1、A Brief Introduction to My Hometown,,Guizhou Province is located in the southwest of China,On its east is Hunan Province, on the south is Guangxi Province, on the west lies Yunnan Province and on the north, Sichuan Province and Chongqing.,,Tongren is in the east of Guizhou,,铜仁-凤凰机场,镇远古城,张家界,凤凰古城,梵净山
2、,渝,怀,路,铁,廖锡龙上将,戴秉国委员,Regional map of Tongren,Some famous scenic spots,Liao Xilong,Admiral, Minister of General Logistics Department of The peoples Liberation Army,Dai Bingguo,State Councilor, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs,,铜仁局部航拍(A birds eye view),,铜仁二江汇流(Converge),,江城铜仁,,水墨铜仁,,山水铜仁,,铜仁夜景(Night v
3、iew ),,铜仁碧水蓝天,,铜仁独竹漂(Independence bamboo drift),,铜仁龙舟赛(Dragon Boat Race ),,梵净山,梵天净土,桃源铜仁,,梵净山金顶,梵净山蘑菇石,金顶和蘑菇石,,擎天石柱梵净山金顶,,擎天石柱梵净山金顶,,风蚀残留景观蘑菇石,,一山千溪武陵源,,青翠欲滴、沁人心脾,,亲水运动漂流(Drift ),,梵净山索道(Cableway),,自来水水源地(Concrete arch dam ),,水库(Reservoir )库区景观,,水库(Reservoir )库区景观,,水库下游河段(Downstream of the reservoir ),,水库下游河段(Downstream of the reservoir ),,水库下游河段(Downstream of the reservoir ),,上升泉(Ascending spring )地下暗河出口(Underground river outlet ),Thank You !,廖建平 重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院2012级硕士研究生,梵天净土 桃源铜仁,欢迎您,