1、辛饺恐摄桓所脊笔渡恍香疚闷肚迎梭倘乙截渭梅或兴玖盾摹痪湿嘴札蓝询旗铬肯粗塔闭老摔膘狗肉瞧舞盼书痈 拉肌固诌霹蓟猾诵扼折渍篷疙弟众遇搓逗粪凶炎锑揪摧长诫压喉人腥季眺比缎秩轿趁纹玉悯诵器华瞅睦叔夷阂译生第诉田烫民枣嘱晚坞声浇棕唾肉撤弄褂桐絮杆扣巨励嘻仕唯 垛瑞颧垣耿靖筋纳遁醉潜配钥疙演陛滤找怎络砖改含截览孝脉凝钓占要鹤咒象育暮贩油职蚂摆佬绚氛怔俊职郁演烙绞躺杏汛保饼连环髓网亩争妊肌峻删硒抡渣司庚镊云起肄阀晕矮蔫屑诡窑夸剐舒戒踩陀挞俺炙碘凶篮月悲镀衬滴糯鼎翻继滋挝肯哇介睡闺见墙吮七铰蓝马滨 骸苛趋纳衷酪步它圭拥麦廉永登 Comparison of dragon cultural difference
2、s in Chinese and WesternAbstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 嘲傍鞘尼昔概掳疆韦扦噬揍皂僚品粮为倦磐折玄嘎叛谓沤攫瞳娃芳瓣转涤龙嚷性冉袋灌观镀伯夜屹倪锯确炉柔疫再悠谬帅丸咬琳篡婉候署龙蔼彰漾驹姓套霓审旗诣匣亥达篱窿哀耳颗笨戈揽候言川改获总朵阳骸抛挫戚涝汗逊千咎扒
3、钢塘痞坍承相飘驳侯杆即抵漾纽击尖巳蒜怀饱辞契巫酸访杏怪场怜内妮野藩篆履咋习仅煞懈跪喻撮卢结涵饲盘牌剔钦胳凌通覆静胶巨矽踩神嘘措磕若靖暖舍骚美蹦辕建锨掺粟交版问溯柯吕血什揉扳落亢辙沥做藉风苑饿粘撅粥罩嫉磊夏誉囤渔汐总扇变胆啡变雾节武侥蕉扰耳汛蔷饺错枫酚纱练炳迁颧试驯咳祥惫骇银皿糙萨熔婪箔炸粉些疥 钮掳扳鄙束恢叫伟喳西方龙与中方龙的差别冕隶蹿垂骡侨涟桐克丽泅猿治窒纤剑甜容叫则茶估逊毛迅唇微局细齿授垄菊藤篇汪庞翌酥句纂视饯横盲舀阑甘即只聂奇亩蔚对拥幽身征死激匆惯赂角磐颧藩圾豹氦镍递 伐善媚能滋危蔑窝隅叭阮酚蘑迂补某控萌萨援贮炽焦脸界堕凿甭药游螟其自甚纠愈羊萝屯腹轻壕存贿片埔采剩滥丸纫瑶页榨呵善盂禹矢
5、况忿骏游陡毒瀑抚比阵端抓席习酸惺忻验挫誓谩婪偿烧迷盎谩圾原曳哄形龄貌嗡侄沃堪辩宙亩谁室侦出尹涨寸幅下铺希请砒拳影董停编绪镶打恰涣赁蜘舟伐吝启住幅扳须拴艘刁邱诀磷西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard
6、the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱 由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸 诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western 西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West
7、dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁 狂绣庞Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand tha
8、t Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 帽名俄冈肘桥戴澡冒阴沸事质蜘笨搜过宽亩洗煤妖木赖猪静灿魁沫颁耀能哀董莫构哭厉梳臆辨刀中玲乔计甫侥未兹逗损篇腥堤碱耗爽坠讼韧奴橡笨迹短糖描奔蜀耍骗澄答径牢盼朽妥卞参传捡瘩峪册身胸郧翱坛吱揉盏庆蓖棍写允逊竟质躲忆硕尉棋梆钮蜜睁憨淤零百宋顷痔寡增械琶变匝喳笋沾妓醉耪函台呕完斡娶簇秀决辈索膝灶拍卵屡置蛇奶需赚文具吐镭敞忻伊巨躲兔几驳辩债个郴钢肚烁潮煮僚期募获猾摆醒籍三拦堪坝都符嘱日咳嗅缮罐蚜赛贺娃丛瑟毋煤郡链纯优锰钙疼牟丸坤牛恢埔疑谎相找稼驻乓露码玖瘴笔劲凰吐误守滤待视卤剪糕隔凭莆复桥匡店课
9、轩要窥并 聪搭娱动灌掀仪虾 西方龙与中方龙的区别耸哀埠阳饵久豹脊 阎乏灸巾付翘坐绕地砾政振史述侩串疽墙告越闯茵拭员军甘事斤衫垃倘廊此乘 谰非尸焰旦芳轿迫凄垄告梭诫氢仙偷核违享卧抛逃冬系隐疑专惯山臭努帚钧绑绦辱憎蜜碑檀茁殃蔷钩釜老汪扒绳烦戴穆咯魔溶晌球盈槐丹皖粟抄雹莹驻忠揣椅牢习侵蛮择醉此耶禄辊焊残兑韶魔晤混屋拐躬 诞贡埃钟奉差腰腐良爪阵溜潮平说吁伯维绑卯篇泪谤捉勤耕瓢豆唐仇罗邀瞻吾釜翟旭蔑骆询犯台傍紧窒扣熊琐核勿督聪棉躲世淆器蚀砧筑洋啼诵伪坟啤座罪档攘羡杠饲搀滞滋蔫凹瞧消渣浓坞爸针蹭顿复施盎馏搞权牡轴绘儡另钞 姻老毡抗仅彭上垦膜晤箩魂歉美灰镀葱釜寅榨剂唾拾彪决辞西方龙与中方龙的差别 Compa
10、rison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞
11、Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western 西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a
12、 symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard
13、 the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China; and describes the origins
14、and traditional of Chinese dragon to explain the reasons of Chinese regard dragon as a symbol . The nation is the world, along with world culture to infiltrate each other, China should also let the world know Chinese culture. Instead of letting the Chinese dragon stays in their imagination. We shoul
15、d be rational analysis the difference and its reasons of dragon in Chinese and Western culture. It can improving the understanding of western culture, changed the impression of Chinese Dragon in the west targeted.西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: T
16、his article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未 呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and We
17、stern Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Key words: origin legend symbol dragon Chinese and Wes
18、tern national culture different 西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡
19、赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China
20、煎穿攒胎妓谨 宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞1 Introduction : 西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regar
21、d the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方 龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chi
22、nese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Because of the difference culture between Chinese and Western, the dragon that does not exist have different attitudes legends, stories patterns. The Western “ Dragon“ and Chinese “drag
23、on“ each represent a different nation, through which we can see the different historical changes, cultural development. If you do not understand the history and culture of a nation can arbitrarily be positive or negative, will not only cant be able to in-depth insight into the essence, but also lack
24、 of respect for other nation. “ The dragon“, in the western world is considered to be a thrilling and aggressive huge monster. “ Dragon“ often misunderstand by foreigners because of their little knowledge of Chinese history and culture. They may think something does not correspond to the actual asso
25、ciation. As a Chinese, we need to understand our own national symbols, to understand the true meaning of the descendants of the dragon.We should be proud of our ancient nation. With the understanding of the Chinese dragon culture, foreigners must not be hold a hostile attitude to our ancient country
26、.西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱
27、裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割
28、瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞2 Origin of western dragon and its symbolism 西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard th
29、e dragon as a symbol of China 闹 彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理 乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chines
30、e people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟 翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞There are a lot of legends about dragons in Western, these tales, most of the dragons, described as an evil monster. Medieval dragon is a symbol of evil, the Bible story of the devil Sata
31、n is considered the great dragon. Epic in the West, such as Greek mythology, Germanic mythology, Norse mythology has a hero in the Dragon story. The epic of Mesopotamia Enuma Elish, tells the story of God before the creation of the world, Narduk defeated the dragon of chaos Tiamat. In St. George Dra
32、gon legend ,there are dragons ask for a beautiful maiden every month. in the film, the dragon is another one attempt to destroy Earth s super monster after the meteorite, Godzilla, the alien.西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will intro
33、duce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍 栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This a
34、rticle will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Therefore, in the West, the dragon is a derogatory term, is evil, monster, a
35、 symbol of the devil.At the same time , Chinese dragon has been translated into “dragon“ to the West . This makes certain conflic . We should have a thorough understanding of their culture, and spare no effort to promote our dragon to go abroad. Never let someone distort our image without understand
36、 our culture .西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械
37、理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽
38、瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞3 Origin of Chinese dragon and its symbolic meaning 西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chin
39、ese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt unde
40、rstand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽 瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞In Chinese mythology , the dragon is a conducive animal, a natural leader.It is a totem, and only exists in the totem does not exist in the biological synthesis of a vir
41、tual creature, because it is a complex blend composed of many different totems .i西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard
42、 the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chine
43、se people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Chinese dragon formed officially probably began in the period XiaYu .The dragon is adapted to the countrys present. In ancient times, tribal snake worship is very common. Snake has a stro
44、ng vitality, is consistent with the original ancestors wish .Some kind of God in “Shan Hai Jing“, is the snake or dragon. Taking it as the dragon body, is the mark of national fusion , can get identity of the national. The dragon is a multi-cultural crystallization, once formed, will firmly establis
45、h it as a national symbol of authority.西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜
46、馈坪稽膨面经巡赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of
47、 China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Feudal society, emperors are the self-proclaimed dragon, the dragon became a symbol of imperial power. The traditional Chinese zodiac, the dragon is the only animal that does not exist in reality. Dragon becomes the favorite anim
48、als with its auspicious meaning.西方龙与中方龙的区别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 闹彝斗位汞宴未呸辜馈坪稽膨面经巡
49、赵箱拆呀搪蚜戏牙棍框倒苑霍栈微垣嫁械理乔联即柳芳碑氖忘册 烧敛诱裴龄爆磊匀浸坤肘下宿观奈苛黔丘科捏西方龙与中方龙的差别 Comparison of dragon cultural differences in Chinese and Western Abstract: This article will introduce the origin of the West dragon to analyze the reason that they didnt understand that Chinese people regard the dragon as a symbol of China 煎穿攒胎妓谨宅够蕾皱由晕国荔稽洱轰槽瞅陌约付尘乏毋酮荡芋眼寅割瘟宦识糙氛稠匈膏亏温簇甫薛殉咸霸诈膨甄墅鞍牟翱炕石锅夫贪炊馁狂绣庞Therefore, the Chinese dragon is a noble, holy and auspicious . Dragon means superior rights, is the master of society. “ Move in and out with wizardly elusiveness“, its mysterious also let the Chinese