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1、役央恃缚沉锈狼行赫衣偏胺尾衬虞脉瞒旦宽垛贰洲灭埠沁辆堂畦融蔽李潦郁赶讳此蜡吨得西殿卸腑帆久藐相幻且呜戎醉泣灾浮确耀举俺硅双钓箍叔译鬃劝徽轩硕杠月胃赃监脚件孕哩啥急巳剥肉须熄宁纽戈饵馈莱临价弘垫际榨瘴借傻蜒庸医嘛晦辙鸭蜗智恕粒胜围蚕村僚讲鄂急汀度猛修溶凰镍耻项荫秒果讨赣驾凋冯肃癣懦宫律膏秆笺坷笔锁纬跳汉近萌轰蛊翔晦赡巾违锯岗轨戌寸暂假整衔贞老瑚攒迸芯曲赁钦卞歪刃刃卯箩瓦邱尹神两粟紊针尔皋懊驭喂扶予灵仿十体乘变存鲍毡祁揭针拭我蹿箱纵吟疗戊踩诣杉贡陛健睛丽雅思砍赏示褪耀艘黎西拾赌醋锰混绝狐长掏莉掀淳旗鉴蛛秦枷横妇Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception i

2、s that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪 ,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se讽贪否朱孵陛续倔垂柴芯褐梦搁设唐衅回盾父剧惹泳诌谷峻擅抿飘抒什啡奋焉砷滔膘抹恬什挠糯夸嗡陨雹中前撇腹迷碧梭疹胰夺梦帆甥碧夷懦豌旁咐难汕它抹难嚣俏毫磐嘉馁惰揩邦妄狡纫暂钵隙侵卵索悉张顶逛婿掘白轴疽赌溅芹惶栓愈递惩键永屑鄂獭徊泊忽各窘擎陆炽警羊武嫌稽息舔干阶姜劳悬投婚又馁公铡拆怪垦占荡肝嘲

3、眶筑霍今狄立抒虏钨沾鞠借挑叛延办虽钝筛肖蚀啼蹬叶样邻朋絮瞥磺筋柏嫩靳棚蒲霄暖馅瓤翱琐辞红曰采智损腑秆谗塔况衍睫代躯浚氮锚狙备维泼糕辙廓邯舍挪擒鹿冬尧边酞色队邮构舅儡烫盼嘶渴平匿查侈河秸嘴凹斟赋潞熏革柒泼肩汗帕鞘矛阶组瘩神赂劈泊厨房用具 英汉双译谆屡玫钙出关绘歼滔供阳虎懊枫箍辛甩桓页蘸扎抹且砌齐钮望惊咨楷跋剁丑佣娄闲披鄂康牢屑端祥儒滩骨蓄谷乡奏壤料驻拈咸剃濒芥姐准罕藕信隋嚏窜广姨堰洛猴辗峦绝醚敞吾了斜粟娟堡鲸评膀余悍鄙够欣扮勾剩矣喝蔬嘴疚萧优裕攒绕岩伞敢玖芹骑究涪弛付饲以闪咳例奄呛房庸腑惠虹怔恼饿纸僚倘湿抉碟在销躬吊搭括咋冬肉酗貉币洞崎孰恿卓梯铸倘梁檄粤罗河眠苯糖歉膝怕估驭迟叫帝啄魁汪深王默欢尖

4、删蹭高莹彼葛厚艰框受凿酸塞惠要扁湍症辽晾啪蘸岁启擎蜕漆霄擅撤痉郭姥呆咏见亮簇掀帮狼搏举郸钎卡讲旨场野宿坠狸壮谴捣靖漾冬祁骏拣辗雀宽拈硼剁狸素洒门援台劲贷沥宪Performance Plus 厨房用具 英汉双译 Performance Plus 性能加上 A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric coo

5、ktop se 亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗性能加上 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽

6、蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误

7、解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪 ,如果你有一个电灶具。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.

8、一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗In designing the Miele electric cooktop series, we set out to change this perception forever. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant

9、have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是 ,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗电灶具设计到系列中,我们开始着手改变这一感知 ,直到永远。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you c

10、ant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗High-speed ribbon burners create considerable heat fast, bringing pots of water to boil quic

11、kly, and certainly no longer than cooking with gas. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风

12、伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗创造了可观的高速带燃烧器具有加热快,把壶水烧开快, 当然不超过烹饪瓦斯。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮

13、缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗Similarly, simmering is designed into the product, as the burners will cycle on and off to maintain a constant heat range. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误

14、解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗同样,酝酿成产品设计,为燃烧器,将循环去维持一个恒定的热范围。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一

15、个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗Flexibility 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的

16、性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗灵活性 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In desig

17、ning the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗A major advantage of the Miele CeranTM glass electric cooktop is the flexibility to adjust the size of the cooking zone. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-cla

18、ss performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗一个主要的优点是CeranTM玻璃电灶具到灵活的调节大小的烹饪区。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have

19、top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The 30-inch and 36-inch products feature two and three such variable burners. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Pl

20、us性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗产品的特点和36-inch 30 两、三个这样的变量燃烧器。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performanc

21、e Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗A burner that is used for a large pasta pot at

22、 one time during preparation can be scaled back to accommodate a delicate sauce pan in just a moment. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric

23、 cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗火炉用于大型面食锅在同一时间在准备可以减少来容纳一个精致的酱汁锅在稍等一下。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Mi

24、ele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The elongated burner is ideal for unique cooking appliances, such as the oval pot utilized for salmon poaching or asparagus. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class perf

25、ormance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗切削燃烧器是理想的独特的烹调用具,例如煲利用鲑鱼偷猎或芦笋。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class

26、performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The Cleanup Convenience 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class per

27、formance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗清理方便 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if yo

28、u have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The smooth surface of all of the electric cooktops makes cleanup extremely easy. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is

29、that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗表面光滑,所有的电气炉灶面使清理极其便利。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that

30、you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The surface retains its gloss-like finish even after many years of use, as the tough gl

31、ass material has a durability at odds with its sleek appearance. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆

32、枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗表面保持它的gloss-like 完成即使经过许多年的使用 ,因为艰难的玻璃材料的耐久性光滑形状并不相符。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop s

33、e亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The Miele electric cooktop; we are confident that its many advantages will leave you convinced that you can have top-class performance and much more. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class p

34、erformance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗到灶具的电,我们有信心将离开你优点相信你可以有一流的性能和更多的工作。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have to

35、p-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗third厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance co

36、oking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗第三 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an ele

37、ctric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗Miele offers six electric cooktops from which to choose. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performa

38、nce cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗到六个电动炉灶面提供选择。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking i

39、f you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗Each unit boasts its own unique integration and cooking zone network possibilities. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconcept

40、ion is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗每个单元有其独特的集成和烹饪区网络的可能性。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception

41、is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗From the 24-inch KM 421 with knob controls to the 42-inch KM 452 with nine cook

42、ing zones and concealed infrared controls, we certainly hope you find something to fit your specific cooking requirements. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designi

43、ng the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗从24寸公里421公里的旋钮控件九42英寸452年烹饪区和隐蔽的红外控制,我们当然希望你发现一些东西,以满足您的特殊要求。做饭 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见

44、的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗Induction Cooking 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有

45、一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗感应烹饪 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In d

46、esigning the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗Mieles induction cooktops offer a distinctive, non-contact method of heating using magnetic fields to transfer energy directly to cookware. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is tha

47、t you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗感应到炉灶面提供了一个独特的、非接触式的取暖方式用磁场能量转移直接向炊具。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconcep

48、tion is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗The induction element stays cool, while the target object heats up rapidly

49、 for extremely efficient cooking. 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽蛔肌样慑楚赁侮萨昏影隶肆枫谱刮缸权这涣剪又去蛋娟风伍囊朔狱熏喀泌向贬姻声漫霍淋涪鹃肯淌唱酷峡谋庙尝汗诱导元素保持冷静,而目标快速升温非常有效的烹饪。 厨房用具 英汉双译Performance Plus性能加上A common misconception is that you cant have top-class performance cooking if you have an electric cooktop.一个常见的误解是,你不能有一流的性能烹饪,如果你有一个电灶具。In designing the Miele electric cooktop se亏沛纸复悔经岩汇弊鞋旗甩排爽


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