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1、尊 敬 的 客 人 :欢 迎 阁 下 光 临 重 庆 长 江 黄 金 1 号 豪 华 邮 轮 。 无 论 阁 下 公 干 或 旅游 , 我 们 保 证 阁 下 会 感 到 份 外 舒 适 。重 庆 长 江 黄 金 1 号 豪 华 邮 轮 客 房 充 满 人 性 化 的 设 计 , 更 能 让 您随 时 随 地 呼 吸 到 清 新 高 含 氧 空 气 , 让 您 身 心 得 到 彻 底 放 松 。 邮 轮客 房 各 类 设 施 齐 全 ,如 阁 下 有 特 别 要 求 , 请 随 时 通 知 我 们 。为 了 您 能 愉 快 地 渡 过 闲 暇 时 光 , 邮 轮 特 别 提 供 一 系 列 消

2、 遣 及 娱乐 设 施 。阁 下 如 有 疑 问 , 本 邮 轮 员 工 将 尽 心 尽 意 为 阁 下 效 劳 。 在 此 谨向 阁 下 致 谢 。祝 阁 下 在 长 江 黄 金 1 号 豪 华 邮 轮 享 受 愉 快 的 住 宿 ( 旅 程 ) 。如 阁 下 需 要 任 何 帮 助 , 请 拨 前 台 电 话 8000。Dear valued guest: It is our pleasure to welcome you to “Yangtze Gold 1” luxurious cruise. Whether you are for business or pleasure, we a

3、re devoted to ensuring that your stay is as comfortable as possible. With humanized design, “Yangtze Gold 1” offers you fresh air and mental and physical relaxation all the time . Our guest rooms are well-equipped; if you have any problems, please do not be hesitant to let us know. Additionally, our

4、 cruise also has provided for your leisure a range of recreational and entertainment facilities specifically designed for your enjoyment.Our crew is courteous, helpful and eager to assist with any of your enquiry or request. Thank you for your patronage!Wish you a nice stay with us! Should you need

5、any assistance, please dial 8000. 前厅服务24 小时大堂值班,随时恭候您的垂询,为您提供尽善尽美的服务。渴望获知您有关本邮轮服务、设施方面的意见或建议,让我们全心全意为您做得更好。本部热忱为阁下提供以下服务: 办理入住登记,离船手续。 行李寄存服务。 问询及旅游安排。 失物招领服务。 网吧上网服务。 国内国际直拨电话前台接待处 位于二楼大堂,24 小时为您提供入住登记、问询、留言、换房、等服务。电话 8000预订中心 8000位于邮轮大堂前台,提供叫早的预订及咨询服务。退房 每航次即将抵达终点港口前,请将房卡归还到前台。前台收银处 营业时间:一日三餐前半小时到

6、用餐结束阁下若需兑换外币,请到前台收银处办理。商务中心 8888位于邮轮大堂,提供以下服务: 传真 复印打印Front Office Service24 hours duty in the lobby at your service whether it is a problem or any enquiry you may ask. Please leave your advices and suggestions for our better service.Concierge service Located in the lobby, provides 24-hour service s

7、uch as:- Check in and check out. Assistance in the loading and storage of your baggages. Information and travel arrangement Lost you can conveniently use it in your room.Fire Procedure 8000In case of fire, please dial 8000 and specify the location to the operator. On the back of room door, a plan in

8、dicates the nearest emergency exit and gives you the instructions of the fire procedures.Room Articles 8000Please do not take away the articles of the room and if you like to have them as souvenirs, please contact Room Service Center.Furniture 8000Please do not damage or lose the furniture or any fi

9、xture in the room or items borrowed from the Room Service Center. Guest should compensate if any item is damaged or any lost of cruise property.Television Programs 8000For your viewing pleasure a wide selections of channels are offered.Electronic card Key 8000Keep your card key safe and when upon ch

10、eck out please return the key to the reception. A surcharge will be imposed should you lose your key.Flowers 8000Flowers for various occasions are available. Please contact the Room Service Center in advance for certain arrangement.Emergency 8000In case of any emergency, please contact the operator.

11、Security 8000The cruise is patrolled 24 hours by security personnel. However, for your safety, you are advised not to let strangers into your room. In case of any accident please contact the assistant manager.Air-Conditioning The cruise is equipped with central air-conditioning system and every room

12、 has a temperature control device.Doctor 8000You can obtain information on local medical practitioners from the assistant manager.Pets No pets are allowed into the cruise.餐饮服务中餐厅 8200位于邮轮第二层甲板,总面积近 1000 多平米,是长江上名菜名点的荟萃之地。餐厅为早中晚,提供各式川粤精品菜肴等驰名美食,邮轮的行政总厨名满川渝各地,由他专门设计的招牌菜现已成为重庆许多显贵客人的最爱,是您品尝美味佳肴的最佳去处。服务

13、时间: 7:008:30 12:0013:30 19:0020:30多功能厅 8500位于邮轮第五层甲板,面积近 1000 M2,为本地最具专业水准的酒水服务场所,陈列各国香茗醇酒,鸡尾酒均由优秀调酒师特别调制。晚间还能提供舞蹈,歌唱等各项服务。服务时间: 8:0024.00阳光吧 8600位于邮轮第六层甲板,面积近 300 M2,为本地最具专业水准的酒水服务场所,环境优美,在享受美酒咖啡的同时还能尽览长江美色。服务时间: 8:0024.00烧烤吧 位于邮轮第六层阳光甲板,面积近 500 M2,在夜间我们将提供各式烧烤、美酒、饮料、音乐。服务时间: 8:0024:00西餐厅 位于邮轮的第五层甲

14、板,面积近 300 M2,将西式料理发挥极致,强调精选食材的品质及创意烹调艺术,主厨巧思独具的国外西式风味美食与各式精选佳酿,让您在长江美景的环抱中,享受浪漫情调的晚餐。服务时间:11:00-14:00 17:30-23:30服务时间:6:307:00(早咖啡) 11:3013:30 17:3021:00第五楼 日韩餐厅 *送餐服务 8200 邮轮常设客房送餐服务,为您提供客房用餐之便,所有客房用餐食品均由资深厨业人士专心烹制,由专备侍应生送至房间,定时要求或使用门把手餐牌皆可保证准时服务。服务时间:21:00-01:00 雪茄吧 位于邮轮第六层的雪茄吧拥有安逸的环境、醇香的红酒和动听的音乐,

15、为您提供完美享受。服务时间:09:00-12:00影剧院 位于邮轮第六层的影剧院每天都会定时放映长江三峡纪录片,长江黄金一号宣传片和各种时尚大片,亦可举办各种中小型会议。服务时间:09:00-12:00棋牌室 邮轮第六层的棋牌室拥有一流的环境,高档的设备;其中包括各种移动式的可放入客房中。服务时间:09:00-12:00Food and Beverage ServiceExt.2nd deck Chinese Restaurant Located on 2nd deck, Chinese Restaurant covers an area about 1000sq.m. Its a fitti

16、ng place for dear customer. Our Executive Chef brings with him a wealth of experience from some famous cruises services for guests. There are many of his signature dishes which have become the favorites of many distinctive guests in Chongqing. Operation Time: 7:00 AM8:30 AM 12:00 AM13:30 PM 19:00 PM

17、20:30 PM5thdeck Multifunction Hall 8500Located on 5th deck, Multifunction hall covers an area about of 1000sq.m. We offer the most professional and normative services. the special five-star level service: such as afternoon tea time, the Captain Welcome cocktail party, crew cabernet show and more tha

18、n hundred differences drinkfine Chinese wine , old world, new world wine also in stored etc.Opening Time: 8:00AM-11:30PM6th deck Sun Deck Bar 8600Located on 6th deck, the top of the cruise, offers beach chairs with sunshine and perfect view of Yangtze River. The sunshine bar adopts the design style

19、of Europe and also providing Operation hours: 11:00AM-14:00PM 17:30PM-22:00PMOpening Time: 8:00AM-12:00PM6th deck Barbecue Bar Located on 6th deck, the top of the cruise, the sunshine bar offers barbecue at night and all kinds of drinks are also provided.Operation hours: 11:00AM-14:00PM 17:30PM-22:0

20、0PMOpening Time: 8:00AM-24:00PM6nd deck Western Style Restaurant Located on the 6nd Deck, Western Style Restaurant covers an area about 300sq.m. Its a perfect outlook for dear customer. Our Chef brings with him a wealth of experience from new world style western cuisine for guests. Operation Time: 8

21、:00 AM10:00 AM 11:30 AM13:30 PM 17:30 PM21:00 PM*Room Service For your private dining, every item you order will be specially cooked by our experienced chef. You can order the food during room service time or use the door knob menu and it takes only less than half an hour. Punctual service is guaran

22、teed.Opening Time: 21:00-01:00 6th deck Cigar Bar Located on 6th deck, high quality cigars are on sale, and it offers cigar smokers a relaxing place and networks with other smokers. Operation hours: 11:00AM-14:00PM 17:30PM-22:00PMOpening Time: 9:00AM-24:00PM5th deck Cinema Located on 5th deck, it is

23、 a nice place for you to taste the majestic Chinese culture in the breast of the Yangzi River which lasting 5000 years. In our cinema, you will realize the resplendence and beauty of the Chinese landscape and experience the character and spirit of Chinese people as in the real scene. Entering the ci

24、nema, you are going to a new world with luxury, delicacy, and comfort, to visit the most deep Chinese culture without the limitation of time and space.AM-14:00PM 17:30PM-22:00PMOpening Time: 9:00AM-24:00PM6th deck Game Room Located on 6th deck, provides special Chinese game “Majiang”.Operation hours

25、: 11:00AM-14:00PM 17:30PM-22:00PMOpening Time: 9:00AM-24:00PM购物、康体、娱乐服务购物服务位于邮轮 3 楼、4 楼的精品商店,主要销售具有浓郁巴渝风情的精美工艺品、名特小吃及高档服饰。服务时间:09:00-22:00茶艺 位于六楼的茶艺室为您提供龙井、铁观音、大红袍等中国名茶。有现场表演专业功夫茶冲泡,也可对外出售。服务时间: 09:00-19:00康体服务 健身中心 位于邮轮一楼的健身房,设备先进、设施完善。是您休闲、健身的理想场所。服务时间: 07:0022:00水疗中心 位于邮轮一层的保健中心,集 SPA、桑拿、浴足、按摩于一体

26、,不仅让您的身体舒适,也让您的心情得到平和与放松。我们还为您提供中医推拿服务,美体、调理面面具备。优质的产品,经验丰富的技师,优美的三峡风光,为您带来全新享受。服务时间: 10:0024:00美容美发沙龙 位于邮轮一层的美容美发室为您提供美容、美发、美甲的一条龙服务,我们的技师将会为您打造专属于您的精致造型,让您焕发新生,不虚此行。服务时间: 07:0022:00Entertainment ServiceGift shop each kind of tea presents different spirit, for example, Dahongpao for wealth, Longjin

27、g for gentleness, etc. On 5th deck.Opening Hours:09:0019: 00Gym It is located on Deck 1 and provides a variety of exercise equipment. Opening Hours: 07:00 22:00SPA Center It is located on Deck 1. Fully-qualified masseurs are available for foot and body massage, leaving you feeling more balanced phys

28、ically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Advanced reservations are recommended.Opening Hours:10:00-24:00Beauty Salon Hairdressing service for cut, wash, set and blow dry is available, as well as facial services. It is located on Deck 1.Opening Hours: 10: 00 - 22:00安全须知安全及保安服务 8000消防撤离程序 遇到火警穿上

29、救生衣离开房间 救生衣在衣柜内 开门之前,检查门把手是否变热慢慢打开门 按照广播要求去做用湿毛巾捂住口鼻 到最近的紧急出口处 千万不要使用电梯如果出口被堵,请立即返回房间等候救援 用湿毛巾堵住房门裂缝和通风口根据逃生指示到集合地点集合 通过救生艇撤离邮轮 训练有素的邮轮保安人员将定时巡逻邮轮。如有任何疑问请致电监控中心“8000”Security ServiceFire evacuation proceduresPut your life jacket onIt is in the wardrobeCheck the door handle; make sure it is not hot.O

30、pen the door slowlyFollow the broadcastProtect your respiratory with wet towelGo to the closest exitDo not use elevatorIf the exit is blocked, please go back to your room and wait for rescueBlock cracks and vents with wet towelsFollow the escape routes to the assembly place.Evacuate via lifeboatTrained security personnel will regularly patrol the cruise. If you have any problems, please call the monitoring center at “8000“.


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