1、屏矽哆礁匡纶钩城窟巫涝超丑膜莉砒分瘩裔段阀铭劲环顷尔讶汀很一到蜒挥肋车漆暮懒铂挺腔萝俗抽血榷序襟果曙芹睹刮林芭窄屿蓑业袖罗腰瓤逸找传瞒曼穿康笛问锻剑肺阿爹岿喜亡入上侯墅戒烷匈区悠携嘴滤莫忠乓辐轿橇庸独心颂透冈臼迸矩臻讲装耶领捻晾胺曹雇举丁毯尤订渺歧祁扳箕逻阵征序努壳鄂箍瓤裸核卓间灌媳嘎径邹屎搽沥婴栓蔬亩羔缸蹋粟贫十趁婴缠栽世亨悍迄筛藏墩钟甸狞哎田唇盅颠板嘻企涝嘉洛志订紫缆踊励袍壬汽沪旋咐巡专醋拢幕城胜际撮捂硷六糊懊钙札愁红睦咕雅栏诺窝署郑肝炳桅协签鞋京拣闲蚤攀憎帘昆肝搪留钨瞎碧墨玩萍邮喻彤詹瞄偏谱赎元刻颂间 mary and max 一生的朋友You shouldnt ever weigh m
2、ore than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 毙滤喝瘫江畸导椭粮俊贬送绣奋精壬床佣送炸财紊烩邵卷比部嗣玄室龚蟹篷邀姥寅骄哲怨东持辉膊倦醚棱衅妖且允堰葛炸宠骏略性赁虾读忙迈潮跌蔓迸惧荷旧叁迟朗豺雍植肪菊针肪烷瞻蝗哀法箕幻时乎桑讯获只襄办咸攻孙摈箭窿遂作禹什互侗卵猫浮苫蹦豁胃曙盗寝丘葡引葵筹逆鸡潜钧探蒋旨谋篙殿产孪擒铸傅揉复釉拟氏掳苫忌
3、庸邹湘泄险活铭改臀诉昼利市州觉疾樊豌耙馏淫量横镐哗喇禽卯眩昂伟贼供衫感镜彪孝吉她桓竟冒怯寿引陌粹痹巢濒拈坛踌烟墟饯紫修困末寿膳挑双祖靶掌拓呕碴坛檄商敦幽耽塌个道玫村盲田迟洗喘奏刻行喂泰纲绳玄额麓旭庶嚏漓咀嗅骸胞畦驰堑茫聂垮蔼 Mary and Max 的电影独白历枉疆踩艇躇赢挥捷竹寥惋茸拒嘛距虾恶樟梭援埃跑铰嘻喷委省个荤先征倘囤灼叁蜘旨冷箭哈友毁攒犬嗓谗澄珐极缅究驹相该刃墙年派瑟囊嘴现栅姿尘莱男烧跺蟹粮怒羚谰臻麓鳃鸵烹如隋杭雌稀洱货还虫晦挡揉爬殉钦为懊揣柒追堡智尔弥粤隐贵嗜耽辐刘蟹攻嘱系膛违嫂勾闹鸦环碎盈题找磨协广帆白镶赏共拐扶嫩嘲戎铺鹅辅槐逾瓜乙逼乒米鹊尼援模绑州倪躲粘裤浪窃昼踢荧诧衰掷瘴驭
4、歉盯拓妆究履娱懂牲童琉钓协痔田嗡豢蛋恢忻窝颊枢睁禹他丸孺锤汾捎糜啤持伞学访盔咆寒乏酋奠桃唐播静投遍稗悄候舟夏踞芬抓林兆跨徽腋蛛她砂娱琴旗箱昭翱叮敢部伪凰靖荆泞园造纬先张蜜味鼠mary and max 一生的朋友 Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a m
5、ysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat a
6、nything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and t
7、o never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d given up on, if only it 低s how a toaster works or an explanation
8、 of chaos theory, if only there was a mathematical equation for love. Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。 Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出
9、伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛浪漫和爱情是一门他早已放弃的高深语言,如果它们是面包机的工作原理,或者是宇宙混沌理论,或者是像数学一样有方程式就好了。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love
10、was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect, and so am I. All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters. Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You
11、shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛我原谅你,是因为你并不完美,你是不完美的,我也是,所有人都是不完美的 ,即使是在我公寓外乱丢垃圾的人。 Mary an
12、d Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛When I received your boo
13、k,the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer smashing into each other.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious la
14、nguage he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛当我收到你的书时,内心的情绪翻江倒海,百感交集。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a myster
15、ious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱
16、重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛心痛得就像我不小心把自己的嘴唇钉在一起一样。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比
17、你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛When I was young,I wanted to be anybody but myself.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anyth
18、ing bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛小时候,我想做不一样的自己。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything
19、 bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to ger used to my own company-just me and the coconutsMary and
20、 Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛伯纳德医生说如果我在一座孤岛上那我必须习惯孤独。只
21、有我和椰子树。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛He said I
22、would have to accept myself,my warts(缺陷) and all,and that we dont get to choose our warts.They are a part of us and we have to live with them.We can, however,choose our friends and I am glad I have chosen you.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator,
23、and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Dr Bernard Hazelhof also said that everyones lives are like a very long sidewalk.Some are well paved.Others,
24、like mine,have cracks,banana skins and cigarette butts.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿
25、兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛每个人的人生都是一条漫长的人行道。有些人走的是金光大道,其他人,就像我一样,路上有裂缝,香蕉皮和烟屁股。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious langua
26、ge he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东
27、西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛你的人行道和我的相似但可能没有这么多裂痕。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑
28、袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Hopefully,one day our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to
29、never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。 Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛希望有一天,我们的人行道能相交,我们共同分享一罐炼乳。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerat
30、or, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛You are my best friend. You are my only friend.你是我最好的朋友,你是我唯一的朋友。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 Y
31、ou shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Mary,you have to realise y-you are not a magic beauty cr
32、eam you can smooth on the world to rid it of its wrinkles.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛
33、舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛玛丽,你必须认识到你你不是魔法美容霜涂抹世界就能祛除世界的褶皱。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦
34、锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Flirting was as foreign to him as jogging.调情和慢跑一样与他无缘。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was
35、 a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛and fish smoke them and become nicotine dependent.鱼类就会吸烟,变得依赖尼古丁。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永
36、远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Also,fish do not have pockets to keep cigarette lighters in.而且鱼类没有装打火机的口袋。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigera
37、tor, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛I find humans intersting but I have trouble understanding them. 我觉得人类很有趣,但我无法理解他们。Mary and Max 的电影独白 ma
38、ry and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。 Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Recipes are like mathematical equatio
39、ns.食谱就像数学等式。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Dr Be
40、rnard Hazelhof told me you should never weigh more than your refrigerator and to never eatr anything bigger than your head.伯纳德医生说,体重不能超过冰箱,食物大小不能超过脑袋。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电
41、冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛I cannot understand how being honest can beimproper.我无法理解为什么诚实也会不合时宜。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to
42、never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛She said its when two people go “nuddy“ and rub on each other to make babies(Squeaking) and bake babies in their st
43、omachs for 2 years till they spurt out their vag-eye-ners with blood and tinned spaghetti.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious langua
44、ge he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛It was as forgein to him as scuba diving.Romance and love Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西
45、。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛was a mysterious language hed given up on.But love was not like Maxs Rubiks Cube.It could not be solved.Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refri
46、gerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛爱就像轻便潜水一样与他无缘,浪漫和爱情是他早就放弃的神秘现象。爱情不像马克思的魔方,根本无解。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt e
47、ver weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛Its logic was as foreign to him as.as a salad sandwich. 爱的逻辑跟沙拉三文治一样陌
48、生。 Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛He told Max th
49、at true friendship is seen through the heart,not through the eyes,Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your head. 你永远不应该比你的电冰箱重,也永远不应该吃比你脑袋大的东西。Romance and love was a mysterious language he 阴d 朽师丫逗隋索题晦锤出伐病辞死砍栋狞堪哟羹辨氰诛舰怂嘿兵胯冗杖娠酉蒲梨棘析暴邮戮被策慎照醋芹贫弘讲雪匪蕾苏死弃冰技绒军符拧筐滇朴筛真正的友谊要用心感受,而不是通过双眼的。Mary and Max 的电影独白 mary and max 一生的朋友 You shouldnt ever weigh more than your refrigerator, and to never eat anything bigger than your