分享赚钱 收藏 举报 版权申诉 / 2


  • 上传人:hskm5268
  • 文档编号:6740379
  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
  • 格式:DOC
  • 页数:2
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    关 键  词:

    1、Contract Terms一、合作事项:甲、乙双方本着“合作、共赢”宗旨, 经友好协商一致,乙方为甲方提供网站品牌推广服务,并达成以下协议。 双方申明,双方都已理解并认可了本合同的所有内容和服务的形式,同意承担各自应承担的权利和义务,忠实地履行本合同。I. Cooperation MattersWith the aim of cooperation and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B has reached following agreements through friendly consulations that Party B will pr

    2、ovide website promotion service for Party A. Both Parties state that they have understood and accepted the contents and services metioned in the contract, and agreed to take responsibilities of the rights and obligations respectively and perform this contract faithfully.二、甲方的权利和义务1. 根据本合同项目的实际需要和乙方的

    3、要求提供协助及有关的材料,甲方必须保证所提供的所有资料完整、真实、合法。2. 保证本合同涉及推广的网站内容真实有效、符合国家法律规定和社会公共利益,并符合相应目标网站的登录要求。对于所推广网站的内容和经营行为所引起的一切后果,甲方应自行承担责任,给乙方和目标网站带来损失的,甲方应承担赔偿责任。II. The Rights and Obiligations for Party A1. In terms of actual requirements of contract items and Party Bs requirements, Party A provides assistance an

    4、d related materials and guarantee the integrality, authenticity and legality of all the materials provied.2. Party A should guarantee authenticity and effectivity of contents of website promotion involved in contract. The contract should accord with the state rules and obligations and public social

    5、interest, and be in conformity with login requirements of corresponding destination site. With respect to all the consequences caused by contents of promotion website and business practices, Party A should take the responsibilities on his own. Party A should be responsible for compensation for losse

    6、s Party A makes for Party B and destination site.三、乙方的权利和义务1. 按照甲方提供的材料按时完成本合同规定的技术推广工作、对技术推广工作进行跟踪检查以确保其有效性。2. 可以根据目标网站的要求对甲方在目标网站登录的推广项目进行检查并有权对甲方网站内容是否合适做出判断,乙方可以要求甲方对于不适合的内容进行修订。3. 乙方必须按照本合同规定的服务条款的要求和规定的工作流程进行网站登录(搜索引擎、门户网站) 、推广等工作,承担目标网站在本合同之中规定的登录网站的义务,承认目标网站享有的权利。III. The Rights and Obiligat

    7、ions for Party B1. According to the materials provided by Party A, Party B should accomplish technical promotion stipulated in the contract on time. Morever, Party A should conduct follow-up on technical promotion and guarantee it work in effective.2. Party B has a right to check promotion items on

    8、Party Bs destination site and make measurement for the website contents according to the requirements of destination site.3. Party B must be in the light of requirements of service terms and specified work procedure to log on the website, including search engine and web protals, or make promotion, e

    9、tc. Party B should bear the obiligations for destination site by logging on the web stipulated in the contract and acknowledge to be entitled to the right of destination site.四、甲方同意按双方约定的付款方式和时间及时向乙方一次性支付合同规定的全部费用,以及提供其他必要的帮助。IV. Party A agree to one-off payment for all the costs prescribed in the c

    10、ontract for Party B in time with the type and time of payment made by Party A and Party B.五、甲方不能按时支付合同费用而导致的延误,相应的责任由甲方承担。V. Party A should bear the corresponding responsibility due to delay by not paying for cost of contract on time.六、双方无故解除合同或无法实现对方的要求,应返还上述费用。VI. Neither party shall cancel the co

    11、ntract without sufficient causes or reasons. The above costs should be given back.七、因不可抗力导致本合同不能履行任一方均不承担赔偿义务。本合同的其他书面约定均可以认为是合同附件。VII. Either party shall not bear the obligation for compensation due to force majeure. Other agree in writing in this contract can equal to appendix of contract.八、本合同一式两

    12、份,双方当事人各执一份,经双方签字盖章后生效,具有同等法律效力。本合同传真件有效。双方当事人对本合同的订立、解释、履行、效力等发生争议的,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,双方同意向乙方主要营业地的人民法院起诉。VIII. This contract is in duplicate with both parties. All of them shall come into force after signatures by both Parties, with each Party holding one copy respectively and equally valid. The faxed copies can be considered as an effective text. All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If such negotiation fails, such dispute shall be sued to the court located in Party As principal place of business.

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