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    1、新视角英语Unit 1一. VocabularyA1. Organizing can be viewed as the activities to collect and configure resources in order to implement(实施,执行) plans in a highly effective and efficient fashion.2. The lack of physical exercises, smoking and overeating can be definitely detrimental to your health.3. The Septe

    2、mber 11 attack has precipitated the crisis in the cotton textile industry of India as many foreign buyers have started cancelling the purchase orders.4. Organizing Christmas relief funds was more to my liking than the routine work on Capitol Hill.5. It is reported that armed forces have been sent in

    3、 to rectify the situation in the war-torn country.6. If you are just starting a fitness program, begin by running for one minute and alternate with walking for two minutes until you reach a total of 20 to 30 minutes.7. Sixty-five percent of American parents approve of spanking children, a rate that

    4、has been steady since 1990.8. A tent is not vital for the trip, but it is extremely handy and convenient if youre on a tight budget. 9. Major retailers and small specialty shops in the tourist resort cater to the most discriminating shopper who is selective, quality-minded and service conscious.10.

    5、The rich countries decided at the summit held in Paris last week to work together to eliminate world poverty.B1. There is no doubt that higher energy costs will have a(n) negative effect on the economy. D. drastic2. This new round of layoff occurring in major industrial cities will only reduce profi

    6、ts and trigger(触发) an economic crisis. A. precipitate(促使)3. Everyone agrees that the young woman who speaks with an Irish accent is unattractive and is no match for Paul. B. homely4. In this picture is a young couple with a relaxed smile on their faces having fun on the beach at end of a sunny day.

    7、C. carefree5. The survey shows that publishers in Britain are more reluctant to change than their continental counterparts in many aspects. D. conservative6. All his life he has been struggling to escape the lower class of society to become a member of the upper class. A. echelon7. For many people i

    8、t has now become a(n) extravagance to sleep and wake up at reasonable hours. C. luxury8. I agree with John Stuart Mill, who said that happiness is something that comes to you when pursuing some other worthy end. B. go along with9. I totally dislike the use of offensive terms in reference to women, w

    9、ho are no less capable than men in any way. D. resent(厌恶)10. In spite of my repeated apologies, she never forgave me for my interference with her private affairs. C. intrusion into(闯入,打扰)二. ClozeOne issue today is the number of Asians looking to remake themselves to look more Caucasian. Its a charge

    10、 many deny, although few would argue that 1) under the relentless bombardment of Hollywood, satellite TV, and Madison Avenue, 2) Asias aesthetic ideal has changed drastically. “Beauty, after all, is evolutionary,” 3) says Harvard psychology professor Nancy Etcoff. Asians are increasingly asking thei

    11、r 4) surgeon for wider eyes, longer noses and fuller breasts features not 5) typical of the race.To accommodate such demands, surgeons in the 6) region have had to invent unique techniques. The No. 1 procedure 7) by far in Asia is a form of blepharoplasty (眼睑整容术), in which 8) a crease is created abo

    12、ve the eye by scalpel(解剖刀)or by 9) needle and thread; in the U.S., blepharoplasty also ranks near the 10) top, but involves removing bags and fat around the eyes. Likewise, 11) Westerners use botox(肉毒菌毒素) to diminish wrinkles while in Korea, Japan and 12) other Asian regions, botox is injected into

    13、wide cheeks so 13) that the muscle will atrophy(萎缩)and the cheeks will shrink. Just 14) as Asian faces require unique procedures, their bodies demand innovative operations 15) to achieve the leggy, skinny, busty Western ideal that has become 16) increasingly universal.Dr. Suh, a plastic surgeon in S

    14、eoul, has struggled to 17) find the best way to fix the radish-shaped calves. Liposuction(吸脂), so effective 18) on the legs of plump Westerners, doesnt work on Asians since 19) muscle, not fat, accounts for the bulk. Earlier attempts to carve 20) to muscle were painful and made walking difficult. “F

    15、inally, I discovered that by severing a nerve behind the knee, the muscle would atrophy,” says Suh, “thereby reducing its size up to 40%.” Suh has performed over 600 of the operations since 1996.三. 翻译I do not intent to recommend any such drastic changes as a face lift, a nose job, a hair transplant,

    16、 or silicone injections in your breasts; but I do want to encourage you to be aware of how easily you can rectify some of the most obvious appearance images. In short, if you have a homely face, I simply want you to learn to make the best of your homeliness. (Para. 3)我无意推荐任何重大的整容改变,诸如拉皮,隆鼻,植发,或是在胸部注

    17、射硅胶;但我的确想帮助你意识到,你可以很容易地改进某些最明显的外表形象。简单地说,如果你长着一张很平常的脸,我只希望你学会把你外表发挥到极致。Dressing properly is the most obvious appearance image. Depending on what you do and in what part of the country you live, there is a right way and a wrong way to dress. Because there are so many different dress codes, the discus

    18、sion here will be limited to those styles most appropriate for the executive-type male. However, the suggestions made can, with a little thought, be easily adapted to your own situation. (Para. 4)穿着得体就是最明显的外表形象。你的职业和居住地决定了怎样穿着是合适的、怎样使不合适的。因为着装规范是多种多样的,这里的讨论将仅限于最合适男性管理人员的着装风格。不过,只要稍微开动下脑筋,这里所提的建议可以很容

    19、易加以调整以适合你自己的情况。My philosophy has always been to dress in a relatively conservative manner when conducting business so that I would offend the least number of people. Since it is most important to have everything going for you in business, you cannot afford to wear clothes that might have an adverse

    20、effect on certain customers. (Para. 5)我的穿着信念一直是,在商场上着装应相对保守,从而将因着装而冒犯他人的可能性降到最低,因为在生意中最重要的就是让所有一切都有利于你,所以你不能穿那些可能在某些客户身上产生相反效果的衣服。Because I believe in my appearance philosophy so strongly, I have often told my new salesmen that one of the best investments they can make is to buy themselves two expen

    21、sive suits-one a pinstripe and the other a lighter gray, preferably with a vest. These two suits are worth more than a closetful of second-rate suits that lack style. If I were on a very tight budget, I would rather own these two suits and alternate them throughout the work week than purchase severa

    22、l suits that would not give me the image I wished to project. The secret is not quantity, but quality. (Para. 15)由于我坚信自己对外表的信念,我常常这样告诉新来的销售人员,他们所能进行的最好投资之一就是给自己买两套昂贵的西装-一件细条纹的,另一件浅灰色的,最好再配上马甲。这两套西服要比挂满整个壁橱,但缺乏品位的普通西装更有价值。如果我手头不宽裕,我宁可拥有这两套西装,在一周内替换着穿,也不会买几套不能展现我想要树立的形象的西服。奥秘在于质量,而不在于数量。In this chapte

    23、r I have highlighted just a handful of instances in which appearance determined a first impression and greatly affected the desired image. You should be able to apply the philosophy across the board so that you can benefit from this message in other areas. (Para. 24)在这一章里,我着重举了几个例子来说明外表决定第一印象,并且对良好的

    24、形象有很大影响。你应该将这条道理运用到各个方面,从而在其他方面也能从中获益。 I sincerely apologize to the female reader for discussing only the appearance of men, but quite frankly, I do not have the expertise to advise women on how to dress. The same basic message, however, is equally applicable to you. I might add that you should avoi

    25、d trying to look sexy on your job-unless, of course, you happen to be a hostess in an all-night massage parlor! (Para.25)我真诚地向女读者们表示歉意,因为我只讨论了男子的外表,不过说实话,我并没有足够的专业知识向女性提供着装建议。但是基本的要旨也同样适用于你们。活许我应该补充一句,在工作中你们不该穿得很性感-当然,除非你正好是通宵服务的按摩店小姐!Unit2一. VocabularyA1. We will not relent until the terror network

    26、s that threaten us are exposed and broken, and their leaders are held to account for their murder.2. Every man who believes the dogma that one country is not fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class.3. With great efforts on the part of his lawyer, his re

    27、latives finally agreed to release his private papers.4. All great men are gifted with intuition, and they know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know.5. The nurse said we could visit him, but hes heavily sedated and probably wont recognize us.6. The two roads diverged in a wood, and I

    28、 took the one less traveled by, which has made all the difference.7. The market wont shrink and if it grows, it will be proportional to overall industry growth. 8. He was extremely worried about the result of biopsy(活组织检查), but it turned out his tumor was benign(良性的).9. I lived 10 miles from the sch

    29、ool, and we would practice football after school and then have to hitchhike back.10. It is hard to convince a high-school student that he will encounter a lot of problems more difficult than those of algebra and geometry(代数和几何).B1. Adoption is not about finding children for families, its about findi

    30、ng families for children.2. The novice(初学者) can often see things that the expert overlooks. All that is necessary is not to be afraid of making mistakes, or of appearing naive.3. These on-campus jobs are very low paid, while it is impossible to support yourself and pay tuition from work that you can

    31、 legally do here.4. The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight(眼界,见解), but has not vision(远见).5. There is nothing in the world so wonderful as to love and be loved; there is nothing so devastating(毁灭性的) as love lost.6. “Ice Age” is crossing the $500 million mark at the box office

    32、(票房) to become one of the most popular animated film of all time.7. Creating a renaissance(文艺复兴) in this area is what the current government has been working on for the past 7 years.8. AIDS was an incurable disease in the 1980s. Now as new medicines are developed, it has become treatable.9. With del

    33、ays in production and escalating(逐步上升的) development costs, Simputer, or computers for the poor in the third world countries can only remain an idealistic(理想主义的) dream.10. A breast biopsy(活组织检查 ) involves removing a sample of breast tissue to determine whether it is cancerous(像癌的) or non-cancerous.二.

    34、 ClozeThe Internet has been a major source of leisure since before the World Wide Web. One main area of leisure on the Internet is multiplayer gaming. This form of leisure creates communities, bringing people of all ages and origins to enjoy the fast-paced world of multiplayer games. This has revolu

    35、tionized the way many people interact and spend their free time on the Internet.While online gaming has been around since the 1970s, todays style of online gaming began with services such as GameSpy and MPlayer, which gamer would typically subscribe(订购)to. Non-subscribers were limited to certain typ

    36、es of gameplay or certain games. With the release of Diablo(暗黑破坏神 )by Blizzard Entertainment, gamers were treated to a built-in online game service that was free of charge over Battle. net. Recently with the release of World of Warcraft(WOW, 魔兽世界 )many users spend hours in a day trying to level up t

    37、heir characters.Many use the Internet to access and download music, movies and other works for their enjoyment and relaxation. As discussed above, there are paid and unpaid sources for all of these, using centralized servers(服务器) and distributed(分布式的), peer-to-peer (点对点的)technologies. Discretion(谨慎)

    38、is needed as some of these sources take more care over the original artists rights and over copyright laws than others.Many use the World Wide Web to access 使用 news, weather and sports reports, to plan and book holidays and to find out more about their random ideas and casual interests. People use c

    39、hat, messaging and email to make and stay in touch with friends worldwide, sometimes in the same way as some pen pals had previously. Social networking web sites like Friends Reunited and many others also put and keep people in contact for their enjoyment. Cyberslacking(因上网而工作懈怠) has become a seriou

    40、s drain on corporate resources; the average UK employee spends 57 minutes a day surfing the web at work, according to a study by Peninsula Business Services.三. 翻译Blogs arent as new as some people might think. 1) Since the early days of the Internet users have been keeping online diaries recording th

    41、eir opinions and adding hyperlinks to websites they visit. 自从早期英特网以来,网络使用者就一直在写在线日记,记下他们自己的想法,并将所访问网站的超链接加在自己的网页上。In 1997 the name weblog was used for the first time by Jorn Barger who called his site in this way. 2) The term blog was coined three years later by Peter Merholz who broke the word webl

    42、og into we blog and the new word blog started to function as both a verb and a noun.“博客” 这个术语三年后由彼得 梅霍尔兹创造,他将“ 网络日记”(weblog)拆成“我们博客”(we blog),新词“博客” 就开始被用作动词和名词了。In 1999 there were only a few blogs, today a new blog is created almost every second. 3) Millions of bloggers find in them a perfect outle

    43、t for self-expression by adding regularly new entries posts, voicing their opinions and recommending other blogs or websites. These online journals differ from traditional journals. 数百万博客使用者在博客日志上发现,通过定期增加新条目是自我表达的完美途径即加贴子来表达自己的看法,并推荐其他博客或者网站。4) Conventional journals usually come in chronological or

    44、der, whereas blogs are presented in reverse chronological order, with the most recent entry on top. 传统的日记通常是按时间顺序排列的,而博客则是逆时间顺序的,最近的条目出现在最顶端。What is even more important, traditional journals were private or even secret affairs. By contrast, blogs are open to the public.A blog has also certain featur

    45、es that distinguish it from a standard webpage. Bloggers use simple forms that let them create new pages easily. 5) Special software takes care of most administrative tasks allowing the author to focus mostly on the content of their blog.专门软件负责处理大部分的管理任务,这样就使作者能把精力主要集中在博客的内容上。None of this had even a

    46、 hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the M

    47、ac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonde

    48、rful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. (Para.8)Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, the

    49、y put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. (Para. 23)Unit3一. VocabularyA1. They fear the prop

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