1、英语中的标点符号nevertheless, his termination cannot be avoided. 10. 一对 -连用的语句如果本有叹号/问号时,叹号/ 问号置于第二个-前: His hobby was getting on peoples nerves-especially mine!-and he was extremely good at it. 11. -和括号连用时,它们放在里、外的频率相同(-在里时,第二个略去不用): We were looking for a narrator (or narrators-sometimes a script calls for
2、more than one) who could handle a variety of assignments. On our trip south we crossed a number of major rivers-the Hudson, the Delaware, and the Patapsco (which flows through Baltimore)-without paying a single toll. En Dash 12. 一般见于打印材料中(常用连字符打出) 。En dash 比 Em dash 短,但比连字符稍长。最常是用于(1)代替前缀与复合词之间的连字符(
3、2 )数字、日期等中间表示范围(3 )大写名称之间代表单词 to(4 )表示联系,如边界等: pre-Civil War architecture 1988-89 pages 128-34 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. the New York-Connecticut area Washington-Moscow diplomacy Long Dashes 13. 两个 em dash 用于表示一个单词中略去的字母: Mr. P-of Baltimore 14. 三个 em dash 用于表示一个缺少/未知的单词: The study was carried out in-, a f
4、ast-growing Sunbelt city. 空格 15. - 两边的空格可加可不加,两种用法都是被接受的。- . Ellipsis Points Nothing special- ! Exclamation Point 如果叹号是标题的一部分,如戏剧、书或电影时,后面可跟逗号,但如果标题处在句末,句号通常被略去: Marshall and Susan went to see Oklahoma!, and they enjoyed it very much. His favorite management book is still Up the Orgnization!- - Hyph
5、en 1. 行末的单词因较长而放不下,需将一部分放至下一行时,行末的单词后需加上连字符以表示这一分隔 2. 连字符可用于分隔字母或音节来表示说话时的踌躇、抽泣或停顿: S-s-ammy ah-ah-ah y-y-yes 3. 连字符有时也用来表示动词的变化形式或缩写的-er: DH-ing for the White Sox a dedicated UFO-er- () Parentheses 1. 如果括号内是一个完整句子,则其首字母应大写,句末的句号应放在括号内。但当所括部分是在一个句子内时,则不加句号,但可加叹号、问号或引号。当所括部分在一个句子内时,只有当其为引号所引时首字母才需要大写
6、: The discussion was held in the boardroom. (The results are still confidential.) Although several trade organizations worked actively against the legislation (there were at least three paid lobbyists working on Capitol Hill at any one time), the bill passed easily. After waiting in line for an hour
7、 (why do we do these things?), we finally left. The conference was held in Vancouver (thats in B.C.). He was totally confused (“What can we do?“) and refused to see anyone. 2. 一个句子中括号所括部分由两个子句构成时,首字母不大写且常用分号代替句号;所括部分是独立句子时,大写和标点遵从常规: We visited several showrooms, looked at the prices (it wasnt a ple
8、asant experience: prices in this area have not gone down), and asked all the questions we could think of. We visited several showrooms and looked at the prices. (It wasnt a pleasant experience. Prices in this area have not gone down.) If salespeople were available, we asked all of the questions we c
9、ould think of. 3. 句子中的括号部分前没有标点,如果需中断,标点放在第二个括号后: Ill get back to you tomorrow (Friday), when I have more details.- . Period 1. 用于缩写后、人名首字母缩写中(此时也可不用.): Ph.D. e.g. J.R.R. Tolkien or JRR Tolkien 2. 在提纲和纵向列表中,用于罗马/阿拉伯数字及字母后: I. Objectives A. Economy 1. Low initial cost 2. Low maintenance cost 3. 句号后该用
10、两个空格还是一个空格,这是一个颇具争议性的问题- ? Question Mark 除了通常用法,?也用于表示对某一事实的不确定: Geoffrey Chaucer, English poet (1340?-1400)- “ “ Quotation Marks Quotation Marks, Double/双引号 基本用法 1. “用于直接引语,而不是间接引语: She said, “I am leaving for Frankfurt Monday.“ “I am leaving Monday,“ she said, “and Im not coming back until the 1st
11、.“ “I am leaving,“ she said. “This meeting could go on forever.“ She said that she was leaving. 2. 被作为片段引用但仍保持原状时,用双引号: The agreement makes it clear that he “will be paid only upon receipt of an acceptable manuscript.“ As late as 1754, documents refer to him as “yeoman“ and “husbandman.“ 3. 用于单词或短语是
12、从别处借用时,以某种特别方式使用时,非正式用法在正式写作中采用时: That kind of corporation is referred to as “closed“ or “privately held.“ Be sure to send a copy of your resume, or as some folks would say, your “biodata summary.“ They were afraid the patient had “stroked out“-had had a cerebrovascular accident. 4. 用于一个单词用来表示这单词本身时
13、(此时也常以斜体或下划线表示): He went through the manuscript and changed every “he“ to “she.“ 5. 用于短促的感叹语或表示声音(后者也常以斜体或下划线表示): “Ssshh!“ she hissed. They never say anything crude like “shaddap.“ 6. 长句中的短句,尤其是短句为所说的话时,加以引号: Throughout the camp, the spirit was “We can do.“ She never could get used to their “Thats t
14、he way it goes“ attitude. In effect, the voters were saying “You blew it, and you dont get another chance.“ 如果句子结构足够清晰,引号也可省略。但一般来说,加上引号可使引号中的短句更明显,更突出其说话的感觉: The first rule is, when in doubt, spell it out. They werent happy with the impression she left: “Dont expect favors, because I dont have to g
15、ive them.“ 7. 引号不用于释义、改述(paraphrases): Build a better mousetrap, Emerson says, and the world will beat a path to your door. 8. 除非是引用别人所说的话,直接问句通常并不用引号: As we listened to him, we couldnt help wondering, Wheres the plan? The question is, What went wrong? She asked, “What went wrong?“ 9. 用于外语单词或借用词的释义:
16、 The term sesquipedalian come from the Latin word sesquipedalis, meaning “a foot and a half long.“ While in Texas, he encountered the armadillo (“little armored one“). 10. 有时用于一个句子中的单个字母(当然,也可略去或是以斜体或下划线表示): The letter “m“ is wider that the letter “i.“ The metal rod was shaped into a “V.“ 与其它标点的关系 1
17、1. 当被引部分在一个句子中,且后面跟有句号或逗号时,该句号或逗号需放在引号内: He said, “I am leaving.“ The cameras were described as “waterproof,“ but “moisture-resistant“ would have been a better description. 12. 而当后面跟的是冒号或分号时,该冒号或分号需放在引号外: There was only one thnig to do when he said, “I may not run“: promise him a larger campaign con
18、tribution. She spoke of her “little cottage in the country“; she might better have called it a mansion. 13. 破折号、问号和感叹号,当标记被引部分时就放在引号内,当标记整句时就放在引号外: He asked, “When did they leave?“ What is the meaning of “the open door“? 与摘录语的关系 14. 较长的摘录,如散文或诗歌的一部分,不用引号。这种情况下,摘录部分往往会(1)缩进(2)字体较正文为小(3)在其前置句后加冒号,且摘录部
19、分的首字母需大写 Quotation Marks, Single/单引号 1. 双引号中的所引部分用单引号,如果位于句末,句号放于最里: The witness said, “I distinctly heard him say, Dont be late, and then I heard the door close.“ The witness said, “I distinctly heard him say, Dont be late.“ 2. 单引号有时也用来代替双引号,这在英国英语用法中较为常见: The witness said, I distinctly heard him s
20、ay, “Dont be late,“ and then I heard the door close. 3. 一种较为罕见的情况时,引号中的引号中的引号。标准的用法是最里面的用双引号,但这样仍往往引起混淆,所以可对句子重写以避免这种情况出现: The witness said, “I distinctly heard him say, Dont you say “Shut up“ to me.“ The witness said that she distinctly heard him say, “Dont you say Shut up to me.“- ; Semicolon 用于子句
21、之间 1. 用于分隔无连接代词的独立子句: The river rose and overflowed its banks; roads became flooded and impassable; freshly plowed fields disappeared from sight. Cream the shortening and sugar; add the eggs and beat well. 2. 有连接代词的子句间通常用逗号分隔,但有时逗号会引起混淆,就用分号代替: We fear that this situation may, in fact, occur; but we
22、 dont know when. 3. 两个句子中的第二个的语法结构为从前省略时,以分号连接两者: The veal dishes were very good; the desserts, too. 4. 两个子句的第二句以连接副词(或起连接副词作用的短语)如 accordingly, however, indeed, thus, in that case, as a result, on the other hand 开始时,以分号连接两个子句: Most people are covered by insurance of one kind or another; indeed, man
23、y people dont even see their medical bills. The case could take years to work its way through the corut system; as a result, many plantiffs will accept out-of-court settlements. 5. 三个或以上的子句由分号分隔,且最后一句前有 but, because 这样的连接词时,最后一个分号常以逗号代替: The report recounted events leading up to this incident; it in
24、cluded observations of eyewitnesses, but it drew no conclusions. 用于介绍性表述 6. 分号有时用于 for example, for instance, that is, namely, e.g., i.e.等开关的介绍性表述前(也可用逗号、破折号和分号): On one point only did everyone agree; namely, too much money had been spent already. We were fairly successful on that project; that is,
25、we made our deadlines and met our budget. 用于序列中 7. 以逗号分隔的序列,如果本来就包含逗号,则需要使用分号来分隔序列: The visitor to Barndale can choose from three sources of overnight accommodation: The Rose and Anchor, which houses Barndales oldest pub; The Crawford, and American-style luxury hotel; and Ellens Bed and Breakfast on
26、 Peabody Lane. 8. 如果一个序列很长,或者是由句子组成,则常以分号分隔 9. 如果逗号分隔一个序列容易引起混淆,则以分号代替: The votes against were: Precinct 1, 338; Precinct 2, 627; Precinct 3, 514. 与其它标点的关系 10. 分号放于引号和括号之外: They referred to each other as “Mother“ and “Father“; they were the archetypal happily married elderly couple. She accepted the
27、 situation with every apperance of equanimity (but with some inward qualms); however, all of that changed the next day.- / Slash /还有很多叫法,包括 virgule, diagonal, solidus, oblique, slant。/一般用于代表未写出的单词或分隔相临的文本。 代表略去的单词 1. 在计量单位或比率中,/代表单词 per 或 to 40,000 tons/year 9 ft./sec. price/earnings ration a 50/50
28、split 2. /分隔备用词、替换物等,表示 or 或 and/or: alumni/ae his/her oral/written tests 3. 在一些合成词中代表 and: molybdenum/vanadium steel in the May/June issue 1993/94 an innovative classroom/laboratory 4. /有时也用来表示一些介词,如 at, versus, with, for: U.C./Berkeley table/mirror Vice President/Editorial 用于缩写 5. /用在某些缩写中: I/O V/STOL P/E 空格 6. 通常情况下,/旁边没有空格。但也有人习惯于在分隔诗歌的不同行的/ 旁加上空格。