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    1、174Mar.9th -Mar.17th Week3 Unit9 The Risks of LifeTeaching Objectives1. Functions: Offering less high fat food such as meat, cream, butter, oil, or high cholesterol dietc. Leading a well-regulated life, or a balanced life of work and leisured. Participating in weight watch programs, for example, aer

    2、obics, body-building traininge. Working out at a gym regularly f. Practicing alternative fitness exercises such as Qigong, Martial Arts, and Yuga. g. Staying away as much as you can from chemicals such as pesticides, sprays etc.h. Maintaining a good personal hygiene, such as washing hands before mea

    3、ls, brushing teeth twice a day, etc.i. Doing all you can to preserve the environment, such as no littering, no spitting, cleaning up the workplace and home regularlyj. Seeking advice on health from doctors or other medical professionals etc.Classroom EnglishRight, Id (1) like to give you some homewo

    4、rk. Weve (2) done a lot of speaking and listening today, but we havent done much (3) reading. So would you like to do some reading? Its the text in Part (4) Two from page _ to _. Its entitled The Risks of Life. OK, when you finish reading, (5) prepare your answers to the questions in Exercise A, Com

    5、prehension work and try to (6) retell the text with the cues in Exercise B. You may (7) come across some new words or expressions, check a (8) dictionary to see what they mean. Next time when the class meets again, Ill ask you to (9) answer these questions and retell the text. OK? Is this (10) clear

    6、? Ok, lets review the homework assignment. Mike, how about if you explain it to the class? Good job! Thanks, Mike. 180 Instruct the students to focus on b and c (diet and life habits). Ask the students the following questions: What risks may result from bad diets or poor life habits? What are some e

    7、xamples of bat diets or poor life habits? Suggested pointsBad diets Excessive drinking, smoking Excessive eating of food Unbalanced diet, for example, eating a lot of meat, very little vegetable etc.Poor life habits Little or no exercise Overwork or work under high pressure/stress Poor hygienePossib

    8、le risks resulting from bad diets or poor life habits: High blood pressure Heart disease Stroke (中风 ) Digestive disorder (消化系统疾病 ) Dermatological diseases (皮肤病) Eye diseases Hepatitis A, B, C etc. (甲、乙、丙等类型的肝炎 ) Lung cancer Infectious diseases (传染病 ) List the students answers the on board/OHP. Have

    9、the students read the text to confirm their answers. Highlight the following vocabulary and structures.Guideline for structures and vocabularyStructures1. There is nothing we can do to alter , but we can (making a transition from one topic to another)2. It makes sense to (suggesting what follows is

    10、a reasonable argument. Make sense: be justifiable, practical)3. Just as people look different so they also eat different kinds of foods. (Just as so: making an analogy, i.e. people look different, so people eat different kinds of foods) 181Vocabulary and phrasesfor better or worse 无论好坏alter 改变a cert

    11、ain risk 某一种危险inherited from 从 遗传anticipate 预测suffer from 患(病)take preventive measures 采取预防措施affect 影响assume (没有根据地)认为break the rule 违反规律freedom from heart disease 不得心脏病genetic constitution 基因结构arteries 动脉calcium 钙variation 差别mineral 矿物质1 Comprehension workA Read the text carefully again and discuss

    12、 the following questions.1. What are the health risks that we are born with?Suggested points Getting diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, infectious diseases2. What can people do to avoid health risks? Suggested points Change/alter the way we live, the food we eat or stop doing things that a

    13、re harmful to our health; Get more exercise, dont smoke, drink less alcohol, etc.3. What is the rule in the writers mind when he says, “Exceptions dont break the rule”? And what is the exception he is referring to? Suggested points The rule implied in the passage: dont be overweight, dont smoke, don

    14、t drink excessively, get plenty of exercise The exception implied in the passage: The old man, even though he violated the principles of good habits, lived a long life. 4. If we cant change our genes, then what can we do to keep fit? Suggested points Eat wisely Maintain good habits (Ask the students

    15、 to elaborate these 2 points based on pre-reading discussion.)1825. What is “never too soon/late to ”? And why? Suggested pointsFor “never too soon to ” Change your eating habits to a healthier diet Reason: Once you realize you have a bad diet, a lot of damage may already have been done to your heal

    16、th. For “never too late to ” Switch to a healthy diet or change a bad habit. Reason: Good diets or habits may make a difference to restore health.6. What is the main idea of the last section “Individual variation”?Suggested points No two people are exactly alike There is No universal formula for a g

    17、ood diet Disease patterns are different from person to person. No safe way to anticipate who will have what disease Certain diets or life habits are good for health. This is a scientifically proven factB Retell the text using the following key words For review purposes, assign the task as homework.C

    18、 Activity Have the students work individually to complete the following chart. Photocopy the following chart for the students. 183Activity ChartWrite a brief argument to counter your friends argument regarding the relationship between health and diet.His/Her argument Your argument1. An old man is ha

    19、ppily pushing 90. He drinks a lot every day. 2. Diet may have something to do with health, but a good diet has to be developed early in life. Im well over 20 and its too late to start a new lifestyle.3. Medical science is still unable to identify how diet affects our health. Your conclusion: Have 1

    20、student present his/her work by writing it on the board/OHP. Comment on the students work. 2 Language workAims: Learning to use the expressions and sentence structures set forth in the objectives of this unitA Do you remember how the writer said the following things in italics? If not, find them in

    21、the text and then enter them into the following blanks. Divide the students into 5 groups and allocate two problems in the exercise to each. Have the students work together to complete the task. Have each group report their findings. Comment on the students work. Answers1841. for better or worse2. a

    22、nything to do3. break the rule4. hear about/of5. inherit6. anticipate7. suffer from8. assume9. no two people are alike10. guarantee freedomB Complete the following tasks. Introduce the structural conversation by presenting the two examples on the board/OHP. Highlight the structural pattern: It is ad

    23、j + to do/that clause for expressing personal opinions. Have the students work individually to complete the tasks. Have 4 students report their writing. Comment on the students work. For reference: 1. It is wrong to assume that young people dont have to be careful about their diet.2. It may be easy

    24、to determine how much iron and calcium our body needs. 3. Everyone needs calcium. But it is quite possible that one woman needs only half as much of it to be as healthy as another woman. 4. It would be possible for more people to enjoy active and healthy lives well into old age if they did eat diffe

    25、rently. C Guess the meanings of the following words or phrases according to the text. Then, use them to rewrite the following sentences. Divide the students into 5 groups and ask each group to work on 2 problems. Have each group rewrite the original sentences with the words or expressions in the box

    26、. Have each group present their work on the board/OHP. Comment on the students work. For reference :1. It makes sense to replace the abacus with a computer as the latter works far more efficiently. 2. No one can guarantee that he wont get any disease all his life. 3. She didnt like the radio play, s

    27、o she changed to another (radio) 185station.4. We are anticipating that you will regain confidence through the singing competition. 5. Jennifer assumed that the man was a hero until the police arrested him.6. Ones first day at school may affect ones study in later years. 7. The old man suffered from

    28、 lung cancer. 8. Its got nothing to do with you. 9. For better or worse I boarded the plane for New York. 10. Its too cold to go swimming today. 3 Get your pronunciation right Have the students practice reading the words in the box. Instruct them to complete the task. Check the answers. Practice rea

    29、ding aloud.Answersa. / frequent, freedomb. / high pressure, preventive measuresc. / stained-glass window, step (/t/ becomes non-aspirated after /s/ in a stressed syllable.)d. /AA clue, climbe. /A/ creature, crossf. / please, playP3 Extended ActivitiesAims: Learning to understand and talk about healt

    30、hy diet through reading, and task based activitiesLearning to use the key expressions and idiomatic usage of some, any or each; it-structures for statement-making set forth in the objectives of this unit1 Dictation Read the dictation script to the class. Have 1 student give the gist of the passage t

    31、o the class. 186 Read the script slowly again. Have the students take down the passage. Read the script again at normal speed. Show the script on the OPH for the students to check their work. Dictation We have different kinds of food to eat. But we dont seem to pay enough attention to how the food w

    32、e eat is related to our disease patterns. A poor diet, especially in our early life, may result in some hidden health problems. By the time they become evident, a lot of damage may have already been done to our health. On the other hand, it is very hard to find out exactly what we need. There is no

    33、certain way of anticipating who will get what disease, and when. However, evidence shows that people who always eat high-fat food are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, and clogged arteries. So it does make sense for us to choose food wisely and eat as many different kind

    34、s of food as possible. 2 Read more Have the students read individually. Have the students complete the true or false tasks. Check the answers. Extra discussion activityThis section could provoke some very interesting discussions. Specifically:1. Second paragraph: The idea that chemicals and fertiliz

    35、ers only increase quantity not quality. Ask the students from the rural areas to describe how chemicals and fertilizers are used in farming. 2. Third paragraph: The idea that animals grazing in pastures provide a more natural (thus healthy) food product. Given the wide spread use of chemicals / pest

    36、icides in the rural countryside, is it still safe to eat animals raised on pastures? 3. Fourth Paragraph: The effects of low fiber diets, high protein. Ask the students to consider the effect of unbalanced diet. Discuss what is a balanced diet. Make a list for themselves and explain they choose thes

    37、e foods. Answers1. F2. F1873. T4. T5. F6. T7. T8. TActivityAims: Further consolidating the practice of talking about food and healthy diet through the task based activity Have the students work individually on the food list. Introduce the following reasons for consideration: Reasons: Green/organic f

    38、ood, natural foodNo pollution from chemicals or fertilizersBetter tasteFreshNutritious with the fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary for healthLow fatThe above factors may prevent us from getting the following diseases: a. high blood pressureb. heart diseasec. arteriosclerosisd. diabetes e. stoma

    39、ch disordersf. digestive disorders3 In other words Introduce the word study by presenting the following list on the board/OHP. Show the students how they can explain one term with another (synonyms) Emphasize the importance of context, using the following example. Example: take preventive measures t

    40、ake preventive actionsHere, measures can only mean actions according to the context (even though the word measure has a long list of definitions in its dictionary entry). Encourage the students to refer to the reading passage to determine in 188what context the words in the box are used. Have them w

    41、ork in pairs. Have them explain the words to each other. Have them do the multiple-choice exercise below and report their answers.List of word study 1. anticipatea. be likelyb. recallc. expectd. cant tell2. evidenta. accurateb. roughc. appeald. obvious3. variationa. changeb. similarityc. differenced

    42、. option4. constitutiona. lawb. governancec. systemd. habit5. assumea. believeb. appointc. carryd. pretendAnswers1. c 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. a4 Translation Make sure the students have completed the task before class. Have the students present their translations. Comment on their work.189For reference 1.

    43、Scientists assume that there is no life on Mars.2. Different nations have different ways of life. 3. Health has something to do with diet.4. The two pictures look so alike that I cant tell whos who. 5. This article does not make any sense. 6. On my way to the company, I tried to anticipate the kind

    44、of questions the manager would ask me at the interview. 7. It is reported that no one died in the fire. 8. Although the two companies have the same name, they have nothing to do with each other. 9. What would you like to drink coffee or tea? 5 Rewrite the following sentences using some, any, or each

    45、. Explain the differences in meaning or in the focus of information between the original version and the rewritten one. Use the following notes for explanations. WARNING: Dont overdo the explanation because many of the differences are only subtle and may be very difficult to perceive. Example: Jenny

    46、 is older than any of the other girls. A structural conversion that does not involve any change in meaning or the focus of information1. Any child can learn to read and write. (focus on each and every one of the children)2. Each of us received his invitation. (emphasizing each of us as individuals)3

    47、. Some of the children didnt understand. (change of perspective from those who can understand to those who dont understand)4. Ill be free any day next week. (change of emphasis from each to any)5. He gave gifts to each of the children. (emphasizing the individual, not the group)6. Id like to give yo

    48、u some advice. (A bit of emphasizes a limited amount while some is more neutral in tone.) 7. I like any fruit except bananas. (emphasizing any one kind of fruit separately.)8. Each of the competitors got a prize. (emphasizing the individual competitor)9. Some people said that they would be late. (Mo

    49、re vague in specifying the number)6 Rewrite the following sentences beginning with it.190 Set the task as pair work. Check answers with the students. Reference version:1. It is very difficult for me to do it. 2. It was very careless of you not to have locked the door. 3. It was kind of Mary to pay the bill. 4. It is unnecessary for you to come early. 5. It is hard to say if he will lend you some mon

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