1、1直接引语改为间接引语(直接引语为陈述句)广州市东圃中学 张虹注意: 1. 连词 that 引导 2. 人称的改变(一随主、二随宾、三不变)3. 时态的变化 (主句用现在时或将来时,从句可用任何时态;主句用过去时,从句用与过去相关的时态。)4. 如果直接引语是表示客观真理时,变为间接引语,时态不变如:The teacher said “The earth goes round the sun.“The teacher said(that)the earth goes round the sun.一、把直接引语改为间接引语(主句为一般现在时)1 We go to school on Saturd
2、ay, too.They say _ _ to school on Saturday.2 I want to give your sister a Christmas card.Kelly says _ _ to give _ _ sister a Christmas card.3 I will visit my daughter in March.Professor Watts says _ visit _ _ daughter in March.4She says, Im glad to meet you.She tells us _ glad to meet _.5David says,
3、 I want to hear their songs.David says _ to hear _二、把直接引语改为间接引语(主句为一般过去时)1. I am a solider.He said _ a solider2. We are at the race.They said _ at the race3. They dont have any books about stamps.Rik told Annie _ have any books about stamps.24. I need the cooks telephone number.Zak said_ the cooks t
4、elephone number.5. She is running along the street.She said _ along the street.三、把直接引语改为间接引语(两种时态混用)6Sally says, Our exams are starting this week.Sally says _ starting this week.7. I am going to read these.My mother said _.8. I shall find an easier job.He said _.9The doctor says, Youll have to stay
5、at home until I come to see you againThe doctor says _ have to stay at home until_ come to see_ again.10Janet says, She doesnt like her new bike.Janet says _ _ like _ _ new bike.11. You must be on time for your lessons.He said _ _ on time for _ _.12. She said to him, Its time for you to leave here.S
6、he said to him_ _.13Jack says, You must finish your homework first.Jack says to me _ _ must finish _ _ homework first.14. It may be a good idea.She said _ _ be a good idea.15Kate says, Im doing some shopping when we meet in the park.Kate says_ _doing some shopping when _ in the park.16. I will be a
7、pilot when I grow up.He told us _17The students say, We would like to be teachers so we must study hard.The students say _ _ would like to be teachers so _ must study hard.318. You cant all be managers. He told us _.19. I have lost a book about animals.She said _ a book about animals.20. The teacher said, the earth is round. The teacher said .