1、中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 1 of 12China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction CorporationChina Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Corporation FJLNG-CO2-CNF-008Doc. Type文件类型No. of pages文件页数No. of pages Attachments附件页数Rev. No.版次Revision Description修订说明Control. No.受控编号10 2 1FUJIAN LNG PHASE I ADDITIONAL #3 and #4
2、 TANKS PROJECTUsing and Management Procedure of RT Work Site射线检测工作场地使用管理程序1 24-Aug-09 Wang Dong 王东 Yang Sen杨森 IFA0 10-Aug-09 Wang Dong Niu Zhenning Yang Sen杨森 Xiong Daoan熊道安 IFARev.版次Issue Date发行日期Prepared by编制Reviewed by审核Approved by批准 CBIOwner/Supervisor业主/监理Status状态中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 2 of 12China N
3、uclear Industry Fifth Construction Corporation目录Content 1. 目的 Purpose 32. 范围 Scope.33. 参考文件 Reference .34. 定义 Definition.35. 具体描述 Detail Description .56. 安全措施 Safety Measurements.97. 附录 Appendix10中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 3 of 12China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Corporation1 目的 Purpose为了规范中国核工业第五建设公司
4、福建 LNG 新增 3# confirm all are proper then signed by NDE responsible person and retain it.5.3.2 射线作业许可证 RT Operation PermitNDE 相关人员根据委托内容填写射线作业许可证,经 CNF 和 CBI 相关负责人签字后方生效。射线作业许可证由 HSE 部门保留,并将作业的时间地点告知现场作业的相关人员,避免作业场地内进行加班、人员误闯入等问题的出现。NDE 检测人员要留一份复印件以备检查。Fill RT Operation Permit as per the content of e
5、ntrust paper by NDE Department of CNF. HSE department keeps the RT permit, give the time schedule of RT to all related site persons to prevent the occurrence of personnel work overtime and enter by mistake, etc. NDE personnel shall keep a copy for inspection.5.3.3 放射源应急预案( CNF/MS FJLNG EP HS2-007)应获
6、得批准。5.3.4 器材准备 Equipment Preparation根据委托内容准备相关设备、材料,并保证检测设备性能良好,检测材料使用期限及数量等均应满足要求。同时通知施工部门提供照明和电源等设施,并保证现场用电安全。Prepare involved equipment and material as per the content of the entrust paper; ensure the high performance of the equipment, duration of service and quantity of the examination materials
7、 are all meet the requirements. Notify construction department to provide lighting and power supply as well as other facilities, assuring the safety of power utilization. 工机具使用计划清单名称 Description规格型号Specification数量 QtysX 光射线机 3005 型 1 台 set中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 7 of 12China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construc
8、tion Corporation区域剂量仪 Model-3500 型 1 台 set个人剂量报警仪 / 2 台 set警示灯 / 4 台 set5.3.5 人力资源计划工种 Position 数量 Qtys无损检测主管 1无损检测人员 2巡边员 2安全员 15.3.6 安全、技术交底 Safety and Technical Briefing按照项目部的施工安全管理规定和无损检测施工的安全、技术、工艺要求对检测人员及相关辅助人员进行交底。Perform Briefing to testing personnel and relative auxiliary person as per the
9、Project Construction Safety Management specifications and the Safety, Technical and Procedure of NDE Construction.5.4现场作业准备 Preparation of Working on Site检测及辅助人员持射线作业许可证,并按其指定的时间进入指定的场地。开启照明、清除场地上的非相关人员、连接设备、初步设置警示装置等。Testing and auxiliary person for RT Working permit shall have effective certificat
10、e and entry intended area in designated time. Turn on the light, eliminate the nonessential person on site, then connect the equipment and establish alerting devices preliminary and so on.注: 照明设施应是事先装配并校验合适的。Note: Lighting equipment shall be.5.3.3 警戒区的确定 Determination of Security Area根据受检件的材质和厚度确定 X
11、 射线的电压值并模拟实际检测状况设定 X 射线窗口方向,依据 GBZ 117-2006工业 X 射线探伤放射卫生防护标准的规定,中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 8 of 12China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Corporation选点用 X 射线监测仪测量,以确定警戒区的范围。根据确定的警戒区范围设置警示装置。Determine the voltage of X-Rays as per the material and thickness of test piece; simulate practical testing condition
12、to set the window direction of X-Rays. As per GBZ 117-2006 Industry X-ray examination Radiation Health Protection Specification, Using X-Ray monitoring instrument to select the point to determine scope of the security area. Set Alerting devices as per the scope of determined security area. 警戒区确定测试示意
13、图 Confirm Testing Drawing of Security Area警戒区应设定正确的距离(区域剂量仪测量满足小于 0.75mR)上述警戒区确定事宜,HSE 部负责报 CBI 和业主知晓,并邀请他们派相关人员参加,作为监督方和审核方。It is the responsibility for HSE department to report to the Owner and CBI about the issue of security area determination stated as above and to invite them to assign related
14、personnel to attend as the supervision party and reviewing party.5.5检测 Inspection中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 9 of 12China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Corporation5.4.1 实施检测工作 Perform Inspection检测人员、安全员、边界巡检人员等就位。检测人员按照相关规程开始 RT 检测作业。Testing personnel, safety men and petrol persons begin to work. Testing
15、 personnel start to RT as per interrelated specifications.5.4.2 检测方向 Inspectiona.预制场 RT 作业,射线源的发射方向只选择向下或向上两个方向,不选择水平方向。b.如必须采取其他方向才能完成作业,应采取降低辐射措施将辐射降到最低。5.4.3 检测结束 CompletionRT 检测作业完成后,检测人员和辅助人员收回设备、用具,撤除警示装置,关闭和检测有关的照明、电源,撤出工作场地。Testing personnel and auxiliary person shall return the equipment, t
16、ools, remove the alerting devices, turn off the lights, cut off power supply related to testing, and evacuate from work place.5.4.4 结束告知 Completion Notification在有必要的情况下,检测人员应通过通讯或其他有效手段告知有相关的部门或人员检测结束。Testing personnel shall provide testing result to related department and persons by correspondence
17、or other effective manners under required circumstances.6 安全措施 Safety Measurements6.1进入施工现场的检测人员必须经过安全教育,并遵守业主和总包的安全管理规定以 及公司 HSE 的规定。NDE Personnel who enter construction site shall be given Safety Course and comply with the HSE Management regulations of the Owner and Contractor as well as the compa
18、ny.6.2进入施工现场必须正确佩戴安全帽,若有高空作业应系好安全带,并应检查脚手架等设施防止高空坠落事故。Persons shall wear hard hat when go to construction site, if there are any aloft work, person shall fasten safety belt, and check the scaffold,etc, to prevent falling from upper air.中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 10 of 12China Nuclear Industry Fifth Constructi
19、on Corporation6.3射线作业应预先办理射线作业许可证,根据规定划定安全警戒区并设置醒目的警示标识,夜间应另设置红灯作为警戒标识。Prior to RT performance shall obtain RT Work permit, marking off the safety security area and establish conspicuous alerting sign, if work at night , a red light shall be set up as the warning sign. 6.4透照时通知作业现场的无关人员撤离现场,设专人在警戒线外
20、巡视,防止无关人员进入作业场地。检测人员及委派的巡逻人员应按规定配备报警器、个人剂量仪及其他防护品,以检测个人的累计吸收剂量,并利用现场条件做好个人安全防护工作。Eliminate all nonessential persons from site when shot. Assign a person to patrol outside of the barricade to avoid irrelative person enter work area. RT operators shall wear announciator, personal doser and other prote
21、ctive product to measure the accumulative absorbed dose of individual. Take advantage of site condition to do individual protective work well. 6.5射线机要专人保管、专人使用。Assign one person to maintain and use RT machine.6.6射线检测老化的显影液、定影液要集中存放,交有资质的单位或是环境保护部门集中处理,不得排放到现场中。Invalid developer and fixing solution u
22、sed in RT shall be collective stored and deliver to qualified unit or environmental department to do concentrated handling. Forbid to leave it on site.7 附录 Appendix附录 Appendix1:监测原始记录表 Monitor Original Log附录 Appendix2:CNF 预制场 RT 作业平面布置图 Fabrication Yard RT plan中国核工业第五建设公司 Page 11 of 12China Nuclear
23、Industry Fifth Construction Corporation附录 Appendix1:监测原始记录表 Monitor Original Log监测原始记录Monitor Original Log装置名称 Name 型号 Type 生产厂家 Manufacturer 编号 Code 监测项目 Monitor Item 监测日期 Date 监测地点及环境条件 Location and Environment Condition 监测方法和仪器 Method and Instrument 工业X射线探伤工作场所空气比释动能率Air Kerma Rate in Industrial
24、X-Ray NDE Work Area测试人 Tester: 复核人 Reviewer: 日期 Da测定地点Measure Location管电压(kV)Pipe Voltage管电流(mA)Pipe Current空气比释动能率(Gy.h -1)Air Kerma Rate中国核工业第五建设公司 Chna Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Corporation附录 Appendix2:CNF 预制场 RT 作业平面布置图 Fabrication Yard RT plan业主变电所 业Safety Wrnig fliLht X业-RaysOpertion a业Safety Wrnig Lht业Safety Wrnig flrodPol 业safety mn业Patrol 业Safety rnig fl业ft Wi Lht