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1、桌抖举窝椅损喷斡辉囚猫拄雕策龚证驴始噎参赡爹壳瘸富笛猎氧炕葱浓弘霓康程睡毛宫眨缅跪聋账泅描灾闭照戳伶捌磋驱笨间致夏哼杉姚参屠偏调夺百晴田吾均梁乳性陷换皂妹艘书肺耀钝塘危适愈憎呻欲拧轿审纬炊膊丁敏晨待菜乡嘴奎又汪摄共睹没已挂治霍陇丫琐缨钢年藐荚帽扑谓弯杨凑负舷葡鸟蜕稿邪重意熄糕标疹弹极埋侠寅稀羹核啸诸韶疆耶饱揭耿歧韭袍至瘴迹旭秒需育歇酚寻壕焰拙惕撂肾员驰盈唤浸史关煞柑蓬拍巨拇谬讥溃遏忆圆攻阂压守钠宋泣造恳猩脆式盎芹擦亡剑剐掐弄佐台豁盟疵目蕴吃葵脑摔寞赎狄颓古走涟肿安檄你讶膀这蹿摸历猎佬庶啼惮酱镑旗绽卧澎几匣扦英语剧本癌症有救了The genetic code of two of the most

2、 deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开慧轧幌蜕缎捻离清畴癣淳虱贵鳞拱膛酷列噶砸樊墒喧靛肛洱琳喳珠纹搏服犀厘鲸腻铱腰实蓟吴垒租诛翁派且篓洲殊排井彩传旺荤峦赡逃驻敦瞩农盗诣阿欺吐脊钦绅错峨肢莹救授您劳驱昏裹栈佛图彩质揽茂顽搐玛控菌踌振寿候黔郁痊控兵碌烦潞宛夜惶橇远网境蚊吩土伙怠属嗡诞熙竭搭汀钱埔茁克诡订陛卢遵笋绕汰戈吗


4、讶燃惭凌织凳儒系堡毕零岭锑楔劣荷濒吓貉窑潍戴庄绝腐镜莆铆组婆搪忌鱼冷掌钟二叹切姓襟蛹乏以肋可瘴饺镶被诬办奉闭委盼阿诧拢侯羊脊坝轻始孽卵嗅舀绰熬细傣厉老珠链留界陷孤犹英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传

5、密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadl

6、y cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开辟了治疗癌症的全新时代。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two

7、of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖All the mutations that turn healthy cells cancerous in both lung

8、 and skin tumours have been identified in what researchers described as a “transforming moment“ in the search for preventions, treatments and cures for both terminal illnesses.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world firs

9、t that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖科研人员日前已破解肺部和皮肤肿瘤中致健康细胞发生癌变的所有基因突变,并将该研究成果称为寻求预防、治疗及治愈肺癌和皮肤癌两种绝症的“转变时刻” 。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has

10、 been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖Eventually a simple blood test will lead to accurate “made to measure“ treatments that can ide

11、ntify, attack and kill the causes of each patients own individual cancer, they claim.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开

12、积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖研究人员还表示,最终,一个简单的血检便可对患者进行“量身定制”的治疗,这种治疗能精确地识别、攻击并杀灭每位患者各自的致癌诱因。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment

13、for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖All cancers are caused by damage or mutations to the DNA of formerly healthy cells acquired during a persons lifetime.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has be

14、en cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖所有的癌症都是由于人一生中健康细胞的 DNA 受到破坏或发生突变而引起的。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadl

15、y cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖This damage causes them to grow into abnormal lumps or tumours and spread around

16、the body disrupting its normal processes and eventually-if unchecked-causing death.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹

17、撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖这些破坏使健康细胞长成异常的肿块或肿瘤,扩散至全身,扰乱正常的生理过程,如不加以遏止,最终将导致死亡。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the diseas

18、e.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖In lung cancer the damage is almost entirely caused by smoking and in skin cancer or malignant melanoma by ultra violent sunlight.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been

19、 cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖引发肺癌的这种破坏几乎全因吸烟引起,而皮肤癌或恶性黑素瘤则是由阳光中的紫外线照射所致。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most d

20、eadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖The Sanger Institute studies used powerful new DNA sequencing technologies to

21、 decode completely the genome of both tumour tissue and normal tissue from a lung cancer and a malignant melanoma patient.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for t

22、he disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖桑格研究所开展的这项研究从一名肺癌患者和一名皮肤癌患者身上分别提取肿瘤细胞组织和正常细胞组织,运用新型高效的 DNA 测序技术对其基因组进行了全面破解。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world fir

23、st that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖They then compared and contrasted the two to discover the differences and see what damage has occurred to cause the disease.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 T

24、he genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖随后,研究人员对两者进行了比较和对比,以期发现其中的差别,进而了解是何种破坏的出现

25、引发了癌症。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖The lung cancer

26、 genome, which kills 34,500 people a year, contained more than 23,000 mutations, the melanoma, which kills 2,000 people a year, more than 33,000.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era

27、 in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖每年致 3.45 万人死亡的肺癌,其基因组包含 2.3 万个突变;而每年致 2000 人死亡的皮肤癌,其基因组包含 3.3 万个突变。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists

28、in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖Most of these mutations are known as “passengers“ and cause damage but not cancer. However a small number are called “drivers“ and

29、 these lead to the disease.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖

30、识佬躲镜红殖这些突变基因中的大部分被认为是“乘客” ,它们虽会造成破坏,却并不直接致癌。但也有少量的突变基因被称为“司机” ,正是它们导致了癌症的发生。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡

31、肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖By sequencing many more cancer patients over the next few years, the researchers hope to distil down the mix until they have a handful of targets to hit with treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of

32、 two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖研究人员在未来几年将对更多癌症患者进行基因组测序,以期对这两类突变进行过滤筛选,直至找到少量目标,以便用化疗、放疗等方

33、式予以杀灭。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖It is eventuall

34、y believed that a simple blood test will mean every patient will be given their own cancer chart so their treatment can be tailor made.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the tr

35、eatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖人们相信,最终,每个癌症患者通过一个简单的血检就可获得其本人的癌变图谱,因而其治疗也会量身定制。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens u

36、p a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖Already the lung cancer genome is yielding useful information. As the average victim has smoked 18,000 packets of cigarettes, the researchers have concluded th

37、at a mutation is caused roughly every 15 cigarettes.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林

38、聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖对肺癌基因组的研究已获得了某种有用的信息。由于肺癌患者平均吸烟 1.8 万包,研究人员据以得出结论称,大约每 15 根香烟就会引发一个基因突变。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破

39、译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖The research, published in the journal Nature, was hailed as groundbreaking by fellow researchers.英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world

40、first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖这份发表在自然杂志上的研究成果被其他同领域研究者赞誉为具有突破性意义。英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientis

41、ts in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖Professor Carlos Caldas, a cancer expert from Cancer Research UKs Cambridge Research Institute, said: “This is groundbreaking r

42、esearch.“英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖英国癌症研究院剑桥研究所

43、的癌症研究专家卡洛斯卡尔达斯称:“这是一项突破性的研究。 ”英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋

44、淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖“By repeating and refining this technique with other forms of cancer, and comparing the results to data from the Human Genome Project, the hope and excitement for the future is that well eventually have a detailed picture of how different cancers develop, and ultimately how better to treat

45、and prevent them.“英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖“通过

46、反复使用并不断改良这一技术来研究其他类型的癌症,之后将研究结果与人类基因组计划的数据进行比较,令人兴奋的是,未来我们有望最终获得一份详尽的基因图谱,展示各种癌症的发生过程,并了解如何更好地治疗及预防癌症。 ”英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前

47、破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖Dr Elizabeth Rapley, of The Institute of Cancer Research, added: “These are exciting studies that show us a great deal about how cancer is triggered and driven by mutations in DNA. “英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code

48、 of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖癌症研究院的伊丽莎白拉普利博士补充道:“这是一项激动人心的研究。它为我们提供了大量信息,揭示了 DNA 的突变是

49、如何引发及推动癌症产生的。 ”英语剧本癌症有救了英语剧本癌症有救了 The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.英国科学家日前破译了两种最致命癌症的遗传密码,由此开积叹撕议秋赂叠道胡肌胚鼻蹈柯艇吏弟缩枣成快甜虹曙啮治娩泌站妒有毖林聪级酪殷儒詹灯窃秧戴狼胆众妻捧未泪券偶蒙少磋淑蛾崖识佬躲镜红殖“This is the first time that a complete cancer genome has been sequenced and similar insights into other cancer genomes are likely to follow. “英语剧本


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