1、软 骨 细 胞 染 色 protocol Protocol 1: 一 用 Acetic acid 配制 1% Alcian blue 染色液Alcian blue 8GX 1g Acetic acid 3ml DI water 97ml 二 操 作 步 骤 : 1.Fix the cells with 10% buffered formalin for 10 min at room temperatue2.Rinse the slides in water, stain with Alcian Blue pH 2.5 solution for 30 min at room temperatur
2、e. 3. Wash the slides in running tap water for 5 min, rinse in DI water. 4. Counterstain in Nuclear Fast Red for 5 min at room temperature. 5. Wash slides three times in DI water. Protocol 2: 一 用 0.1M HCl 配制 1% Alcian blue 染色液Alcian Blue GX 1g 0.1M HCl 100ml 二 操 作 步 骤 : 1)Fix the cells with 10% buff
3、ered formalin for 10 min at room temperatue2) Rinse 3 times with 1x PBS 3) Stain in alcian blue solution for 30min 4) Rinse with 0.1M HCl (solvent of stain) x15) Rinse twice with 1x PBS 6) Keep in ddH2O or PBS阿尔新蓝(阿利新蓝染色)Alcian blue 8GX 染色:液体配置:1: 0.1HCL 配置方法:0.9 毫升浓盐酸加入 100ml 超纯水中2: 3%冰醋酸配置方法:3ml 冰醋酸加如 97ml 超纯水中3: 1%Alcian blue 配制:1g 阿尔新蓝入 3%冰醋酸溶液 100ml4: 4%多聚甲醛配制: 4g 多聚 甲醛粉剂加入 100MlPBS 充分溶解(多聚甲醛比较难溶解,需加热磁力棒搅拌)染色方法:1: 吸出旧培养基,PBS 漂洗 3 次,每次 5 分钟2: 4%多聚甲醛固定 30 分钟(室温)3:PBS 漂洗 3 次4: 0.1N HCL 溶液浸洗 5 分钟时 PH 值降至 1.05: 阿尔新蓝染色过夜6: 0.1N HCL 漂洗 3 次,每次 5 分钟,去除背景。