1、東海歐洲之夜歐洲晚宴暨服裝秀5 月 14 日(週六)下午 5 點在外文系中庭舉行歐洲之夜,外文系第二外與文化系列活動的高潮即將展開,為在校師生營造歐洲氛圍,特舉辦此餐會、服裝秀、藝品拍賣及其他活動,希望藉此機會帶領東海走進國際舞台。節目表一、服裝秀由學生設計、製圖到完成,共有 14 件作品,將由美麗佳人雜誌的三位專家評選出最佳服裝署名。活動將於當天下午 5 點開始,敬請觀賞。二、歐洲晚宴當晚的每道菜皆由德、法、西文教師用家傳食譜烹調出來,具有各國特色之佳餚美食,在台灣絕對品嚐不到。這些教師連同餐旅系同仁親自調教學生,從備材到烹煮上菜,訓練過程絕不含糊。另備有自費德國式啤酒及法國葡萄酒佐餐,甚至
2、連餐後咖啡都非常講究,敬請提早購票以免錯失良機。教職員票價是NT1000 元,學生票價是 NT500 元。此票價含全餐、礦泉水及果汁、咖啡。(購票者可另代購啤酒及葡萄酒)或電外文系 3120*10 謝助教。菜單西班牙冷湯法式燒鵝洋芋泥胡蘿蔔青豆西式蘋果蛋捲傳統德國餅乾咖啡德國啤酒法國葡萄啤酒三、其他活動* 歌唱* 藝品拍賣* 憑票抽獎* 由國際知名攝影師 Henry Westheim 林場拍攝活動照片,會後有攝影展,可訂購。四、特別感謝以下人士對此活動之付出學生負責人:Devi Handayani、劉怡君、歐冠沂、朱純儀贊助:美麗佳人雜誌總經理 Lena Yang餐旅系同仁提供之專業協助外文系
3、廖美玲主任熱心支持參與助教:謝毓祥、詹秀英第二外語舉辦小組:德文 Manfred Sablotny西班牙文 孫蒂法文 Serge DreyerEUROPEAN DINNER AND FASHION SHOW IN TUNGHAI!MAY 14, 2005 in the FLLD compoundBeginning of the festivities at 5:00 p.m.You will have a unique opportunity to have a taste of Europe at home and to support your students in their proj
4、ect to go to Europe to learn more about European languages and cultures. This is a contribution of the Other Foreign Language Committee of the FLLD to the internationalization of Tunghai University. Your students and our team of teachers hope that youll contribute to the success of this premiere in
5、Tunghai.THE PROGRAM1. The Fashion ShowStudents will display 14 design of clothes that they have created on their own. Its a competition sponsored by the French fashion magazine Marie Claire who will send 3 experts in fashion design as judges. The winners will receive prizes in money and gifts. The s
6、how will begin at 5:00 p.m. on the FLLD compound.2. The European DinnerStudents have received training to cook Spanish, German and French traditional dishes which usually are family recipes. Therefore, its not easy to have them served in European restaurants in Taiwan. This unique opportunity will b
7、e accompanied by German style beer and French wine tasting. Moreover, a small team of coffee crazy students will introduce you to the art of brewing coffee.MenuGAZPACHOOIE EN DAUBEKARTOFFELPREEMHRENGEMSEGRNE BOHNENOMELETTE MAYENNAISE AUXPOMMESASSORTMENT OF GERMANCOOKIESCOFFEEGERMAN BEERGRENCH WINEGA
8、ZPACHO is a cold Spanish soup, OIE EN DAUBE is a goose cooked in its own fat French style which will be accompanied by MASHED POTATOES, CARROTS and GREEN BEANS German style, OMELETTE MAYENNAISE AUX POMMES is a sweet omelette with apples, the GERMAN COOKIES are traditional recipes.Once you have bough
9、t your tickets, you will receive a program with more details for ordering beer and wine. The price of the tickets is 1000 NT for teachers and staff of Tunghai University, including IBA. The price for students is 500 NT. These prices include the food, the coffee, a bottle of water and a bottle of fru
10、it juice per table. Beer and wine will be paid as an extra on the spot.TO BUY TICKETS: please contact the group of students in charge at the following email address: european_.tw3. Other events* Singing performance* Auction sale of German and French antiques and artifacts* Faffle* Photography: a wor
11、ld class photographer, Henry Westheim, will take pictures of the event and people participating to it. An exhibit and sale will follow.4. Our special thanks to:The student coordinators: Devi Handayani, Ester Zhu, Sara Liu, Estelle Ou.Our Sponsor: Lena Yang, Manager of Marie Claire magazineThe Hospit
12、ality Department of their logistic supportLiaw Meei-ling, Chairwoman of the FLLD for her enthusiastic supportTo the teaching assistants involved: Michelle Hsieh, Sherry JanThe OFL organizing committee is composed of: Manfred Sablotny (German program), Sun Ti (Spanish program), Serge Dreyer (French program).