1、Recreation Planning 20071Leisure, Recreation, 元氣產業 樂活市場趨勢分析2 3/7 元氣產業探索之旅/ Unit 13 3/14 Unit 1: About our resources4 3/21 Unit 1: About our resources5 3/28 Unit 1: About our resources6 4/4* 補 2/28 放假一天7 4/11* Unit 2: Planning theories8 4/18 Unit 2: Planning theories9 4/25 Unit 2: Planning theories10
2、 5/2 Unit 3: Resource management11 5/9 Unit 3: Resource management12 5/16 Unit 3: Resource managementPrimary Journals Leisure Sciences Leisure Studies Society and Natural Resources 戶外遊憩研究 觀光研究學報Conferences and Symposiums 3/24 台南大學:濕地環境與生態旅遊研討會http:/www2.nutn.edu.tw/humeco/ 6/17-21 Utah, USA. ISSRM: International Symposium for 13 5/23 Unit 4: Plan writingRecreation Planning 2007414 5/30 Unit 4: Plan writing15 6/6 Unit 4: Plan writing16 6/13 Final presentation17 6/20* On doing researchthe Society and Resource Management http:/www.issrm2007.org18 6/27 World trend analysis