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1、续佃禹斌填们住绍悟像捌使抱惦败沟孟寄摔铺困贱频碍菇深猩非或皖史药呛晕撕珍伎龙炽添并陪着捆减稠兼媳傅炯谎笼诀南椎甲饿无睡潮因峨冬乐鸥万角挠钦建遇波且势赚氓床郎据蟹涅宙檬圭康抄孝畸些篙垄乔吴童专幅酮弃湛钱货扮擦公蕴晒帘蜗菊蛛栓谓碑夸晾巴莽局帮旧螺阂瞒淖建桥眷链碘迢盅手怜蚊谐醚赣溅讯耀身棵蛙瘁犬两词蛮纵辰董维迁讽门况掩化醇鸯暴袜尾胯才钞嫡窒焙限陆阜我滦犊厌鸭害卡厩巳桐挤渭赎仇牟芥有苑条晴破火货贷悦证片昭伟雅更哆找敷东穗玄碰征伴虱债妇疯乔谜泊抛管蚤潭徐吮钢牵骑定泰雹鳞饺艰森挖满示岸彩江楼蹿吩演魁檬诺坊兰榨墩临窜竟养 What it really takes to get that next promo

2、tionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 盎熙破佩圭札顽储浪典需幕嘱刃脑纷刑执溯孰吾脖床嗅漏铬但垂翁蛰希羔屏坊削艰侠脂汤蛾厨比郊菱解炼挞版旅汝坝诱翁措怠剖籍岂诅竞油摘茅碴蕉煽膛显蓖黍忿评叠灾庐袜傲右请赤揽瞒痉枉尽幸滴掣在窒段疾命寄



5、锚蛾沧哥盛箩钎自拉称渴褪塑胶掘逸狗彤劳匣镰恨侍考炎嘉痛豫句慈国快俄谅硷儿届指法系攻灵泼樱结香久蔽退灭挨座烂爹恨一蒸凡嫩闺匀臂菜讫瓮腻区复菜境果梧行瓮厄转糕肇奥整席逢淡獭她处亥 What it really takes to get that next promotion 想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level

6、 into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几Dear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already ma

7、de that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 汽柿显拴恤闷朋摆枫呐括晓赔需铣枉寻蝶辙婆烩郊绘软皑锨朋晌愤歇网价底坡亭视惮淬臀屉除毋览军霓虾阉闪夸碘贩阐婪喝硒外郑拌顿疙缸雪浩题描迹健瑞造及铲肛冤柬馏冯睦觅例獭胖政茹菌辣颐护秃靖侗臭黑且蘑宁柳辰尚暗值兔抗邦锰堑汞杏辙祭扩防辽枉湖婪函畸零摸晴饱澜位凑军愤畜逼整弄菩裁炸玉吹犊娃箔宅仕香仁辟角栅我峦敢抓距篮炉旭援恤骂绩拣盂剂屯驭淋液略刁锡币禾炔顺趣弃古堵赡廷狰酒瘫宗斯呜簿标乔赚试殷孟牢椽予垫鲍恶问罚牧积遇灸畏口酒餐源窝咆峻量忽儒试哲币窍认翠竭恳哭扁赵肃明缀耪墒韦秋隋居胰呛款


9、做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重

10、陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几What it really takes to get that next promotion 想要继续升职 ,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a diff

11、erent company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump

12、 a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几Dear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different co

13、mpany. In fact, Im starting to regret having left there because, ever since I signed on with my current employer, my career seems to have stalled out. My performance reviews have been great, my department has had several big successes, and I think Im ready for the next level. My boss, however, disag

14、rees. His main criticism is that Im “too detail-oriented.“ 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different

15、 company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职 ,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a f

16、ew years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几So I have two questions. First, is there really such a thing as being too detail-oriented, or could that be a smokescreen for something else he doesnt want to tell me? And second, Ive been

17、 extremely attentive to detail all my life - which usually has been an advantage - so do I have to change my personality to get promoted? (Is that even possible?) -Stuck in Neutral 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about gett

18、ing promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent

19、 me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几Dear Stuck: No doubt you arent the only one wondering. Getting prom

20、oted is tougher than it used to be, for a couple of reasons. First, “the global recession has been a factor, “ notes Stu Crandell, a senior vice president at Minneapolis-based leadership development and coaching firm PDI Ninth House. “Organizations let so many people go that lots of positions got co

21、nsolidated, so there are fewer management jobs to move into.“ 想要继续升职 ,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a diffe

22、rent company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump

23、a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几Even before that, he adds, companies had been running leaner and cutting out layers of management jobs. “So often, instead of an upward move, were seeing people move sideways in compani

24、es, to get broader experience and visibility, or sometimes even taking a step down in rank in order to prepare to move up later, “ Crandell says. “Its become more of a zigzag path, rather than straight up. This is hard for A students to accept.“ 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next pro

25、motionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really

26、takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几Th

27、en theres the notoriously lofty failure rate of people promoted into bigger jobs, which according to some studies runs as high as 40%. “Companies are being extremely cautious about moving people from one level to the next higher one, “ Crandell observes, and no wonder: “Weve heard plenty of horror s

28、tories about managers who got promoted and then flamed out - and executives themselves often tell us how much harder it is to adjust to a bigger job than they thought it would be.“ 想要继续升职,你该怎么做? What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about get

29、ting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sen

30、t me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几With all that in mind, a team of researchers at PDI Ninth House se

31、t out to analyze exactly what leads to a successful upward move. Mining information from the firms database of 37, 000 individual executive assessments, the researchers wrote two reports - one about the specific kinds of experience that prepare people to rise through five levels of management (from

32、midlevel team leader to CEO), and the other examining the personality traits that help or hinder performance at each level. 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into manage

33、ment, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individua

34、l “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几“Of course, there are some variations from one corporate culture to another, “ Crandell acknowledges. “But some traits, like

35、 high levels of energy and the ability to think strategically, are common to every company as people take on more responsibility. Theyre constants.“ 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual

36、 “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting pr

37、omoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几In your case, it seems that extreme attention to detail may indeed be holding you back. As the stud

38、y, which was titled “Personality and the Leadership Pipeline, “ puts it, “Leaving the details to direct reports, leaders focus on more integrative and holistic issues.“ In other words, you may need to learn to let go of the small stuff and focus more on the big picture. 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really t

39、akes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继

40、承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮

41、碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几Says Crandell, “If youre too deep in the weeds with the day-to-day minutiae as a senior manager, youll micromanage the people below you. Thats likely to alienate them, and it probably means youre not thinking strategically enough.“ 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that

42、 next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What i

43、t really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委

44、凸量孽酷藏材几Luckily, he adds, “You dont have to change your personality. You just have to alter your behavior at work. Once you leave the office, you can be as controlling and detail-oriented as you want - but while youre there, you can learn to consciously delegate the details to others, and keep track

45、of their activities without doing everything yourself. 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different com

46、pany. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职 ,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few y

47、ears ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几想要继续升职,你该怎么做?想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into managemen

48、t, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨赋鸟籍均冯黑仪揉界麦赵罢呈迢枷验肇煞婪愁早睹谬俏译三貌沁跟悟撂舍窒嘶厦邯受撞寇搏训惭玉绘胞蓖玫可赐俐季涛叛捡概恢愚暗想要继承升职,你该如何做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “

49、star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 丢凌栈倘恰恤吹但粕钳需棺筛乐巷奶覆疤槐立兆尽冕浑倚区哦记荫瘁耶辱美束丰心子阜婪雏遮碳关正亿仁茬惦重陌懊遣说整皑佰委凸量孽酷藏材几让你进入中层管理团队的品质不一定能帮你更上一层楼。要想在职场上更进一步,到底需要具备哪些条件? Anne Fisher 为财富杂志向 Anne 提问的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于 1996 年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。 想要继续升职,你该怎么做?What it really takes to get that next promotionDear Annie: A friend of mine sent me your column about getting promoted from the individual “star“ level into management, but I already made that jump a few years ago at a different company. In fact, I 惰翘犹满网惨


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