. +The Guardian is read by the people who think they ought to run the country. +The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people wh
11、o run the country. +The Financial Times is read by the people who own the country. +The Daily Express is read by the people who think the country ought to be run as it used to be run.,McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm that focuses on solving issues of concern to senior manage
12、ment. McKinsey serves as an adviser to the worlds leading businesses, governments, and institutions. It is widely recognized as a leader and one of the most prestigious firms in the management consulting industry.,McKinsey 麦肯锡咨询公司,麦肯锡公司是世界级领先的全球管理咨询公司。公司的使命就是帮助领先的企业机构实现显著、持久的经营业绩改善,打造能够吸引、培育和激励杰出人才的
13、优秀组织机构。 1926年,芝加哥大学詹姆斯麦肯锡(James Mckinsey)教授创立了麦肯锡咨询公司。随后,这家以他姓氏命名的会计及管理咨询公司得到了迅速的发展。到了20世纪30年代,麦肯锡已逐渐把自己的企业形象塑造成一个“精英荟萃”的“企业医生”,把麦肯锡的远景规划描绘成致力于解决企业重大管理问题的咨询公司,聚集最优秀的年轻人,恪守严格的道德准则,以最高的专业水准和最卓越的技术,为客户提供一流的服务,并不断提高公司在行业中的地位。 麦肯锡采取“公司一体”的合作伙伴关系制度,在全球52个国家有94个分公司。麦肯锡中国分公司包括北京、香港、上海与台北四家分公司,共有40多位董事和250多位
14、咨询顾问。在过去十年中,麦肯锡在大中华区完成了800多个项目,涉及公司整体与业务单元战略、企业金融、营销/销售与渠道、组织架构、制造/采购/供应链、技术、产品研发等领域。,麦肯锡的招聘流程 麦肯锡的招聘流程 1.笔试:麦肯锡没有专门的口语测试,而是介绍case怎么做,还专门找了2个人演示了失败和成功的例子,挺搞笑的,介绍之后,是数学测试,非常类似GRE(Graduate Record Examination)/GMAT(Graduate Management Admissions Test)的数学部分,考的是速度和准确率。这一部分决定了第一轮面试选择的人。在第一轮面试之前有一个笔试,叫Mcki
15、nsey case lets,是ETS出品的。里面的case 很多和几大咨询公司网站上的提供的case比较像,只要你能融会贯通,做题不难,但是阅读量挺大。 2. 考完笔试会有一个pre-interview reception,这个和笔试一样都不影响你是否进入一面。这个reception就是有些麦肯锡的大中小牛们出来和同学们见个面,介绍介绍麦肯锡的case interview是什么样的,还有就是作广告。 3. 面试:麦肯锡的面试一共三轮,每轮两个面试官。每轮都包括behavior interview和case interview。 Tips: 1.要把成绩学好。不光是为了那个GPA (Grade
16、 point average),你在学校里学到的东西,永远是有用的。 2.参加课外活动,不一定非要是学生会什么的,总之你喜欢的,并且能做出成绩来,记住成绩很重要,有名,有影响力才行。 3.学好英语,无论是口语还是阅读逻辑。我个人建议,商学院的同学不妨学学GMAT,这对一个人对英语和英语逻辑的把握还是很有帮助的。而且日后找工作很多公司的笔试题都和这些差不多,而且现在连公务员考试都是中文GRE逻辑了。(GMAT逻辑和GRE一个思路) 4.简历写的要漂亮,要有亮点,记住简历使用来screen不是阅读的,你把简历交给别人看三秒钟,让人家告诉你他能记住什么。要吹,但不能离谱,你要准备好说词,因为面试你的
17、人中也许就有此中高手,你一下就会被揭穿。 5.Behavior interview的准备。无论是麦肯锡那种和case结合在一起的,还是电话面试,都是behavior interview。建议去 http:/ 6.Case interview。建议去几大咨询公司的网站和去看。其中最全面的是BCG的case introduction有四个。,The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a global investment banking and securities firm which engages in investment banking, securities s
18、ervices, investment management and other financial services primarily with institutional clients. Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869, and is headquartered at 200 West Street, in the Lower Manhattan area of New York City.Former Goldman Sachs employees Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson served as United St
19、ates Secretary of the Treasury after leaving the firm; Rubin under President Clinton and Paulson under George W. Bush.,Goldman Sachs 高盛集团,高盛集团(Goldman Sachs),一家国际领先的投资银行和证券公司,向全球提供广泛的投资、咨询和金融服务,拥有大量的多行业客户,包括私营公司,金融企业,政府机构以及个人。高盛集团成立于1869年,是全世界历史最悠久及规模最大的投资银行之一,总部设在纽约,并在东京、伦敦和香港设有分部,在23个国家拥有41个办事处。其所
20、有运作都建立于紧密一体的全球基础上,由优秀的专家为客户提供服务。同时拥有丰富的地区市场知识和国际运作能力。美国五大投行(高盛、大摩、美林证券、雷曼兄弟公司,贝尔斯登-美林、贝尔斯登已在次贷危机中被收购,雷曼兄弟破产)如今仅存高盛和摩根士丹利,金融危机在美国有进一步蔓延开来的趋势。摩根士丹利也有可能会与高盛合并,这样华尔街就只剩一家大型投资银行了。,Warren Buffett,Warren Edward Buffett (born August 30, 1930) is an American investor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is o
21、ne of the most successful investors in the world, the primary shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.伯克希尔哈撒韦(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国,主要经营保险)Buffett is called the “Oracle of Omaha“or the “Sage of Omaha“ and is noted for his adherence to the value investing philosophy and for his personal frugality desp
22、ite his immense wealth. Buffett is also a notable philanthropist, having pledged to give away 85 percent of his fortune to the Gates Foundation. Warren Buffett currently sits third on the list of the worlds richest people.,沃倫爱德华巴菲特(Warren Edward Buffett,1930年8月30日),美国投资家、企业家、及慈善家,被称为股神,尊称为“奥玛哈的先知”、或
23、“奥玛哈的圣贤”。他借由睿智地投资,汇聚了非常庞大的财富,尤其是透过他在波克夏哈萨威公司的持股。目前巴菲特是该公司的最大股东,并担任主席及行政总裁的职务。根据估计,巴菲特目前拥有约620亿美元的净资产。根据福布斯杂志公布的2008年度全球富豪榜,他已经超过卡洛斯斯利姆埃卢和比尔盖茨成为全球首富。2006年6月,巴菲特承诺将其资产捐献给慈善机构,其中85%将交由盖茨夫妇基金会来运用。巴菲特此一大手笔的慈善捐赠,创下了美国有史以来的纪录。,Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the investment banking and wealth management di
24、vision(投资顾问) of Bank of America. With over 20,000 brokers经纪人and $2.2 trillion in client assets, it is the worlds largest brokerage. The firm was acquired by Bank of America under distressed circumstances during the 2008 Financial Crisis, at which point Bank of America merged its global banking and w
25、ealth management division with the newly acquired firm.,Merrill Lynch,美林(Merrill Lynch),世界最著名的证券零售商和投资银行之一,总部位于美国纽约。作为世界的最大的金融管理咨询公司之一,它在财务世界响叮当名字的里占有一席之地。该公司在曼哈顿四号世界金融中心大厦占据了整个34层楼。美林证券成立于1885年,是全世界最大的全球性综合投资银行。其资本额高达235亿美元,在财富杂志全球500家大公司排名中,位列证券业第一。 2009年,美国银行完成其对美林证券330亿美元的收购,于此,美林证券长达95年的独立公司经营道
26、路将画上一个句号。美国银行被看作是美最大个人银行和最大吸储机构。,Wells Fargo & Co. headquartered in San Francisco, California, is a diversified financial services company with operations around the world. Wells Fargo is the fourth largest bank in the US by assets and the third largest bank by market cap. Wells Fargo is the second
27、largest bank in deposits, home mortgage servicing, and debit card. In 2007 it was the only bank in the United States to be rated AAA by S&P (Standard & Poors标准普尔), though its rating has since been lowered to AA in light of the 2008 Financial Crisis.,Wells Fargo 富国银行,As of 2009, Wells Fargo has 6,650
28、 retail branches (called stores by Wells Fargo), 12,260 automated teller machines, 276,000 employees and over 48 million customers. Wells Fargo currently operates stores and ATMs under the Wells Fargo and Wachovia names(瓦霍维亚银行/ 美联). As of March 20, 2010 Wachovia Dealer Services became Wells Fargo De
29、aler Services. 美国有五大商业银行:美国银行, 花旗集团(Citigroup), 摩根大通(J.P. Morgan), 富国银行和美联银行。 另外还有五大投资银行:高盛集团, 美林证券, 摩根士丹利, 贝尔斯登, 雷曼兄弟。(这次金融危机倒闭了三个,分别是美林证券、贝尔斯登、雷曼兄弟),富国银行是美国唯一一家获得AAA评级的银行,建于1852年,按商业银行资本市值,全球排名第四。 富国银行是加利福尼亚历史最悠久的银行。提供全能服务的银行,业务范围包括社区银行、投资和保险、抵押贷款、专门借款、公司贷款、个人贷款和房地产贷款等。富国银行存款的市场份额在美国的17个州都名列前茅,是美国
30、第一的抵押贷款发放者,第一的小企业贷款发放者,拥有全美第一的网上银行服务体系。是美国唯一一家被标准普尔评级机构评为AAA级别的银行。可以不夸张地说,富国银行是美国最好的银行,从1852年起,富国银行已经成为美国西部信贷服务的标志性企业之一。,CIAKGB MI6Mossad (Israel ) 莫萨德 希伯来语作Mossad Merkazi le-Modiin U-letafkidim Meyuhadim,意为“中央情报安全研究所”。 以色列5个主要情报组织中的最重要机构。负责国外情报搜集、间谍活动以及在外国从事秘密活动,其负责人直接对以色列总理负责。在国际上以效率高著称。其国外秘密特工据信曾
31、逮捕过纳粹头目艾希曼,处决了在1972年奥运会上刺杀以色列运动员的几名凶手,并在恩德培事件中建功。,Four Spy Agencies in the world,2. KGB(克格勃),The KGB Sword-and-Shield emblem,The KGB () was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991, and its premier internal security, intelligence, and secret police organization during th
32、at time. Its stated that the KGB has been the worlds most effective information-gathering organization. It operated legal and illegal espionage residencies in target countries where the legal resident spied from the Soviet embassy, and, if caught, was protected with diplomatic immunity from prosecut
33、ion; at best, the compromised spy either returned to Russia or was expelled by the target country government. The illegal resident spied unprotected by diplomatic immunity and worked independently of the Soviet diplomatic and trade missions.,克格勃一直是苏联对外情报工作、反间谍工作。国内安全工作和边境保卫等工作的主要负责部门,是一个凌驾于党政军各部门之上的
34、“超级部”,是一个超然的机构,它只对中央政治局负责。英国情报机关称克格勃为“世界上空前巨大的搜集秘密情报的间谍机构”。克格勃的职权领域大致与美国中央情报局和联邦调查局的反间谍部门相当。苏联的间谍情报机构曾与美国并驾齐驱,以实力和高明而著称于世,在某方面甚至超过美国。 自苏联剧变以后,俄罗斯继承克格勃衣钵,但其力量大为削弱,经过调整以后,又以新的面孔出现,重新活跃。 克洛勃主要机构有“对外谍报局、国内反间谍局、军队管理局、边防军管理局、总务局、克洛勃驻外站组等。克格勃系统工作人员曾一度达到50多万名,总部机关有1万人,间谍、反间谍和技术保障等部门有20万人,边防军30万人,此外,在全国有150万
35、线人,在国外有25万谍报人员,年预算为100亿美元。,3. MI6 军情六处,The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) is responsible for supplying the British Government with foreign intelligence. It is more often referred to in the mass media and popular parlance by its former name MI6 (Military Intelligence 6), alongside the internal Sec
36、urity Service (MI5), the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ政府通讯总部).,英国陆军情报六局(Military Intelligence 6),又称秘密情报局;军情六局,缩写为SIS,代号为MI6。对外又称“政府电信局”或“英国外交部常务次官办事处”。西方情报界把MI6看成是英国情报机关的“开山祖师”,从伊丽莎白的开创初期至今,它和它的前身都是严格保密的,1909年,英国情报机关改组后,MI6的称号一直被沿用下来。军情六局是英国的主要间谍情报机关,它的主要任务是:负责在国内外搜集政治、经济和军事情报,从事间谍情报和国外反间谍活动。,