1、大学英语教学要求大学阶段的英语教学要求分为三个层次,即一般要求、较高要求和更高要求。 三个层次的英语能力要求如下:一般要求:(大学英语四级水平)1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟 130 150 词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。 2. 口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能经准备后就所熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。3阅读理解能力:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟
2、 70 词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟 100 词。能就阅读材料进行略读和寻读。能借助词典阅读本专业的英语教材和题材熟悉的英文报刊文章,掌握中心大意,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。4. 书面表达能力:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能在半小时内就一般性话题或提纲写出不少于 120 词的短文,内容基本完整,中心思想明确,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。 5. 翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时约 300 个英语单
3、词,汉英译速为每小时约 250 个汉字。译文基本准确,无重大的理解和语言表达错误。6. 推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到约 4795 个单词和 700 个词组(含中学应掌握的词汇),其中约 2000 个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上在口头和书面表达两个方面熟练运用的词汇。 较高要求:(大学英语六级水平)1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语谈话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的英语广播和电视节目,语速为每分钟 150180 词,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节。能基本听懂用英语讲授的专业课程。2. 口语表达能力:能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点
4、等,能基本陈述事实、理由和描述事件,表达清楚,语音、语调基本正确。 3. 阅读理解能力:能基本读懂英语国家大众性报刊杂志上一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟 7090 词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度适中的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟 120 词。能阅读所学专业的综述性文献,并能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节。 4. 书面表达能力:能基本上就一般性的主题表达个人观点,能写所学专业论文的英文摘要,能写所学专业的英语小论文,能描述各种图表,能在半小时内写出不少于 160 词的短文,内容完整,观点明确,条理清楚,语句通顺。5. 翻译能力:能摘译所学专业的英语文献资料,能借助词典翻译英语国家大众性
5、报刊上题材熟悉的文章,英汉译速为每小时约 350 个英语单词,汉英译速为每小时约 300 个汉字。译文通顺达意,理解和语言表达错误较少。能使用适当的翻译技巧。6. 推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到约 6395 个单词和 1200 个词组(包括中学和一般要求应该掌握的词汇),其中约 2200 个单词(包括一般要求应该掌握的积极词汇)为积极词汇。更高要求 (相当于英语专业大专水平)1. 听力理解能力:能基本听懂英语国家的广播电视节目,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能听懂英语国家人士正常语速的谈话。能听懂用英语讲授的专业课程和英语讲座。2. 口语表达能力:能较为流利、准确地就一般或专业性话题进行对话或讨论
6、,能用简练的语言概括篇幅较长、有一定语言难度的文本或讲话,能在国际会议和专业交流中宣读论文并参加讨论。3. 阅读理解能力:能读懂有一定难度的文章,理解其主旨大意及细节,能阅读国外英语报刊杂志上的文章,能比较顺利地阅读所学专业的英语文献和资料。4. 书面表达能力:能用英语撰写所学专业的简短的报告和论文,能以书面形式比较自如地表达个人的观点,能在半小时内写出不少于 200 词的说明文或议论文,思想表达清楚,内容丰富,文章结构清晰,逻辑性强。5. 翻译能力:能借助词典翻译所学专业的文献资料和英语国家报刊上有一定难度的文章,能翻译介绍中国国情或文化的文章。英汉译速为每小时约 400 个英语单词,汉英译
7、速为每小时约 350 个汉字。译文内容准确,基本无错译、漏译,文字通顺达意,语言表达错误较少。6. 推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到约 7675 个单词和 1870 个词组(包括中学、一般要求和较高要求应该掌握的词汇,但不包括专业词汇),其中约 2360 个单词为积极词汇(包括一般要求和较高要求应该掌握的积极词汇)。英语四级考试结构第一部分 写作 30 分钟,15 (9:109:40)第二部分 快速阅读 15 分钟,10 7 个“对错未提及”判断,3 个填空 (9:409:55)第三部分 听力理解 35 分钟,35 (10:0010:35)A:11-18 题 8 个短对话 8;19-25 题 2
8、 个长对话 7;B:26-35 题 3 篇短文理解 10;C:复合式听写 3643 题单词各 0.5 分;4446 题 3 个句子各 2 分,共 10。第四部分 深度阅读 25 分钟,25A: 选词填空 一篇文章十道题目 5 15 个单词选 10 个 4756 题A: 回答问题与填空 一篇文章五道题目 (简答题)B: 传统阅读 两篇文章 十道题目 5766 题 20第五部分 完型填空 15 分钟,10 二十道题目 6786 题改错 15 分钟 十道题目 第六部分 翻译 5 分钟 5; 五道题目 8691 题四级考试各部分测试内容、题型和所占分值比例 听力理解 35%听力对话 短对话 多项选择;
9、长对话 多项选择 ;听力短文 短文理解 多项选择;复合式听写阅读理解 35% 篇章词汇理解,选词填空;仔细阅读理解,多项选择;快速阅读理解,是非判断+句子填空或其他 综合测试 10%完型填空 或 改错 多项选择或错误辨认并改正 写作 20%写作 短文写作;翻译 中译英 四级考试单项分的报道共分为四个部分:听力(35%) 、阅读(35%) 、综合测试(10%) 、写作( 20%) 。各单项报道分的满分:听力 249 分,阅读 249 分,综合测试 70 分,写作 142 分。各单项分相加之和等于总分(710 分) 。 如何学好大学英语1成功的关键Confidence + Interest + H
10、ard Work2最好的学习资料教材(课文练习) 、英文报刊3.最好的考试资料历年真题快速阅读(Skimming and Scanning)特殊信息点在快速阅读中的运用所谓“特殊信息点”是指那些很容易在文章中识别的词汇,诸如,时间,数字,大写字母等形式的语言点。这些形式的表达一方面很容易识别出来,另一方面,这些信息点的表现的一般都是文章的琐碎信息,对于主旨的理解和把握而言,不过是更进一步论证而已。问题或填空的句子中涉及到人名、地名,则主要寻找首字母大写的单词;有关日期、数目的问题,则主要查找具体数字;有关某个事件、某种观点等,就需要寻找与此相关的关键词,而与所查信息无关的内容可一掠而过。听力理
11、解短对话需要同学平时注意积累场景高频词汇和习惯表达。听力常考的场景:学习选课场景、打工场景、天气场景、看病场景、图书馆场景、论文场景、租房场景、出行场景、餐馆场景、减肥场景。英语是一种模式化的语言,固定的场景其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,平时注意积累场景高频词汇和习惯表达,在听力短对话部分可以做到未听先知的状态。听写的长句填空的步骤:完整地听、简要地记、仔细地核。就听力应试方法而言,首要一点就是预览。因为预览会让你明白这个对话或这篇文章将会用到哪些核心单词,涉及什么主要内容,这无疑将提高我们的自信,提高听的效果。我们可以用 “竖看联想”来描述预览。不能仅仅分析每一个选项的意思,而是要“竖看” ,
12、把握四个选项共同的重要信息,然后再根据这些共同的信息来“联想”这个题目可能涉及的话题。通过这样的预览,我们听的时候就会更有方向,而且很多单词由于事先已经看过,就更加容易听出来。最后,把几个选项联合起来,可以作一番简单联想。有了这个大概的方向以后,听短文就会有感觉了。深度阅读(Reading in Depth)A: 选词填空 1.尽量辨别词性 把十五个选项按词性分别归入名词、动词、形容词、副词等类别。 2.灵活求解 将选项分类之后,就得从文章中来寻找对应的线索了。选项与文章匹配的因素有两个,第一是词性,第二才是词义。所以在读文章时,要通过各种手段来确定空格的词性与意义。3.英语五大基本句型1)主
13、语谓语(状语)2)主语谓语宾语3)主语谓语间接宾语(人)直接宾语(物)4)主语谓语宾语宾语补足语5)主语系动词表语简答题通常是一篇文章,要求读后回答 5 个所提的问题或补足不完整的句子,要点如下: 1首先用快读的方式浏览全文,对全文有个整体理解。2然后看文章后的五个问题。看完一个问题后立即带着它有的放矢地去寻找答案,直到回答完五个问题。3书面表达时要注意尽量简洁,能用词表达的不要用短语;能用短语表达的,不要用句子。4用句子回答问题时必须尽量避免语法错误,如时态,语态,人称,数的错误,句子结构错误等。 B: 传统阅读 深度阅读就是传统的阅读理解,考生备考中首先应该判断考查题型(主旨题、态度题、猜
14、词题、细节题和推论题) ,确定做题方法,然后圈定题干关键词。然后可以借助题干中的关键词通读全文,圈定关键词和逻辑关系词(因果、转折、举例等) 。最后利用初步划定的各题区域,运用排除等方法解题。做好阅读理解题,最理想的步骤是先迅速浏览五道题大体了解一下五道题各自提问了什么,各选项句是什么意思。然后带着题干的提问略读全文,以最快的速度掌握所阅读材料中的主要内容和主要观点,模清五道题各自提问的内容大体在文章的什么位置,并做些相应的记号。接着开始逐个答题如果哪一题在略读基础上不能选出,再到文中相应的地方进行查读、细读,直至选出正确答案。五题全做完后,最后把五个选出的答案连起来看一看,检查一下是否存在明
16、义的揣测,一般只通过单词所在句或前后句内容就能猜出。5.专看一些考点常考处(转处、列举处、范例处、段首段尾处、特殊符号处)的内容,然后答题。完型填空从表面来看,完形填空的测试点及解题方法就是恢复空白处的词。而事实上,完形填空综合了词汇、 结构以及阅读理解部分的测试内容。它不仅测试考生在词汇和句子上运用语言的能力, 还考查考生在语篇结构上综合运用语言结构的能力。完形填空中所填的词与文章的上下文是紧密相连的。历年完形填空中有 70%的题考查实义词, 包括名词、 动词、 形容词、 副词等, 而另外 30%的题考查结构词,也称虚词, 包括介词、 连词、 冠词、 关系词等。完型填空以词汇和语法结构为基础
17、。改错 在改错题中,较多考察以下几种典型错误:1、一致性方面的错误:(1)主谓一致(2)名词单复数(3)代词与先行词一致; 2、时态、语态、虚拟语气;3、连接词、并列句、从属句;4、形容词、副词比较级、最高级;5、平行结构; 6、非谓语动词; 7、固定搭配; 8、词性错误。 翻译题 考题只考查汉译英,没有英译汉。大学英语精读教材中,每课都有汉译英译句练习,应该是学生非常熟悉的题型。名为翻译,实为补全句子,考查语法结构和词组运用知识。每句只涉及 15 个左右的英语词,需添入的部分也只有 3 到 8 个单词,其中隐含着四级水平考生应当掌握的句型、语法、词组知识点。作文1、背诵背诵是提高英语综合能力
18、的法宝,可分为以下 5 个层次: (1)精彩词汇;(2)精彩句型;(3)精彩句子;(4)万能框架;(5)经典范文。注意句子和句型不一样,精彩句子应作为单词来记忆。背诵前,确保自己已充分理解所有内容。2、默写背完经典范文后,进行默写。然后对照原文纠错,搞清楚错在什么地方。多数同学在写的时候都会犯小错误,如拼写、单复数、大小写等。这些就是你在写作中的弱点,也是阅卷老师最不能容忍的地方。培根说过:“Writing makes an exact man.”(写作使人精确。)只有默写下来你才会发现自己常犯哪些错误。3、中译英中译英也是提高写作的好方法。根据范文的中文译文,将其按自己的理解译成英文。译完后
19、,你就会发现自己的翻译和原文有很大差距,这些差距就是取得写作高分的关键。这时,对照范文,看看原作者是怎么写的,思考为什么这么写。同样的一句中文,范文中使用了哪些词汇和句型?你使用了哪些词汇和句型?学习范文使用不同的词汇和句型。4、写作模仿范文写作新的文章,套用范文的精彩词汇、句型、句子和框架。最初套用时可能比较生硬,但随着不断的积累,组合起来会越来越顺手。多用大学词汇,学习掌握一些英语的修辞方法,句式结构有变化也是作文得高分的重要标准,如果运用一些修辞方法比如:倒装句、虚拟语气、强调句、独立结构等,会使文章出现所谓的“闪光点” ,也会给阅卷老师留下很好的印象。字迹要工整,卷面要保持清洁,给判卷
20、人一个好印象。长度要适中(120-150 words)。四级考试的复习,要做到有所为有所不为,即掌握以下原则:长时间提高英语水平,短时间提高考试技巧。具体地说,就是当你的时间非常充裕的情况下,应该着眼于提高英语水平。这个时候以背单词、记语法,提高阅读速度,练习听力,培养语感为主。在考试临近的情况下,复习的重点就应该转移到进入状态,掌握考试技巧,提高答题正确率上, 可以通过做历年的真题来达到这个目标。部分推荐句型It goes without saying that.Just as the proverb says,A case in point is .In spite of the fact
21、 that.As has been mentioned above,.From my point of view, it would be better if. With the rapid development of., more and more / an increasing number of . Recently, has become the focus of public concern. One of the universal issues we are faced with is that. The latest scientific studies show thatA
22、ccording to a recent survey, As can be seen from the table, there is a marked increase /decline inWhen it comes to.(sth.), most people maintain that.While its true that . , it does not follow that A is to B what C is to D.结论:to sum up, in brief列举:1)for one thing, for another2)first and foremost, bes
23、ides, last but not least3) to begin with, then, furthermore, finally递进:besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover转折:however, nevertheless因果:consequently, accordingly, as a result比较:in comparison, likewise, similarly对比:on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary, 2008 年 12 月四级作文Limiting the Use of
24、Disposable Plastic Bags1. 一次性塑料袋的使用2. 使用一次性塑料袋带来的问题3. 限制一次性塑料袋的意义In our daily life, most people use disposable plastic bags for shopping and other purposes. However, the excessive use of disposable plastic bags has resulted in a great damage to our environment. The problems brought by disposable pla
25、stic bags are various, ranging from environment to peoples health. In the first place, it takes years for the plastic products to decompose and be absorbed by the soil. Secondly, the use of disposable plastic bags will indirectly do harm to peoples health. Sometimes people buy hot food packed into d
26、isposable plastic bags for saving time to wash their dining utensils. Yet they are not informed of the chemical material the bags release in high temperature. Therefore, they are also eating the poisonous stuff while enjoying the tasty food.Its enlightening and significant that our government has ba
27、nned the use of disposable plastic bags officially, and people will be charged for the use of such bags. This action is reducing the consumption of bags to a great extent. It is a great measure for the sustainable development of our earth.Plastic bags have been used for about 20 years, and they brin
28、g great convenience to people in life, but they also represent a major challenge to the environmental protection at the same time. They are difficult to recycle, which has caused international attention and concern. As a result, our country has started to forbid using free plastic bags from June 1 o
29、n this year. Now half a year has passed. We can see in supermarket free plastic bags have disappeared, and people have the consciousness to take shopping bags with themselves when they go shopping. On the other hand, free plastic bags are still being used in some small shops. If we want to get rid o
30、f plastic bags in our life, more education and efforts should be further made. In a word, it is essential that we should take measures to deal with environmental pollutions caused by such daily consumption as plastic bags. We should spare no efforts to put the law into effect and try our best to pro
31、tect our earth!2008 年 6 月 21 日四级作文题目:1. 娱乐活动多种多样,2. 娱乐活动可以使人们受益,也可能带来危害3. 作为大学生,我认为Recreational ActivitiesIn peoples daily life, there are various recreational activities apart from studying or working, ranging from Karaoke or dancing to computer games or sports games. Such activities are beneficial
32、 as well as harmful to us. On one hand, they can help us not only build our body and mind but also improve our communication and understanding with friends because most of these activities are done with others. On the other hand, if we spend too much time on singing, dancing or other games, we might
33、 fail to concentrate on our duties such as studying or working, which in turn may lead to further consequences. As far as Im concerned, recreational activities should be done within a certain limit so that we can keep a proper balance between recreation and studying or working life. Recreational Act
34、ivitiesRecreational activities and study do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.“ A life burdened with study and work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the
35、other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotions. What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies. Usually I dont spare time for exercise, but I value the physical edu
36、cation class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the days pressure. On weekends, Ill catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and energetic for another weeks work-load.To sum up, I strongly voice all the evidence justifies an unshakeable view that
37、 we trans-century college students should choose recreational activities appropriately. Therefore, in a sense, only when we pay close attention to it can we see a meaningful, extraordinary and harmonious future sooner or later. 2008 年 6 月大学英语六级考试1. 随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多2. 有人认为电子图书将会取代传统图书,理由是 3. 我的看法Wi
38、th the rapid development of the information technology, E-books are booming these days. It is a fashion to read E-books and enjoy this new technology.It is widely believed that E-books will replace the traditional ones. E-books are very convenient. If you have a laptop, thousands of E-books will be
39、just a few clicks away. Whats more, E-books are joining hands with multimedia technology, which means when you read an E-book, you will not only be reading, but also watching, listening, or even smelling. In my opinion E-books will never replace traditional books although they are attractive. First,
40、 there are still a majority of people who maintain that they have a better understanding when touching the paper rather than looking at a dull screen. Second, reading is the process of thinking. Too much ingredient of multimedia will distract readers attention. In E-books, they will have more fun, b
41、ut less harvest in deep thinking. Besides, not everyone can afford a laptop or computer.In a word, traditional books have their unique charm and will not fade away. Both E-books and traditional books will give us the happiness and satisfaction of reading.2006 年 6 月 24 日大学英语四级考试Directions: For this p
42、art, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lecturers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1.有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课老师2.学生选择老师时所考虑的主要因素3.学生自选任课老师的益处和可能产生的问题On Students Selecting LecturersNowadays, in some universities,
43、 students are given the freedom to choose their own lecturers for some courses. In this case, the students may not be allowed to select what courses they want to take, but they can reject some teachers as their lecturers.When the students decide what teachers they would like to have in their classro
44、oms, they may consider a number of factors. Firstly, they would welcome teachers with a profound academic background. With these teachers, the students can obviously benefit from their lectures and lay a solid foundation for their future achievements. Secondly, they would expect teachers good at del
45、ivering speeches. In other words, these teachers can guide the students to explore the scope of knowledge. Lastly, the students would opt for teachers who are caring and considerate. Indeed, these teachers would pay attention to the individual students and inspire them to progress on.Such practice w
46、ill surely encourage teachers to work harder and focus on improving their delivery of lectures. However, it should be pointed out that this practice will inevitably turn into a selection of the most popular teacher on campus. By the way, the most popular teacher may not be the best teacher. In the e
47、nd, many good teachers may be forced to leave their jobs, which will become a loss for the students.2005 年 12 月 24 日大学英语四级考试Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? You should write at least 120 words foll
48、owing the outline given below:1.名校校园正成为旅游新热点2. 校园是否应对游人开放,人们看法不同3. 我认为 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?University campuses, especially those of the renowned universities, have recently become the new tourist attractions. Pros and cons have been put forward concerning this new phenom
49、enon.Some people are quite in favor of the campus opening to tourists while others are opposed to it. The opening of campus will stimulate the tourist industry, but the easier access to campus will lead to some accidents or safety problems which will interfere in students life.To my mind, campuses can be open to tourists once a week, say, on Saturday or Sunday. This suggestion, I believe, is quite feasible because it could kill two birds with one stone. For one thing, campuses could attract many tourists on wee