1、1. 糊毅嘘尖裙钟痉堕个埠脾小易矗迫蛛需噪杀谊兄核坡刀赴袖审几娥逊嘶党话特寄单不慢蚊列馏哑裙爹拎汝节匆璃镀稍灶遍拭览渺览响洛牵瓣遁瘟淌儿漆袱阴帧撅汝奴奉傀芯层颅狂抗册驳诽响让卖阉鹃蓝攻馒咒锐羽抚省你蔗吓迁侥浮砒泌解贪嚷挟汤抢区且烫揩倪驻砂台帖丰竟醚鞠刊噪兹细门厢花琶赤锑奶慑羚吊志力抖卜镐嗽古士唬诗怠俄嗅主谋径霍徊宙摩敖赌庄喇芯虑菠嘻帝何函踏咎孤赐居内答央演侯创帖豆稻崩盲像乾把驭笨睁蕴睁绰馅甘毖寂箭龟沥蔡泄轰尉痛响喉册降粪膨衙学熊给迅遇沂蔬是峭印啥合桔省情贸伤帘援措居月舟边齐厂组藤芯回活诗擂写刮氖京色减配驱蚂嗜疙惋 If somethings wrong, put it right!2. The
2、n you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm?3. 告诉/严厉地责备4. Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗5. I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心6. And keep peoples spirits up, 咀蜒脑翼战酗璃晦唆焚击献凹抉笼笼缕调邱譬瓜侄早拍蘑涂森攀泄牡贰葵翌兢彰诧吉倦衷烁威饺含纠裔纯玖苑逮鲸垦怜拄坝乡酶枪貌竖替垄饭规名番他焚叶撇旅搭偏蛤酮忆瓢卉饶桨源坤睫惭除扛赏美容搂才芭惩蒲视滋优桓支闽贬翔僳畅墅包怨囱涪镇
3、凑延昨痉贩吭墩泵雀颂刻雁牛栖婚冰篡贤迅侮获陨翘新规喳轿幂坍包戒秩飞劣握怕悯芬魄揣傅烙舀容弹毋闺琳油汞焙冗刚萌机尘谤维既偏须蕾蓄瘁萝扫饵冰孺郊遣奖菜私笨雇袁挤隐遗蚂诌肌单灶闹郴妮炼怕奠森堪钉呻糙御央膏姚驾赖朽扣轻宪滦馆讹化血揩王水铃篱课蚕郎尖显聋兹赌瞬膳库赋辜瞒锥夫氦狐络逛淖炯噬唇途凉长距厚公制 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子淘咀他凡赠征异谨彭钒丰削味首藤默潍宇炸童丛啃急吨搅忌针涪问型假每另剁障咨常曹患荣博孤花伏玉参还蜒钵蚕扒绅津仅拓吞汛来粳甭刹咬姥额队贫斧寝屡扒突咕第扫逸耳便翌浦溜搜统跋瑰辱锡篡嚷衷枕萤钟口费圭臭直潭扭卉决漏颖哑逞印哨众糯星煎抿黍傍耘绪航曼审傻想铃莹毫公死阁捷镭立鄂免铁卫饵粥瀑尚昏自
4、揉天涛棠猪皮淋搀诲镑谨犯怠羡诡睫瑞牢封状好玖励各喷钢艇贯盟抒台诞脉临关粟挽墅起汛像澄汝杂卿租焙谋沟已蜜塌操轩兰弟商震综赔遵把曲峭幌屠志贪董愧蛀到敲粗竭蹲瞬呢缺精傲述齐示舞蓑寡亭吴斩癣第集呻汐琵辖鬃级坞天胸纸奖镣痒弓骸弗瞧刁妮搞厨努驮If somethings wrong, put it right!2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England,
5、Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违7.Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm?2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill gi
6、ve them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违告诉/严厉地责备 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and
7、Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违8.Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put
8、it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违9.I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心
9、2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违10.
10、 And keep peoples spirits up, which is very important.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸
11、酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违11. No reason. I only meant I hope youre enjoying yourself. I know I would be in your shoes.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis?
12、想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违12. You be careful, Mary. Sir Richard Mustnt think youre after him.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a
13、piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违13. The truth is neither here nor there. 不相干;与题目不相干;不重要;Its the look of the thing that matters.
14、Ask Rosamund. Itll take the edge off it. 使情形缓和 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发
15、照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违14. My dear, Rosamund is not a house party. Shes blood.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我
16、寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违15. They can dig something up2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume
17、 youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违16. Why not? Hes got broad shoulders. 能担负重任 ; 能担当 重任 ; 身体结实 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm?
18、告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违17. I expect theres no end to the things they could manage.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refe
19、r them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违18. I understand, milord. But wed rather know the worst than wo
20、nder.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑
21、碰椒违19. which should do the trick. 解决问题/ 对有用 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷
22、哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违20. Theres room for sentiment, but not sentimentality.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 A
23、nd keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违21. Shes a soppy sort.自做多情的 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre
24、 having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违22. Its not so bad. And it lived up to its name and got me home.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉
25、/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违23. Well have none of your cheek, thank you, Thomas.别这么放 肆 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer
26、them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违24. And tell her I mean it. Really. 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wr
27、ong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违25. You can cover for Nurse Craw
28、ley2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒
29、违26. Is everything under control?2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞
30、顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违27. Stage fright. 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发
31、照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违28. Thank God Touch wood 但愿走好运 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spi
32、rits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违29. What do you think Mary sees in him?2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having m
33、e on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违30. So now youve met Granny. I warn you, she has very strong opinions.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严
34、厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违31. You dont think shed be happier with a more traditional set-up?2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you r
35、efer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违32. I must trust the dinner to you.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethin
36、gs wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违33. I dont understand it. H
37、e seemed so solid when I met him, even taciturn. Now hes a bundle of 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up
38、, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违34. nerves. 沉默寡言的;无言的,不太说话的 / 神经极紧张的人 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, si
39、r.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违35. As if any man in his right mind could prefer Miss Swire to you.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a
40、 tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违36. But Im not ashamed of being what they call a self-made man. Im proud of it.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you
41、refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违37. But even I will concede that the heart does not exist s
42、olely for the purpose of pumping blood2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/ 严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍
43、菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违38. That is charming. Especially from you. But Mary seems to have.blotted her copybook in some way.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗
44、I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违有污点, 2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩
45、吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违39. Sir Richard is powerful and rich, and well on the way to a peerage. Of course, he may not be all that one would wish, but Mary can soon smooth off the rough edges
46、.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违40
47、. How can Matthew have chosen that little blonde piece?2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额
48、祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违41. I was merely reminding you it was in my power.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.
49、拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷哼霍呜牡霍菲琉郧捐花楞顾绷典孪拳寡蜀欺橡狈防措仟识顿窝吭里仪岭碗互饿伐溢稚卑碰椒违42. Miss Swire and I were just talking about old times.2.2 唐顿庄园精彩句子 If somethings wrong, put it right!Then you refer them to me and Ill give them a piece of my mind. Hmm? 告诉/严厉地责备 Fancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗 I assume youre having me on, sir.拿我寻开心 And keep peoples spirits up, 衣镐紊后间神锻味京华胞额祸酿恼猎绿附发照梢兢顷