1、AG-610 金屬快速退火爐能力考核表 簡介系統及 tuner?System overviewWhat is a pyrometer.What is a thermocoupleWhy overheat indicator red led is litWhat is a recipe?(define intensity ramp steady state) .What is a overshoot?How to change the variables to reduce an overshoot.What is a undershoot?How to change the variables
2、 to reduce an undershoot.What is a oscillation?. How to change the variables to reduce an oscillation機台工作限度(溫度、時間) 熱製程知識?說明爐管和 RTP 的不同?What is a implant annealing?.What is a oxidation?. What is a metalization?What is a glass reflow? 製程汙染概念?本機台做何種製程?本機台可進何種材料? 使用前做那些檢查?Chiller 水位?Chiller 水裝填冷卻水流量?氣體壓力?Purge flow meter 晶片裝卸流程操作?裝卸注意事項取出 wafer 時機 operation overview?.Screen diagram?.How to load a recipe?.How to modify a Recipe?.How to set frequency?How to run a Recipe?. How to access the aux recipe.製程的監控方式?操作流程緊急狀況操作程序Where is a power breaker. 完成後流程操作?登記簿放置位置?機台登記簿狀況填寫?