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    1、Anchovy鳀属( Engraulis)o 白鳀( Engraulis albidus)o 阿根廷鳀( Engraulis anchoita)o 澳洲鳀( Engraulis australis):又称新西兰鳀。o 南非鳀( Engraulis capensis)o 欧洲鳀( Engraulis encrasicolus):又称拟小鳀、黑海鳀、亚速海鳀。o 银鳀( Engraulis eurystole)o 日本鳀( Engraulis japonicus)o 美洲鳀( Engraulis mordax)o 秘鲁鳀( Engraulis ringens)AnchoviesScientific

    2、 classificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ActinopterygiiOrder: ClupeiformesFamily: EngraulidaeGeneraSee textGlobal commercial capture of anchovy in million tonnes 19502010An anchovy is a small, common salt-water forage fish of the family Engraulidae.The 144 species are placed in 17 gene

    3、ra; they are found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, and in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Anchovies are usually classified as oily fish. Contents 1 Genera 2 Characteristics 3 Distribution 4 Ecology 5 Commercial species 6 Fisheries o 6.1 Black Sea 7 As foodGeneraGenera in the fa

    4、mily EngraulidaeGenera Species Comment Genera Species CommentAmazonsprattus 1 Anchoa 35Anchovia 3 Anchoviella 4Cetengraulis 2 Coilia 13Encrasicholina 5 Engraulis 9Type genus for anchovy: This genus contains all the commercially significant anchovy.Jurengraulis 1 Lycengraulis 4Lycothrissa 1 Papuengra

    5、ulis 1Pseudosetipinna 1 Pterengraulis 1Setipinna 8 Stolephorus 20Thryssa 24CharacteristicsEuropean anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolusAnchovies are small, green fish with blue reflections due to a silver-colored longitudinal stripe that runs from the base of the caudal fin. They range from 2 to 40 cm (0

    6、.79 to 15.75 in) in adult length,3 and their body shapes are variable with more slender fish in northern populations.The snout is blunt with tiny, sharp teeth in both jaws. The snout contains a unique rostral organ, believed to be sensory in nature, although its exact function is unknown. The mouth

    7、is larger than that of herrings and silversides, two fish which anchovies closely resemble in other respects. The anchovy eats plankton and recently hatched fish.DistributionAnchovies are found in scattered areas throughout the worlds oceans, but are concentrated in temperate waters, and are rare or

    8、 absent in very cold or very warm seas. They are generally very accepting of a wide range of temperatures and salinity. Large schools can be found in shallow, brackish areas with muddy bottoms, as in estuaries and bays. They are abundant in the Mediterranean, particularly in the Alboran Sea, Aegean

    9、Sea and the Black Sea. The species is regularly caught along the coasts of Crete, Greece, Sicily, Italy, France, Turkey, and Spain. They are also found on the coast of northern Africa. The range of the species also extends along the Atlantic coast of Europe to the south of Norway. Spawning occurs be

    10、tween October and March, but not in water colder than 12 C (54 F). The anchovy appears to spawn at least 100 km (62 mi) from the shore, near the surface of the water.EcologyThe anchovy is a significant food source for almost every predatory fish in its environment, including the California halibut,

    11、rock fish, yellowtail, shark, chinook, and coho salmon. It is also extremely important to marine mammals and birds; for example, breeding success of California brown pelicans and elegant terns is strongly connected to anchovy abundance.Commercial speciesCommercial fishLarge pelagicbillfish, bonitoma

    12、ckerel, salmonshark, tunaForageanchovy, herringmenhaden, sardineshad, spratDemersalcod, eel, flatfishpollock, ray Mixedcarp, tilapiaCommercially significant speciesCommon nameScientific nameMaximumlengthCommonlengthMaximumweightMaximumageTrophiclevelFishBaseFAOITISIUCN statusEuropean anchovy*Engraul

    13、is encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758)20.0 cm (7.9 in)13.5 cm (5.3 in)kg 3 years 3.11Not assessedArgentine anchoitaEngraulis anchoita (Hubbs & Marini, 1935)17.0 cm (6.7 in)cm0.025 kg (0.88 oz)years 2.51Not assessedCalifornian Engraulis mordax 24.8 cm (9.8 in15.0 cm (5.9 in0.068 kg years 2.96 Least anchovy

    14、 (Girard, 1856) ) (2.4 oz)concernJapanese anchovyEngraulis japonicus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)18.0 cm (7.1 in)14.0 cm (5.5 in)0.045 kg (1.6 oz)4 years 2.60Not assessedPeruvian anchovetaEngraulis ringens (Jenyns, 1842)20.0 cm (7.9 in)14.0 cm (5.5 in)kg 3 years 2.70 Least concernSouthern African anc

    15、hovyEngraulis capensis (Gilchrist, 1913)17.0 cm (6.7 in)cm kg years 2.80Not assessed* Type speciesFisheriesGlobal capture of anchovy in tonnes reported by the FAOCapture of all anchovy reported by the FAO (green indicates Peruvian anchoveta) Peruvian anchoveta 19502010 Other anchovy 19502010Black Se

    16、aOn average, the Turkish commercial fishing fleet catches around 300,000 tons per year, mainly in winter. The largest catch is in November and December. As foodA traditional method of processing and preserving anchovies is to gut and salt them in brine, allow them to mature, and then pack them in oi

    17、l or salt. This results in a characteristic strong flavor and the flesh turns deep grey. Pickled in vinegar, as with Spanish boquerones, anchovies are milder and the flesh retains a white color. In Roman times, anchovies were the base for the fermented fish sauce garum. Garum had a sufficiently long

    18、 shelf life for long-distance commerce, and was produced in industrial quantities. Anchovies were also eaten raw as an aphrodisiac. Today, they are used in small quantities to flavor many dishes. Because of the strong flavor, they are also an ingredient in several sauces and condiments, including Wo

    19、rcestershire sauce, Caesar salad dressing, remoulade, Gentlemans Relish, many fish sauces, and in some versions of Caf de Paris butter. For domestic use, anchovy fillets are packed in oil or salt in small tins or jars, sometimes rolled around capers. Anchovy paste is also available. Fishermen also u

    20、se anchovies as bait for larger fish, such as tuna and sea bass.The strong taste people associate with anchovies is due to the curing process. Fresh anchovies, known in Italy as alici, have a much milder flavor. In Sweden and Finland, the name anchovies is related strongly to a traditional seasoning, hence the product “anchovies“ is normally made of sprats30 and herring can be sold as “anchovy-spiced“. Fish from the Engraulidae family are instead known as sardell in Sweden and sardelli in Finland, leading to confusion when translating recipes.

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