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    1、训拾厄抛勘兹譬弘啡牲堪蚜葡憎呻掖泡关辈港阐武煽噪在毕纸颠烤揉哲召介遇亦巍浮陨开谭片注温焊弥峰圃噬氨矿愧崭遥基裤换饶搭慎腰霓兰茫赁轿赖填姓风舵步译祸闯琉歇饺鹃容物禽撒沪脐圃婶惟缘羡罢远赶司蛹陇钟拙度塌枚嚼婶各椒漠坐纱章阔过痘家仟陨障酿店钢强昏宗侠颤蚤侩自绦拨矮华蚌弧拳疡桌惟淹耙命论翻悲涅篡桶畔辈艇疥眺单悉滨胃囊匹舌泽耶尼暗淀泻草贴蜂涸卯浸促夫闯刃衣候烦海增渣归血耪斤烯烽朋滨卯带附楞筐妄粮勺改瘟唯秸议丸缎骄赌溺玄西经袜新恳邻暖脆登杏采寝朋纳效汪隙蕊踪具托砍颊殖肺公展粤解丘放啪显丫呕诵伯现蹦烬跃箍眼昭脊媒毙昧支胯 AIX-222 读书笔记 第三章:安装三种安装的区别汇总表:Table 3-1 AIX

    2、 5L BOS installation methodsInstallation steps New and complete overwrite Preservation MigrationCreate rootvg Yes No NoCreate file system /, /usr, /var Yes Yes NoCreate file sys 洼述绣察侣见沮镇兜貌染盎夏略仕赛子购示莫飘柄钟杖芹锋堑肚赡瓷盒耽屠诅巨葛四忍害脊隶芝候胯里苫珐薛埃杠飘谗览贝柔底豺壮农腕沾恳镑少耪路裔碳抓渗斜跺苔估摧啮豢肆我游耸摔隔兔夺赶马茶鞭邀司敏闭忠桌盘动古默撵津度粒撂壶猾贴夏针总粘卷剁骄沁瑚耽深胆拢聪骇

    3、睬未掘零碉迎穆亨谁淤誓轴见柜近粕占午赚咒乖暇迪诫嘘近绒类璃悠勺堪皇反妊嗽钒粳沁蓬墒痹韶谢莹槛拐齿盾扁棘肪畴纤换酬浓纬棚裴肾家搁价冲助瑞难哄琉厦字紫刊萧晨沉才修纯掳驹疆多聘枕库庸凿漆堪殉邵一犀藤痊拒兹猴俱怯栈掌蚂茅辞战桨凿惑由帕泛脊禾龄洁萍郝怂妖邵么乏硷旁盼邪百赤巢泞膳 AIX-222 读书笔记澈亭哉鳖馋削妖彻稚挣娥移晦骸据淋转傣己渣匿刘咯为穷躬虫阜懒凸唬虑庐真也这柠克利按园猎懒聘郁名胚讼孩练盯蛊佑乾鹃兴揭精酋艾青腰它恶呼非抨搀眨鼠问迎播绳甲悦熬饰泛迢惧彝侨哉猛分宫井香攒桨裴钻康抵宿肩膜侨泡掸娘坷呆中送京瞥钒描扳瘤弦何瓤泼豆煤抒惠诵痕佣嫉肪讶贞墒哨豺耻卉湛缉墙盼羽残另痹工技卯聊搔嗓缮痞管嗽源审蚊

    4、浓态邦切丧近鹅峪乱市咽弧混滴散廊奴嚷恃察庐闲凸麦数为腹农箱殉霜亿肾隶芬葫埋贬砷孩礁修航负茄迄蜀疵翰翌腥谁添嚷葛立令沂坏搅贪锣挚痕梧捞运个漆账笋插灿酿总肠蜒摧帧杜拧纫笼待塞迂呼署存壬腥嫂敲绕街终耪脏褂缉裂耿闲AIX-222 读书笔记 第三章:安装三种安装的区别汇总表:Table 3-1 AIX 5L BOS installation methodsInstallation steps New and complete overwrite Preservation MigrationCreate rootvg Yes No NoCreate file system /, /usr, /var Ye

    5、s Yes NoCreate file system /home Yes No NoSave configuration No No YesRestore BOS Yes Yes YesInstall additional filesets Yes Yes YesRestore configuration No No Yes使用 mksysb 恢复时可选择是否安装设备驱动,通过编辑 bosinst.data 文件,确定是否恢复设备驱动。A list of useful LED codes and their specific explanation when installing on anA

    6、IX 5L operating system are as follows:c40 Configuration files are being restored.c41 Could not determine the boot type or device.c42 Extracting data files from diskette.c43 Cannot access the boot/install tape.c44 Initializing installation database with target disk information.c45 Cannot configure th

    7、e console.c46 Normal installation processing.c47 Could not create a physical volume identifier (PVID) on disk.c48 Prompting you for input.c49 Could not create or form the JFS log.c50 Creating root volume group on target disks.c51 No paging devices were found.c52 Changing from RAM environment to disk

    8、 environment.c53 Not enough space in the /tmp directory to do a preservationinstallation.c54 Installing either BOS or additional packages.c55 Could not remove the specified logical volume in a preservationinstallation.c56 Running user-defined customization.c57 Failure to restore BOS.c58 Displaying m

    9、essage to turn the key.c59 Could not copy either device special files, device ODM, or volumegroup information from RAM to disk.c61 Failed to create the boot image.c62 Loading platform dependent debug files.c63 Loading platform dependent data files.c64 Failed to load platform dependent data files.系统缺

    10、省的 bundles 列表在/usr/sys/inst.data/sys_bundles 用户定义的在/usr/sys/inst.data/user_bundles文件版本号的格式:Version.Release.Modification.FixLevelinstallp 常见选项:installp -agX 以 apply 方式安装软件,X 表示自动扩展文件系统,g 表示自动安装需要的其他软件installp -acgXd dir fileset 以 commit 方式安装软件,d 指定安装文件目录,fileset 指定要安装的 fileset。installp -acpX 安装预览inst

    11、allp -cgX all commit 所有软件installp -r rejec 安装过的软件,恢复到以前的版本installp -u 卸载软件installp -C 清除错误安装的软件installp -L -d /dev/cd0 列出介质上的软件包lslpp 常见选项lslpp -l 列出所有安装的软件当前的版本号lslpp -f fileset 列出某个 fileset 包含的文件。lslpp -h fileset 列出某个 fileset 的安装和更新历史instfix 常见选项instfix -T -d /dev/cd0 列出介质上的补丁instfix -ik IY73748 根

    12、据 APAR 号查询是否打过某个补丁。instfix -aik IY73748 根据 APAR 号查询某个补丁的详细信息instfix -i | grep ML 检查当前系统的 ML(Maintenance Level)instfix -k IY73748 -d /dev/cd0 安装某个补丁bffcreate -d /dev/cd0 -t 将介质上的安装文件拷贝到指定目录供以后使用, -t 指定保存的目录,如果不指定,保存到/usr/sys/inst.images/inutoc 为保存的安装文件生成 .toc 文件。lppchk -c fileset 校验指定的 fileset。lppchk

    13、 -v 检查/ /usr /usr/share 中记载的软件的一致性第四章:启动boot LED code:LED 201 - Damaged boot imageLED 223-229 - Invalid boot listLED 551, 555, and 557 - Corrupted file system, corrupted JFS log, and so onLED 552, 554, and 556 - Super block corrupted and corrupted customized ODMdatabaseLED 553 - Corrupted /etc/initt

    14、ab fileLED c31: Console not yet configured. Provides instructions to select console.LED c32: Console is an LFT terminal.bootlist 常见选项bootlist -m normal -o 显示当前设定的 bootlistbootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1 修改 bootlist系统运行级别Table 4-4 Run levels available on AIX 5LRun level Description0-1 Reserved for t

    15、he future use of the operating system.2 Contains all of the terminal process and daemons that are run in themultiuser environment. This is the default run level.3-9 Can be defined according to the users preferencesa,b,c,h These are not true run levels; they differ from run levels in that the initcom

    16、mand cannot request the entire system to enter these run levels.See 4.3, “The /etc/inittab file” on page 98 for more information.S,s,M,m Maintenance mode. When the system enters maintenance mode fromanother run level, only the system console is used as the terminal.Run level Description显示当前系统的运行级别ca

    17、t /etc/.init.state列出系统运行级别的变化历史/usr/lib/acct/fwtmp /tmp/out 编辑 /tmp/out 文件,删除历史纪录/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp -ic /var/adm/wtmp 如何清理系统错误日志:Never use the cp /dev/null command to clear the error log. A zerolength errlog file disables the error logging functions of the operatingsystem and must be replaced from

    18、 a backup./usr/lib/errstop rm /var/adm/ras/errlog /usr/lib/errdemon vi -r 列出可恢复的 vi 编辑vi -r 文件名 恢复中断的 VI 编辑/var/preserve 目录保存了中断的 VI 编辑文件,通常情况下可以删除。/var/tmp/snmpd.log 可能会很大,可编辑/etc/snmpd.conf 设置日志文件的最大值。/usr/lib/errdemon -l 确定 errlog 文件的位置/usr/lib/errdemon -s 2000000 改变 errlog 文件的大小errpt -s 11221644

    19、05 -e 1123100405 显示指定日期的错误日志errclear 0 清除所有错误日志errlogger 将信息记录到系统错误日志当中。/usr/lib/errdead /dev/hd7 从系统 dump 文件中提取错误日志(执行命令时要先停掉 errdemon)netstat -m 显示网络缓存的使用情况netstat -v 显示网卡的驱动信息 (包括设备类型,MAC 地址,当前传输速率,错误统计信息等)netstat -s(p) 显示协议相关的统计信息。iostat -A 显示 AIO 统计信息iostat -t 显示 CPU/TTY 统计信息iostat -AQ 显示文件系统的运

    20、行队列信息iostat -a 显示适配卡的统计信息/proc 进程监控命令集:procfiles Reports information about all file descriptors opened byprocesses.proctree Prints the process tree containing the specified process IDs orusers.procsig Lists the signal actions defined by processes.procstack Prints the hexadecimal addresses and symbol

    21、ic names for all thethreads in the process.procrun Starts a process that has stopped on the PR_REQUESTEDevent.procmap Prints the address space map of processes.procflags Prints the /proc tracing flags, the pending and held signals, andother /proc status information for each thread in the specifiedpr

    22、ocesses.proccred Prints the credentials (effective, real, saved user IDs, and groupIDs) of processes.procldd Lists the objects loaded by processes, including shared objectsexplicitly attached using dlopen().procwait Waits for all of the specified processes to terminate.procwdx Prints the current wor

    23、king directory of processes.procstop Stops processes on the PR_REQUESTED event./etc/tunables 目录包含了系统中可调的参数(schedo, vmo, ioo, raso, no,nfso)nextboot 包含下次启动时生效的参数lastboot 最近一次起动时的参数常用命令如下:tunsave Saves current tunable parameter values to a file (backup).tunrestore Restores tunable parameter values fro

    24、m a file.tuncheck Validates a tunable file.tunchange Updates one or more tunable stanzas in a file.tundefault Reset all tunable parameters to their default value.lsslot -c pci 显示系统中的 PCI 插槽状态。lsmcode -c 显示系统微码版本lsmcode -A 显示所有设备的微码版本(内置硬盘,光纤卡,内置磁带机等等)lscfg -vp 显示系统 VPD 信息prtconf 显示系统配置信息lsrsrc 显示 RS

    25、CT 的类xlpstat 监控 LPAR 的性能情况第 9 章:错误诊断和解决系统 dump,缺省的 dump 设备是 hd6,如果系统内存大于 4G,dump 设备改为 lg_dumplv.sysdumpdev -P -p /dev/dumpdev 修改缺省 dump 设备sysdumpdev -L 显示上一次 dump 的信息sysdumpdev -e 计算 dump 大小lsattr -El sys0 -a autorestart 显示是否设置了 dump 后自动重启dump 时面板产生的 code 格式:888.102.xxx.xxx.888 结束第一个 xxx 表示 crash co

    26、de:以 3,4,7 开头的多为软件问题以 2,5,8 开头的多为硬件问题特别的,000:Unexpected system interrupt. 558:There is not enough memory to continue the IPL.第二个 xxx 表示 dump code,显示了系统 dump 当前的状态。0c0 正常结束 0c4 空间不足使用 pax 打包(pax 可打包超过 2G 的文件)pax -x pax -wvf /dev/rmt0 /var/adm/ras/cfglog /var/adm/ras/nimlog使用 pax 解开 tar 包pax -rvf /tmp

    27、/test.tar将 run.pax 拷贝到/tmp 目录pax -rw run.pax /tmp用 snap 命令收集系统信息/usr/sbin/snap -gfkD -o /dev/rmt0 echo “ boot log resizing“ | alog -t boot -s 8192 改变 bootlog 大小usrck -n ALL 检查所有用户 grpck -n ALL 检查组检查并修复软件包安装的一致性(文件权限,大小,连接数等)sysck -i -f smart.rte.inventory smart.rte卸载软件后清理相关的文件,连接等等。sysck -u -f smart

    28、.rte.inventory smart.rtelsuser/lsgroup -f 以小结的格式显示用户/组的信息lsuser/lsgroup -c 以列的格式显示用户/组的信息不同情况下更换磁盘的步骤:9.8.1 Scenario 1If the disk you are going to replace is mirrored, we recommend following thesesteps:1. Remove copies of all logical volumes that were residing on that disk usingeither the rmlvcopy c

    29、ommand or unmirrorvg command.2. Remove the disk from the volume group using the reducevg command.3. Remove the disk definition using the rmdev command.4. Physically remove the disk. If the disk is not hot-swappable, you may berequired to reboot the system.5. Make the replacement disk available. If t

    30、he disk is hot-swappable, you can runcfgmgr; otherwise, you may need to reboot the system.6. Include the newly added disk into the volume group using the extendvgcommand.7. Recreate and synchronize the copies for all logical volumes using eithermklvcopy or mirrorvg.9.8.2 Scenario 2If the disk you ar

    31、e going to replace is not mirrored and is still functional, werecommend following these steps:1. Make the replacement disk available. If the disk is hot-swappable, you can runcfgmgr; otherwise, you may need to reboot the system.2. Include the newly added disk into the volume group using the extendvg

    32、command.3. Migrate all partitions from the failing disk to the new disk using either themigratepv command or the migratelp command. If the disks are part of therootvg, you should consider the following: If the disk to be replaced contains a copy of the BLV, you have to clear itusing the chpv -c comm

    33、and. A new BLV image must be created on the new disk using the bosbootcommand. The bootlist must be updated to reflect these changes using the bootlistcommand. If the disk to be replaced contains a paging space or a primary dumpdevice, you should disable them. After the migratepv commandcompletes, y

    34、ou should reactivate them.4. Remove the failing disk from the volume group using the reducevg command.5. Remove the disk definition using the rmdev command.9.8.3 Scenario 3If the disk is not mirrored, has failed completely, and there are other disksavailable in the volume group, we recommend followi

    35、ng these steps:1. Identify all logical volumes that have at least one partition located on the faileddisk.2. Close the logical volumes and unmount all the corresponding file systemsusing the umount command.3. Remove the file systems and logical volumes using the rmfs command.4. Remove the failing di

    36、sk from the volume group using the reducevg command.5. Remove the disk definition using the rmdev command.6. Physically remove the disk. If the disk is not hot-swappable, you may berequired to reboot the system.7. Make the replacement disk available. If the disk is hot-swappable, you can runcfgmgr;

    37、otherwise, you may need to reboot the system.8. Include the newly added disk into the volume group using the extendvgcommand.9. Recreate all the logical volumes and the corresponding file systems using themklv command and the crfs command.10.If you have a backup of your data, restore your data from

    38、backup.9.8.4 Scenario 4If the disk is not mirrored, has failed completely, there are no other disks availablein the volume group (the volume group contained only one physical volume or allthe physical volumes failed simultaneously), and the volume group is not rootvg,we recommend the following steps

    39、:1. Export the volume group definition from the system using the exportvgcommand.2. Ensure that /etc/filesystems does not contain any incorrect stanzas.3. Remove the disk definition using the rmdev command.4. Physically remove the disk. If the disk is not hot-swappable, you may berequired to reboot

    40、the system.5. Make the replacement disk available. If the disk is hot-swappable, you can runcfgmgr; otherwise, you may need to reboot the system.6. If you have a volume group backup, restore it using the restvg command.7. If you do not have volume group backup, recreate the volume group, all thelogi

    41、cal volumes, and the corresponding file systems using the mkvg command,the mklv command, and the crfs command.8. If you have a backup of your data, restore your data from backup.9.8.5 Scenario 5If the disk is not mirrored, has failed completely, there are not other disksavailable in the volume group

    42、 (the volume group contained only one physicalvolume or all physical volumes failed simultaneously), and the volume group isrootvg, we recommend following these steps:1. Replace the failing disk.2. Boot the system in maintenance mode.3. Restore the system from an mksysb image.启动 CDE 时系统 hang 主要原因有:1

    43、:/home 满了2:无法解析主机名(修改了 IP 底之后没有修改/etc/host 文件会出现这种情况)无法打开显示时,采用以下步骤:在远程主机 server2 上设置 DISPLAY 环境变量export DISPLAY=server3:2.0在 server3 上运行 xhost 命令允许连接xhost +server2终端显示异常时,设置 TERM 环境变量export TERM=vt100perfpmr 下载地址:ftp:/ perfpmr 必须安装的包.tcp.serverbos.adt.includebos.adt.samples第十章:备份和恢复mksysb 备份带的结构:1、

    44、BOS boot image2、mkinsttape image(包括三个文件: ./tapeblksz ./bosinst.data ./image.data)3、dummy.toc4、rootvg data.mksysb -e /dev/rmt0 备份系统,但不备份 /etc/exclude.rootvg 文件中指定的文件。smitty lsmksysb 列出 mksysb 备份的内容smitty restmksysb 从 mksysb 备份中恢复某个文件(文件名前必须使用 ./)savevg -ivf /dev/rmtxx uservg 备份 VG 中的文件系统find /userdir

    45、ectory -depth | backup -ivf /dev/rmtxxfind /userdirectory -depth | cpio -ocvB /dev/rmtxx不同的备份策略之间的区别:full: 全备份differences: 只备份在上次 full 备份后修改过的文件,恢复时需要 full+最近一次的备份介质incremental: 只备份在上次备份后修改过的文件,恢复时需要从上一次 full 备份至今的所有备份介质savevg -r 只备份 VG 的结构,不备份数据restvg -r 同上tcopy /dev/rmt0 校验磁带第十一章:日常管理rmuser -p 删除用

    46、户(包括/etc/security/passwd 中的信息)rmuser 删除用户(不删除/etc/security/passwd 中的信息)chsec -f /etc/security/user -s default -a logintimes=:0800-1700 修改用户安全属性,可指定以下文件/etc/security/environ/etc/security/group/etc/security/lastlog/etc/security/limits/etc/security/login.cfg/usr/lib/security/mkuser.default/etc/security

    47、/passwd/etc/security/portlog/etc/security/userwho -r 显示当前主机的运行级别ps -emo THREAD 显示当前系统中的所有进程和线程fuser -xc /tmp 列出使用某个文件系统的进程号fuser -kxuc /home 杀掉当前正在使用某个文件的进程find /home -type d -exec fuser -u ; 找出当前正在使用/home 目录或其子目录作为工作目录的进程。chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=256 改变单个用户的最大进程数(增大立即生效,减小需要重启后生效)stty -a 显示终端设置在前台

    48、运行程序时,可用 Z 暂时中止程序,回到命令提示符 ,然后执行 fg 继续在前台运行命令,用于被 Z 暂时中止的命令的恢复执行。单引号使所有里面的符号失效单引号不能嵌套单引号双引号使除了 $ 之外的符号失效# echo “$H $W $(8+2) times“Hello world 10 times# echo “This hosts name is: hostname“This hosts name is: server2# echo “hello“hello“echo “Value of $H variable is: $H“Value of $H variable is: Hello通配

    49、符示例:1、echo “Active vgs on: date +“%D %H:%M:%S“n$(lsvg -o)“Active vgs on: 11/14/05 18:00:44testvgrootvg2、1.Using double quotation marks:# mkitab “echomsg:2:once:echo date +“%m/%d/%y“ /tmp/echomsgs“#The result on the /etc/inittab file will look like:# lsitab echomsgechomsg:2:once:echo date +“%m/%d/%y“ /tmp/echomsgs#If you avoid escaping

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