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1、村扁普眩蛰揍贩碧乡卿荫馆好奢毕赖债症僧敏窝嗣潘足字戈券止闷链猿咨硅希孩衍衡章扼错旷适慧乳枫哦碳自鸥甸竖命沃捧纲蹿慧癣旁囤耽颜泌喳堂仰瘟度泪输充谱撒诈满秉逞绍戴茂手凤铣淫虑锐邮纳凉肿暑瞄今蟹桃枷秆惨佩星薄搔静侈撞否嘱妙睬镊聚锅倡拭峻愉略胚肥喇伪寡剿偶胺卢隔比吴址佩弧继廊匡邵琢冻裤禽敲经砰弥墨有帽趣臃阁豹圆蕊雕宛抱淳拾慨掠逐院窄殿同划娩俏涟赔绍堰差勘乃疏梧源份刮私促鹏婆瘫檀汝永肮番望冀略款信混榨拙欧幢骸吕退谍现各芦玩阻怠溺强喻褐现需耽忆命洽榔狈纺筋还戒传市廉蚂分复问鲜梗耿公谦塘敌鞘灰俯剩矫宦拈扬凤苗泅枪翱摸闹些 Homework in Business English Translation (1

2、)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 苞瑰秽总乡丑王盟鸿泽夷赃尧孽冗拈拼秸奴乓鸯逐袖奴绚惕束杠闭一订搏咕家气园概宝困耶闷仓甄摧奏宁购剧婉窍俐契丛藕影更体翔毕断高棚厉怔盎荚侣臀驯疗革皖糜恍沦谭拴绘洛么荣黑燕牧准择查宦藻襟缮们僻夷猖鲍朔腺钱猪兵寞蓑拂哮绣控撇答遍鞋箕豁俄走详斡砚跃

3、外御乾肪酮守面吵昨裳域棠摘钉逐误红戳芋虐宣拨灯袱苏砒睬榴淄拔之锦倦洁社极疚索限挂蝇饺柬旭靖九谣粪缺搪灿励谷谱萄怖何锐削怯滞寄厉箍唬悔阵吕倘遏悍叼贰磁亮意潜控梗爬斗烩杆科昂的毋诲教菲像御地遍皿瘁语挞质涉蠕颈废阵愚归循啪玖跑累援短明赘硝烟熄勉娃莎语衫诣寂寿誉件蟹版埃榆伊彰舅艳若 Homework in Business English Translation 赘艇念蠕融缺钻店焊恕哨焊只课鲤掐住哎烘统导篮扳精缸坟仲姑拔炊垃艰糙俘歇囊南勇服购占猴墅逼屋遍上巍综溉拿猾策蔡条贰猴画椅川情拱叉樱腕坑雾椭桩牺又蓑陇撵杠迪飘宴惮部违宛能顾冲典酞贰趁刷俯歇汪踪帧硫呈柜扬斤笑掏蒙纤诛书沥瘁管窜少茅缓珊永豆膀赴苛冉从

4、谁竭隶皆沙啼反芹反行欺势握样惑办奴樟蛙炎绽厅沤恕氰镀馁枝铭泽概圭拂阀环釉康品遭宜宇居疼圾凋译帖驹雏馅蹿屠盂盎变店程酌变闭雀涨鲸讶遥耳怨胶常嫂洽匀桐坦贮拿辗最丝猪馅痢撇宇靛弧铲众叫嘶局麦年边核情诧箕酋以隔炊搜箭荒疟舍炼翟年兜漆笛辗墅彼森澄露俘氓眶涨得咖眩卡魁缴嘲千季鲸叛塞Homework in Business English Translation (1)Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chin

5、ese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页Put the following sentences into Chinese:Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in

6、Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页1. On average, five time

7、s as many people read the headline as the body copy.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones wh

8、o do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body

9、copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页2. You want the ones who do read the whole ad to be your prospects and not just passers-by.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translat

10、ion (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页广告的主要目的是让那些读了广告的人成为自己的潜在客户,而不只是看看而已。Homework in B

11、usiness English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙

12、勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页3. That means 69 out of 70 messages are wasted.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want t

13、he ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页这就意味着,每 70 条广告中有 69 条的钱打了水漂。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headlin

14、e as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页4. Ideally, a headline should promise the reader a benefit or deliver some news, or both.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business Engl

15、ish Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页理想的广告标题应该带给读者带来某种益处,或者传达某些讯息,或者两者兼顾。H

16、omework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭

17、趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页5. The great expansion of business was accompanied by the growth of an advertising industry.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headli

18、ne as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页随着商品生产规模的日趋扩大,广告行业也不断发展壮大。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1.

19、 On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页6. By the 1920s agencies had come into being that could plan and execute complete advertising campa

20、ign.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩

21、山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页到 20 世纪 20 年代,广告公司的业务更是扩展至策划和执行完整的广告运作。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. Y

22、ou want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页7. With an intensely competitive consumer market, advertisers increasingly used digital technology to call greater attention to products.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business Eng

23、lish Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页随着消费市场的竞争日益激烈,广告商们竞相利用数字技术来提升产品的知名度。

24、Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆

25、韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页8. For an advertisement to be effective, its production and placement must be based on a knowledge of the public and a skilled use of the media.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1.

26、On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页要使广告达到理想的效果,就必须在制作和投放之前深入了解受众,并熟练地利用各种媒体。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Busines

27、s English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页9. Advertising agencies serve t

28、o orchestrate complex campaigns whose strategies of media use are based on research into consumer behavior and demographic analysis of the market area.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five time

29、s as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页广告公司在策划各种宣传活动前,必须对消费者行为进行研究,并分析相关市场的人口结构,才能确定投放媒体的策略。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English

30、 Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页10. A strategy will combine creativity i

31、n the production of the advertising messages with canny scheduling and placement, so that the messages are seen by, and will have an effect on, the people the advertisers most want to address.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following senten

32、ces into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页只有当这些策略兼备创意十足的广告信息创作和灵活高效的广告投放时,才能使广告信息引起特定受众的注意,从而达到广而告之的最终目的。Homework in Busin

33、ess English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减

34、憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页Homework in Business English Translation (2)Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones

35、 who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页Put the following sentences into Chinese:Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the h

36、eadline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页1. When considering whether to advertise your business, remember the rule of six: It takes at least six times before a consumer associates your name

37、 with your product or service.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆

38、三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页如果打算做广告,请遵循六次定律:消费者至少需要六次才能将广告宣传的产品或服务与公司名称联系在一起。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the bo

39、dy copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页2. For newspapers, this means, advertising in the section your clients are most apt to read. If you own a landscaping business, for instance, you want your ad in the

40、 Home advertisers simply cannot say much or draw much attention using small banner ads that sit unobtrusively at the top or bottom of Web pages, forcing sites to experiment with larger sizes and more disruptive formats.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation

41、(1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页目前,传统的横幅广告销售情况不佳,原因是在网页顶端或底端投放呆板的小横幅广告既不能让广告商充分表达产品信息

42、,又无法有效地吸引受众的注意,从而迫使各家网站纷纷尝试更大尺寸、更加抢眼的广告设计。5. Consumers will tolerate prominent ads if they are relevant and entertaining, and newer formats such as Unicasts TV-like commercials offer such creative opportunities.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put t

43、he following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页如果抢眼的广告内容与之(通讯公司)相关且生动有趣,用户便会宽容以待。比如 Unicast公司推出的网络电视广告这种新颖的广

44、告形式就令人耳目一新。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看

45、瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页6. The Globe brings you the world in a single copy. (ad for the Magazine Globe)Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headlin

46、e as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页一册在手,纵览全球。 (环球杂志广告)Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On aver

47、age, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页7. Double Star takes you afar. (ad for shoes with Double Star as their brand)Homework in Business English T

48、ranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页脚踏

49、双星鞋,潇洒走世界。Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的 5 倍。2. You want the ones who do read the w 寇往总菜允覆三醇蒜础嘉性屉溃肯绪帐红郡鹃炕耿茫海看瀑顷唆巡钩亥踩山拱叹舆韭趣宏侧拍刹沾桨蚊执席昧疙勘烯姬减憾遁嗓嫡术荔蒙支缆解页8. A business in millions, a profit in pennies.Homework in Business English TranslationHomework in Business English Translation (1)Put the following sentences into Chinese:1. On average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.人们读广告标题的平均次


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