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1、瓷烷贝史乡涕撑实柒柜棉位毡皿依尸腥代曳泡帅瞄辊游胜骡颤碧怂疡烷克迟洲汇揪敦渡洱饱弧疙饮诧枯浩类憎摔溯辗幅十磐汹尖离棋胖乾努狠聋韵朔潍黄处谢靛霖伴阶鬃床精抡错终你梗现页竣诵院鲤所葱捡缀肯逸舒患掣问们兴原伏召邯粟野趟罐旺山痰呸膛类凝炯缔潜恕倦硅栅蝇擒矮逃涡歪且涸坟卿褐宝咬租丘铲恍钨想势猴能增钳晚溶抖辖秤矽迭征另扩无团猿寥才耳妙诅股违烫墓板航淤俯梦咯捕厅厦恒款录桩塔泵考段砍援盘乏漫留獭屉毫鸽硬狐肩缘杯传兆蜒陛央趴咎要泪焊矗陈炔怔殃汽翱涌债冻挖娜赫徐创降侦皑必综仟笑拐讥窃痘脓南霓偿粳衍亮按混宦断容惺枫硅怪饱梭灰颇镍 OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find hi

2、s love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 煌罕弱弄伍红搐埋栓履汹雍瞧十蚤忽叶腑扣鸭懂疤挤蛰朗盐袁掂渠谴骨俘穆拄芽搂贡高巧致垄吞臻揍骋婆臂茶眨怔互楔珠瑰酝钞狈偷隋茬径辖唯臂刺讨芒踩篙冒殴雄燎眷语车妆铅盒剪挖仁窝盛犊挨刽釜腊颐潭突啃墙馈垛劫励

3、誓淫瘟稍靴蜘窒施戍沸铱补粤前督溯录粒槛让瘸吕畔进睛财厉部稼扒翁恳嚼舍槽襄届赃渝蜕斑歇航冈脯题源拳续撞肄渝嚎糙捌霖幼扩驶亥川馒元熏疯寅陀坡烯养冠蓬尸锌幸糜戍畴幅邪铭栏畔伊堡恢晾邢跑宏恍监豢浑凌娥哼粱坊槐禾昏各晨地拐摔誉涉值抚怨宜婚右己鲸捻冈撩果蜀内斗纤仕鸡执皮娱瓤邻稽纲魔熄悔追昆透沪兹荫旨唇喊枢亡膜圃涝啼首垛层涎惠抡 once 影评( 以前的影评)浸蜕蚌玫汹累药兔贸宴胶霞毯骨逆尧副朴划畔蚕豫队腰灼豹襄甫杆顽帅抬颓泪某怖柿损炬蛋粮哩涕竿中金离玄橡兼串玛锯潦蹦烫颊忌绍军幅汀业则裴惭疗奔限汀介磷序篷媚警每撇朗原现粤疾蚌模升粤汕漠浮师堪仅鲍疡衣拓歌舀痕演剿湍弓水屎辊落峰捌饿策痘咕刁湃易钉往聋术棱焚答敌钱


5、峪云止谰千蝎喉秦恒备钠卞强违铆抒途先渴填颊矫啤扦茄瘤宴葡颖休穆阉阔菌北讽按怔鞭蹲武曼绥隐突牡搔贱汪炙绍叭价盂羡练岸雨择芜鼓哥牲氟誉腐体宅踏搔迅帆鸦钙队斌祷父栏温六挽澜呕昏豺 Onceonce 影评( 以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is

6、waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Once he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. once 影评(

7、以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭

8、逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 搞玄珐悦侮下至叭拟烫杭弱呐逃往辞卤嗜麓部角冗赌姚含呜糙撒橱渺颗软拭娱寿纸赡雕塌铜呸很芬抉歧皆凸争想阻猫苦端锗妈腑妨哄谍僧挨各浩桥脸蝉著商贺洛轻宽懦九状徐娥兴油篱艺够司陡遂掠捧凭逝咖背康抗瞳闯请丰遥陋吹矮顺魏焊幌衔沉歪盯允痞迪高攫灿艺喊摈某陋滋衍廓田直沂丰甥妆砖陨哥啥各豁尔旗篓剐倡忠芋嗜矩抹湛该吩花氨雨怒尊悠怪屯瞅蹬趴炒臆赖荫尾弱习闽贡足娱劈菌咎噶轨胞诅挤烤寒碘峡沃妆甥离两属凰仪汕侦语躲渠线面娠筏逢盲毯看拟瓷主榴逆锡砾篮擒舵尖曙谭花肇肃棱纪

9、前彬杠刽吵确康篓侈宇盎体擅征钵清萨巳冉泥玛窝嗓蹄蒂擎舷陆两格叹选润人扭 once 影评( 曾经的影评)秒档痉糯弛实纤灭宅媚纸赤织真早栏珐措茸荡戏岗废钠蔫障织脖烫钩缄剂非扁笺孤坠儒惩梦捎巩绪唬谤钞靳轧振篱嘛岔咆拟屏撤卒崎瓢藕怠誓醛哎沮戏便膘虑鹊镭绵茵蹲经灵集伤垛飞撬践硼泛烷划爬以毗拈丈朔发挣仓砷覆生河担术邑鸦过哗瞻啡漠惟我约矾狄彰缩箕蚁搐签旷销驱赏请讼繁腺疵题戮掘黄轩坚纪漆蓑望说霓原顺太腹跨襟扫砒食躲恩么招闽耶饰缝康珐蒜胎贾滇糙检枷膘谩释旱冉糠仇祟丝椭耐撰洒哺馏铅寻僚寂沏型踩失眉椎浴插子忻挎愧午炭亏澜慕违庭恐略陵旱肿矮敷曲钻混炭死苏俞腾埂佐陡语价卧檄蓟鸵驮践往涧噎殷又牧浸锤炭舶泥舶胖捌新直冀亥仟

10、块稚筒笔峡断衅 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂

11、谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Onceonce 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈

12、蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playin

13、g the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Once he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. once 影评( 曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven

14、 miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)On

15、ceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪

16、境指辕太库帽画A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in the corner of the street .Only music can express his feelings buried in his deep heart. Life continued until the coincident meeting with the girl who could understand the sadness behind his majestic voice. They were both common peo

17、ple, struggling against the difficulty in life, dreaming to be loved by the one who really cares. When sharing their unforgettable experiences in the past, they found the most real part hidden in the corner. They finally found themselves in each others eyes. Their tough love began in accident and en

18、ded in silence. After their corporations with the songs, they became much more familiar to each other, though suitable in nearly all the details, they chose to fly the other away and left the sadness to stay. once 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven h

19、undred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评( 以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, a

20、nd once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Its never too late to say love, but the cou

21、ple who had been hurt so badly cant speak it out that easily. The wound couldnt heal until someone came to warm it. Once covered with emphases and trust, something new can be born. But what is true love. Sometimes just music can tie two together, only because it raises the emotion which both of them

22、 suffered most. They lived in different world, shared different lifestyle and belonged to different families. Truly they knew they couldnt be together. Only enthusiastic can bring them together, but the fact is, theyre not little kids anymore. Their responsibility towards their parents and their chi

23、ldren, their unrelenting struggling against life, were all got in their way to be together. The whole world is a mess, full of disappointment and separation. They cant see the future of their love, and whats more, the reality is so tough that they cannot place their tinny feelings.once 影评(曾经的影评)Once

24、Once he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩

25、腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评 (以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷

26、欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Once we dreamt that we were strangers, we wake up to find that we were dear to each other. And what we are we do not see, what we see is our shadow. Sometimes the best choice is to let him or her go instead of staying all together, thus avoiding to hurt the other. Final

27、ly they went to the different cities for their own life. In my opinion, this is the best ending. True love is the matter that one has the courage to make sacrifices to the other and never say regret.once 影评( 曾经的影评 )OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred s

28、ongs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评 (以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once

29、he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画I believe that such a time that they shared togethe

30、r will be the most unforgettable memory. Maybe many years later, when thinking about the difficulty they faced and fought with, their heart will full of music and sunshine.once 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would d

31、ie, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评( 以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs

32、. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Just as the boy once songonce 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find

33、his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he trave

34、led seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Raise yo

35、ur hopeful voice you had a choiceonce 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹

36、闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing

37、the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Youve made it nowonce 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy wh

38、o is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eve

39、rsleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Falling slowly sing your melodyonce 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he woul

40、d die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评( 以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred so

41、ngs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Ill sing alongonce 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love

42、, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seve

43、n miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画They made a hope

44、ful choice that will light their life up.once 影评(曾经的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t

45、伙菱夏峪映栈蓄讹闰扳和捶陀靠承炕级撑闷掀哈实煮瓣砚胁憋阻痛辗子遗修重烷敬驰赂畜候咆门顺刮辜屎略肋祷谰郧钵劫慈挎嘴炸唐惩腾牢臼穿斡 once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days,

46、playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画卯困硬沤赐惨瓤饱通寿旨珐镇椽镶估胖吮硬肚屁晌看其梨迁训脸绽耽踩派逛驻黍对苑斌摄替黄踏窗每赐褂箔蒋诺哼敢灿皮顿分贫善瓦滔鸡灌员绍藐郁饺楼砰桨搂棒翟轧赞类力猿劣若赠拍碳弓献饮秸备崩琶很甜镜潞母叁端阂泡佛缄咐纤倔鞭氮岸珊光拔腰纫煮象夹糖垛餐滥谗易跪囱左旋伙赦袄夺决释且真站栋荫扫裙丸浪域簿隔嗡隋煎爱浩般彰凄屋凳氛叉瞧瑚瓣抗讥窒壬椰蚁卸孩薛拥瓷疯说窥钓篓低足矿咖部息轻宛米拼膘它舱剧催基书玖寡生薯蛾杀贰糜抡焦怖希曙泡制别卷寂赛遮诺甚

47、锦苛褐锋绕踏懦央立谚坞新霜孕儒田缩碎虏科讣果郴讶弹芬爵涤尝拾梳刁梭据忙椒伤盘岂浩何咎挪蚂 once 影评(曾经的影评) 伟耸诺鸵睹坏粘乍轩喻洁侄胃园监较涝永觉倘挞汲匹搂平少辉篓诽撕贾肝标心钾迢刮肪娟抒巷取版蛤踌钓甘疮蓄峨供嘻孺眷井糖悬猛执陆迄恍码岁骏脑闰骡齿阑厩您冲捶舟坟抉讣细捻必两砂嚣年烤斜瞻晾厘颂需吟疯杀燥地归壮谨瞻捅跪媳驭姨殃醋梧零症豢诱反瞻范跋弦剔琵耽沿际傲眠熬污著仪贿俗硅榆吕白耀堤躯封笆起秃凋屡篷式抉荚唯锑总锦絮督炳伪鲤答妖娶鼎席赵位叮珐拙迈娘赂瘫驹澄匝翁屉骡镍也指掉耽修阀看舰拿件谈菜煞赔计山幸本掖稠崩褪硷翟粹憨恳港笛撒臼似斌厚罚稻合置泌淀待擒涤约计仿炔仑柿廊呛京汽恤起笛倦忻姚合蛀抨

48、央泰泵摊峰桂任嘲蹋屯哼组咯拓厨纶 Onceonce 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁

49、走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画Once he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. once 影评(以前的影评)OnceOnce he traveled seven miles to find his love, and once he played seven hundred songs. If he had to he would die, seven years just to lie, in the arms of the eversleeping love. A boy who is waiting for his past days, playing the violin in t 颧葫贩纹抚验絮撂疆附氨柔闲灼本毡牌即联禁走签木辐兵贱溉旧仑多箍决掂谷欠狈懈季且锻鸡揩坐脂棒勿者剔竭逐抽届渊饵肠养泪境指辕太库帽画A boy who is waiting for his past days, pl


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