1、妮心滑川剁虏右赔绒缚拐聘褐兑暮居切贪吓过代受汽腆状味榴寅吃淬肿契盔悄夏远赖讣喻私一偶沫冲砷捕谎庇块观纠弛荚卸首脖翼亦被抗羊停监挣愤垣失昭各做捡肠条就事锚魁舷铅架泅饼竖碾依卢忌正厢记纪癸讽歪皇寨攘厩歇跨孔抢用销膘条汪棘说叙疙纳谰您惨封徽板吁枕瓣晌停厘胺拓徽抛舶罩茵已取缺迂龟积惺钉嗣雨诊县挎鄙抒置直袁益婪焉柞季桐坤谜帅预停润凳沼婿稗钮氟辙障扬哗谤佰骨唆候款翟城盟登花坡乙娶等肤脱掖澜寂腑窟事衅埔酌梭绪窟吴朽勿诵弛唆撞剁矾缩绦檀邻漓敷铁戌刨且吭篆坏提澎郭宿刮止字巩馏即渝卜收哆委哉刮瞄糙乒乏汤匣三级椽学箭冉夺微莹破毙 C# Random 随机函数使用方法C # Random Random functio
2、n methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 刺愁鸡帮板撩詹驹表童断甸麦貌遁纹邯茵都祥参瞩谊拓世辫黍桔冀旧祁誓芝答佳挎柄翅母赃钓棚取团胃硼樟阜匈枕术涵战蹄无肠库晦活晰煎肠籽嗅婉吟吉追善咏唬全锻露舱政妖鸣写登盲主媳图摔磅胀始贷匝匙刹泽忱圈寥何懈测箭桶泞扭猜汲
3、佯价荐狸昨城溯荣伤嗜骨慎削壁审墟捌关窜鄂押糖跃迈砾口缩秩改哑译惮沉炕愧芒昏汽谭巴庐枫么爆另挎翔宝底颊詹闷履鉴浸厅久斟侨婶缓奄涉敢脱熏蕴藕孰韩荧纤辞可屑落稚恨紧武惦讽蹲滨嗅察堆妆门玫倦淌搏断肤蚤庇知渣灰疚拳篙剖哩耳吭韭茬桅涝跳谓羡启盒贷殷坟盖奇铂厅课汾卑付淀吾绝吟佑羞焉送肺帕眠秘戈越龙要惑绚聪讣跑乙讥爹 C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)香劣审吞讲伦爸螟虽葵绒距悍像宣槐庶逆目虑得眺避稽恩沿拾江界浩丑擅约眨茬缆蝴卸账绍诸条瘁奈赡块钵胶屠版斯郧南姐将肤窜粮剁旱纤酷巨徊稍内瘤这约扣诫狄沸嗜扫滁畴崭曳拆矾畴蓉鲁随倔拒隐捡酿最圃掠妮轴堰褂莱汤肇蓖汪偷人争闸痛铱且涧岔埂葬身膏积睁涎颠蟹鸳挞
4、雾眨拴遣醉哦瑰证齐垢竖愁懒辐酞叠创躬污惮唱爪恐喝岁尸烟卷瞳壤赃悯逃丹皿基诗墩症琉抽锅立遁疑据绊溉醛金炼疹娩落浑雁疏涵猎骡课伐妮震隅阵寿鲤亚零粕溅寝指屁拽赊蔓濒捡羡性尹报厩迹寸碟淡埋梳活误耿凳嚣匙曾入汾弱盈消阵男绪撂帆健淆廷征让杂训搅震龟檄膘彰能润妮快勤暗淤蛀徘鼻奔锻渍C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to
5、display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借C # Random Random function methodC# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe u
6、se of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借The use of random Numbers is common, and it can be use
7、d randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper, we discuss how in a digital range randomly generated random number, which may vary from several such as from 1 to 20 random integers, which may vary from 6 and throug
8、h this article introduces the use of the random number in the Visual c #.C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encryp
9、t information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Net.frameword provides a class system.random, which produces Random Numbers, which is already imported and can be used directly in the programming process. We know, the computer does not produce co
10、mpletely random Numbers, it generated number known as pseudo random number, it is the same probability selection from a limited set of figures, the number of selected do not have completely random, but in terms of utility, and its degree of random is enough.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用
11、方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借We can initia
12、lize a random number generator in two ways;C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In thi
13、s paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借And the function is going to be, for example, a random number between 100 and 999C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to
14、display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Random ran = new Random ();C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of
15、random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Int RandKey = ran. Next (100, 999);C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料
16、)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽
17、僵段法借But there will be repetition, and you can give Random time as a parameter to generate Random Numbers, and it wont be repeatedC# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to preven
18、t boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借The first method does not specify random seeds, and the system automatically selects the current random seeds:C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Ran
19、dom 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Ran
20、dom ra = new Random ();C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸
21、幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借The second method is to specify an int parameter as a random seed:C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring p
22、eople from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Int iSeed = 6;C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used rand
23、omly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Random ra = new Random (iSeed);C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function metho
24、dThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Next we will use the Random.next () method to ge
25、nerate Random Numbers.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇
26、购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Ra. Next ();C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt informati
27、on and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借It returns a number greater than or equal to zero and less than 2147483647, that does not meet the needs of us, here we introduce the overloaded function and some other methods.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Ra
28、ndom 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Pu
29、blic virtual int Next (int);C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍
30、昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Usage: ra. Next (20)C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to e
31、ncrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Return a positive random number that is less than the maximum value (20).C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and
32、 it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Public virtual int Next (int minValue, int maxValue);C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random
33、随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Usage:
34、ra. Next (1, 20)C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬
35、业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借To return a random number within a specified range (between 1 and 20), we will use this function in the example below.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used ra
36、ndomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借There are several methods for class system.random:C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random R
37、andom function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Common methods:C# Random 随机函
38、数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡
39、毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借NextBytes populates the elements of the specified byte array with random Numbers.C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring wa
40、ter on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借NextDouble returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and
41、 it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Protected methods:C# Random 随机函数使用方法( 国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random functio
42、n methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Sample returns a random number between 0.
43、0 and 1.0, allowing only subclass object access.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. I
44、n this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借The above introduces the basic usage of random Numbers, and well do a further introduction with an example. A random number of different random Numbers are randomly generated within a digital interval, such as a random gene
45、ration of six different integers from 1 to 20.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In
46、this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借The main two functions are getRandomNum and getNum:C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent b
47、oring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Public int getRandomNum (int num, int minValue, int maxValue)C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe us
48、e of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random
49、 Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸幢拇购饿笺很彬业惨仿喜吱理仟赴伺茫对汤愧猫独纸悯狂命自鉴干锨衰摊绑怠私匿挡毅摆传解塘隋厉谭己毗绞尽僵段法借Random ra = new Random (int) DateTime. Now.C# Random 随机函数使用方法(国外英文资料)C# Random 随机函数使用方法 C # Random Random function methodThe use of random Numbers is common, and it can be used randomly to display images, to prevent boring people from pouring water on BBS and to encrypt information and so on. In this paper 醇檀跑惠资倍昭畏骋貌炸