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1、预应力混凝土连续梁布跨和布束探讨龚建峰( Z g !9)K1:YVBl t r ) s,4 r B8 t !9ZEb1oM: r t 1 -S1= E W E M 7 Sy r B,X E M Nb+Y = E M , r B !9asa ka # !a Z ?ZM b r BT r BB, 8 ?zavaMla F ?z,+Y M 6 wL , B % l, a,!ebC r , r B, O B ! , B/Yi z,98 $ 4b Pl t r g BO B .d4 Q,B v , y 4 , 8!9 H VYV P bfE s E nulls1a Ma nulls2as f nulls

2、4a nulls5a r l M nulls6b 7, 1 uY E nulls1M nulls2,7 WMvb ?S, E nulls19 T:nulls1= nullk1- e- (nullnull+ kx)T:nullkiif H / e nullii 5C “ nulliiVf 9 wL5s MLCkii5 m Y“xiiVf 9 5V V A,Y nullax (1 v,yNY E nulls19 vb5 m Y“ kBl(0.002),# E YM l,7 5C “i31i g B 1 2002 M3null v(0.25),# E Y vbY “ f v( f ,f !K,fv,

3、B15P; f ,f9 Vhl), y =_,#R V ?hlh E ; 6,h , Rs t,7 tb ?S,M nulls29 T:nulls2= (nullnulll/l)EyT:nulllii Ma lii rEyii V V A, l1Y l,7 nulll |M,yN M nulls2 Av bm1 O B z8.5 m, 1.6m, tF30m+ 30 m+ 30m t r Q 1 Uim( U), f 15, 8 =9.25,V1m1 1 Kv) ,f e nullk= 0.75Rby,Rby LS (MPa)nulls1 nulls2 nulls4 nulls5 nulls6

4、9 inully 357 26 0 35 30 448 0.509Rby 102 146 0 35 76 359 0.557RbyVV1 V A: E ,M ;7 zMQ,# 1 b VnBl t 100 mPY 9 M1ivb6, E , M1“B+: ) M v,7 ) 5MvbyN 9 , V )i nullyM, 5 ?“) bV2 ) bV2 ) (MPa)USx= 2m 12m 30m 45m 9 nulls 145 216 383 448i nully 0.672Rby 0.634Rby 0.544Rby 0.509Rby2.29 r 9 =Q b 2.1 O ,m4am5 30

5、 m+ 30m+ 30 m t r 9nullj15.24 Z T/9 mbV m V A,“Hq/, t t v ,“ t t)9 l , M, OH t9 v b y2.1XsV,) M v, f l,if ,V7 39 9v bV 9 m V A, ,H t9 v t9 , 9 B+,4 r tZ T t,7 r B“Ht t0.75P tZ Tb O t,; VE t t)9 l , V? H t9 v bm2am6sY r 30 m+ 30 m+ 30 m27.5 m+ 35 m+ 27.5 m tZ T mbm4am7sY r 30m+ 30m+ 30m27.5m+ 35 m+ 2

6、7.5 m tZ T 9mb1 m , t 9 Yv, Y vb t m 9 m+M,+Y + m(m3)H t t 19 mH t t 1BbyN t V Z T, . VE bMQ, r B“H t t0.75P tZ T, m9 m+M v, O“ m 9v t ,yNEE v ,/ Mi32i g B 1 2002 M3m2 r 30 m+ 30 m+ 30m mm3 r 30m+ 30 m+ 30 m(+ +) mm4 r 30m+ 30 m+ 30 m 9 mN b9, t P mz8C 9 mB+,E v N , A8C r t b2.3/ S6S r o a pZE,8So a

7、 pZEby !9ZE,L/ S Z i1 !9ZEA5, 6S !9ZEb 8 9, n5 A9F f ,V79F L/Nb ,OVM15-7i33i g B 1 2002 M3m5 r 30m+ 30 m+ 30 m 9 mm6 r 27.5 m+ 35 m+ 27.5m mm7 r 27.5m+ 35 m+ 27.5 m 9 m, FB ,59F * ,7 * NM15 m7nullj15.24LN,30 mP t 7iA1b Q 999FQ =f g v ,V79F r b2.4 4 r o a pZE !9 b n5 Q =f Q f , 41 vQ f b !9ZE,v #Q =

8、i, A/ 4b7 !9ZE,E v , OY B f ,yN M b Q !9ZE !9ZEM1, A ,9 Pf Q M9Fb7 O f Q, f g v) 3 r b 6 9 Pi34i g B 1 2002 M3!99F ,9F !99 T , m 9Nb8f 4Q ,o a p !9ZEz8C e)b2.5 84 t , f g , ry B , 84 3Y; ), , P f gM9F, r5 8v , O B/ ,vvY B 4 4b T r !9 H, t Z T, s, VE Bb6, t,9 P B/ , b3 YV a9 a/ S6Sa 4a 8 4Z l t r t )

9、 s,l t r A !9ZE:(1)B r + y1, !980j120mPb(2)B r tRs t O tb(3) r Ro a p !9ZEb( l :2001-07-01)大跨度桥梁结构有限元抗震分析的多点输入法史志利(? g g !9)K1: I n bWM1,v t B T T/ FsZEbEY Z p+ q,Y q ,7 V p (Zd9+,.d ( EM1,9FT L=b1oM: bWM1 q 1“C W N? 3, Fs9 t b?, Z T# MsZEX Fs1o 5B,i O s 1b Z T, “ -S ( e , sZE9 t be ,o , $MMb Btv t

10、B , %, v, ( i L= f b B,oKo .l or, P$MiMb “ : c V A, bW) P50 mS =9i As,VC HW bWs Tb =,o.lA i| Q ,F$Q Y,|vs,V78“ 3Yb ,o ? 3 HW, , ,E byN,v t B , ?Q L=, sZE I n bWM1,V T T Fsb2Zm1 U OwB, !NV,5 US“/,i35i g B 1 2002 M3sign,It compares the various kinds of combination and cooperation action of lateral cen

11、trifugalforce by super high andcrosswisefrictioncoefficient,whenthebalancevehiclestravelat curves.Italso sums up andputs forward thevarious items of design targets and design methods which aresuitableto thesuper high and crosswiseslope design of intersection ramps in China.Keyword:intersection ramp,

12、super high,crosswise slopeTreatment of Soft Soil Foundation of Western Ring Road Sector 8+ 725j9+ 030 of Central RingRoad in Wuhan City Zhou Jun,Li LingLing(17)llllllllllllllllllllllAbstract:Thewestern Ring Road Sector of theCentral Ring Road in Wuhan City is crisscrossedby irrigationcanals and ditc

13、hes.It is an areawith thedevelopinglakesandponds.Thesoilis witha large water content and high porosity.How to treat soft soil foundation is onekey problem inthe design. The paper analyzes the treatment conditions in combination of the project practicetreated by powder spray piles in 8+ 725j9+ 030 se

14、ctor soft soil foundation.And it approachesthe relative problem in the design, construction, reinforcement and checking of powder sparypiles.Keyword: treatment of soft soil foundation, powder spray pile, design, construction, reinforce-ment,checking,theWestern Ring Road Sector of Central Ring Road,W

15、uhan CityBrief Analysis of Design of Urban Binjiang RoadllllllllllllllllllllllZhang ChengHong, Deng HuanCai,Chen Ming(21)lllllllllllllllllllAbstract:Theconstruction of theurban Binjiang Road isacomprehensivemulti-courseandmulti-speciality system engineering.It is also an important component of theur

16、ban construction in therecent years.Thepaper states theparticularity of thedesign of theurban Binjiang RoadSector inthe design standards,structural form and foundation treatment etc.aspects.It also puts forwardthe appropriaterecommendations.Keyword:urban Binjiang Road,design standards,structural for

17、m,foundation treatment,recom-mendationsRe-understanding of SomeProblems in Urban Express Roads Gu QiYing(24)llllllllllAbstract:Thepaper states the application conditions of new traffictheory in the construction ofthe ring roads intherelationofintersection,exits and entrances,crisscrossandroad networ

18、k fromangle of theoverall conception of theexpressway system.The paper analyzes someproblems inthe design of theintersection,exists andentrances.And it puts forward the recommendations forthe problems to bemadeuseof or to bestudied in depth.Keyword:urban express road,roadnetwork system,intersection,

19、exits and entrances,crisscrossBRIDGES&STRUCTURESGrey Forecast of Developing Conditions of Structural Element CrackslllllllllllllDing YuanLin,Guo XiaoCheng(29)llllllllllllllllllllllllllAbstract: The paper introduces briefly the characteristics of GM (1. 1) forecast model and itsmathematical method.It

20、 states the application of the method in the forecast of the engineeringstructurethrough theexampleof forecasting themaximum crack width developingcondition of acertain reinforced concrete element year by year.Keyword:grey system,GM(1.1)forecastingmodel,residual correction,crack widthApproach toSpan

21、 and Strand Arrangements of Prestressed ConcreteContinuous BeamlllllGong JianFeng(31)lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllAbstract:Thepaper discusses and analyzes thestrand arrangement of generalsmall and mediumspan prestressed concrete continuous beam. So it puts forward a design method of prestressedc

22、oncrete continuous beam which is more reasonable than the common span and strand arrange-ments.Keyword: prestressed concrete continuous beam, span arrangement, strand arrangement, longstrands,short strandsMulti-Point Input Method of Finite Element Earthquake-Proof Analysis for Long-Span BridgeStruc-

23、ture Shi ZhiLi(35)lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllAbstract:Thepaper considersthespaceinterrelation of theearthquakemoving yard and studyonthe earthquake-proof analysis method of long-spanbridgestructureunder themodeof multipointinput earthquake reaction.Themethod obtains directly thepower spectra

24、lvalues of theresponsevariableof thespecificfrequency point by thesquareof theresponsevariableamplitudevalue.Soit can obtain thestatistical characteristics such as the mean squarevalues etc.In thecomparisonwith traditional even input method,theincreased working volumeis not large,but it is more sui-

25、tableto the engineering practice.Keyword:multi-point input,spaceinterrelation,power spectrumDesign of Zhenyang Bridgeat theBeijiang River in YingdeCity Tang Wei(38)lllllllllAbstract:Thepaper introduces mainly theoverall design,materialselection,piers,superstructureand substructuredesign of Zhenyang

26、Bridgein YingdeCity.Keyword:bridge,prestressed strand,box type platebeam,designFLOOD CONTROL & DRAINAGEThinking after Hit by CatastrophicFlood sincetheYear 1988 in Nanning CitylllllllllHuang FuHui(41)lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllAbstract:The paper lists theexisting problems and puts forward thet

27、reatment suggestions andthemeasurestobetaken inaccordancewiththeactualproblemsafter hitbythecatastrophicfloodsincetheyear 1988 in NanningCity as well as through theanalysis of thepresent situations.Keyword:Nanning City,catastrophicflood,damsfor flood control,existing problems,measuresBrief Descripti

28、on of Urban Flood Control Engineering Construction in Panjin CitylllllllMa Jun,Wang Peng(44)lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllAbstract:The paper mainly states the scale of Panjin urban flood control engineering construc-tion.It also states theapplication of concretedams and multi-functional box typecon

29、cretedams.Keyword:concretedams,multi-functional box typeconcretedams,design flood frequency,loadingWay for Reducing MaximumFlood Level ofRiver Coursefor Flood DischargeinRehabilitation of Ur-ban River Surge Hao Rui(47)llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllAbstract:Theriver coursesfor flooddischargeflowed through theurban districtoftencausefloodwater in rainy season andproducethelossesof theproperties in varying degrees.So to reducethewater leveloftheriver coursesduringrainstorm isoneofimportant tasks.Next,therehabilitationof BaishiSurgethrough theurban district of Zhongshan


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