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1、1长江野生中华绒鳌蟹与养殖中华绒鳌蟹品质比较研究 朱清顺 柏如法 (江苏省淡水水产研究所 南京 210017)摘 要通过对野生和养殖中华绒鳌蟹可食部份含量、一般营养成份、氨基酸及脂肪酸组成、微量元素组成和含量的分析研究,研究结果表明:野生中华绒鳌蟹雌性、雄性个体可食部分占体重的 34.66%和 30.0%,养殖中华绒鳌蟹雌性、雄性个体可食部分为体重的 37.66%和 33.77%;养殖的雌性中华绒鳌蟹的肝脏指数显著大于野生中华绒鳌蟹及养殖的雄性中华绒鳌蟹(p0.05) ;野生中华绒鳌蟹及养殖的雄性中华绒鳌蟹的肥满度显著大于养殖的雌性中华绒鳌蟹(p0.05) ;养殖中华绒鳌蟹的粗脂肪、水份、灰份

2、低于野生中华绒鳌蟹,而粗蛋白、无氮浸出物则高于野生中华绒鳌蟹。养殖的雌性中华绒鳌蟹的氨基酸显著大于野生中华绒鳌蟹及养殖的雄性中华绒鳌蟹(p0.05) ;呈现鲜味的天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸总含量变化,无论是单项鲜味氨基酸含量,还是四种鲜味氨基酸总含量,养殖中华绒鳌蟹显著高于长江野生中华绒鳌蟹(p0.05) 。在脂肪酸组成中,饱和脂肪酸(SFA) 、单烯酸(MUFA) 、EPA(C 20:5 )DHA(C 22:6 )无显著性差异,而野生雌性中华绒鳌蟹的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)显著大于养殖的中华绒鳌蟹(p0.05) 。野生中华绒鳌蟹及养殖的雌性中华绒鳌蟹的微量元素显著大于养殖的雄性中华绒

3、鳌蟹(p0.05) 。关键词: 中华绒鳌蟹、一般营养成份、氨基酸组成、脂肪酸组成、微量元素组成。中华绒螯蟹( Eriocheir sinensis)俗称河蟹,是一种在海水中生殖繁衍,在淡水中生长育肥的甲壳动物。其肉味鲜美、营养丰富,是深受人民喜爱的优质水产食品。长江水系中华绒鳌蟹更因其个体规格大、色质丽、金毛黄爪、背青肚白、味道鲜美而受到市场青睐,也是我国出口创汇的高档水产品,远销新加坡、韩国、日本各国,江苏阳澄湖大闸蟹闻名国内外。我国长江水系中华绒鳌蟹的生产,在 20 世纪 90 年代以前,主要从长江口捕捞天然繁育的蟹苗,放流于湖泊中进行自然增殖。由于长江水系野生中华绒鳌蟹资源的匮乏衰竭,从

4、 20 世纪 90 年代始,人们开始从事中华绒鳌蟹养殖业生产。有关江苏阳澄湖中华绒鳌蟹品质(李思发等,2000) ,中华绒鳌蟹中微量元素2的分布(李庆等,2006) ,池塘养殖与湖泊放流中华绒鳌蟹的性腺肝脏指数(韦众,1999) ,不同阶段中华绒鳌蟹肝胰腺的脂类及脂肪酸组成(成永旭等,1998)等已曾研究。为了探明养殖中华绒鳌蟹品质特性,2004 年开展了长江水系野生中华绒鳌蟹与长江水系养殖中华绒鳌蟹种质分析比较,以期为提高养殖中华绒鳌蟹品质提供相关基础数据。材料与方法一、样本采集2004 年 10 月下旬,正是养殖中华绒鳌蟹肥满度最高,大量上市之际,也是天然中华绒鳌蟹降河洄游之际,此时同时采

5、集长江干流南京段野生中华绒鳌蟹和江苏境内太湖网围养殖中华绒鳌蟹,规格等级相同。随机抽取相同规格的长江干流天然中华绒鳌蟹,12 只,其中雌性 6 只,平均体重 206.7g 雄性个体 6 只,平均体重158.8g;养殖中华绒鳌蟹共 12 只,其中雌性个体 6 只,平均体重 134.2g,雄性个体 6 只,平均体重 175g。二、分析方法(一)外部形态特征对采集样本分雌雄逐只称重,测量壳长、壳宽、壳厚、全肢长等生物学指标。(二) 、可食部分测定用干净毛巾擦干样本,解剖活体,打开甲壳,分离肝脏、卵巢或精巢、鳃分别称重;剪开步足,刮出肌肉;剪开头胸甲底部内骨骼,刮出肌肉,将两部分肌肉混合,作为肌肉重称

6、重。将除尽肌肉的步足和剔除胃、肠、心脏、神经、三角膜、肌肉的头胸甲及腹甲混合,作为空壳重称重。可食部分组成:肌肉重性腺重肝脏重。非可食部分组成:空壳重鳃重。肥满度的测定:将抽取的样品按雌雄分别测定肥满度,用量程为 1000g、灵敏度为 0.1g 的天平称重,用分度值为 0.1cm 直尺或卷尺按规定进行壳长的测定。肥满度按下式计算,取平均值作为每批样品的肥满度数据。3LWK式中: K:肥满度W:体重,单位为克(g)3L:壳长,单位为厘米(cm) 。性/肝指数(%)性腺重/肝脏重100成熟系数(%)性腺重/体重100(三) 、营养成分测定将新鲜的肌肉、肝脏和性腺混合,作为一只中华绒鳌蟹的可食部分置

7、20保存。测定各营养成分。用失水法,按 GB643586 测定水份。用凯氏定氮仪等,按 GBT5009-85C 测定总氮,再以 6.25 的系数换算成粗蛋白含量。用马福炉灼烧法,按 GB643886 测定灰分。用索氏抽提法;按 GB643386 测定粗脂肪含量。无氮浸出物按:100脂肪蛋白质水份灰分计算测得。用日立 83550 型氨基酸自动分析仪,按 GB/T1496594 测定 17 种氨基酸含量。用 ICP 仪器,按 JY/T015-1996 测定钾、钠、磷、钙、镁等元素含量。用气象色谱仪 VARIAN3800 和气象色谱 VARIAN3800/质谱联用仪,按气象色谱检测通用规则测定脂肪酸

8、甲脂含量。(四) 、统计分析测试数据经 Excel2003 统计分析软件进行整理统计,用平均值标准差表示(sd) ;采用 SPSS11.0 统计软件进行单因素方差分析(one-way.ANOVA) ,达显著x后(P0.05),进行 Duncans 多重比较检验组间差异。结 果 一、外部特征比较野生长江中华绒鳌蟹规格大于养殖中华绒鳌蟹,两种中华绒鳌蟹产品背甲呈淡青色,腹部呈灰白色,符合长江水系中华绒鳌蟹青背、白肚、金爪、黄毛的特征。Table 1 Biological character of wild and cultured mitten crab Wild CulturedItem She

9、ll length(mm) 65.24.6b 69.82.79a 65.31.25b 66.81.77abShell width (mm) 71.03.83 b 76.73.4 a 70.01.29 b 73.22.03 abWeight(g) 158.813.48bc 206.734.96a 134.27.31c 175.09.57b4Shell colour Green and yellow Green Green GreenNotes: The different letters within the same column show significantly different(p0

10、.05).二、蟹体各组成比例成熟系数、肥满度、性/肝指数组成见表 2。 Table 2 Body composition of wild and cultured mitten crab Wild CulturedItem Ratio ofMaturation(%)4.071.71b 1.950.92c 8.091.48a 1.900.33cIndex ofgonad/liver(%)49.1820.89b 26.8510.64c 77.5315.36a 20.703.66cFatness 0.580.10a 0.600.03a 0.480.03b 0.590.04aNotes: The di

11、fferent letters within the same column show significantly different(p0.05).天然野生中华绒鳌蟹、养殖中华绒鳌蟹个体,蟹体各部分占体重的百分比见图12。Pig 1 Weight percentage of each part of wild mitten crab24%9%3%2%62%MuscleLiverGonadGillShellPig 1 Weight percentage of each part of wild mitten crab22%11%5%2%60%MuscleLiverGonadGillShell三

12、、营养成分比较野生长江中华绒鳌蟹与养殖长江水系中华绒鳌蟹可食部分营养组成常规指标及含量变化见图 3-4。Pig 3 Nutritional constituent of wild mitten crab17%13%64%2% 4%Crude proteinCrude fat MoistureAshExtract without NPig 4 Nutritional constituent of cultured mitten crab18%10%63%2% 7%Crude proteinCrude fat fatMoistureAshExtract without N5四、可食部分氨基酸组成比

13、较(一) 氨基酸含量变化由表 4 可知,野生长江中华绒鳌蟹与养殖长江中华绒鳌蟹可食部分中 17 种氨基酸含量变化。Table 4 Amino acids composition of wild and cultured mitten crab (%.dry)Wild CulturedKinds of Amino acids Asp 1.550.18b 1.370.09b 1.810.06a 1.600.11bThr 0.780.08 b 0.670.03c 0.930.04 a 0.790.06bSer 0.690.08 b 0.550.03 c 0.830.05 a 0.580.04 cGl

14、n 2.230.23 b 1.960.16 c 2.710.11 a 2.440.17 bGly 0.980.09 a 0.930.05 a 1.030.01 a 0.950.13 aAla 1.060.07 b 1.010.07 b 1.310.02 a 1.240.05 aCys 0.150.03 a 0.190.02 a 0.100.01 b 0.060.01 bVal 0.810.09 b 0.670.04 c 1.120.05 a 0.850.05 bMet 0.340.09 b 0.360.11 b 0.530.02 a 0.170.16 cLle 0.730.08b 0.640.

15、04 b 0.840.39a 0.690.04 bLeu 1.220.13b 1.040.07c 1.520.06 a 1.270.08 bTyr 0.670.10 b 0.570.04 c 0.820.05 a 0.520.09 cPhe 0.790.09 b 0.610.04 c 0.910.04 a 0.750.05 bLys 1.140.12 b 0.990.66 c 1.300.04 a 1.110.07 bHis 0.450.05 a 0.400.03 b 0.410.02 b 0.360.02cArg 1.550.15ab 1.410.11 b 1.590.50 a 1.360.

16、08cPro 0.780.09 b 0.710.06b 0.910.04 a 0.930.07 aTotal 15.921.84 b 14.050.92 b 18.680.69 a 15.691.11 bNotes:The different letters within the same column show significantly different(p0.05).(二)鲜味氨基酸含量变化由表 5 可知呈现鲜味的天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸的含量变化。Table 5 Amino acids composition of wild and cultured mitten crab

17、(%.dry)Fresh flavour amino acids wild culturedAsp 1.460.17b* 1.710.14aGln 2.100.24b 2.580.20aGly 0.960.08a 0.990.10aAla 1.040.07a 1.280.15atotal 5.560.47b 6.560.61aNotes:The different letters within the same column show significantly different(p0.05).6五、可食部分脂肪酸组成比较两种中华绒鳌蟹产品可食部分脂肪酸含量如表 6 所示。Table 6 f

18、atty acids composition of wild and cultured mitten crab (ug/g .dry)wild culturedFatty acids C14:0C15:0 47.614.86a 42.814.61ab 25.44.12c 28.43.72bcC16:0 861.82220.53a 458.2197.8b 495.878.06b 442.7882.75bC16:1 1253.02199.8a 889.2349.1b 798.8126.3 b 772.2133.7 bC17:0 103.435.91 a 86.634.6 a 65.28.8 a 6

19、7.810.11 aC18:0 661.4279.4 a 487.6215.6ab 353.657.74b 387.857.58 abC18:1 4874.63817.3 a 3200.41523.0 b 3118.6504.1 b 2765.3462.1 bC18:2 731.8107.72 a 430.2172.25 b 454.674.13 b 311.161.23 bC18:3 245.427.79a 194.0185.25ab 135.823.84 b 119.823.91 bC20:1 467.4105.70a 379.12142.4 ab 375.150.54 ab 306.87

20、0.53 bC20:2C20:3 234.0362.72 a 186.260.89 a 85.211.98 b 80.213.43 bC20:4 415.4159.2a 321.6129.7ab 172.876.71 b 198.697.84 bC20:5 104.847.92 a 98.447.63 a 226.1160.7 a 191.2184.9 aC22:3 23.85.71 a 27.27.0 a 31.45.31 a 25.87.3 aC22:4 97.59 a 12.88.26 a 5.20.98 a 5.80.95 aC22:5 9.24.71 a 15.212.2 a 7.6

21、1.85 a 7.41.36 aC22:6 19666.86 a 175.473.58 a 114.816.18 a 163.2119.5 aSFA 1674.4393.93 a 1075.2252.51 a 939.8202.75 a 926.78191.96 aMUFA 6595.41981.03 a 4468.21525.68 a 4292.41243.03 a 3844.41102.67 aEPA+DHA 300.873.92a 273.872.96 a 340.8156.32 a 354.4127.03 aPUFA 1969.4233.51a 1461.0160.08ab 1233.

22、4147.85b 1103.0128.37bNotes:The different letters within the same column show significantly different(p0.05).六、可食部分微量元素含量比较两种中华绒鳌蟹产品可食部分各种微量元素含量见表 7。Table 7 minerals composition of wild and cultured mitten crab (ug/g .dry)野生 wild 养殖 cultured 微量元素minerals Na 1592.12191.11b 1984.13223.21a 1538.13282.1

23、6b 1684.03107.26abP 3080.32429.28a 2430.03150.33b 2747.86506.65ab 1644.13127.22cK 2840.06169.35 a 2706.23547.21 a 2454.07393.88 a 2454.11181.84 aCa 3286.06130.08 a 3512.02258.58 a 2509.11836.37ab 1316.37287.72bMg 425.0333.64ab 3480617.82bc 487.7898.23a 287.627.28cFe 21.244.46 b 37.7226.05 ab 59.5610

24、.57 a 57.5626.81 aMn 1.760.54b 2.341.29ab 6.373.61a 3.662.20abCu 35.3814.27 a 49.9419.59 a 8.882.10b 8.290.93 bZn 45.064.75 a 49.307.32 a 45.685.58 a 46.083.72 a7Total 11327.01444.46 a 11119.31346.93 a 9857.441196.53 a 7501.83899.01bNotes:The different letters within the same column show significant

25、ly different(p0.05).小结与讨论一、长江野生中华绒鳌蟹群体平均规格均大于湖泊网围养殖品牌中华绒鳌蟹,且颜色、健壮度也优于养殖中华绒鳌蟹。二、天然野生中华绒鳌蟹雌性、雄性个体可食部分为体重的 34.66%和 30.0%,湖泊网围养殖中华绒鳌蟹雌性、雄性个体可食部分为体重的 37.66%和 33.77%,分别比长江野生雌蟹高 3.0%;雄蟹高 3.77%。由此可见,湖泊网围养殖中华绒鳌蟹可食部分要高于野生长江中华绒鳌蟹。三、粗脂肪含量,野生中华绒鳌蟹雌雄个体明显高于养殖中华绒鳌蟹个体;雄性个体粗脂肪含量则低于养殖中华绒鳌蟹个体。无论是雌雄养殖中华绒鳌蟹,还是雄性养殖中华绒鳌蟹,其

26、粗蛋白含量均明显低于长江野生中华绒鳌蟹。四、从氨基酸总量看,无论是雌雄中华绒鳌蟹个体,还是平均总量,养殖中华绒鳌蟹均高于长江野生中华绒鳌蟹。 ,无论是单项鲜味氨基酸含量,还是四种鲜味氨基酸总含量,养殖品牌中华绒鳌蟹均高于长江野生中华绒鳌蟹。湖泊网围养殖品牌中华绒鳌蟹的可食部分鲜味氨基酸含量高于长江野生中华绒鳌蟹。五、可食部分微量元素含量无论是雌蟹,还是雄蟹,湖泊网围养殖品牌中华绒鳌蟹均低于长江野生中华绒鳌蟹。通过分析比较,可以看出,湖泊网围养殖的品牌中华绒鳌蟹其食用价值、营养成分、口感鲜味等指标超过野生长江中华绒鳌蟹。这就说明,只要养殖环境良好,养殖种苗纯正,饲料投喂科学,养殖中华绒鳌蟹商品蟹

27、营养价值就不会降低,风味特色就可以保持。8参 考 文 献朱清顺,周刚,江苏河蟹养殖产业化发展对策J.科学养鱼,2003,6:3-4(2) 、李思发、蔡完其、邹曙明等,阳澄湖中华绒鳌蟹品质分析【J】 ,中国水产科学,2000,7(3):7074。彭昌洋、蔡雪贞,养殖和野生虱目鱼化学组成成分之比较【J】 ,水产研究,2004,12(1):71-77。李庆、蔡友凉、沈晓盛,,中华绒鳌蟹中微量元素的分布及评估J,上海水产大学学报,2006,15(2):207-210李应森、郭延,长江蟹和辽中华绒鳌蟹性腺及肝脏指数的比较研究【J】 ,水利渔业,2001,21(1):1012。陈再中,成永旭、王武,早熟期

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31、evelopment of the marine shrimp Penaeus RerathurusJ, Aqnaac,1995,130:187-199Lautier J,Lagarrigue JG, lipid metabolism of the crab pachygrapsus marmoratus during vitellogenesisJ,Biochem syst,ecol,1988,16:203-212Teshima S Kanazawa A,1983,Variation in lipid compositions suring the ovarian maturiation o

32、f the prawn,Bull Japan soc sci Fish,49:957-9629Comparative study on the quality between Wild and Cultured mitten crab ( Eriocheir sinensis) Zhu Qingshun zhou Gong Bai Rufa (Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province Nanjing 210017)AbstractThe nutritional constituent, general nutriti

33、on , amino acid composition, fatty acid composition , microelement composition of wild and cultured mitten crab( Eriocheir sinensis) were analyzed and compared . The result showed : the edible part account of wild crabs female, male individual for 34.66 and 30.0 of the weight, cultured for 37.66 and

34、 33.77 . The liver index of cultured female crab was significantly (p0.05 ) greater than that of wild crab and cultured male crab . The fatness of wild crab and cultured male crab was significantly (p0.05 ) greater than that of cultured crab. The crude fat, moisture , ash content in cultured crab we

35、re lower, but the crude protein , Extract without N were higher than those of wild crab . The amino acid of female crab that cultivate was notably (p0.05 ) greater than that of wild crab and the cultured male . whether no matter the content of amino acid of fresh flavor of individual event, or the t

36、otal content of amino acid of four kinds of fresh flavor (asp, glu , gly , Ala ) , cultured crab were significantly (p0.05 ) higher than that of wild crab . In fatty acid composition, saturated fatty acid (SFA ) , single alkene getting sour(MUFA), EPA (C20: 5)+ DHA( C22: 6) showed no significant dif

37、ferences between wild and cultured crab, and the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA ) of wild female crab was notably (p0.05 )greater than that of cultivate. The microelement of wild crab and cultured female crab were significantly (p0.05 ) greater than that of wild crab and cultured male crab . Key word: mitten crab, nutritional constituent, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, mineral composition.


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