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1、ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)1ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)广州远洋运输公司保安办二 OO 四年六月ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)2编者按2004 年 7 月 1 日 ISPS 规则生效后,有关船舶保安实施情况的检查将是各国PSC 检查 的一个重要内容,为此,我们根据美国海岸警 卫队、巴黎、东京备忘录、新加坡等港口国关于 ISPS 检查的有关素材,以中英文对照的形式编制了这份ISPS 港口国 检查学习资 料,内容有 PSCO 的提问及回答,PSCO 检查项目、缺陷滞留项目及防范措施。旨在帮助船舶对涉及 ISPS 规则的港口国检查内容有所了解,对 船舶在应对 PS

2、C 检查中有关保安英语方面的困 难有所帮助。在对本材料的使用学习中需要说明如下几点:1、本材料中编写的对 PSCO 的提问回答及针对检查项目的防范措施大都是基于我司船舶的船舶保安计划及船舶 ISPS 检查指南的内容来编写的,因此有些地方是特定的,仅适合我司管理的船舶;2、由于 ISPS 规则是个新事物,可能 PSCO 对 ISPS 规则理解掌握各有不同,提问的方式各有不同(类似的问题可能各有所指),检查的项目标准和侧重也各有不同,因此我们编写的问题难以有一个标准的答案,无论是问题“ 回答”还是检查项目的“防范措施 ”仅是给船舶的参考和提示,各轮要在熟悉 ISPS 规则和本船船舶保安计划内容的基

3、础上,根据 PSCO 提问、检查的具体意图,结合本船实际灵活作答应对;3、由于搜集素材的局限,此材料内容还不全面,各轮要举一反三,组织相关人员加强对 ISPS 规则和船舶保安计划的学习和培训,尤其是英文内容的学习更需重点加强,以便为顺利通过 PSC 检查做好充分准备 。由于时间仓促和水平限制,本材料内容有不妥之处,敬请读者批评指正,也请各轮及时将收集的或实际遇到的 PSC 检查中的有关内容和材料反馈给公司,以便我们今后为各轮提供更多更充实的学习交流材料。ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)3目 录一、PSCO 在 ISPS 检查中的提问举例(附参考回答或提示) 6(一)To the mas

4、ter and SSO 61、Who is responsible for appointing the crew member?62、Who is responsible for deciding the employment of the ship? 63、Who are the parties to such charter parties? .64、Who is the RSO which issued the INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE for your ship?65、How do you get security informa

5、tion? .76、How do you response to the security level changed by your Administration?77、What do you do if there is a conflict between any safety and security requirements applicable to the ship? .78、Please show me the “Continuous Synopsis Record”(CSR).89、Do you know what kind of information should be

6、supplied before arrival?810、Do you have procedures in place to evacuate the vessel if the magnitude of a security breach or threat justifies this action? .911、How do you intensify actions to prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas as the security level increases from security level 1 to 2 or

7、 from level 2 to 3? .912、What do you do in routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces prior to, and during, cargo handling operations.1013、What do you do if there is a security breach? Or security threat?1114、How does the security alert system work? What happens if the securit

8、y alert system is activated?.1115、What do you do if the port is at a higher security level than the ship?.1216、What are the vessels restricted areas? How do you restrict access to these areas? .1217、How often is the security equipment calibrated? Ask to see records.1318、How do you coordinate securit

9、y activities with the port facility? .1319、When would you limit shore to ship access to only one access point? .1320、How often do you audit security activities? How do you audit a security activity? Ask for an example. Also ask to see records1321、Who is the Company Security Officer? Do you have 24/7

10、 contact information for this person? Ask to see information. .1422、Do you have any active Declarations of Security? And with whom? .1423、How often do you hold security drills, training, or exercises? When was the last time you conducted a security drill, training session, or exercise? Ask to see as

11、sociated records1424、How do you report security breaches or incidents? Ask to see records1525、What do you do if someone tries to bring an unauthorized weapon on board the vessel? Dangerous substance? Device? .1626、How do you prevent unauthorized persons from coming on board?16ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)427

12、、Who on board are assigned security duties? .1628、When was the last time the SSP was reviewed? Was it updated? Ask to see record of update.1629、What do you do to search persons and their belongings when they come on board?1730、What are your procedures to search unaccompanied baggage? How do these be

13、come more rigorous if security level increases?.1731、How do you monitor the security of the ship when underway? When pier side? At anchor? .1732、Do you have procedures in place to bring on board additional security personnel? Please describe. .1933、Do you have procedures in place to ensure security

14、for cargo handling? Please describe.1934、How do you safeguard the Ship Security Plan? 2035、 How do you know knowledge of current security threats and patterns?2036、When will the ships security level be changed? .2137、Does the ship use surveillance equipment in restricted areas and is this equipment

15、continuously monitored? 2138、Do you have procedures in place for security threats including bomb threats, unauthorized attempts to access the ship or its restricted areas, sabotage, or terrorist or criminal activity? .2139、Does the drills being conducted at least once every three months?2140、Assessm

16、ent of security drills and exercises are performed or not? .2141、When was the last time you participated in a security drill? 2242、What are the basic steps for performing an audit of the security procedures?2243、How do you dispose once suspicious articles are found? .2244、When will complete the decl

17、aration of security (DOS)? .2345、Who sign the declaration of security with its interfaces on behalf of ship? .2346、What kind of security equipment are there on board your ship?.2447、Do you have procedures in place to quickly respond to changes in security levels mandated by governments of ports at w

18、hich the ship calls? 2448、Does the ship shall keep records of the security information?2449、How does internal audits and reviews of security activities carried out?.2450、Does the records being kept in the working language or languages of the ship? If the language or languages used are not English, F

19、rench or Spanish, does a translation into one of these languages being included?.2451、Does the records being protected from unauthorized access or disclosure?25(二)To crew members having security responsibilities:.251、What actions do you take once visitor embarks when you service as gangway watcher?

20、252、How do you control the visitors without ID?25ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)54、How do you dispose once suspicious articles are found?2510、Who is the Ship Security Officer? 2611、What do you do if there is a security breach? Or security threat?2612、How does the security alert system work? What happens if the

21、 security alert system is activated?.2613、What are the vessels restricted areas? How do you restrict access to these areas? .2614、When was the last time you participated in a security drill, training session, or exercise?2715、How do you report security breaches or incidents? 2716、What do you do if s

22、omeone tries to bring an unauthorized weapon on board the vessel? Dangerous substance? Device? .2717、How do you prevent unauthorized persons from coming on board?2718、What do you do to search persons and their belongings when they come on board?2719、What are your procedures to search unaccompanied b

23、aggage?.2720、How do you monitor the security of the ship when underway? When pier side? At anchor? .28(三)To Crewmembers not having security responsibilities:.281、Who is the Ship Security Officer?.282、What do you do if there is a security breach? Or security threat? 283、How do you dispose once suspic

24、ious articles are found?28二、美国 USCG 对 ISPS 保安检查缺陷滞留项目举例 .29A、Documentation discrepancies .29B、International ship and port facility security(ISPS) Code ISPS 规则 .29三、新加坡 PSCO 对 ISPS 保安检查项目举例: .32四、巴黎备忘录/东京备忘录港口国检查对 ISPS 保安检查项目举例 .34ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)6一、PSCO 在 ISPS 检查中的提问举例(附参考回答或提示)(一)To the master

25、and SSO对船长和船舶保安员1、Who is responsible for appointing the crew member?谁负责指派船员?ANSWER:Vessel and Crew Management Center (VCMC) of COSCO GuangZhou is responsible for appointing the crew member.广州远洋运输公司船管中心负责指派船员。2、Who is responsible for deciding the employment of the ship?谁决定船舶的使用?ANSWER 1: Our owner, C

26、OSCO guangzhou is responsible for deciding the employment of the ship.我船船东,广州远洋运输公司决定我船的使用。ANSWER 2( 期租船):The charterer, XXXXX is responsible for deciding the employment of the ship.租家 XXXXX 决定我船的使用。3、Who are the parties to such charter parties?谁是租船合同的各方?ANSWER:The parties to such charter parties ar

27、e XX XX XXX.租船合同的各方是:XXXXXX(注:船上应备有租船各方的证据)4、Who is the RSO which issued the INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE for your ship?谁是签发国际保安证书的认可的保安组织?ANSWER 1(五星旗船舶):The RSO which issued the INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE for my ship is CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY(CCS).签发本船国际船舶保安证书的认可保安组织是

28、中国船级社。ANSWER 2(巴旗船舶) : PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY PANAMA MARTIME SECURITY DEPARTMENT issued the INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE for my ship.签发本船国际船舶保安证书的是巴拿马海事局巴拿马海上保安部门。ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)75、How do you get security information?你如何获得保安信息?ANSWER:I get security information from NAVTEX messages

29、, EGC messages Notices to Mariners, PFSO, CSO, agent, Contacting Governments and Flag Administration etc.我将从 NAVTEX 信息、EGC 信息、航海通告、港口设施保安员、公司保安员、代理、缔约国政府、船旗国主管机关等方面中获取保安信息。6、How do you response to the security level changed by your Administration?主管机关改变保安等级时你如何响应?提示:参照 SSP 中第三章“保安等级响应”和第四章“ 对缔约国政府在处

30、于保安等级 3 时可能发出的任何指令做出的反应程序”作答。7、What do you do if there is a conflict between any safety and security requirements applicable to the ship?当船舶的安全和保安要求之间发生冲突时,你应该怎么办?ANSWER:If, in the professional judgment of the master, a conflict between any safety and security requirements applicable to the ship ari

31、ses during its operations, the master shall give effect to those requirements necessary to maintain the safety of the ship. In such cases, the master may implement temporary security measures and shall forthwith inform the Administration and, if appropriate, the Contracting Government in whose port

32、the ship is operating or intends to enter. Any such temporary security measures under this regulation shall, to the highest possible degree, be commensurate with the prevailing security level.如果依照船长的专业判断,在船舶操作中出现适用于本船的安全和保安要求之间发生冲突的情况,船长应执行为维护船舶安全所必须的要求。在这种情况下,船长可以实施临时性保安措施并应随即通知主管机关,如情况适宜,还应随即通知本船所

33、在或拟进入的港口所属缔约国政府。根据本条采取的任何此类临时性保安措施应尽可能对应于当时的主导性保安等级。At all times the Master of a ship has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and security of the ship. Even at security level 3 a Master may seek clarification or amendment of instructions issued by those responding to a security incident, or t

34、hreat thereof, if there are reasons to believe that compliance with any instruction may imperil the safety of the ship.在任何时候,船长对船舶的安全和保安负有最终的责任,.如有理由确信执行相应指令可ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)8能危及船舶的安全,则即使在保安等级 3 时,船长也可要求澄清或修改对保安事件或其威胁而发给船舶的指令。8、Please show me the “Continuous Synopsis Record”(CSR)请出示连续概要记录ANSWER:

35、Yes, of course. here it is. 没问题,这是我船的连续概要记录 。9、Do you know what kind of information should be supplied before arrival?船长您知道在到港前应提供哪些信息吗?ANSWER: Yes. I know. The following information should be supplied before arrival:是的,我知道在抵港前要提供如下的信息:1. Confirmation that the ship possesses a valid International Sh

36、ip Security Certificate and its issuing authority;船舶有效的保安证书及其证书的签发机关;2. Confirmation of the security level at which the ship is currently operating;船舶当前营运所处的保安等级;3. Confirmation of the security level at which the ship operated in any previous 10 ports where it has conducted a relevant ship/port inte

37、rface;在前十个停靠港口内,曾进行的船/港界面活动的任何港内营运时所处的保安等级;4. Confirmation of any special or additional security measures that were taken by the ship in any previous 10 ports where it has conducted a relevant ship/port interface;在前十个停靠港口内,曾进行的船/港界面活动的任何港内营运时所处保安等级的任何附加或特殊保安措施;5. Confirmation that the appropriate sh

38、ip security procedures were maintained during any previous relevant ship-to-ship activity;在前十个停靠港口内,曾进行的船/船活动所维持的适当船舶保安程序;6. Other practical security related information与保安有关的其他是实际信息;7. Information contained in the Continuous Synopsis Record;连续概要记录的信息;8. Location of the ship at the time the report i

39、s madeISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)9报告时的船舶位置;9. Expected time of arrival of the ship in port;预计到港时间;10. Crew list船员名单11. General description of cargo aboard the ship;船上货物的一般说明12. Who is responsible for appointing the members of the crew or other persons currently employed or engaged onboard the ship in any c

40、apacity on the business of that ship;谁负责指派当前以该船业务方面的任何职能在船上受雇或工作的船员或其他人员;13. Who is responsible for deciding the employment of the ship; and谁负责决定船舶的使用;和14. In cases where the ship is employed under the terms of charter party, who are parties to such charter party.如果船舶按租船合同的条款使用,谁是租船合同的各方10、Do you ha

41、ve procedures in place to evacuate the vessel if the magnitude of a security breach or threat justifies this action?如果产生的危险和安全威胁的程度达到必须撤离船舶时你能否有适当的处置方法?ANSWER:We have. “Procedure of Personnel Evacuation” in our SSP 12.3.7 provide such procedures in place to evacuate the vessel.是的,我们有。我船船舶保安计划第 12.3.

42、7 条“人员撤离程序”提供了撤离船舶时适当的处置方法。11、How do you intensify actions to prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas as the security level increases from security level 1 to 2 or from level 2 to 3?当保安等级由 1 级升至 2 级或 2 级升至 3 级时,你如何加强措施来防止未经许可的人员进入限制区域?ANSWER: At security level 2, the frequency and intensity

43、of the monitoring of, and control of access to restricted areas should be increased to ensure that only authorized persons have access. ,The additional security measures to be applied according to ISPS 港口国检查学习资料(中英对照)10the SSP which may include: 1)Establishing restricted areas adjacent to access poi

44、nts; 2)Escorting visitors on the ship.3)Dedicating additional personnel to guard and patrol restricted areas在保安等级 2,增加监视和控制进入限制区域的频次和力度,以确保只有经授权人员才能进入。按船舶保安计划的规定采取了附加的保安措施。其中包括:1)在进入点附近设立限制区域;2)陪同船上的来访者;3)指派额外人员守卫和巡逻限制区域。At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by tho

45、se responding to the security incident or threat thereof, and maintain further specific protective security measures, which may include:1)Setting up of additional restricted areas on the ship in proximity to be security incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is de

46、nied; and2)searching of restricted areas as part of a search of the ship.3)Master or SSO should prohibit the persons to access, unless the access to that area necessitates the safety and security of the ship.在保安等级 3,船舶应服从对保安事件或其威胁进行反应的机构发出的指令。并采取进一步的特殊防范性的保安措施。其中包括:1)在船上发生保安事件附近、或认为对保安构成威胁地点确定新增限制区域

47、,并封锁通道;2)作为对船舶进行搜索的一部份,对限制区域进行搜索。3)拒绝人员进入,除非为保证船舶安全或保安的必须12、What do you do in routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces prior to, and during, cargo handling operations.货物装卸前和装卸期间对货物、货物运输单元和装货处所的日常检查,你是如何进行的?ANSWER: Master and the chief officer is responsible for checks to ens

48、ure that cargo being loaded matches the cargo documentation and that only approved cargo is loaded onto the ship; The SSO and the chief officer are responsible for organizing personnel to monitor the handling of cargo.船长和大副负责核实待装卸货物与装卸货清单的一致性,并确保只有许可的货物才能装卸船;船舶保安员和大副负责组织人员对货物装卸作业进行监控; ISPS 港口国检查学习资料

49、(中英对照)11According to the instruction of the chief officer, the duty personnel is responsible for routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces and check the external package of cargo, mark, lead seals, seals on the package or take other method to prevent tampering prior to and during cargo handling operations and checks to ensure that cargo being loaded matches the loading list. In addition, for dangerous goods and hazardous Substance, we checks to ensure that dangerous materials being loaded matches the cargo documents. Operate the cargo handling a


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