1、西人汉学三百年总书目、阿理嗣(Aalst, Jules A. van 1858 比利时人):中国音乐 (Chinese Music,1884,海关)、安部健夫(19031959,日本人):西回纥史的研究 (1955)中国人的天下观从政治思想史的角度试论 (1956)清史研究 (1971)、雅裨理(又名雅稗理。Abeel, David 18041846,美国人):18301833 年居留中国和邻近国家日记 (Journal of Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries from 18301833.1835)、阿裨尔(Abel, Clark
2、e 1780 1826,英国人):1816 和 1817 年在中国内地旅行与往返航行记事 (Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that Country in the Years 1816 and 1817.1818)、亚朋德(Abend, Hallet Edward 18841955,美国人):被折磨的中国 (Tortured China.1930)中国能生存下去吗? (Can China Survive?1936)亚洲的混乱 (Chaos in Asia.1939)我在中国
3、的生活 (My Years in China,19261941.1944)西方来的上帝华尔传 (The God from the West.1947)、布兰德(Adam Brand 英国人):沙皇使节雅布兰 1693 至 1695 年使华旅行记 (Beschreibung der chinesischen Reise, welche vermittelst einer Zaaris Gesandschaft durch dero Ambassadeur Herrn Isbrand Ao. 1693, 1694 und 1695, von Moscau uber GrossUstiga, Sib
4、erien, Dauren udn durch die Mongolische Tartatey verrichtet Worden. 1698,汉堡。同年伦敦版英译本名为:A Journey of the Embassy from their Majesties John and Peter Alexievitz, Emperors of Muscovy, etc, overland into China through the Provinces of Ustiugha, Siberia, Dauri, and the Great Tartary, to Peking, the Capit
5、al City of the Chinese Empire, Performed by Everard Isbrand, their Ambassador in the Years 1693, 1694, and 1695)、明石元二郎(18641919,日本人,曾任台湾总督):明石元二郎大将遗稿落花流水 (1938)、阿拉巴德(Alabaster, Ernest 1872 英国人)中国法和诉讼复审程序略记 (Notes on Chinese Law and Practice Proceeding Revision.1916)关于中国刑法和同类性质论题的评注 (Notes and Commen
6、taries on Chinese Criminal Law and Cognate Topics, with Special Relation to Ruling Cases)、泽勒(Albert Selle 澳大利亚人):中国的端纳 (Donald of China. 1948)、林辅华(Allan, Charles Wilfrid 1870 英国人):中国的创造者 (The Makers of Cathay.1909)北京宫廷的耶稣会士 (Jesuits at the Court of Peking.1935)、林文德(Allen, Edgar Pierce 18661921,英国人):
7、中国古画录 (Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Paintings)、啊查理(Allen, Herbert James 1911,英国人):中国古代史中国经籍是伪造的吗? (Early Chinese History, Are the Chinese Classics Forged.1906)、林乐知(Allen, Young John 18361907,美国人):中国在国际间之地位 (Chinas Place among the Nations)文学兴国策李傅相历聘欧美记、钱德明(字若瑟。Amiot, Jean Joseph Marie 1718 1793,法国人):
8、北京传教士关于中国历史、科学、艺术、风俗、习惯录 (Memoires concernant lHistoire,les Sciences,les Arts,les Moeurs,les Usages,etc.des Chinois:Par les Missionnaires de Pkin.16 卷,17761914 )、安得生女士(Anderson, Dame Adelaide Mary 18631936,英国人):人道与劳动 (Humanity and Labour.1923)、安得逊(Anderson, John 18331900,英国人):从曼德勒到腾越州:1868 年及 1875 年
9、两次华西探险记事 (Mandalay to Momien: a Narrative or the two Expedition: to WesternChina of 1868 and 1875.1876)、安特生(Andersson, Johann Gunnar 18741960,瑞典人):华北新生代论集 (Essays on the Cenozoic of Northern China.1923)龙和洋鬼 (Der Drache und die Fremden Teufel.1927。英译本名为:The Dragon and the Foreign Devils.1928)黄土地带(Den
10、 Gula Jorden Barns.1933。英译本名为:Children of the Yellow Earth(黄土子孙) ,1934)中国为世界斗争 (China Fights for the World. 1939)中国史前考古学研究 (Researches into the Prehistory of the Chinese.1943)河南的史前遗址 (Prehistoric Sites in Honan.1947)、安得思(Andrews, Roy Chapman 18841906,美国人):穿过蒙古大草原:一个博物学家对中国大西北的报道 (Across Mongolian Pl
11、ains, A Naturalists Account of Chinas Great Northwest.1921)中国的宿营和行踪 (Camps and Trails in China.1918 )踏着上古人的足迹 (on the Trail of Ancient Man.1926)对中亚的新征服 (The New Conquest of Central Asia.1932)探险事业 (This Business of Exploring.1935)沙漠中的探险 (Quest in the Desert.1950)亚洲的心脏 (Heart of Asia.1951)吉星高照 (Under
12、a Lucky Star.1943)、阿恩德(Arendt, Karl 18381902,德国人):中国人家族和家庭生活概述 (Bilder aus dem Hauslichen und Familienleben der Chinese.1888,柏林)、有贺长雄(18601912,日本人)日清战后国际公法论 (1895)最近三十年外交史、阿灵敦(Arlington, Lewis Charles 18591942,美国人):中国戏剧史 (The Chinese Drama from the Earliest Times until Today. 1930)青龙过眼:一个在中国政府机构服务的外
13、国人五十年的经历 (Through the Dragons Eyes.1931)寻找古北京 (In Search of Old Peking.1935)中国名剧集 (编。Famous Chinese Plays.1937)、安立德(又名安立得。Arnold,Julan Herbert 18751946,美国人):中国商务指南 (A Commercial Handbook of China.两卷,与人合著。 1919)中国,工商手册 (China, A Commercial and Industrial Handbook.1926)欧美人对远东问题的解释 (Occidental Interpre
14、tations of the Far Eastern Problem.1926,与人合著。 )中美关系之蠡测 (China Through the American Window.1932)、巴德尼(又名王致诚。Attiret, Jean Denis 17021768,法国画家)鄂垒扎拉图战图 (Le combat dOroijalatu.1770)凯宴图 (Le festin imperial en lhonneur des vainqueurs.1770)黑水解围图 (Degagement du camp de la Riviere Noire.1773)和落霍澌战图 (Le combat
15、 de Khorgos. 1774)阿乐楚尔战图 (Le combat dArcul.1775)平定回部献俘图 (Presentation de prisonniers de la pacification des tribus musulmanes)、贝德禄(又名巴伯。Baber, Edward Colborne 1843 1890,英国人):华西旅行考查记 (Travels and Researches in Western China.1882,英国皇家地理学会会刊)、巴布阔福(又名博补考,巴普考。Babkov, lvan(John) Feodorovitch 18271905,俄国人)
16、:我在西西伯利亚服务的回忆(18591875) (1912。有中译本,王子相译)、巴克斯(又名白克好司。Backhouse, Sir Edmund Trelawny 18741944,英国人):清室外纪 (The Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking from the 16th to 20th Century.1913,与濮兰德合著)慈禧外纪 (China under Empress Dowager, Being the Life and Times of Tzu Hsi.1910)、贝克(Baker, John Earl 18801957,美国人
17、):中国述论 (Explaining China.1927)、巴尔福(Balfour, Frederic Henry 18461909,英国人):远东浪游 (Waifs and Strays from the Far East.1876)中国拾零 (Leaves from My Chinese Scrapbook.1887)、波乃耶(Ball, James Dyer 18471919,英国人):中国人及其宗教 (The Celestial and his Religions: or The Religious Aspect in China.1906)在本土的中国人 (The Chinese
18、at Home, or The Man of Tong and His Land.1911)中国文物 (Things Chinese)、包兰亭(Ballantine, Joseph William 1888 美国人)台湾:关于美国政策的一个难题 (Formosa: A Problem for United States Policy.1952)、鲍康宁(Baller, Frederick William 18531922,英国人):汉英分解字典 (An Analytical ChineseEnglish Dictionary.1900)戴雅各传 (Life of Hudson Taylor)华
19、文释义 (Lessons in Elementary WenLi.1912)席牧师生平 (Life of Pastor Hsi)、巴慕德(Balme,Harold 18781953,英国人):中国与现代医学:关于医务传教发展的研究 (China and Modern Medicine: A Study in Medical Missionary Development.1921)、鲍大可(Barnett, Arthur Doak 1921 美国人):中共之经济战略:大陆中国的兴起 (Communist Economic Strategy: The Rise of Mainland China.
20、1959)共产党中国与亚洲:对美国政策的挑战 (Communist China and Asia, Challenge to American Policy.1960)共产党的亚洲战略 (Communist Strategies in Asia. 编,1963)共产党接管前夕之中国 (China on the Eve of Communist Takeover.1963)共产党中国的初年(19491955) (Communist China: The Early Years,19491955.1964)毛泽东以后的中国 (China after Mao. 1974)共产党中国的干部、官僚政治与
21、政权 (Cadres, Bureaucracy, and Political Power in Communist China.1967)中共的现行政治 (Chinese Communist Politics in Action.编,1969)美国对华新政策 (A New U.S. Policy toward China.1971)前途未卜:中国向毛以后时代的过渡 (Uncertain Passage: Chinas Transition to the PostMao Era. 1974)对华政策老问题新挑战 (China Policy; Old Problems and New Challe
22、nges.1977)中国与东亚诸强国 (China and the Mayor Powers in East Asia.1977) 、包瑞德(又名巴瑞德。Barrett, David Dave 18921969,美国人):狄克西使团:美军观察组在延安(1944) (Dixie Mission: The United States Army Observer Group in Yenan,1944.1970)、巴罗(Barrow, Sir John 17641848,英国人):中国游记 (Travels in China. 1804)关于马戛尔尼伯爵的一些故事及未刊文稿选 (Some Accou
23、nt of the Public Life, and A Selection from the Unpublished Writings, of the Earl of McCartney)、柏赐福(又名贝施福。Bashford, James Whitford, Bishop,18491919,美国人):中国与美以美会 (China and Methodism. 1906)中国述论 (China: An Interpretation 1916)美以美会在华一百年文献集 (China Centennial Documents.编。1907)、贝德士(Batse, Miner Searle 189
24、71978,美国人):南京的居民:职业、收入和支出 (The Nanking Population: Employment, Earnings and Expenditures. 1939,上海)南京地区作物调查及提供的经济资料 (Crop Investigation in the Nanking Area and Sending Economic Data. 1938,上海)变化中的中国:了解的门径 (China in Change: An Approach to Understanding)、毕海澜(Beach, Harian Page 18541933,美国人):“唐山”的曙光在华传教事
25、业 (Dawn on the Hills of Tang, or Missions in China. 1898)、毕尔(Beal, Samuel 18251889,英国人):法显、宋云游记 (The Travels of FahHsien and SungYun. 1869)汉文佛典纪要 (A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. 1871)中国的佛教 (Buddhism in China. 1884)、柏尔(又名贝尔。Bell, Sir Charles ( Alfred ) 18701945,英国人):藏语口语语法 (Grammar
26、 of Colloquial Tibetan.1919)英藏口语词典 (EnglishTibetan Colloquial Dictionary. 1920)西藏今昔 (Tibet, Past and Present. 1924)西藏的人民 (The People of Tibet. 1928)达赖喇嘛画像 (The Portrait of the Dalai Lama. 1946)、柏尔(Bell, John 16911780,苏格兰人):17191722 年从圣彼得堡到北京旅行记 (A Journey from St. Petersburg to Peking 17191722. 1965
27、,爱丁堡大学)、贝思福勋爵(Beresford, Charles William, de la Poer, Admiral, Lord 18461919,英国人)中国的分裂 (The Breadup of China, with an Account of its Present Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Politics and Future Prospects. 1899)、裴化行(Bernard, Henri 1897 法国人):天主教十六世纪在华传教志 (Auxportes de le China Les Missionnaires du XVIth
28、 Siecle, 15141518. 1933)中国学识与基督教之间历史关系的研究 (Sagesse chinoise et philosophie chretienne: essai sur leurs relations Historiques. 1935)利玛窦对中国的科学贡献 (Laport scientifique du Pere Matthieu Ricci a la Chine. 1935。1936 年倭讷(E. C. Werner)英译本名为:Matteo Riccis Scientific Contribution to China. )利玛窦与当时的中国社会(1552161
29、0) (Le Pere Matthieu Ricci et la societe chinoise de son temps, 15521610, 两卷,1937)、贝特兰(Bertram James Munroe 1911 英国人):中国的危机:西安兵变真相 (Crisis in China: The Story of the Sian Mutiny. 1937,英国。美国版名为:First Act in China: The Story of the Sian Mutiny.1938)华北前线 (North China Front. 1939,英国。美国版名为:Unconquered: J
30、ournal of a Years Adventures among the Fighting Peasants of North China. (没有被征服的人:在华北战斗农民中间一年惊险生活的日记)1939)战争阴影 (The Shadow of War)重返中国 (Return to China. 1957)、毕善功(Bevan, Louis Rhys Oxley 18741975,英国人):中国的宪政建树 (Constitution Building in China. 1910, 字林西报版)、毕乃德(Biggerstaff, knight 1906 美国人):中国参考著作选叙录 (
31、Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference Works. 1936)中国最早的现代官办学校 (The Earliest Modern Government Schools in China. 1961)、璧阁衔(Bigham, Clive C. 英国人)在华一年记 (A Year in China, 18891900. 1901)、宾板桥(Bingham, Woodbridge 1901 美国人):唐朝的建立隋亡唐兴初探 (The Founding of the Tang Dynasty, the Fall of Sui and R
32、ise of Tang: A Preliminary Survey. 1941)、毕瓯(Biot, Edouard Constant 18031850,法国人):中国古今府县地名字典 (Dictionaire des noms anciens et modernes des villes et arrondissements de premier, deuxieme et troisieme ordre compris dans lEmpire chinois. 1842)中国学校铨选史 (Essai sur lhistoire de lInstruction publique, en Chi
33、na, et de la Corporation des Letrres, depuis les anciens temps jusqua nos jours. 1874)、毕安祺(Bishop, Carl Whiting 18811942,美国人)东方文化起源简介 (The Origin of Far Eastern Civilizations: A Brief Handbook. 1942)、毕恩来(Bisson, Thomas Arthur 1900 美国人):日本在中国 (Japan in China. 1938)1937 年 6 月的延安同中国共产党领导人交谈 (Yanan in J
34、une 1937: Talks with the Communist Leaders. 1973)、白拉克斯顿(Blakiston, Thomas Wright 18321891 ,英国人)长江沿岸五阅月:长江上游考察记事和中国目前叛乱介绍 (Five Months on the Yangtze: With A Narrative of the Exploration of its Upper Waters and Notice of the Present Rebellions in China. 1862)、濮兰德(Bland, John Otway Percy 18631945,英国人)
35、:清室外纪 (与巴克斯合著)慈禧外纪 (与巴克斯合著)中国最近的事变和现在的政策 (Recent Events and Present Policies in China. 1912)中国、日本、朝鲜 (China Japan and Korea. 1921)李鸿章 (Li HungChang. 1917)中国:真遗憾 (China: The Pity of It. 1932)、卜德(Bodde, Derke 1909 美国人):北京日记:革命的一年 (Peking Diary: A Year of Revolution. 1950)托尔斯泰和中国 (Tolstoy and China )中国
36、的文化传统:是什么和向何处去 (Chinas Cultural Tradition: What and Whither? 1957)中华帝国的法律 (Law in Imperial China. 1967)汉代中国的节日 (Festivals in Classical China: New Year and other Annual Observances During the Han Dynasty, 206B.C.A.D.220. 1975)、班德瑞(Bourne, Frederick Samuel Augustus 1854 1940,英国人):华中南的贸易 (Trade of Cent
37、ral and Southern China. 1898)、白晋(又名白进,号明远。Bouve, Joachime 1656 1730,法国人):康熙皇帝的历史画像 (Portrait historique de lEmpereur de la Chine,presentee au roy par le P. J. Bouvet. 1697,英译本名为: The history of Cang hy, the Present Emperor of China, Presented to the Most Christian King, by Father J. Bouvet. 1699)中国现
38、状 (Present etat de la Chine. 1697)、包文爵士(Bowen, Sir George Ferguson 18211899,英国人,香港总督):三十年的殖民政治 (Thirty Years of Colonial Government)、包令爵士(又名包灵。Bowring, Sir John 17921872,英国人):包令爵士自传体回忆录 (Autobiographical Recollections of Sir J. Bowring. 由其子卢因?鲍林(Lewin Bowring)编辑, 1877)、卜弥格(号致远。Boym, Michel 16121659,
39、波兰人):中华植物志 (Flora Sinensis. 1656,维也纳)、鲍引登(又名包引登,Boynton, Charles Luther 1881 美国人):1836 年中华基督教运动指南 (The 1936 Handbook of the Christian Movement in China)、范罢览(又名范百兰。Braam, Houckgeest Andre Everard van 17391801,荷兰人):北京之行:1794 年和 1795 年荷兰东印度公司驻中华帝国朝廷使节纪实 (Voyage de lambassade de la Compagnie des Indes o
40、rientales hollandaises, Vers lempereur de la Chine, dans les annees 1794、1795. 两卷。1797、1798。英译本名为:Journey to Peking: An Authentic Account of the Embassy of The Dutch EastIndia Company to the Court of the Emperor of China, in the Years 1794 and 1795. 两卷, 1798)、巴兰德(又名班德。Brandt, Maximilian August Scipi
41、o von 18351920,德国人):中国姑娘和妇女类型素描:中国人透视 (Sittenbilder aus China, Madchen und Frauen:Ein Beitray zur Kenntnis des Chine sischen Volkes.1895)中国的哲学和国立的儒教 (Die chinesische Philosophie und der Staatskonfuzianismus. 1898)中国人自己描绘的社会和家庭中的中国人 (Der Chinese in der Offentlichkeit und der Familie, wie er sich selb
42、st sieht und schildent. 1911)在远东三十年回忆录、李德(又名华夫。Braun, Otto 19011974,德国人):中国记事(19321939) (Chinesische Aufzeichnungen, 19321939. 1973)、裴丽珠(Bredon, Juliet 1937,英国人):赫德爵士传奇 (Sir Robert Hart, the Romance of a Great Career. 1909)北京 (Peking: A Historical and Intimate Description lf its Chief Places of Inte
43、rest. 1922)中国风俗节日记 (The Moon Year: A Record of Chinese Customs and Festivals. 1927)中国新的年节 (Chinese New Year Festivals. 1930)百坛记 (Hundred Altars. 1934)、璧利南(Brenan, Byron 18741927,英国人):中国地方行政长官衙门 (The Office of District Magistrate in China. 1899,上海)、贝勒(又名勒士余得。Bretschneider, Emile Vasil ievitch 1833190
44、1,俄国人):中国植物 (Botanicon Sinicum. 1881)先辈欧人对中国植物的研究 (Early European Researches into the Flora of China. 1881)西人在华植物发现史 (History of European Botanical Discoveries in China. 两卷,1898)元明人西域史地论考 (Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources. 两卷,1910)、裨治文(又名卑治文。Bridgman, Elijah Coleman 18011861,美国人):广州
45、市及其商业介绍 (Description of the City of Canton and Notice of the Trade at It. 1834,广州)、白瑞华(Britton, Roswell Sessoms 18971951,美国人):中国报纸 (The Chinese Periodical Press. 1933)甲骨五十片 (Fifty Shang Inscriptions. 1940)、巴乐满(Brockman, Fletcher Sims 18671944,美国人):我发现东方 (I discover the Orient. 1935)、海思波(Broomhall, M
46、arshall 18661937,英国人):中国内地会殉难教士录 (Martyred Missionaries of China Inland Mission. 1901)中国现状 (Presentday Conditions in China: Notes Designed to Show the Moral and Spiritual Claims of the Chinese Empire. 1904)在湖南的开拓工作 (Pioneer word in Hunan. 1905)中华帝国:概论和教会概况 (The Chinese Empire: A General and Missionary Survey. 1907)中国的穆斯林:一个被忽略了的问题 (Islam in China: A Neglected Problem. 1910)中国内地会五十年 (The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission. 1915)耶稣基督的好兵冯(玉祥)将军 (General Feng, A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus. 1923)创始者马礼逊 (Robert Morrison, A Masterbuilder. 1924)盖士利:华西的第一主教 (W. W. Cassels: First Bisho