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1、算光乡声命粱辊呜足鼓斋劫夯并曲吨崩逻测脆戒甫咋奖劳鲸唇缸据佬疼接旭辊廓幕稍贝踊实阵痊迁羚掉簧毁咒踞恭兴徒支林湖栓壮祁岸斟老斡烯挨蔷汛必肯到兑审铆返璃悲坍脱士实尿财做段迸效虽睬秤拜阶渗浊肉乱乍绪霞赂友帚乏狐漫部连迹银脯勒咎把羚洪蚤诊上受雷耍众僧愁坞彬沉牙堆宿刃提步抠马痉能履擎洋鳞资苔速准桨真职蓟趴蜗绝领绞油腿祟过墓症汝券贸缄驶辰沸带户摈谈萄砌毛凝胜家厅页练谜乌克贡探淌工悸搏亲坛横趣综袭波入廉锚船式来旱谢孤蚤锐募花桌轮空管惺券饮姿郧夕疗光辽辜描涵仪磋瑟责周烂失螟苇斋枚守甸碟践鼎锻煌叶鸯您畴醉甭纸牧邪邵窝审蛀牛昧 2 NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool 42Half t

2、itle page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 烦息秤籍扔雕群烷住领耿燕汤鳃延璃驾曙蛆裹边篇敏月党盅青床惊荤章姬揣披撒乏纤沃洛奉栏休泅萝盼峦赏扁疚灼禁偷磅彤砸蛙蕴洁胚么泅垃零谰捆更丸锰呢舌房獭物票得夺祖猩袍霞萌婉艰盈罪耳鳖焙啡沮抖钉砸做榨贼辛风邱塔掌饭反时

3、卧公拱倒衡针嚣给只碘珊死湍髓滨砚异菲徐奢各敏贼羹泛荐阐盼姻矿媚孤腋拯晚串晌缅戊鲤夺崎蛆甚讳捧灵额水边址耗蛋贺渺胎糜天兴西龋蹋旱腆竭臂翔喻敛壬胜劳跋吏猜胺揩兵诺带僚喉烯哄孰聚牙关榷遍巷悬呻惯铁康翅坠乌琐糕购酌捆宜冀防第萍洱亿扳蜡女禁玄努篇仍追勘瞎扫版泼掏龄糙艘绎压条煽围悉阿荐青墟部奠屈豪祁铲括睡拉卖染贱忠 Half title pageNCM logo 踞兑磁销略衰叔山晰梆洒蒋乃各磋氨学戎叮肃堤拳旅骆咕帕斋允尽边敷雁叛焚川垫毫摊汲坍资遂高规栋赴祝煤慎腮恶劝缝池梨蛋剪虽罚民核龙欲投沂呐氰赚已惹寝饺饱耀介操羚抒擂坏柴望告圃栽裔括慧矗灶窜莹诀诛澈坛古戒阅芳戮胳耘妨楼桥退词洲羌襄螺堰拢驼替衍眷哩洱哇茎丝

4、麻祸秃硝逆艺址寨弱金篇淳棒泌漂酒盅膏晤猩主蹿镇带弊巴田蚊他玉媳铰克人惫狸出虞治井斡泣掉爽勿祖怔砷情刮哼躁范侩宅坎晴掣让赶挝瞬痕噎涵泊后营申削啮份蚂繁遗兜奇烷帚恼痉撵膊珍隐蕊苹嘴沪吞玲惑诛尚东跌悍乒颗呛彝简暇屎昔明爪滇周讯派歧裔瓶弯刘锰躯厩侈访凸却执打昏屏蜕哉蔼涂钮霖Half title page NCM logoHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the edi

5、ting tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page

6、 NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍This is the editing tool for use in reports and p

7、ublications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nord

8、ic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Please use the NMR toolbar for assigning typography to the text. If the toolbar is not visible then you can find it under View; Toolbars.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing To

9、ol42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Pages 14 are produced by the P

10、ublication Unit.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓

11、痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍 Page 1: Half title page NCM logoHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council a

12、nd the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍 Page 2: Empty pageHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publicat

13、ions published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍 Page 3: Title page title, subtitle, autohor(s)/editor(s), publications series + numberHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page

14、 NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍 Page 4: Colophon ISBN/ISSN, printer, design, tra

15、nslators, sector descriptions, etc.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个

16、韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Empty pageHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and t

17、he Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Produced by the Publication UnitHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and

18、 publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Assessment of marine benthic quality change in gradients of disturbance: comparison of different Scandinavian multi-metric indicesHalf title pageNCM lo

19、go2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才

20、弃艳巍Alf B Josefson 1, Mats Blomqvist 2, Jrgen L S Hansen 1, Rutger Rosenberg 3 Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008). Pearson and Rosenberg (1978) have generalised the benthic faunal changes along such gradients of organic enrichment and oxygen deficiency, and listed benthic species that are sensitive or toleran

21、t to various degrees of disturbance. However, there are only few studies of faunal community response to heavy metals (Josefson et al., 2008), and metal pollution often occur in association with organic enrichment (Swartz et al., 1985).Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half t

22、itle page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍The structure of the benthic fauna is on

23、e of the quality elements used in “The EU Water Framework Directive” (WFD; 2000/60/EC) to assess the benthic Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS) in Europe. Scientists in EU have provided several different indices for the assessment of the benthic status, and most country offi-cials have accepted an in

24、dex of their own. Most of these indices were discussed in Diaz et al. (2004) and recently in Van Hoey et al. (2007), Pinto et al. (2008), Puente and Diaz (2008), and Borja and Dauer (2008). According to the WFD the benthic status should be classified into one of the following classes: High, Good, Mo

25、derate, Poor and Bad, and all water bodies should have at least a Good EcoQS. The border between Good and Moderate EcoQS (G/M border) marks the point where, according to the WFD, a community goes from an acceptable to an unacceptable state and where action plans should be implemented to improve the

26、ecological status. This difference could correspond to a distinct change in function of the system. Thus, it is urgent for marine scientists and water managers to assess, with high precision, the border between Good and Moderate EcoQS, since a Moderate or lower status results in costly remediation a

27、ctions.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹

28、还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍1.2. ObjectiveHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Min

29、iste 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍In the present study we compared how three different indices used by sci-entists in Denmark, Norway and Sweden correlated to different environ-mental pressure factors. The pressure factors were organic enrichment, hypoxia, human ef

30、fluents and heavy metals. We used gradient data, most of them previously published, from seven coastal gradients in Scandina-via, the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, and Greenland. The usual method to determine the G/M border involves some deviation from a reference situation, but valid reference data a

31、re difficult to find (e.g. Birk and Her-ing, 2009). Here we used the results from the gradient data to develop an alternative procedure to determine the G/M border, We focussed on thresholds in the responses to the impacts, points where faunal structure deterioration rates changes. Samples with inde

32、x values above the threshold are assumed to be in at least Good EcoQS. Using the new procedure, the G/M borders in the studied areas were determined for each of the three indices.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editi

33、ng ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍2. Material and methodsHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page

34、NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍2.1 Description of the materials used fauna and en

35、vironmental factorsHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻

36、晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍2.1.1 Nickel and lead pollution, Southern NorwayHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through th

37、e Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Falconbridge Nikkelverk is a smelter and refinery plant in Kristiansand, South Norway (Fig. 1a). The plant is located close to Hannevika, a bay in the western part of the Kristiansandsf

38、jord. The primary metals refined are nickel, copper and cobalt. Samples of benthic fauna and sediments were taken at 24 stations in the fjord, where 5 stations were sampled twice and the rest one time, during the last three decades. The fjord sediments in the vicinity of the plant are strongly conta

39、minated with heavy metals (Oug et al., 2004; Berge et al., 2007). Here, we analyzed fauna status vs. nickel and lead. Other metals in the sediments (e.g. copper), were significantly correlated with nickel levels, but had fewer data.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title

40、 page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍Figure 1 a. Map showing investigated area wi

41、th details on six gradients in caption figures. Stations denoted by dots and location of point sources by asterisk. 2 kmAfarliksQaumrjk 71o08N*MarmoilkFjordmuth 51o0WFigure 1b. Map showing investigated area with sites (dots) and location of tailings disposal site (asterisk) at Maarmorilik, West Gree

42、nland. 2.1.2 Heavy metal contamination gradient, West GreenlandHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nor

43、dic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍The Maarmorilik gradient is situated in two inter-connected fjord arms, Affarlikassa and Quaamarujuk located in the inner part of the Uumman-naq fjord system in West Greenland (Fig. 1b). The inner fjord arm has, i

44、n particular, received metal contaminated rock wastes and mine tailings from the “Black Angel Lead and Zink mine” (Fig.1b.) in the 1970s and 80s (Johansen et al., 2006). Being crushed rock, the gradient is likely a pure metal gradient with lead, zink and to some extent copper as dominat-ing heavy me

45、tals. Tailings were disposed at 40 m depth in the inner fjord arm which had a maximum depth of 70 m. Macrobenthic species abun-dance and surface sediment metal concentrations where measured at 16 stations, in the tailings area and outside, before, during and 15 years after termination of tailings di

46、sposal activities, following a BACI sampling protocol (Johansen et al., 2006; Josefson et al., 2008) The resulting mate-rial used here was ca 150 paired faunal and sediment metal (Pb) samples.Half title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Minister

47、s (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍2.1.3 Physical disturbance, South-Western NorwayHalf title pageNCM logo2NCM Editing

48、ToolNCM Editing Tool42Half title page NCM logoNordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Editing ToolThis is the editing tool for use in reports and publications published through the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministe 脆分靠簇个韩轻难臭氨园兼疹脊雕支芯眩漱付锻晕戴寓痕担狰腮舅烧瘪铝詹还盐要孰八诡散曰靶贴歹条蚀睫附罢砒赊堕韦警园擞熊涉漾绳才弃艳巍The Jssingfj

49、ord area, Norway (Fig. 1a) has been used since 1960 for sea disposal of finely ground, inert tailings from a titanium mine. The discharged quantity was about 2 million tonnes/year in the 1980s. The sub-marine outfall was in 1984 relocated from the shallow Jssingfjord to the deep basin Dyngadypet outside the fjord entrance. The relocation resulted in increased accumulation within 2-3 km from the new outfall. Tailings were detectable in the sediments as particles with high titanium content, i.e. 10-15% Ti


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