1、G gain,增益 gain margin,增益裕度 gain-crossover frequency,增益交越频率 galvanic cell,原电池 galvanometer,检流计 galvanometer gecord type strong-motion instrument,电流计记录式强震仪 galvanometer with optical point,光点式检流计 game theory,对策论 博弈树 gamma directioned radiometer,伽玛定向辐射仪 gamma processing image,处理象 gamma radionmeter in bo
2、rehold,井中伽玛辐射仪 gamma-ray detection apparaturs,射线探伤机 gamma ray level measuring device,伽马射线液位测量装置 gamma(ray)spectrometer,伽玛能谱仪 gamma-rays,射线 gamma ray logger,伽玛测井仪 gamma sampling radiometer of banded screen,带屏伽玛取样加射仪 gamma scintillator radiometer,伽玛闪烁辐射仪 gamma spectrometer in borehold,井下伽玛能谱仪 gamma-sp
3、ectrometry,伽玛测量 gas analyzer,气体分析器 gas chromatograph,气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer(GC0MS),气相色谱质谱联用仪接口 gas chromatography,气相色谱法 gas chromatorgaphy-mass(GC-MS),气相色谱质谱法 gas cylinder regulator,气瓶减压器 gas densitometer,气体密度计 gas-discharge source,气体放电源 gas-enclosed pressure gauge,气密引压式验尚潮仪 gas g
4、enerator,气体发生器 gas laser,气体激光器 gas-liquid chromatography,气液色谱法 gas proportional detector,气体正比检测器 gas pump thermocouple,抽气式热电偶 gas purged pressure recording gauge,补气引压式验潮仪 gas sensing electrode,气敏电极 gas-sensitive element,气敏元件 gas sensor,气敏元件 gas-solid chromatography,气固色谱法 gas thermometer,气体温度计 gas tr
5、ansducersensor,气体传感器 gastrointestinal inner pressure transducersensor,胃肠内压传感器 gate,闸门 gate-type lowmeter,闸门式流量计 gate valve,闸阀 gateway,网间连接器 gauge block,量块 gauge circuit,应变计片电路 gauge factor,应变计灵敏系数 gauge length,标距长度 gauge pressure,表压 gauge pressure transducersensor,表压传感器 gauge resistance,应变计 片 电阻 Gau
6、ss optics,高斯光学 Gaussian integration method,高斯求积法 gear reducer,减速器 Geiger type vibrograph,盖格尔式测振仪 gel chromatography,凝胶色谱法 general-purpose(pressure)gauge,一般压力表 general purpose strain gauge,常温应变计 general system theory,一般系统理论 generalization,通用化 generalized modeling,广义建模 generation function,生成函数 geodeti
7、c instrument,大地测量仪器 geologic compass,地质罗盘仪 geological stereometer,地质立体量测仪 geomagnetic electrokinetograph(GEK),地磁场电磁海流计 geometric aberration,几何象差 geometric centre of the dial,度盘几何中心 geostationary meteorological satellite,地球同步气象卫星 germanium thermometer,锗电阻 Gershum tube,格森管 shost echo,假反射波 假伤波 ghost pe
8、ak,假峰 glass circle,玻璃电极 global analysis,整体分析 global data base,全球数据库 global optimum,全局最优 global radiation,总辐射 globe valve,球形阀 glucose enzyme transducersensor,酶 式 葡萄糖传感器 glutamate(glutamic acid)microbial transducersensor,微生物谷氨酸传感器 grade,级 等 grade I standard dynamometer,一等标准测力计 grade II standard load c
9、alibrating machine,二等标准测力机 grade IIIstandard dynamometer,三等标准测力计 graded-L operation,分级 L 操作 Grader-L signals(GL),分级 L 信号 gradient error(of bath), 槽的 梯度误差 gradient flux-gate magnetometer,磁通门磁力梯度仪 gradient superconducting magnetometer,超导磁力梯度仪 graduated range,刻度范围 graph search,图搜索 graph theory,图论 graphic library,图形库 graphic panel,全模拟盘 grating displacement transducer,光栅式位移传感器 grating monochromator,光栅单色仪 grating spectrograph,光栅摄谱仪 gravimeter,重力仪 gravitational balancing machine,重力式平衡机 gravity,重力 gravity anomaly,重力异常