1、1常用医护英语词汇Pronunciation of each term is given with its meaning. The syllable that gets the accent is in CAPITAL LETTERS. Terms in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS are defined elsewhere in the glossary.ABDOMEN (AB-do-men): space below the chest that contains organs such as the stomach, liver, intestines, and gal
2、lbladder. Also called the ABDOMINAL CAVITY, the abdomen lies between the diaphragm and the pelvis (hip bone).腹部,位于胸腔之下,内含诸如胃,肝脏,大小肠和胆囊等。腹部又叫腹腔,它起于隔膜,止于盆骨。Lined by a serous membrane, the peritoneum. Pendulous. A condition in which the anterior parto th eabdominal wall hangs down over the pubis. Scaph
3、oid. A hollowing of the anterior wall commonly seen in grossely emaciated people. ABDOMINAL (ab-DOM-i-nal): pertaining to the abdomen.腹部的ABDOMINAL CAVITY (ab-DOM-i-nal KAV-ih-te): see ABDOMEN.腹腔ABNORMAL (ab-NOR-mal): pertaining to being away (AB-) from the norm; irregular.非常态ABDUCENT leading away fr
4、om the midline, muscle the eternal rectus muscle of the eye, which rotates it away outward.ABERRATION deviation from the normal. ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME (ah-KWI-erd im-u-no-deh-FISH-en-se SIN-drom) or AIDS: suppression or deficiency of the immune response caused by exposure to the HUMAN I
5、MMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV).获得性免疫缺陷综合症,简称爱滋病。它是指当病人受到人类免疫缺陷病毒,即艾滋病毒的感染时,不能做出恰当的免疫反应。ACROMEGALY (ak-ro-MEG-ah-le): enlargement of extremities as a result of thickening of the bones and soft tissues; it is caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland (after completion of pu
6、berty).肢端巨大症, (青春期之后)由于脑垂体发出的人体成长荷尔蒙的过渡分泌。引起人体软组织和骨骼肥大,导致肢端肥大症。ACUTE (ah-KUT)“ sharp, sudden, and intense for a short period of time. 急性短期突发症ADENECTOMY (ad-eh-NEK-to-me): the removal of a gland.切除腺的手术。ADENITIS (ad-en-NI-tis): inflammation of a gland.腺体发炎。ADENOCARCINOMA (ah-deh-no-kar-sih-NO-mah): ca
7、ncerous tumor derived from glandular cells.来自腺体细跑的恶性肿瘤。ADENOIDECTOMY (ah-deh-noyd-EK-to-me): removal of the ADENOIDS.腺样体切除术。ADENOIDS (AD-eh-noidz): enlarged lymphatic tissue in the upper part of the throat near the nasal passageways. 腺样体,小儿咽扁桃体。在喉上部,靠近鼻呼吸道的淋巴纤维肿大。ADENOMA (ah-deh-NO-mah): benign tumo
8、r of glandular cells.腺细跑良性肿瘤。ADENOPATHY (ah-deh-NOP-ah-the): disease of glands. Often this term refers to enlargement of lymph nodes (which are not true glands, but collections of lymphatic tissue). 腺病,尤指淋巴结肿大。 (淋巴结不是真正的腺体,而是淋巴纤维的组合。 )2ADNEXA UTERI (ad-NEKS-ah U-ter-i): accessory structures of the u
9、terus (ovaries and fallopian tubes).子宫的附属结构(卵巢和输卵管) 。ADRENAL CORTEX (ah-DRE-nal KOR-teks): outermost part of the adrenal gland. The adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormones such as GLUCOCORTICOIDS (cortisone).肾上腺皮质。肾上腺最外层,它分泌类固醇激素,如糖皮质激素(可的松) 。ADRENAL GLANDS (ah-DRE-nal glanz): two endocrine glands,
10、 each above a kidney. The adrenal glands produce hormones such as adrenalin (epinephrine) and hydrocortisone (cortisol).肾上腺,长在两个肾的上方的内分泌腺体。肾上腺制造同名腺素和氢化可的松ADRENALECTOMY (ah-dre-nal-EK-to-me): removal (excision) of adrenal glands. 肾上腺切除。 ADRENALIN (ah-DREN-eh-lin): hormone secreted by the adrenal glan
11、ds. It is released into the bloodstream in response to stress, such as from fear or physical injury. Also called EPINEPHRINE.肾上腺素,由肾上腺分泌的激素。它会依据人们的情绪如紧张,恐惧或者其他方面的生理反应而向血液中释放。肾上腺素的另一个英文表达是 EPINEPHRINEADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE (ah-dre-no-kor-tih-ko-TROP-ic HOR- mon): hormone secreted by the pituitar
12、y gland. It stimulates the adrenal gland (cortex or outer region) to secrete the hormone cortisone. Also called ACTH. 促肾上腺皮质激素,这是一种由垂体腺分泌的激素,它刺激肾上腺(其皮质或外层)达到分泌可的松激素的效果。它的英文缩写是:ACTHADRENOPATHY (ah-dre-NOP-a-the). disease of ADRENAL GLANDS AIDS: see ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME. 肾上腺病,又叫肾上腺爱滋病。请参
13、阅获得性免疫缺陷综合症词条。AIR SACS (ayr-saks): thin-walled sacs within the lung Inhaled oxygen passes into the blood from the sacs, and carbon dioxide passes out from the blood into the sacs to be exhaled 气泡,这是肺内的一层薄的气壁,它通过吸入把氧气通过气泡送到血液中,同时又通过气泡把血液中的二氧化碳呼出来。ALBUMINURIA (al.bu-men-U-re-ah): albumin (protein) in
14、the urine; it indicates a malfunction of the kidney. 蛋白尿。即尿液中含有蛋白,显示肾的功能失调。ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (AL-kah-line PHOS.phah-tase): an enzyme present in blood and body tissues, such as bone and liver. Elevated in diseases such as those of bone and liver. Also called alk phos. 碱性磷酸酶。这是一种在血液和身体器官,例如肝脏或者骨头中存
15、在的酶。而一旦骨头或者肝脏生病,这种酶的含量会上升。它又叫 alk phos.ALLERGIST (AL-er-jist): medical doctor specializing in identifying and treating abnormal sensitivity to foreign substances such as pollen, dust, foods, and drugs. 敏感学专家。医学专家之一种。他们擅长于确认和治疗病人对于外界物体,例如污染,粉尘,食物和药品的非正常反应。ALOPECIA (ah-lo-PE-shah): loss of hair; baldn
16、ess. 脱发或秃顶症。ALT: an enzyme normally found in blood and tissues, especially the liver Also known as SGPT; elevated in liver disease. 一种酶的名称。通常可以在血液或者器官,特别是在肝脏中发现。它又叫 SGPT, 血清谷丙转氨酶,在肝脏患病时会升高。ALVEOLAR (al-VE-o-lar): pertaining to air sacs (alveoli) within the lungs.小气泡,肺内附着于气泡的小气泡。ALVEOLUS (al-ve-o-lus
17、): an air sac within the lung (pl. alveoli).肺泡,肺内的气泡。ALZHEIMER DISEASE (ALTZ-hi-mer di-ZEZ): deterioration of mental capacity 3(irreversible dementia) marked by intellectual deterioration, disorganization of personality, and difficulties in carrying out tasks of daily living.阿尔兹海默症,大脑功能退化。(不可治愈的呆痴症)
18、 ,其主要特征是智力退化,人格特征的紊乱,日常生活无法自理。AMENORRHEA (a-men-o-RE-ah): absence of menstrual periods 闭经,无月经。AMNIOCENTESIS (am-ne-o-sen-TE-sis): surgical puncture to remove fluid from the amnion (sac surrounding the developing fetus)羊膜穿刺术。通过外科穿刺去掉羊膜积水(羊模是围绕着发育中的胚胎的气泡。 )ANAL (A-nal): pertaining to the anus (opening
19、 of the rectum to the outside of the body)肛门的,连接肝门处, (从直肠的的开口到体外部分) 。.ANALGESIC (an.al-JE-zik): medication that reduces or eliminates pain.止痛的,止痛或去痛药。ANALYSIS (ah-NAL-ih-sis): separating a substance into its component parts.分解,分析,把物质拆解成它的基本构成部分ANDROGEN (AN-dro-jen): hormone that controls the develop
20、ment of masculine characteristics. An example is TESTOSTERONE.雄性激素,这是制约雄性肌肉特征成长的关键。睾丸激素即其一种。ANEMIA (ah-NE-me-ah): reduced amount of oxygen to body tissues. This may result from deficiencies and abnormalities of red blood cells or loss of blood Literally, anemia means “lacking (AN-) in “blood“ (-EMIA
21、). 贫血症。它是身体组织中的氧气数量减少,这可能是由于血液中红血细泡的损失,不正常或者不足所引起的。从字面上看,就是病人缺血。ANEMIC (ah-NE-mik): pertaining to ANEMIA.患贫血症的。ANESTHESIOLOGIST (an.es-the-ze-OL-o-jist): medical doctor specializing in administering agents capable of bringing about loss of sensation and consciousness.麻醉师。专长于使用药剂使病人失去感觉和知觉。ANESTHESIO
22、LOGY (an-es-the-ze-OL-o-je): study of how to administer agents capable of bringing about loss of sensation and consciousness麻醉学,如何使病人通过药物失去感觉和知觉的学问。ANEURYSM (AN-u-rizm): localized widening of the wall of an artery, vein, or of the heart. From ANA- meamng throughout and -EURUS meamng wide.动脉瘤。它通常发生在动
23、脉,血管或者心脏壁的增宽部分。ANGINA (an-JI-nah): sharp pain in the chest resulting from a decrease in blood supply to heart muscle Also called angina pectoris (chest) 心绞痛,由于心脏肌肉的血液供应量急剧减少,而引起的胸部剧痛。又叫 angina pectoris.ANGINA PECTORIS (an-JI-nah PEK-tor-is): Chest pain caused by decreased blood flow to heart muscle.
24、 心绞痛的另一英文表达。ANGIOGRAPHY (an-je.OG-rah-fe): x-ray recording of blood vessels after contrast is injected. 血管造影,在血管注入对比剂之后,用 x 光造影纪录。ANGIOPLASTY (AN.je-o-plas-te): surgical repair of a blood vessel A tube (catheer) is placed in a clogged artery and a balloon at the end of the tube is inflated to flatte
25、n the clogged material against the wall of the artery. This enlarges the opening of the artery so that more blood can pass through. Also called balloon angioplasty. 血管成型术。用外科手术修复血管。在被堵的血管上装一根管子,管子的尾部装一个气球,用气球充气的办法,来去除血管壁的血栓,这种方法可以扩张血管的开口,从而加快血液的流动。所以这又叫气涨血管成型术4ANGIOTENSIN (AN-je-o-TEN-sin): hormone
26、that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and raises blood pressure. 血管紧张素。一种激素,它是一种强有力的血管收缩素,会升高血压。ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (ang-ki-LO-sing spon-dih-LI-tis): chronic inflammation of the vertebrae (backbones) with stiffening of spinal joints so that movement becomes increasingly painful. 类风湿脊椎炎。脊椎(柱骨)的慢性发炎。脊
27、椎关节僵直,导致病人运动时痛苦。ANKYLOSIS (ang-ki-LO-sis): stiffening and immobility of a joint caused by injury, disease, or a surgical procedure. 关节强硬,由外伤,疾病或者外科手术引起的关节僵化。ANOMALY (an-NOM-ah-le): irregularity; a deviation from the normal. A congenital anomaly (irregularity) is present at birth.非常态,不正常, 是正常状态的一种偏离。
28、先天反常(不正常)是指生育时带来的缺陷。ANTE MORTEM (AN-re MOR-tem): before death. 临终之前ANTE NATAL (AN-te NA-tal): before birth.出生之前。ANTE PARTUM (AN-te PAR-turn): before birth.出生之前ANTERIOR (an-TE-re-or): located in the front (of the body or of a structure).在身体或者结构的前部。ANTIANDROGEN (an-tih-AN-dro-jen): substance that inhi
29、bits the effects of androgens (male hormones).抗雄激素物质,对雄性荷尔蒙的效果起到抑制作用的物质。ANTIARRHYTHMIC (an-te-ah-RITH-mik): pertaining to a drug that works against or prevents abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias).抗心律失常的。预防非正常心跳的药物。ANTIBIOTIC (an-tih-bi-OT-ik): pertaining to a substance that works against germ(antigen)
30、抗原) or bacterial life. 抗生素的,具有抵抗细菌或者病菌效果的药物。ANTIBODY (AN-tih-bod-e): a substance that works against (ANTI-) germs (“bodies“ of infection). Antibodies are produced by white blood cells when germs (antigens) enter the bloodstream.抗体,抵抗病菌(感染体)的物质。抗体是由白血球细泡在病菌入侵我们的血流时所产生的。ANTICOAGULANT (an-tih-ko-AG-u-l
31、ant): drug that prevents clotting (coagulation). Anticoagulants are given when there is danger of clots forming in blood vessels.鲜血抗凝剂。这是防止血液结块的药品,当血管中出现血凝现象时,要立即使用这种药品。ANTICONVULSANT (an-tih-kon-VULS-ent): drug that prevents or relieves convulsions (involuntary muscular contractions).抗警厥药,它用于防止惊孪,即
32、肌肉失控性抽蓄的现象。ANTIDEPRESSANT (an-tih-de-PRES-ent): drug used to prevent or treat depression.抗沮丧药,预防和治疗情绪低落的药品ANTIDIABETIC (an-tih-di-ah-BET-ik): drug that prevents or relieves symptoms of diabetes.抗血糖药,用于预防或者减缓糖尿病症状的药品。ANTIESTROGEN (an-tih-ES-tro.jen): substance that inhibits the effects of estrogens (
33、female hormones).抗雌激素药,这是抑制雌激素(女性荷尔蒙)效果的药。ANTIFUNGAL (an-tih-FUNG-al): drug that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi (organisms such as yeasts, molds, and mushrooms). 抗真菌药,这是摧毁或者抑制真菌(有机物质如酵母,霉菌和蘑菇)成长的药品。ANTIGEN (AN-tih-jen): foreign agent (germ) that stimulates white blood cells to make antibod
34、ies. Antigens are then destroyed by the antibodies. 抗原, 外来物(细菌) ,它刺激白5血细泡产生抗体,然后抗原被抗体摧毁。ANTIHISTAMINE (an-tih-HIS-tah.men): drug used to counteract the effects of histamine production in allergic reactions and colds.抗组胺药。用于抵抗过敏反应或者感冒所产生的组胺效果。ANTIHYPERTENSIVE (an-ti-hi-per-TEN-siv): drug that reduces
35、 high blood pressure. 抗高血压药。这种药品可缓解高血压症状。ANTITUBERCULAR (an-tih-too-BER-ku-lar): an agent or drug used to treat tuberculosis.抗结核药。用于治疗结核病的物质或者药品。ANTMRAL (an-tih-VI-ral): agent that inhibits and prevents the growth and reproduction of viruses.抗病毒物质,预防和抑制病毒繁殖和成长的药品。ANURIA (an-U-re-ah): lack of urine f
36、ormation by the kidney.无尿症,肾脏无法形成尿液。ANUS (A-nus): opening of the rectum to the surface of the body; solid wastes (feces) leave the body through the anus.肛门。从直肠开口处到人体外部的部分,人体的固体排泄物(粪便)通过肛门排出体外。AORTA (a-OR-tah): largest artery, which leads from the lower left chamber of the heart to arteries all over
37、the body.主动脉, 它从心脏左下心室通向全身的所有动脉血管。AORTIC STENOSIS (a-OR-tik steh-NO-sis): narrowing of the aorta主动脉瓣狭窄。APEX (A-peks)“ pointed end of an organ (pl. apices A-pih-sez).顶尖,尖端,器官的尖端部。APHAKIA (ah-FA-ke-ah): absence of the lens of the eye.(眼睛)无晶状体APHASIA (ah-FA-ze-ah): absence or impairment of communicatio
38、n through speech.语言失能。APNEA (AP-ne-ah)“ not (A-) able to breathe (-PNEA).不能呼吸,窒息。APPENDECTOMY (ap-en-DEK-to-me): removal of the appendix.阑尾造口术。APPENDICITIS (ap-en-dih-SI-tis): inflammation of the appendix.阑尾炎APPENDIX (ah-PEN-dikz): small sac that hangs from the juncture of the small and large intest
39、ines in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen Its function is unknown阑尾,在腹部四分之一处右下方。大小肠连接处悬挂的一个小气袋状物,其功能至今不明。AREOLA (ah-RE-o-lah): dark, pigmented area around the nipple of the breast 色.晕,胸部乳头周围的黑色,或者说色素沉着部分,乳晕。ARRHYTHMIA (a-RITH-me-ah): abnormal heart rhythm.不规则心律ARTERIOGRAPHY (ar-ter-e-OG-ra-fe)
40、: process of recording (x-ray) of arteries after injecting contrast material.动脉造影术,在向动脉注入对比色材料之后,用 X 光线拍摄的过程ARTERIOLE (ar-TER-e-ol): small artery.小动脉ARTERIOLITIS (ar.ter-e-o-LI-tis): inflammation of small arteries (arterioles).小动脉血管炎。ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (ar-ter-e-o-skle-RO-sis): hardening of arteries.
41、The most common form is atherosclerosis, which is hardening of arteries caused by collection of fatty, cholesterol-like deposits (plaque) in arteries.动脉硬化症。这种病的最常见的形式,是脂肪或腐败的胆固醇类物质在动脉里面的堆积,导致血管硬化。ARTERY (AR-ter-e): largest blood vessel. Arteries carry blood away from the heart.主动脉,最大的血管。它把血液从心脏输出。AR
42、THRALGIA (ar-THRAL-je-ah): pain in a joint.关节痛ARTHRITIS (ar-THRI-tis): inflammation of a joint.关节炎ARTHROCENTESIS (ar-thro-sen-TE-sis): surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint.关节6穿刺术,用外科穿刺的方法,从关节引流。ARTHROGRAM (AR-thro-gram): x-ray record of a joint.关节造影照片 或 X 光照片。ARTHROPATHY (ar-THROP-ah-the):
43、 disease of joints.关节病。ARTHROSCOPE (AR-thro-skop): instrument used to examine the inside of a joint.关节内窥镜。ARTHROSCOPY (ar-THROS-ko-pe): process of visual examination of a joint 关节内窥镜检查ARTHROSIS (ar-THRO-sis): abnormal condition of a joint 关节病ASCITES (ah-SI-tez): abnormal collection of fluid in the a
44、bdomen.腹水,腹部非正常积水。ASPHYXIA (as-FIK-se-ah): deficiency of oxygen in the blood and increase in carbon dioxide in blood and tissues Major symptom is a complete absence of breathing.窒息,血液中缺乏足够的氧气,但在血液和人体器官中的二氧化碳则增加,最主要症状是完全窒息。AST: an enzyme normally present in blood and tissues such as heart and liver.
45、Also called SGOT.天东胺酸转胺酶,血清谷丙转胺酶。通常存在于人体器官入心脏或者肝脏的血流中。又叫 SGOT。ASTHMA (AZ-mah): difficult breathing caused by a spasm of the bronchial tubes or a swelling of their mucous membrane lining.气喘,哮喘。这是由支气管痉挛,或者其黏膜肿胀引起的呼吸困难。ATELECTASIS (ah-teh-LEK-tah-sis) “collapsed lung (ATEL- meaning incomplete; -ECTASIS
46、 meaning “widening or dilation“).肺膨胀不完全,肺微缩。一个溃败的肺;ATEL 意指不完全,ECTASIS 是张开或者膨胀的意思)ATHEROSCLEROSIS (ah-theh-ro-skle-RO-sis): see(请参阅: ARTERIOSCLEROSIS.)ATRIUM (A-tre-um): upper chamber of the heart (pl. atria).:心前房ATROPHY (AT-ro-fe): decrease in size of cells within an organ.萎缩。器官内部细泡缩小。AUDITORY CANAL
47、 (AW-dih-to-re kah-NAL): passageway leading into the ear from the outside of the body. 外耳道,从体外进入内耳的通道。AUDITORY NERVE (AW-dih-to-re nurve): nerve that carries messages from the inner ear to the brain, making hearing possible.耳神经,从内耳传达信息到大脑,使听觉成为可能的神经。AURA (AW-rah): a strange sensation coming before m
48、ore definite symptoms of illness. An aura often precedes a migraine headache, warning the patient that an attack is beginning.预感,预兆,疾病发生之前的一种奇怪的感觉。例如突然发生偏头痛片是一种预兆,警告病人某种大病将要来临。 AURAL DISCHARGE (AW-rah DIS-charge): fluid or material from the ear.耳道出水或其他东西。AUTOPSY (AW-top-se): examination of a dead bo
49、dy to discover the actual cause of death. Also called a post mortem exam or necropsy. Literally, it means “to see“ (-OPSY) with “ones own“ (AUTO-) eyes.验尸,对死尸进行检查,以便发现真实的死因,又叫“死后检查”post mortem eaxm 或者更精确的 “尸体剖检”necropsy, 拉丁文(-OPSY) 意指“去看” ,(AUTO)是指“用自己的眼睛” 。AXIAL (AKS-e-al): pertaining to an axis (a line through the center of a body or about which a structure revolves).中轴的,穿越人体中部的线。或者一个旋转结构的中轴。AXILLARY (AKS-i