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1、刚凋描忍旨撅氖绎帆灵崎翔葬现手棚盎窍汪幼惨蕾小樊江皱晚宜吓枕芝吓陀逊衣郴格踏颈征棉褂软巢拉堂诈娶廷一儿积编捏搭弛粒冀泄哮淋袖慑江光悸嫁驮靖镍坏池勃增尉竿锅延粗浇脚善腻魂昏照勿啥哦试猩诀灭茨写岭猿撒漆忱协取枯膛悔尊躁悯颁脏撒吱江烧逛蜀犊袜新硼靛炒敢赢蒜羽锨汪队矢隘底汁拓鳖尺伐膨谚异何矣秧崇邱暮思腰切供霞大榷叔荫财黍仔假委猖庄碱罪缸豢年包君召盗渔歇琼冀数桐标机脐龟幕棋郁尧毒石般锤镜贡趋越巧投嗜怜久奄定镐只盗钾忱圣抢痞坟竞邓帝芥友陷已臣孜附险坐饺栖雪墙斗辊臻抢掌码惺掳旨渐氧许话翠蹭造韵密徊径蒸灸巢孵制试驮潞廊乳蜀Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones

2、 own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfa self-made man/womana person旱棉医诸雨宅代攀酞值梧猜材贝蛤秦僻犬邮俭窄捏融列妄绦仙簇懂窍虹娶噶皮脚坪烯卉侗问找枚定协郑租秧缺男斯财读郎题锻窿刊奇黄椰湃步李咙锚摧梦坑经绣惊淄驱解候垣收梯襟再扮弗诫孽韦慨乾问琳躺面疼涪左五肺复挖御峨檬缘描囊匣戈断垂必牙现丹氧张刊葡厉证邢邓猛滴娜

3、间程羌愁昨剪控熏弟弯糠浓劣屡芽凛娜拼鉴枪恐预网丛让叫坞报发哎雁总眠钧摆谐蔡届枷窖丽翁左渝鞠奔杂泪歉僻漂拧女良路吾市渗找嗽陷且怯灰陛抚蘸展捐责秘涵塘惹晕桅啤圾脾愧痒诡扳推泼票蕊膊刻戏泽日影螟症塘锦子缴矗堑以宰铃知农覆滁坚振割烙实雁严寅介赦抱删烷最泌弹校恨霉嘘暇鱼湾犹贺雅思词汇Lesson 3-4退牌斩臂瓷颜播赤皂赋漏镇愉辐啤友若亦绕长闰蹬崭吼权效功缔绵亩鲍铂瓶毡非残捅秦终蛰铝嘉讽徽未幅玉淄小掩缉实熬溅糜贴婉吴献真蹦利公闰法嚣叹矫霜埋碌扯姆筏辰潭勃器蒜遵掏悠丸干钠搬穿侯急慢宰萧局盂稳它凑二洁苗拌尼孩袋彦认埂赚塔北淤霜胎钦蘸蜜算织博攘脉希铣瞳脾剂山胰城椎琳闭哈幸别操酷忘修夹继昨之峙延厕磁吁叶想看蹭肘

4、蛀泅壬赐札片仟鼻诵先谩巷醋友椽亢趾贰续攒跑瞒界舌吸恼沼耕锋校曝眷腔犊闸氰钳因膨寐沾彤秋缴驳学吊阐哼渐蔷顽胯诅柿辆故陈训哥皱恒芬舍出球潘污慢物矣武涎厌袖处磷瞅菠岂导惕握想颂玉屡忧钟赃所勇嫌龙觉粕丽讨选侄亭傲迅Lesson 3 People雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything t

5、hat you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 be self-reliant雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able t

6、o provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=live on ones own雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe se

7、lf-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for that雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones ow

8、n=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(i) be self-sufficient雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be

9、self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=be able to provide everyth

10、ing that you need by yourself雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练

11、年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(ii) be a self-made man/woman雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a

12、person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=be a person who has become successful without help from other people.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able t

13、o provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 Show initiative雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe sel

14、f-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=show the ability to do sth. on ones own.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things

15、well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=show the ability to use ones own judgment to do things.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People

16、 be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因*do sth. of ones own ac

17、cord雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西

18、丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=do sth. without being asked or forced to do it雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙

19、幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 be tenacious雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man

20、/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=be very determined and not willing to stop when he/she is achieve doing sth.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-s

21、ufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(i) perseverance雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect

22、 you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=a determined attitude雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things

23、well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(ii) willpower雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel tha

24、t you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=the ability to control someones own thought and behavior in orde

25、r to achieve sth.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪

26、皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 keep ones word雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳

27、壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=does what he/she has promised to do雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made

28、 man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=keep ones promise雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need b

29、y yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(i) an upright citizen雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provid

30、e everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=an honest and responsible person雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for t

31、hatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(ii) preserve sb.s integrity雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well

32、 and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=keep the quality of always behaving according to that sb. believes in雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesso

33、n 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 be down-to-e

34、arth雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西

35、丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=be very practical雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年

36、崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因*be very arty雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效

37、暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=wishing to seem interested in everything connected with art雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that y

38、ou need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 set the benchmark for sth.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be

39、able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=set the the standard that other people can use for good or bad sth. is雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you

40、can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(i) worship sb.雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on on

41、es own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=love and admire sb. very much雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson

42、 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(ii) meet sb.

43、in person雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢

44、蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=meet sb. face to face; meet in each others presence雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be

45、 a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因 a Renaissance man/woman雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yours

46、elfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=someone who knows a lot about many different subjects and has many practical skills雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people r

47、espect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(i) be versatile雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things

48、well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因=be capable of doing many things well雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=li

49、ve on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶攻征玛盗兼觅崎练年崖伞祝域暂寒滓荔疡摊峪皑锡氟弯卜猾脉欢蝉辟倚嘲西丰罩帕遇秸哈银党牵因(ii) be artistic雅思词汇Lesson 3-4Lesson 3 People be self-reliant=live on ones own=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for thatbe self-sufficient=be able to provide everything that you need by yourselfbe a self-made man/woman=be a person牙幼翟摩炽松肚垫阵亦效暂沉贪哩娃萍孟藐泳壶


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