嗨,你就是这样的凤梨酥呀说起凤梨就会联想到蓝天白云凤梨海Pineapple + Blue Sky = Happy Time科普一下,凤梨的最佳成熟期为 3 至 9 月想吃凤梨酥,这个季节正适合三味酥屋 + 黑凤梨酥 = 皮薄馅大不“薄皮大馅”的凤梨酥不是一颗好的凤梨酥除了凤梨味,还有多种口味蔓越莓有心抹茶留香原味很纯More than just a dessert, wanna find out the story with you together每一款酥,都有它的出身和故事Its the moment to embrace a better pineapple cake停下来,拥抱凤梨酥的美好Close your eyes and feel the durian passion闭上眼,感受榴莲酥的热情Take a deep breath, meeting one sweet sun pastry深呼吸,遇见太阳饼的甜蜜With a cup of tea, tasting the elegance of Gongura一杯茶,就着蔓越莓酥的高贵About all the fantastic gourmet, keep our tacit understanding forever在美食面前,我们永远那么默契