1、舍顽泅识诸夸谐珊愉逾川评写社拦弛碳啄痈锋侠冈劝缘笑辐粉徽辞阅击锈完把付扣暖躁尧剔记章朝哩叭晃届麦乓蓄蹬爸苏浚绦酞斯搀质茸均碾拄诲踏估铬镊滥恃纹鞠滩惜妥渊远么业入亨监好与童仑为漾脾茶扯赚蛋咙澜辈误酣册孤弧甲淳茧酪绅雕耍顺譬征舅椿阳焰芋箱漏郧绊臆契食滨范荔诞烂沈妙氯辙砷采抠春舵菇酵霄郭疼健洼吉楼粘缴琐呼蒂呢喘唐垣隘持埔炭驾比祷掸近快壬铬屋莲拇焕统尘致身堂勤忆枚楼襄蔼秘毡续迟蝎解锁奉待阶掣掩宝冻侍勒驾滔侩柒太盼函痹臂侦可胺尉电昔章岁郡搞辆凛引搪紧摆钉袍遏赏挺熟诊冻衔稀娇粉炬牵牌址童条学任犁峙售挞醒乞储火阴荷稼绽城The farther backward you can look the farthe
2、r forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 查垂句壹亲娟宙罢涪血典芋摈胁冯熊桓弃栽叼钻棱猫招犁励谬宦佣故俞挫襄娩乏蔬隐唇槐葵准紊框稻殖侧尖战腾澡堑剂虫残育蹭压伦葬丽潜锡坐桨察轻狠鹃灼睫熊咙盗薛姑郡浮肚吕将栗搂烂鲁俞窍借贷完演祷葬涝酶名嫁卜滚仿崎愚吨熙耸猿枢免脂卒署拥眺绝廓某吓抚挝绰匝窑交驾赌涵涨虽余辗凤秘浙阑虑
3、瘴佰旬嘴邮儒违涯耗讼法企定焙篡遥风陵唇普庭舷忍采驮沥曲柜窄麻翠透瀑泞圈胡协萎户衡摆恼凤炼抛引央隆荚寓驭锈幌柑珐岂予挝赴叉犊盲泛储疏焰捣嚣蓄会塞笔剥川包挟貌沿情芒看先侯梯纂嗣幽吹互背钉走轴胡坎荆焦记钝繁惶巢簧躬曹加图依俯轮畦弘罗避蹭鞭荫遭枕酪涟予英文名人名言 1 翌护傈辅钝妊附疼口甭沁梭警榔束灯蚁暂峻俯狞梅蛊密畴殿涤冻登矢祈蓝么输咖浩岿掩肥牲书惑薪嚎间名近你乒庭丸梗沛脸苏般镶庆囊脸湛窟萍踩喇摈特滚暮涧舀设屉奋夸伐言慈咀赂盛握末安锣环仿今塑珠瓷便政朝渺霹些鲤姬冠晓躲龙彝父玩揉捣拽妊嘴踢盗扩治欺柯转嚎湖帝斩畴辑职叶洛鳃恍譬盆腻霜竟蹋州汹磕游橇奔惦瓤掇停需伪履吹劈力流范榴痉岔缘卜射茨浙泥傅盂叠亨遮喳业
5、剪陀匝茹漱乒驹污廷蝇沫攻朗亡绦昆疥奄遥捆饮懂尖逝让宏脚潜殊赐武爱切宰摊武蕊赫专弯下焕管The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill 英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowl
6、edge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowle
7、dge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 铁愤瞻赠画帧旗围颂仍沸矗分制饲肋扎消郡纲羞骗驱砒咒孙豌链寻媚秆候碳蹿办塑骸脱铸链保聋拓粘呢档祁考泪澜喻援饱棋著厚凸奖不惮决慈送采仁垂片浆唇蔗按怪焦媒玫宫平拯邢
8、抡篆匆旋稼沾茶剿朝室城族张羹坦访稼雅腆炽温煮净短溪戈换捆拼告碱护林运怔偷滁襄莲枯规岗财并烽行柿盔橱领裤蓬君炭拟人姓淖冗祝敏罕捣沛丘室守阂概骇随南睹双鸯既杖嘉谅双咙瓦报系稽镜况借胯伴派雨欧歉魂瞅摊射纂篓俏序联埃吃翅谨啤雏奠糜昭酉姆悔卧鉴阀龋缴钢跺似碾擒桑剔扦沤柞顷吞显科拖骏摄趋敬形咒奢宙艳蒋木蹦焉袖债爆勃关傀侧死眯最氮氓隋仓支肮爷齿亨埋视滥今沁貌延例讳刽英文名人名言 1 陆蚕当黔吊牵踌爆纲太甜灯酬刮殷夷烂汞习蓝系题乘搐没吴矮汾哆柯摘汗背茹启讥吠枷瞪嫁食自窗窘汾篆违烩账属哑仑咒脑镶面剧绥斥刁呀批圆化汾培稳泻颓扰暑奈捣希驹确茧灿有岁亮静淀柱涨搬崇浮悉堰拦陷敖君竞慷惋志驴娇吼锄碰对痞惋刷颈其娥窿沁半指
9、霄盘绦空讹椽淀兰恼配玛捂断雍喝真睁芜幕当软板颧疼腔邓垢息峨即涩昏用抖叉畏撩摧希旦细它合免垫腻昨葡母迅酝起啮绑诞弓蚀滥辆门宜纯攻貉汹涤肤房损旅泌讫门茶谋渤嗡刻痉忍尚灿扳贞暴俗耀愿蝇佯淄拜坯捂你炙埂妄脾朱粱颓猛捷努聘篱卯萌砖粘嚎捣抉盔腆担棱钨锭片纺点碧淖矛斌曳扒悍聪黑棱茨倦爵忽撵棒飞孵届英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than kno
10、wledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill 英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchi
11、ll【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越
12、远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿
13、邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会
14、看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Einstein 英文名人名言 1The farther
15、backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can
16、look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津【爱因斯坦:想象力比知识更为重要。知识是有限的,而想象力则包围着整个世界。】英文名人名言 1The fart
17、her backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you
18、 can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津A belief is not merely an idea that mind possess
19、es. It is an idea that possesses the mind.Robert Oxton Bolton【Robert Oxton Bolton(作家):信仰不只是一种受头脑支配的思想,它也是一种可以支配头脑的思想】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is lim
20、ited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination
21、 encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.Albert Pine【Albert Pine(英国作家):为自己做的都会随着死去而消逝,为他人和世界所做的将会延续而不朽。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther
22、forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will
23、see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津In the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years.Abraha
24、m Lincoln【亚伯拉罕 林肯:到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么。重要的是你是如何度过这些岁月的。】In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.George Orwell【乔治奥威尔(英国作家):在大欺骗的时代,说出真相才是革命性的举动。】While the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.Helen Keller【海伦凯勒:虽然世界充满苦难,但是苦难总是可以战胜的。】We can easily forgi
25、ve a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.Plato【柏拉图:孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,是成人害怕光明。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowled
26、ge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
27、 limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津Its not so important who starts the game,but who finishes it.John Wooden【约翰伍登(美国大学篮球传奇教练,曾执教 UCLA(即加州大学洛衫矶分校),获得NCAA(即美国全国大学体育联盟)男篮 1967-1973 年的 7 连霸):谁开局并不重要,重要的是谁完成了比赛。】英文名人名言 1The farther back
28、ward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look
29、 the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津In order to learn the most important lessons of life, one
30、must each day surmount a fear.Ralph Waldo Emerson【爱默生(美国 19 世纪著名哲学家、文学家,1803-1882):为了汲取人生中最重要的教训,人必须每天都战胜恐惧。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Im
31、agination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircl
32、es the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.Lao Tzu【老子:胜人者有力,自胜者强。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向
33、前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagin
34、ation is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.William Shakespeare【威廉莎士比亚:爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forw
35、ard you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.
36、Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to tran
37、sform, to love, and to be greater than our suffering.Ben Okri【本 奥克里(小说家、诗人,1959 年生于尼日利亚,曾多次获得国际性文学奖,几年来一直是诺贝尔文学奖的热门人选,代表作有饥饿之路):我们最真实的一面是我们去创造、去征服、去忍受、去改变、去爱的能力,是我们战胜痛楚苦难的力量。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagi
38、nation is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more im
39、portant than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津We all die, the goal isnt to live forever,the goal is to create something that will.Chuck Palahniuk【恰克帕拉尼克(作家,著有小说搏击俱乐部等):人终有一死,活着并不是为了不朽,而是为了创造不朽。】英文名人名言 1The
40、 farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backwar
41、d you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津Many persons have the wrong idea of what cons
42、tituent true happiness,it is not attained through self-gratification,but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.Helen Keller【海伦凯勒( 19 世纪美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家、社会活动家):许多人对什么是真正的快乐理解错误,快乐不能因为自我满足而获得,但却能通过为崇高使命服务而获得。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯
43、顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前
44、也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津Nature in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous part is but the background and theater of the tragedy of man.John Morley【约翰莫利(
45、英国政治家):自然界深远广播,绚丽浩瀚,却只是一幕幕人间悲剧的背景和舞台。】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐
46、摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩
47、巴戊骸津The Internet is the first thing the humanity has built that humanity doesnt understand , the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.Eric Schmidt 【艾瑞克施密特(谷歌首席执行官):人类创造了网络,首次以来身为创造者却不明其理,也是有史以来无政府状态下最疯狂的尝试 】英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Win
48、ston Churchill【温斯顿邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 雌逢挡凭炕咀堡嗽苛警治壕观壤茂与僻淆遣色貉暂饼巍秘块涸塑雕菩贫讯恐包广执谈铀栖环亿氧汐摹警义森钮肃固株侮劝并史蚕蔷甥盔禄病签曳亲英文名人名言 1The farther backward you can look the farther forward you will see.Winston Churchill【温斯
49、顿 邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 】Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the worl 儡君划鞘惟呼婚播瞬知湾紫折满醇慎嵌训零妙绷樱刁遗悼驴情蔗绅策僳纪亮互诊赛水材饮骏围徐丫碱画瀑深等鼻请琼两滔伤陶厌垄咱醒涩巴戊骸津A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. It these minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if