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1、1. 只发一个音的辅音字母字母 读音 单词 字母 读音 单词b /b/ baker rainbow web p /p/ pipe people topf /f/ fight rifle wolf q /k/ quick square Iraq h /h/ height behind r /r/ ram crime k /k/ kite bookstore took v /v/ vest vivid wavem /m/ mine timer warm w /w/ waist overweight n /n/ night tiny fun z /z/ zest zigzag quizy /j/ y

2、es youth young2. 发多个音的辅音字母一般读音规则位置字母在辅音字母前.在 a o u前在 e i y 前在词尾 在不发音字母前.在 ia io ie前.在-ion 前 .在-ure前其他c /k/ /k/ /s/ /k/ /s/ / /k/climb come cutecite picnic piece suspicion scured /d/ /d/ /d/ /d/ /d/ /d/ /d/dream date duckdivide wind decide Canadian endureg /g/ /g/ /d/ /g/ /d/ /d/ /g/grape go gate gym

3、 leg large religion figures /s/ /s/z/ /s/ / s, z/ /,/ /,/slim successseasonsit bus is Asia discussionvisionpressuremeasuret /t/ /t/ /t/ /t/ /t/ / /,t/ /t/twist tame tidy wait note potential notionquestionnaturex /ks/ /gs/ /gs/ /ks/ /ks/ /k/ /k/next example exit wax axe connexion anxiousl / / /l/(在任何

4、元音前) / / /l/ /l/milk lake let till mile rebellion failure1.元音字母组合:字母 读音 单词 字母 读音 单词ea /i:/ beat meat team /e/ bread dead/ei/ great /i/ idea real theateroo /u:/ cool boot tooth /u/ cook food took/ blood ee /i:/ meet teen heeloa /u/ road coat goat /:/ broad ie /i:/ field /ai/ die tie lie/e/ friend eu

5、/ju:/ feudal ei /i:/ receive ceiling /ai/ either neither/e/ leisure oi /i/ voice toiletou /u:/ youth /au/ count mountain/ country / cough tough eo /i:/ people /e/ leopard oe /u/ toe poet /u:/ shoeai /ei/ aid aim wait /e/ saidau /:/ autumn author /a:/ aunt ue /ju:/ due /u:/ blueia /ai/ dialogue ua /u

6、/ usual io /ai/ pioneer oy /i/ boy toy loyalay /ei/ day may way /e/ says ey /ei/ they hey /i:/ Key uy /ai/ buy ye /ai/ dye bye注:在非重读音节中字母组合读音大多要改变,通常会发短音/ i /或/ /,如 ea 发/i/: forehead; ee 发/i/ :coffee; ai 发 /i/: portrait; ay 发/i/: Sunday; ei 发/i/: foreign ; eo 发/ /: surgeon; ey 发/i/: money; io 发/i /:

7、 patriot 等元音字母+辅音字母组合:字母 读音 单词 字母 读音 单词ar /a:/ park / collaral /:/ walk talk all /a:/ palmir /:/ girl first dirty aw /:/ law pawn oor /:/ floor door /u/ poor moorur /:/ turn / surpriseere /i/ here mere /e/ there are /a:/ are /e/ care dareor /:/ lord border order oul /u/ could wouldear /e/ bear /i/ h

8、ear (在辅音字母后 /e/i/)/a:/ heart /:/ early (在辅音字母前 /a: /:/)er /:/ certain service /a:/ clerk/ better writer manner ore /:/ before more scoreow /au/ how bow crown /u/ know bow grow/ knowledge eer /i/ deer beer engineeror /:/ work / doctor actorour /:/ four course court /u/ tour gourd/ colour honour labou

9、r /:/ journey journal courteousaugh /:/ caught ough /:/ oughtoar /:/ board soar / cupboard eir /e/ heir their /i/ weird 辅音字母组合:1. 双写辅音字母只读一个音, 如: ff /f/ coffee ;2. 双写辅音字母只读一个音或两个音:cc /ks/access,success3. 两个辅音字母读一个音:字母 读音 单词 字母 读音 单词wr /r/ wretch wrote write ck /k/ kick crack checkbt /t/ doubt dg /d/

10、 judgedj /d/ adjective adjust ts /ts/ beats boots ratsdr /dr/ dress drive draw ds /dz/ beds hands tr /tr/ trim train treat ph /f/ photo phone graphsh / shape shepherd nk /k/ think ink thankkn /n/ know knit knight gh /f/ tough laughrh /r/ rhythm rhyme4. 两个辅音字母读两个或以上的音:字母 读音 单词 字母 读音 单词wh /w/ what /h/

11、 who wholeth / bath / motherng / strong long /g/ tangle lingersc /s/ science / consciousch /t/ change chief /k/ stomach character/ machine champagne /d/ spinach元音字母读音规则音节 元音字母 读音 例词 例外a /ei/ A, later, e /i:/ me, be shei(y) /ai/ I, china by my o /u/ no, so, go do绝对开音节 u /ju:/ student usuala /ei/ take

12、, name, face have, ate, etc.e /i:/ Petei(y) /ai/ tide, nice, line, type give live o /u/ whole home role come, ,love prove 相对开音节 u /ju:/ /u:/ use, muse fuse tube rulea / am, can, add class e /e/ pen yes best help Englandi(y) /i/ it with big still rhythmo / not lot on stop follow among,brother, nothin

13、g, wonder重读闭音节u / sun, us, must bush, full, put音节 元音字母 读音 例词 例外a / again, China, puma /i/ manage fortunate /contrast /ei/ celebratee /i/ receive, believe, excuse, expect, begin/ camera numeral silent/e/ content非重读音节 i(y) /i/ working, inform,city, lucky / holiday impossible /ai/ paradise satisfyo / p

14、olice, protest, obey, /u/ pianou / success, succeed /ju/ educate institute/u/ February instrument辅音群1词首或词中的辅音群英语中辅音组合主要和/s,l,r,j/这几个音位有关:a. /s/ +/p/, + /t/, +/k/, +/f/, +/m/, +/l/, +/w/, +/j/sp/ spy speak spit spark sport spinster spear/st / stay still steak star study student story stand /sk/ sky s

15、ki scold skate skim school skip/sf/ sphere spherical sphinx /sm/ small smack smith smile/sn/ snow snake snatch snap sneer /sl/ slum slim slow sleep slice/sw/ swag swear sweater swallow swan sweet /sj/ super superb superman superiorb. 爆破音和摩擦音+/l/pl/ play plow please plot /bl/ blue block blame blot /k

16、l/ climb clock class close /gl/ glass glide glove glad /fl/ fly flee flow flash /sl/ slip slow slim c. 爆破音和摩擦音+/r/pr/ pray press prime print /tr/ try tree train truck /br/ bread breathe bring brother /dr/ drive dry drum /kr/ cream crush croak crack /gr/ green grow great grass /fr/ French free frank

17、from /Fr/ shrill shrink shriek/Wr/ three thread through throw d. /p, b, k, m, f, h, v/+/j/ pure pupil beauty bureau cute curemute music few fuse huge human view 以上辅音组合,一般在发音时首先发第一个音位/p b k g/,轻而短促,在发第一个音时同时准备发第二音位,要把两个音位当成一个整体,同步进行,学生最容易犯的错误是不能让两个音同步性发出,并在发音时对第一个音位的处理拖得较长。另外/s/组合中,/s/ 轻而短促,第二个音位长而响,

18、声音有弱到强,有轻到响,由短到长。特别注意/s/位于爆破音中的清辅音之前时/p/,/t/, /k/要从原来的送气变为不送气或少送气。俗称“音的浊化” ,严格的说,这里的清辅音不是变成了浊辅音,因为不管/p,t,k/ 发的是送气音还是送气少的音,其音位没有变,这两种发音只是/p,t,k/的音位变体(是同一音位在不同位置和条件下发不同的音) 。所谓音位变体(allophones),即属于同一音位的不同读音(speech sound)。音位变体往往出现在语音的互补分布状态中, 英语/k/ 的送气与不送气的不同读音就出现在不同语音环境中的互补分布状态, 如/k/ 在“kite ”k hait 中读k

19、h, 而在“sky” skai 中读 k 。k h表示送气,k 表示不送气,k h 和k 是音位/k/ 在不同语音环境的互补分布状态中的不同读音, 因此k h和k 就是/k/ 的音位变体。词中的辅音组合除了少数与/s/有关的辅音连缀读音与在词首不一样外其他都一样。例如 display 中/p/与 speak 中/p/发音时有些区别,前者送气,后者送气较少。读下面单词注意/s/的发音:peach speech team steam key ski port sport pair spare Kate skate kill skill tone stone一般来说,在词中的辅音群读音与词首辅音群读

20、音相同:dustcart guesswork draftsman doctrine horsepowerprogress transfer understand particular incline2. 词尾的辅音群常见的词尾的辅音群大致可以分为三类:a. 辅音+/s,z/ /t,d/词形变化:英语中名词的单复数或遇到第三人称单数动词的变化形式,一般情况下是加-s;动词过去时的规则变化形式是在原形动词后面加-ed,例如: bags drinks liked moved,读音分别是 bags /bAgz/ drinks/drinks/ liked/laikt/ moved/mu:vd/, 这些词

21、形变化由于受到前面辅音/g,k,v/的影响而读作相应的清辅音/s, t/和浊辅音/z, d/。为了学生方便记忆,这些辅音连缀读音我们可以全面地概括为 11字的原则:“清则清,浊则浊,元音读浊音” 即前面如果以清辅音结尾,后面加-s 或 ed则读清辅音,前面是以浊辅音结尾,后面加-s 或 ed则读浊辅音,以元音结尾加-s 或 ed 则读浊辅音。-ed /t/ asked kicked missed washed watched stepped /d/ moved rubbed hugged seized harmed /d/ played prayed cried -s /s/ cats cap

22、s books roofs desks lakes /z/ dogs pigs leaves proves beds birds /z/ pays ways bees其中单词以/t,d/结尾加-s 读音时直接就读成和/dz,依然满足“清则清,浊则浊”这个原则。例如:/ts/ tests rests beasts hosts gifts texts/dz/ fields folds holds ends shields spends b. 爆破音、摩擦音+鼻音、边音模糊舌边音鼻音加上其他辅音特别是爆破音、摩擦音,学生在发音时有较大的困难,主要是音位的不到位和音位之间相互影响造成了音位的发音产生变

23、化。学生必须多读多练才能顺利掌握。模糊舌边音加上其他辅音,例如:/lp/ /pl/ help lamp bump apple people ripple/lb/ /bl/: elbow table cable noble /lt/ /tl/: belt felt fault little kittle title /ld/ /dl/: cold hold field middle idle candle/lk/ /kl/: folk milk uncle wrinkle nickel /lf/ /fl/: shelf self wolf riffle careful beautiful /lv

24、/ /vl/: twelve solve resolve arrival approval level /ls/ /sl/: else wells wheels muscle castle whistle /lW,lF ,lm/: Health wealth Welsh film whelm /gl/ /zl/: single tangle struggle puzzle drizzle 发这些辅音连缀时注意模糊舌边音发音,当模糊舌边音在其他辅音前时,舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌中部下陷,舌后部上抬,在没有完全发出该音时迅速滑向后面的音,如果模糊音在其他辅音后面,则要把两个音位当成一个整体,同步进行。鼻

25、音/n/和爆破音,摩擦音组合构成音节,发音时也应注意整体性和同时性:/-tn/ certain written /-dn/ garden pardon/-fn/ often orphan /-vn/ even oven /-sn/ listen fasten /-zn/ season dozen /-Fn/ nation motion /-Vn/ vision occasion在学习过程中,我们会发现不仅有两个辅音可以组合在一起,三个辅音也可以组合在一起,当两个音位/ft st,ld nd nz ks ps sk/ /s,z,t,d/就变成了三辅音连缀,例如:shifts /Fifts/ re

26、sts /rests/ fields /fi:ldz/bands /bAndz/ breezed /bri:zd/ taxed /tAkstlapsed /lApst/ asked /a:skt/ 还有一些关于/s/三辅音组合 如:splendid split splash spring spray spread street straight stride strong scream script scratch square squat squeeze grasped exploreexpensive experience 从以上关于/s/的辅音连缀,读音有如下规律:当/sp, sk,st,spl,spr,skr ,skw,str/位于词首时,后面的清辅音会由送气音变成不或少送气音,如 spit splendid street study 等;当位于词尾时,清辅音不改变,如 ask grasp must 等; 位于词中时,大部分遵循放在词首时的规律,有极少部分发音不改变,因此 experience 与 display 等单词中/s/的读音是有区别的,例如:expensive exclusion experience explore exhaust distance extend extraordinary


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