1、兔子不吃窝边草A rabbit doesnt foul its own hole王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven (2012-09-03)银河 the Milky Way (2012-08-31)因公殉职 perish in the line of duty(Of the 66 identified victims, five perished in the line of duty, according to the Information Office of the municipal government.北京市政府新闻办通报,已经确认身份的 66 名遇难者中有 5 人为
2、因公殉职。) (2012-08-13)药检;兴奋剂检查 doping test(The International Olympic Committee has formally excluded Albanian weight lifter Hysen Pulaku from the London Olympics after he failed a doping test.因药检不过关,国际奥委会已正式取消阿尔巴尼亚男子举重选手海森普拉库的参赛资格。) (2012-08-09)压力锅 pressure cooker (2012-08-07)终点裁判员 finishing placing ju
3、dge (2012-08-03)救生衣 life vest (2012-08-02)泄洪 release flood waters (2012-08-01)代理市长 acting mayor(Wang Anshun was appointed vice mayor and acting mayor of Beijing Wednesday.本周三,王安顺被任命为北京市副市长、代理市长。) (2012-07-30)枪支管控 gun control(The shooting on Friday at a movie theater in Aurora, a suburb of Denver, Co
4、lorado, that left 12 dead and 58 injured, sent the United States into mourning over the weekend and reignited calls for tougher gun control.上周五发生在科罗拉多州丹佛市郊奥罗拉一家影院的枪击事件导致 12 人死亡,58 人受伤。美国各地在周末对枪击事件受害者进行悼念,该事件同时也引发了严格枪支管控的呼声。) (2012-07-26)搁浅 run aground(A navy frigate that ran aground in the waters of
5、f Chinas Nansha Islands was refloated with the help of the navys rescue force on Sunday.周日,在南沙群岛附近海域搁浅的一艘海军护卫舰在救援兵力协助下脱浅。) (2012-07-25)马赛克 digital mosaic(CCTV covered the genitals of the statue with digital mosaics while broadcasting images of the exhibition at 11:48 am on July 9.7 月 9 日中午 11:48 央视在
6、播出展览的画面时,在著名雕像大卫的生殖器部位打上马赛克。) (2012-07-20)随身携带行李 carry-on luggage(The hijacking means passengers in Shanghai are now more likely to be asked to remove shoes and belts and to open carry-on luggage for thorough searches.此次劫机事件后,上海机场的乘客们过安检的时候,需要脱鞋、解皮带,打开随身携带行李接受仔细检查的几率增加了。) (2012-07-13)师德 teachers cod
7、e of morality(Zhang Datong, 64, has been stripped of his post as vice-principle of the No 2 Middle School affiliated with East China Normal University and is under investigation for his alleged behavior that violated the teachers code of morality, school authorities said in a bulletin.华东师范大学第二附属中学发布
8、公告称,该校已将 64 岁的原副校长张大同免职,并正在对其“有违师德” 的行为进行调查。) (2012-07-10)育婴假 parental leave(The draft, as the nations first gender equality regulation, granted five days of parental leave for both parents of a child younger than age 3 in its first version last October and extended the leave to 10 days in its secon
9、d version last December.这个国内首个性别平等条例草案在去年 10 月的初稿中,建议给“家有 3 岁内宝宝的新爸爸妈妈”每年享受 5 天的育婴假,去年 12 月份的二稿中,育婴假被延长到 10 天。) (2012-07-09)MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are the latest addition to the acronym-bound lexicon of higher education, and quite possibly the most significant of them all. They represen
10、t a new generation of online education, freely accessible on the internet and geared towards very large student numbers.MOOC(网络公开课)是高等教育相关缩写词汇中的新成员,也可能是所有词汇中最具影响力的一个。网络公开课代表网络教育的新一代,可以通过网络免费获取,接收到学生数目巨大。The phenomenon has been likened by the president of Stanford University to “a digital tsunami“, t
11、hreatening to sweep aside conventional university education. Whether or not the rise of MOOCs will prove to warrant such hyperbole, there is no doubt that something very important is happening in the global system, raising profound questions about the very nature and future of higher education.这一现象被
12、斯坦福大学的校长比作“一场数字海啸”,称有可能将传统大学教育全部“冲走”。不论网络公开课的崛起是否真的会达到如此夸张的阶段,有一点可以肯定的是全球体系内正在发生一些重要的事情,并引发了对高等教育本质和将来的一些疑问。At this early stage of the MOOC revolution, it is premature to predict the impacts on conventional higher education providers. The universities and private venture funds investing in this area
13、 openly acknowledge the high level of experimentation and testing of waters involved. The current MOOC offerings are mostly digital versions of conventional pedagogies what blogger Dan Butin has called “Learning 1.0 products in a Web 2.0 world“.在网络公开课发展的早期阶段,预言其对高等教育提供者的影响还为时尚早。投资该领域的高校和私人风险基金均空开表示其
14、投资行为只是实验性质,纯属试水之举。目前网络公开课提供的课程大部分都是传统课堂教学过程的数字版本,博客作家丹布汀将其称为“在web2.0 的世界学习 1.0 的产品”。This can and will change through the incorporation of the kinds of user interactivity already well-established in social media technologies. There is no inherent reason why MOOC-acquired learning cannot be accredited and recognized, especially as the market for degree-awarding powers opens up, subject perhaps to appropriate quality assurance arrangements.这些状况都会随着社交媒体技术带来的用户互动行为而发生改变。通过网络公开课获取的知识没有理由不被认可,尤其是在确保质量的前提下,学位授予机构的市场已经开放。