1、DFM钢网&PCB设计,电信学院 电子工艺与管理,SMT印刷工序中的DFM,影响到印刷的设计因素: PCB的焊盘设计 不同元器件所选用的开孔现状和尺寸 不同焊点所需焊料量 同一PCB上的开孔尺寸差 钢网设计 钢网厚度 钢网的加工方法 钢网开孔,钢网设计,钢网厚度钢网的加工方法钢网开孔,钢网设计要求,钢网开孔设计: 宽厚比1.5 面积比0.66 开孔尺寸:焊盘尺寸 J型和翼型引脚0.41.3mm pitch 开孔宽度焊盘宽度(0.030.08mm) PBGA 开孔直径焊盘直径0.05mm CBGA 开孔直径焊盘直径(0.050.08mm),QFP器件的引脚间距与钢网厚度,贴片阻容元件钢网开孔,M
2、ELF和印胶钢网开孔,MELF,印胶,印胶钢网厚度一般为:0.150.2mm 开孔位置:元件两焊盘中心 开孔宽度:1/3的焊盘内边距 开孔长度:110的焊盘宽度,钢网开孔尺寸应该与元件的具体尺寸一致。,工艺边和定位孔识别标志,定位孔: 用于机械定位 要求: 孔壁光滑,不要有涂覆层; 周围2mm内无铜箔 工艺边: 一般为58mm 组装过程中设备夹持所需的距离 工艺边内不可以布元器件,Fiducial Mark,常用标识:,作用:定位、位置校正 设置原则: PCB定位时: 至少需要两个 应不对称设置 ? 元器件定位时: 仅针对贴片江都要求高的元器件 ? 置于元器件对角上,拼板设计,?拼板的连接方式
3、?拼板的工艺边?拼板的定位孔?拼板的mark点,元器件方向设计,焊盘与导线关系,x,x,元器件之间的间隙,?,Resistor Pad Design,Resistor Pad Design,Resistor Pad Design,SOT23 Pad Design,SOT23 Pad Design,SOT23 Pad Design,IC Pad Design,Electrical assembly types,Examples of typical package styles and package descriptive designators,Lead-form (or terminal-
4、shape) examples,Profile tolerancing examples,Example of C1206 capacitor dimensioning for optimum solder fillet conditions,Profile dimensioning of a gullwing leaded SOIC,Recommended minimum land-to-land clearances,Component orientation for wave solder applications,Alignment of similar components,Fidu
5、cials,Fiducial types for vision systems & clearance requirements,Fiducial locations on a printed circuit board,Land pattern to via relationships,Examples of via positioning concepts,Vias under components,Conductor characteristics,Examples of modified landscapes,Typical copper glass laminate panel,Co
6、nductor clearance for V-groove scoring,Breakaway (routed pattern),Routed slots,Gang & Pocket solder mask window,Component temperature limits,General description of process validation contact pattern and interconnect,Photo image of IPC-A-49 test board for primary side,Flat ribbon, L, and gullwing lead joint description,Round or flattened (coined) lead joint description,Test via grid concepts,General relationship between test contact size and test probe misses,Test probe feature distance from component,