1、忘掉你的前任摘要: 失恋的感觉糟透了,但是很多时候,分手其实也是一件好事,这里给出了快速走出失恋痛苦的几个小贴士。Breakups suck (Bieber and Selena, we feel you。) But lots of times, theyre for the best. (Repeat after us: Its for the best。) Susan Elliot, relationship counselor and author of Getting Past Your Breakup, and Caryn Beth Rosenthal and Maryjane F
2、ahey, authors Dumped and founders of , have tips on moving on。 失恋的感觉糟透了(刚分手的小情侣比伯和瑟琳娜,我们懂你们的感受)。但是很多时候,分手其实也是一件好事。给出了快速走出失恋痛苦的几 个小贴士。 1. Go Cold Turkey 戒掉和他之间的联系 Staying in touch with him just keeps you stuck in the past, so at least in the beginning, break off all contact: Unfriend him, remove his
3、name from Gchat, and delete http:/ him from your phone. If you have friends in common, take a temporary hiatus from them, too。 和他保持联系只会让你沉浸在过去,所以至少一开始时和他解除所有的联系:和他解除好友关系,把他的名字从 Gchat 联系人列表上去掉,把他的信息从电话中删除。如果你和他有共同的朋友,暂时也和他们断开联系。 2. Travel Somewhere Fabulous 去美丽的地方旅游 Take a trip to a place thats the t
4、otal opposite of where you live. So if youre in the city, head to a yoga retreat or spend the weekend at a spa in the country; if youre in a small town, party in Austin or Miami with your bestie. Travel not in your budget right now? At least hang out in a different part of town. When youre taking in
5、 a ton of new stimulation, you wont have a chance to wallow in the past。 去一个和你现在所住地方完全相反的地方旅行。所以如果你现在住在城里,那你可以去瑜伽静养所或周末去乡村做 spa;如果你住在小城镇里,那你可以和死 党去奥斯汀或迈阿密聚会去。现在没有预算去旅游?至少去城镇中的另一个地方玩玩。如果你周围到处都是新鲜的事物,你就不会有机会沉迷于过去了。 3. Eat More Salad 多吃点儿沙拉 The iconic post-breakup image is a girl in her sweats with a r
6、emote in one hand and a pint of Ben if you purge everything right away, you might regret it). Beyond ditching his stuff, shed clutter in general. Clearing out your place helps clear out your mind and make room for the new。 把他的洗浴用品都扔掉,把他留在你家里的衣服还给他,把他给你的礼物或卡片都放在柜子里的盒子里(以后再决定是否想保留它们;如果你现在就清理,你以后可能会后悔的
7、。除了清理他的东西外,也清理一下杂物。清理房间能帮助你清空大脑,为新的事物腾出空间。 10. Take Off Your Blinders 不要一叶障目 Many women either demonize or idolize their ex post-split.But if you only focus on what an a-hole he was, youll get bitter. And if allyou can remember is his amazing qualities, no other guy will be able to measureup. So tak
8、e a relationship inventory: Make list of your exs good and badtraits so you get a complete picture of him. Then remind yourself that theperson youre ultimately supposed to be with is out there, and the longer youstay entrenched in your ex, the longer itll take you to find him。 很多女性在分手之后要么把前任男友妖魔化要么就偶像化。但是如果你只关注他不好的方面,你会更加痛苦。如果你只能想起他有多么好,那没有人能代替得了 他。所以开一张情感清单吧:把前任的优点和缺点都列出来,这样你能全面地了解他。然后提醒自己, 适合你的那个人在等着你。你想前任的时间越长,你就需要更长的时间才能找到另一半。