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    1、双语阅读之职场新景观:偎着老妈办公Mom, Stop Calling, Ill Text You All Day职场新景观:偎着老妈办公James Embry, a 28-year-old Web editor at a Binghamton, N.Y., health-care company, chats online with his mother in Big Bear, Calif., from the office, exchanging anywhere from one to 20 messages with her during a typical workday. 28岁的

    2、詹姆斯恩布里(James Embry)是纽约州宾厄姆顿(Binghamton)一家保健公司的网站编辑。基本上每天上班他都会在办公室与加州大贝尔城(Big Bear)的母亲在网上聊天,彼此发 1到20条信息。 On computer and cellphone screens in workplaces across the country, many young employees keep up daylong conversations with their parents, sharing what the weather is like, what they ate for lunch

    3、 or what the boss just said about their work. 在美国,很多年轻雇员都是通过公司电脑和手机的屏幕与父母全天候聊天的,谈谈天气如何、中午吃了什么或老板对自己的工作有什么评价等。 The running chatter with Mom or Dad is possible for young adults in their 20s and early 30s because they are the first generation to hit the workforce with tech-savvy parents. Most baby boom

    4、ers are using the same smartphones, tablets and laptops as their children, making daily communication with Mom easier and more open-ended than ever. 20多岁和 30岁出头的年轻人之所以有可能与父母进行流水账式的聊天,因为他们是第一代其父母掌握科技的职场人士。大多数婴儿潮时代的人目前正与子女用着同样的智能手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑,这使得子女与母亲的沟通比以前更容易,也更加不受主题限制。 Chatting, or texting, is a sub

    5、tler way to stay in touch from a cubicle than a phone call. As long as the computers sound effects are on mute, chatting is silent. It is as simple as opening a Web application such as Google Hangout (the chat interface is known as Gchat), Facebook or iChat - all free - and selecting someone from a

    6、list of online contacts. In most applications, a chat window will pop up on screen. Depending on where you work and how far away from the boss you sit, you may choose to minimize or hide it. 在公司格子间与父母联系时,相比打电话,聊天或发短信更不易被别人察觉。只要电脑静音,聊天就是无声的。操作起来非常简单,只要开启 Google Hangout(Gchat 的聊天界面) 、Facebook 或 iChat等

    7、网络应用程序(全部免费) ,再从在线联系人列表中选择聊天对象就可以了。大多数应用软件的聊天窗口会在屏幕上弹出。你可以选择将窗口最小化或隐藏起来,这要看你坐在哪里,距离老板有多远。Before he and his mother started chatting, Mr. Embry often wasnt able to talk when she called him on the phone at work. Her regular missed calls to his cellphone were a source of frustration for both. One day, M

    8、r. Embry saw his mothers name among his Gchat contacts, because she was one of his frequent email contacts and she had logged in to check her Gmail account. He sent her a chat message suggesting that they try online chatting instead of the phone. 在恩布里和母亲开始在网上聊天前,他在上班时间接到母亲电话经常不方便说话。而她打给儿子的电话常无人接听,这让

    9、他们两个人都很沮丧。一天,恩布里发现母亲的名字在他 Gchat联系人里,原因是母亲是经常与他往来电子邮件的联系人之一,而且她当时为了查收 Gmail邮件也正好登陆了进来。然后恩布里给母亲发了一个聊天信息,示意他们应该尝试在线聊天,而不是打电话。 What is this? Mrs. Embry wrote back. 他母亲回复说:这是什么? This is a way you can talk to me while Im at work, Mr. Embry remembers typing in response. Im not going to have to go outside t

    10、o talk to you on the phone or write you an email - I can do this while Im working. The two still occasionally talk on the phone outside of work hours. 据恩布里回忆,他的回答是:这样我上班时你就可以和我说话了,我就不用走到外面去和你讲电话,或写邮件给你,我可以一边上班一边和你说话。在工作时间之外,他们俩有时也会打打电话。 Regular chats, whether on the phone, by text or online, can bri

    11、ng parents and adult children closer, bridging long distances and keeping both sides up to speed. Too much, though, can get in the way of work, relationships and independent decision-making on both ends. 无论是通过电话、发短信还是上网,经常交流能让父母和成年子女的关系更加密切,跨越地理上的遥远距离,让双方了解彼此的最新情况。不过,交流太多也可能会耽误工作,与外界的关系和独立决策能力。 Fami

    12、ly therapists say its important to establish boundaries. Mothers who feel the urge to chat too often are probably transferring their own anxieties onto their adult children. If you feel like theres a bug in your ear, then its too much, says Karen Ruskin, a licensed marriage and family therapist base

    13、d in Sharon, Mass., who specializes in family communication. She says the frequency and intensity of texts and chatting with parents is a common issue among 20-somethings and their families. 家庭治疗师说,设定界线十分重要。如果母亲经常感觉迫不及待地要和孩子聊天,那么她很可能会把自己的焦虑传递给已成年的子女。马萨诸塞州沙伦(Sharon)的一位持有执照的婚姻和家庭治疗师、专门研究家人交流沟通的拉斯金(Kar

    14、en Ruskin)说,如果你觉得自己耳朵起茧了,那就是聊得太多了。拉斯金说,对 20多岁的年轻人及其家人而言,与父母发短信和聊天的频率和强度是个常见问题。 Dr. Ruskin encourages young adults to engage their parents in a conversation - preferably on the phone or in person - about ways to keep in touch that work for both of them. As a last resort, she says, the young adult mig

    15、ht agree to check in by chat or text with a parent a set number of times a week, limiting messaging at other times. 拉斯金鼓励年轻的成年人跟父母谈谈最好是打电话或面谈,聊聊什么是对彼此都有效的联络方式。她说,在万不得已的情况下,成年子女或许可以同意每周和父母进行次数固定的网上聊天或短信联络,而限制其他时间的发消息数量。 Messaging - instead of calling - their parents makes sense since, as a group, mil

    16、lennials arent big on talking on the phone. In recent years, customers in their 20s and 30s have gravitated to prepaid wireless plans offering minimal voice minutes but unlimited texting and data, cellphone-service providers say. 给父母发消息而非打电话是讲得通的,因为“千禧一代”并不是特别喜欢打电话。手机服务提供商说,20 到 30多岁的客户近年来倾向于选择语音通话量

    17、极少但短信和流量不限的预付费套餐。 Fathers, of course, text and chat with their adult children. But most of millennials workplace chatting seems to occur with their mothers. Among boomers, mothers are still more likely than fathers either not to work or to work part-time, says Meg Jay, a Charlottesville, Va., clinic

    18、al psychologist and author of The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now. Combined with womens tendency to be more verbal and relationship-oriented than men, Dr. Jay says, all that adds up to more chatting. 当然,父亲也会和成年子女发短信和聊天。但大多数时候, “千禧一代”上班时的聊天对象似乎都是母亲。弗吉尼亚夏

    19、洛茨维尔(Charlottesville)的临床心理学家、 起决定性作用的 10年:为何人生第三个 10年如此重要及现在如何充分利用(The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now)一书的作者杰伊(Meg Jay)说,婴儿潮那一代人中,母亲不上班或做兼职的可能性高于父亲。杰伊说,还有一个因素是,相比男性,女性更倾向于言语沟通,更以关系为导向,这些因素作用在一起,就出现了和母亲聊天更多的现象。 Joyce Snyder, 55, who lives in Clarksville,

    20、 Pa., uses different strategies for checking in with each of her two adult children. She is friends on Facebook with her daughter, Stephanie, a 25-year-old multimedia developer at Kent State University in Ohio, and typically reaches her via Facebook chat. If she wants to reach her son, James, a 22-y

    21、ear-old investment assistant in Pittsburgh, shell send a text. I kind of know when to back off, she says. Mr. Snyder says he figures his mother initiates their chats 80% to 90% of the time. 55岁的斯奈德(Joyce Snyder)生活在宾夕法尼亚州克拉克斯维尔(Clarksville),在与两个已成年的子女联系时,她会使用不同的策略。25 岁的女儿斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie)是俄亥俄州肯特州立大学(Ke

    22、nt State University)一名多媒体开发人员。斯奈德是斯蒂芬妮Facebook上的好友,一般会通过 Facebook的聊天功能联系她。22岁的儿子詹姆斯(James)是匹兹堡一名投资助理,斯奈德想联系他时会发短信。斯奈德说,我知道什么时候该后退一步。詹姆斯说,他估计 80%到 90%都是母亲向他发起聊天的。 During breaks at her restaurant job in Kennewick, Wash., Cassaundra Excell, 20, often texts her mother, to share jokes and photos and even

    23、 talk philosophy. 20岁的埃克塞尔(Cassaundra Excell)在华盛顿州肯纳威克(Kennewick)的餐馆工作,休息时常发短信给母亲,分享一些笑话和图片,甚至会谈谈哲学。 Sometimes, Ms. Excell texts her mother about an issue with a friend or co-worker that is unfolding in real time. Ill text her, So-and-so is mean to me, or doesnt like me, or Im stressed about this, s

    24、he says. In those cases, her mother, Tamra Excell, 41, an administrator at a private online school who lives in Benton City, Wash., says she tries to act as a sounding board to help her daughter identify possible courses of action. 有时,埃克塞尔会给母亲发短信,聊与朋友或同事正在经历的问题。她说,我会给母亲发短信,告诉她某某人对我很坏或不喜欢我,或我对这件事感到紧张

    25、。她的母亲、41 岁的塔姆拉?埃克塞尔(Tamra Excell)生活在华盛顿州本顿城(Benton City),是私立网上学校的一个行政人员。她说,在那种情况下自己会努力扮演一个“参谋”的角色,帮助女儿找到可能的行动路线。 Too often, Dr. Jay says, young adults knee-jerk reaction to adversity or uncertainty is to message their mother - in many cases, from work. 杰伊说,很多时候,年轻人面对逆境或不确定性的下意识反应就是给母亲发消息,往往就是在上班的时候发

    26、。 When we chat our parents, Hey, my boss just yelled at me, it robs us of the opportunity of managing this on our own, Dr. Jay says. To boot, frequent frantic messaging heaps undue stress onto parents who are probably powerless to help, she says. Its like saying I have a hot potato, and Im throwing

    27、it - and youre it, Dr. Jay adds. 杰伊说,如果我们和父母聊天时说,老板吼我了,实际上,这会剥夺我们独立处理这件事的机会。此外,杰伊说,频繁、疯狂地发消息会让很可能无能为力的父母背负不必要的压力。她还说,这就好比是说:我有一个烫手的山芋,我要把它丢出去,而其实,你就是那个烫手的山芋。 Dr. Jay advises parents not to rush to the rescue of millennials in distress. Say, Honey, I love you, but hearing about problems that I cant s

    28、olve isnt fair for me, she suggests. Emphasize that you believe in your childs ability to solve the problem on his or her own, she adds. 杰伊建议父母,不要急着去“拯救”遇到困难的“千禧一代” 。她建议父母可以这样对子女讲:亲爱的,我爱你,但倾听这些我个人解决不了的问题对我来说并不公平。她还说,应该强调,你相信孩子独立解决问题的能力。 Mr. Embry says he appreciates the flexibility of instant messag

    29、ing with his mother, compared with taking a phone call. For her part, Veronica Embry says she is getting the hang of Gchat. She no longer types an entire message into the subject line of an email. She does her best to refrain from messaging when her son uses the red dot as his chat icon, to signal t

    30、hat he is busy. And she is getting comfortable with the idea that Mr. Embry might not answer a message for a few hours but will usually get back to her that day. 恩布里说,相比打电话,用即时通讯工具与母亲聊天具有一定的灵活性,这一点让他觉得高兴。他的母亲韦罗妮卡?恩布里(Veronica Embry)说,自己正在摸索用 Gchat的方法。她已不会再把整个消息敲进电子邮件的标题栏里。当儿子使用“红点”图标示意他很忙时,她就尽量不去找他聊

    31、天。现在,恩布里可能一连几个小时都不回消息,不过他通常会当天回复母亲,他的母亲对此也习以为常了。 He has assured her that he probably wont get in trouble for Gchatting at work. 恩布里已向母亲保证,应该不会因为上班时间使用 Gchat聊天而惹上麻烦。refrain ,ri:frein video vi. 节制,克制;避免;制止 n. 叠句,副歌;重复engage ineid? video vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定 vi. 从事;答应,保证;交战;啮合tendency tend?nsi video n. 倾向,趋势;癖好clinical klinik?l video adj. 临床的;诊所的flexibility ,fleksibiliti video n. 灵活性;弹性;适应性uncertainty ,?ns?:t?nti video n. 不确定,不可靠distress distres video n. 危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛 vt. 使悲痛;使贫困frustration fr?strei?n video n. 挫折therapist er?pist video n. 临床医学家;治疗学家anxiety ?zai?ti video n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事推荐学习

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