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1、前几天收到了 CLS 的 Hamilton,cycle 彻底结束。现在回报寄托。一些背景:美本,4.0/180Offer 情况, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, Columbia with $174000, DukeWaitlist: Chicago (Withdraw)I owe much of my success on LSAT to my college and Daily_Double from TLS。特别感谢我的 American Literature 老师逼着我们大一一周读四本书, American Revolution 的老师让我们各种写东西。Myth #1

2、: LSAT 是一个阅读速度和理解力的考试,如果你阅读速度很慢,这将极大制约你的发挥Myth #2: LSAT 是一个以英文为载体考察 Critical thinking & Reasoning 的考试,所以如果你的英文基本功不过关的话建议多读书。多准备Myth #3: 这个世界上本没有天翼禀赋一说,你要看到别人之前努力过多少。读过多少书。你现在流的汗水就是你昨天虚度年华脑子里进的水Myth #4: LSAT 准备建议 4 个月以上。如果你想 1 个多月挑战自己体能极限的话,我建议还是不要试了。Myth #5: LSAT is a lot of hard work.准备工作:单词:LSAT 所

3、需要单词应该和 SAT 基本是持平的,所以如果你词汇量不够 1w 左右的话建议拿一本Barron 800 去看看,这是 SAT 最核心的词汇。如果 LSAT 碰到不会的单词就抄在本子上看看就好了所需材料: Bible (LG+LR 仍然需要 ) Manhattan LR+RCLSAT Trainer (这本书非常好强烈推荐)HB 铅笔一个 LSATQA.com 的账号Cambridge Bundle LG+LR 1-38 by typePT 40 - 71?(到 71 了?)Manhattan LSAT forumSteve LG 视频解析正文第一阶段:读 Bible LG+LR,并开始下手

4、LG 历时一个半月左右。建议这个期间你好好的读一读 Economist 和 New Yorker,可以为你 RC 稍微打打基础我 LG 是按照 Steve 的分类来的,Drill 的时候基本也一样。其实按照那个都无所谓,各有千秋。LG Myth: 重复重复再重复。 我 1-38 的 LG Drill 了不知道有没有 15 遍?大概是有吧。我基本每隔一段时间就回去反复的做那些老题,那些 pattern 非常的明显。 Pure Sequencing,也就是 ordering game,你应该在 2 分钟之内就解决掉。根据需要看是否适当延长自己的 LG 节奏,一般 45 天应该可以读完做完并且 dr

5、ill 一部分的 LGLG bible 读完后,一直不停的 drill LG,这个过程应该持续到你做 Full time practice 为止LR:在读完 Bible 以后开始用 Manhattan LR drill建议把 LR 重新分类AssumptionNecessary AssumptionSufficient Assumption StrengthenWeakenFlawEvaluate the ArgumentInference:Must Be TrueMost Strongly Supported Complete the Passage Cannot Be TrueMain C

6、onclusionPoint at IssueParadoxPrinciple (Identify) Principle (Apply)StructureMethod (Argument) Method (Statement) Parallel (Reasoning) Parallel (Flaw)Assumption - these questions revolve around a gap, which is to say, theres at least one reason why the core might not necessarily follow from the supp

7、orting premises. I try to identify the gap, then come up with an answer, usually I just come up with one and move to the answers, sometimes its right, usually its not, but Im working on that. Anyways, wrong answers for these questions will reverse the logic, or not address the core, although sometim

8、es you do see premise boosters/premise weakeners as correct answers, this is rare though, you just have to eliminate as many as possible on your first pass. There are additional things to look for in these such as a correlation supporting causation, causation in general, conditionality in general, a

9、nd formal logic.Inference - these questions require you to use the information provided to you in the stimulus to select an answer which must follow from that information. Scope is your biggest obstacle in these, you have to possess a very narrow sense of scope, cut down the wrong answers, diagram i

10、f you must, and remember the information is in the stimulus, and the correct answer will always follow from it. Ill diagram conditional and formal logic, the rest I usually just work from my notations in the stimulus.Structure - these questions require you to understand the abstract nature of the ar

11、gument and pay attention to subtle shifts in terms, degree, division, etc. and select an answer which either conforms to the information in the stimulus or to describe it in an abstract fashion. I usually diagram matching questions, argument part questions are usually pretty straightforward.按照上面的分类开

12、始 Drill,先拿下 Assumption family,这占了 LR 考试 50%的分量对于 Assumption Family 的问题的思考,建议采取这个过程1, Author makes a statement (conclusion)2, He draws whatever evidence to support/refute his conclusion3, Gap?4, The argument flows logically.这个过程是可以写在纸上的。也就是先找结论,然后找 premise,自己 paraphrase 一个 gap,然后扫选项的节奏。对于 Non-assumpt

13、ion family 的 Inference question,唯一的技巧就是需要读懂,快速读懂整个 paragraph的意思。而对于 Structure question 一个小技巧就是从 modifier 的 certainty 来处理,must 和 should 的程度就不同。LR 这一阶段应该持续在 1 个半月到 2 个月。第二阶段:LG buckle down, LR DRIll, RC Manhattan RC+Drill这个阶段是为了最后的 Full time practice 做的准备。LG 依然是不断的重复重复再重复, LR 要集中处理自己薄弱的环节了。比如 Parallel

14、,比如 Assumption family,记得要 drill ruthlessly,你一旦放过自己的薄弱环节,LSAC 就会在考场上狠狠的摧毁你。RC1) Read for structure - youve probably heard this before, but it really is the main thing that RC tests you on. When you read the passage, dont focus on the details. Screw the details. You should be able to follow the conten

15、t of the argument as you go on, but what you should be thinking about isWhat was the purpose of that paragraph I just read?What is the main point (almost always hinted at in the last sentence of paragraph 1)?What are the opposing views?How is this paragraph connected to the overall passage, i.e argu

16、ment flow?The thing is, once you get good at figuring out what the purpose of each paragraph is, and the order in which the argument flows, it becomes much easier to find the details youre looking for in specific question. Its much harder, however, to try and figure things like main point and argume

17、nt flow out AFTER youve finished the passage. Doing so will require a fair bit of rereading, and youll waste time.2) Develop a SIMPLE annotation system, but dont rely on it too much.Honestly, annotations might help, but if you really want to get to the level of acing RC, you cant rely on them, at le

18、ast in my opinion. You need to be able to hold that information in your head. You only have 7-10 minutes PER passage, and obsessing over annotating is just not that effective within that period.The thing is, these passages are pretty short.3) EVERY question has an answer in the text.Thats right. The

19、 text wins over your intuition, 100% of the time (Well, except when you simply have no time, but that shouldnt happen if youve practiced enough).4) PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE5) Isolate your weaknesses and work on them.If your score is fluctuating like that, you may not have some specific recurring w

20、eaknesses. But maybe a certain subject matter always gives you trouble. Maybe science passages go slowly for you. Dont let this be an issue. Read Scientific American, or the Economist, or any well-written magazine in the subject that gives you trouble. Spend 30 minutes a day on their website reading

21、 articles.6) When you review question you missed, go in the passage and find out exactly why your answer was wrong, why any answers you failed to eliminate were wrong, and why the correct answer was right.上面六条建议应该是 RC 最中肯的建议了。 Manhattan RC 建议在读完 RC 以后要在脑子里有一个 map,也就是你清楚地知道每一个段落的作用。这就是第一条建议。RC 拼的就是速度

22、和理解。Rule #1:Rush your time on easy passages.尝试用 5 分钟甚至 4 分钟读完做完第一篇文章Rule #2:一切答案都在文章,不要 YY建议 RC drill 一天 8 篇 back to back,RC 是制约大多数人分数的存在。基本这一阶段就是 LG 重复, LR buckle down + RC 的 back to back drill关于订正错题这应该是整个备考阶段最重要的东西Blind review,在你做错题后,不要记答案,而是重新去做一遍这道题,看看为什么你选的选项是错的。LR 可以采取的方法就是写出来错误的原因。而 RC 建议找到具体

23、的行,然后用这四个问题来思考并且写在纸上。搞懂每一个选项,不要放过任何一个漏洞1) why the right answer is right?2) why the wrong answers are wrong?3) what makes me think the right answer is wrong?4) and what makes me think the wrong answer is right?3)和 4)是非常重要的,这样你可以意识到 LSAC 的一些 trap第三阶段: Full time practice终于到了最后的时刻了。先贴上我的 scheduleAnd thi

24、s is my PT scheduleFebruary: (Just to show what has already been done)(2/4) PT 40(2/15) PT 41(2/18) PT 50(2/25) PT 51March:(3/2) PT 67(3/9) PT 66 and RC from PT 38, Review on 3/10(3/12) PT 52, Review 3/16(3/14) PT 53 and RC from PT 37, Review 3/17(3/19) PT 65, Review 3/23(3/21) PT 64 and RC from PT

25、36, Review 3/24(3/26) PT 54, Review 3/30(3/28) PT 55 and RC from PT 35, Review 3/31April:(4/2) PT 56, Review 4/6(4/4) PT 63 and RC from PT 33, Review 4/7(4/9) PT 57, Review 4/13(4/11) PT 58 and RC from PT 32, Review 4/14(4/16) PT 62, Review 4/20(4/18) PT 61 and RC from PT 31, Review 4/21(4/23) PT 59

26、, Review 4/27(4/25) PT 60 and RC from PT 30, Review 4/28May: the final stretch, all at the test center review(4/30) PT 68, Review 5/4(5/2) PT 43 and RC from PT 29, Review 5/5(5/7) PT 44 and PT 63, Review 5/11(5/9) PT 45 and PT 62, Review 5/12(5/14) PT 46 and Preptest B, Review 5/18(5/16) PT 47 and P

27、reptest C, Review 5/19(5/21) PT 48 and PT 64, Review 5/25(5/23) PT 49 and PT 50, back to back, Review 5/26(5/28) PT 65 and 66, back to back, Review 6/1(5/30) PT 42 and PT 67 back to back, Review 6/2June: (6/1 - 6/9) Mental prep, more on this when the time comes(6/10) PT 69 at the test center我的建议是从新的

28、开始做起,新老交叉在一起。建议把所有 50 以后的 PT 全部做三遍。我认识两个 180,一个是 Yale 的 summa cum laude,所有 PT 做了 3 遍,另一个是我的朋友,也是所有 PT3 遍。我自己做了也大概 3 遍左右。所以记住 LSAT is a lot of hard work.做 PT 时候建议去下载一个 LSAT proctor 的 app, IOS 上有,大概是 9.99 美金的样子。之后按照 blind review 来执行订正。Full time PT 过程你可能会有心理起伏,这时候可以多找父母或者好朋友吐槽。另外这个时候可以把结果输入到 LSATQA 里面,它里面会帮你记录,免去了用 excel 记录的麻烦。最后 Test day experience早点去考场,拿着前一天准备好的 LG (几个类型的各准备一个)+若干 LR,热身,之后不要过早去排队,尽量晚一点,提前去厕所。准备好表,吃的和 ticket。Good luck with your LSAT prep. Fighting.有问题回帖吧。经验贴大概就写完了。


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