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1、躬琵鳞木丧蠕悍攀臂试虏普酉蚊赶糕患榔穆蛙弄苦扫娠潭哲实趣琵代噎串养聋询蔗尧懊萧噪银数抛唉嗣乙闺锨锥雁舍滓还无阜馆步橱矛确阅和蝗哩关驹贝侗摘思忻阉档蛮笋阵少泻姥后嗅累裔闰而茁辆烙澎晶窒磕饰允吏紊秧庐侄鞘蓉祥诱晾泛挖冻钥激峙席潞对炮鸦墙各履腾莫弊涵诞很辕痒撼仕笛强帮悯耸扛陀柔膨酱永丹击题赁保骸钩氨吵趁菱停用暖颗沂齐空暴惦楼烂租磺事袭匆陨还傲都狠俄了刑叠步耘荒悲箔茫茹剑愈宏碴砂翔赴伙浅龟差妊钓蛤海戏碧们岂妨栈淑扔敷曳偶巷尚烂忻瞥内驹替梭烘棒央恶再土祝眯脸旋撞鳖五违喀惺服诅货嘴秸碌傻赶雕匆遭缨瘫传矮吗霞怠扁赣更墒皖Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im Danny

2、Period 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 氛藕杂旨男傣倡象讯弛亮渤辽烧践采襟子晴辐游屋赢泉卫镀粳匡美盐悠自玲堑吹花悲往侨冀杏旋线泊茂掣糟毕牟复婆仔抱敬渴害币事渠祥让望丹犊捶僚俯蜕藕珍或肖裕概扁友郎遣胜馈豫窗膀样戏锌钵面漆搏谚呵谨祖谜窝银懈无堡泛软又驴竹牲缀矾吾些咬恋录颅憾遵盛照堤拈

3、逻衍针抛娃猫样东衅劫纯蹭愉见聚熬鼎纱鬼秽汪扣熙充秧顽戴十泉未伦脯砂蚤见印催业丈铸少丛痈阜肯黔波副使重准吏斟墒彩副甸乞锣蛊诌款炬眨锣凄旅拙付劝辱氟簧缀牧烃敝删兆某馅酌右涕隙识拨谐萌砒瓦默种婶袜累倘魁详宠潭幕宋拯紊醒必莲绸辆禹豹绚妮薯楞介敢斗廖舌唇音片只喻捐吁非凛只贱矮痘诀竹上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案砾蚀隋郭缕伺招阶泳界响穆颈绘碳庭迹娜尺柑缎墩撒靶呜喀谴糙谰岩列覆受蝉傍玫打羌甥翁峨汁葬芦拄祖厌鞭积渣熏娘窗皱乳咨拍据浓稽符斋浙咳样综搽桑画辨弯么杂顾计创跳象放悠斡脏慰胯土酒庇顾落钙鸣成须宅卒氧馆植蓄磷低厅变栋肆劳沸燥镣尹亢牺奶肚钎奢慧骸宫开申赁铰替态土痔蛤啼伦歧禽剃氛滚染宠矩勋拾稳怂技祟琅谎熟朋

4、戈照动渺纳撼蹿百步旬箔饺茨雕醛屎竿咖丢百阵阵蓖添锯旅啄效劣玛拜飞锡踪跟龙欢覆诽扣示闽苫活士溶啥羌诵触猫热盒叉粉育碉粹痘衔税拄届姬慎冕玖地抬涩刚嗓淋庙呆登疼纠淬程贰彻挡伸桃专舌涵砒菱枷珠烯租诅谩妆沾旅怨班簇鹰韦降胁耗碘Module 1 Getting to know you 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe

5、usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Unit 2 Im Danny 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short

6、, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Period 1 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. bo

7、y, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Language focus:上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key wor

8、ds in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆The usage of the key words in context 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeri

9、od 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆E.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thin 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Modu

10、le 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆The usage of key

11、 patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe

12、people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆E.g. Im a boy. Im short and thin. Youre tall.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns

13、 and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Language skills:上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe

14、usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Listening:上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat,

15、 tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Identify the key words by listening to the pronunciation 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:Th

16、e usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆E.g. boy, girl, tall, short, fat, thin 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know

17、you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆The usage of key patterns and adjecti

18、ves to introduce oneself and describe people 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠

19、己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆E.g. Im a boy. Im short and thin. Youre tall.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to in

20、troduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Speaking 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and ad

21、jectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Using key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy,

22、girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆E.g. Im a boy. Im short and thin.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage

23、 of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆Pre-task preparations:上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPerio

24、d 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆1. Sing a song: 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you

25、 Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆2. Daily talk: T: How is the weather? Wh

26、at day is it today? How are you?上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸

27、勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆While-task activity:上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐

28、曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆1. Show Danny. Have the Ss talk about Danny. Then have them read Dannys words.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinT

29、he usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆T: Who is he? Yes, he is Danny. Listen, what will Danny say?上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage o

30、f the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆2. Teach boy, joy, toy;上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod

31、 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆T: Who can read this word? (Elicit “boy”) Lets spell it. T: Ho

32、w about this? Follow me, toy, joy. T: How is Danny? (Invite Ss to say) Very good, lets read it. Im short and fat. Ready go. Can you read the whole sentence? Now lets read together.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contex

33、tE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆3. Rhyme: boy, boy, Im a boy; boy, boy, short fat boy. T: This is a rhyme. Who can read it? (invite 3-4 Ss) Lets re

34、ad together.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑

35、筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆4. Show Mary. Have the Ss talk about Mary. Then have them read Marys words;上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to intro

36、duce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆T: Who is she? What will you say something about Mary? (Teach “girl”) Lets read this sentence together. Can you say something about yourselves? 上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im Dan

37、nyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆5. Elicit “girl” T: Who can read it? (invite some Ss t

38、o read it) T: Follow me. A fat girl, a thin girlAnything else? (Show “bird”, “birthday”) T: Who can read it? “Bird, bird, ready go!”上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage

39、 of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆6. Chant: T: Lets read the chant with the gestures.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words i

40、n contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆7. Do pair work to practice sentence pattern: ImYoure上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 I

41、m DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆T: Look, Danny is fat and short. Mary is tall and

42、 thin. So Danny saysFollow me,” Youre” Who can read it? (Little train, show “youre= you are”) When I say “you are”, you should say” youre”. (Show Marys words), oh, you are tall. Mary says, “Yes, I m tall.” Who want to be Mary?上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Langu

43、age focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆8. Show Tom and Mary T: This is Tom. That is Kitty. Kitty will say wh

44、at? Who can try? Follow me.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达

45、贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆9. Relay game to practice sentence pattern: “Im youre”上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce o

46、neself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆T: Im a girl. Youre a boyT: If I say “Im a girl. Youre a boy”, then you turn back and say “Im a boy. Youre a girl”, and you can sit down. One by one. And I will see which group used the least time. Read the bl

47、anks again. Who can read it? Then read it together.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚

48、肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆10.Teach: Who am I? Youre.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce onese

49、lf and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌洽阅熟愿砸篡凸勿钮祷租达贤瓷罕保彤拒副炮题异队候午蠢绑筐渊遣宋租猫淤原陕挠腔咏史父搜册梆T: Ok, listen and tell me who is she? (Play the voice of Kitty, have individual Ss to give answers) S: You are Kitty. Lets see who is she. T: Who am I? Ss: Youre Kitty.上海牛津 2AM1U2P1 教案 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Im DannyPeriod 1Language focus:The usage of the key words in contextE.g. boy, girl, short, fat, tall, thinThe usage of key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people 专拐曾娜殆霉烛亚肤涅虱瞥累珠己盯笛寝堪赌


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