1、话剧最后的晚餐The last supper旁白:时间 Time:公元 33 年 33 ad 逾越节(Passover)地点 Location:耶路撒冷 Jerusalem 人物 Characters:第一幕 The first act: 祭司长(The chief priests)、士兵Soldier、旁白 Narrator第二幕 The second act:耶稣( Jesus )、犹大(Judas )、安德烈(Andreas )、腓力(Philippus) 、彼得(Petrus)、西蒙 (simon)、旁白、士兵(客串 Guest appearances)第一幕:祭司长派人逮捕耶稣Chi
2、ef priests sent to arrest Jesus旁白:(教堂里,祭司手里捧着一本书,嘴里正大念着圣经,威严的坐在凳子上,突然,一声急促的敲门声打破了大厅的沉寂。)(In the Church, the priest, holding a book in his hand, reading the Bible loudly, sitting on chair seriously, and suddenly, a rapid knock broke the silence in the Hall. )士兵:祭司长,我已经遵照你的命令,跟踪他到家门口,果然不出你所料,耶稣那小子竟然真的
3、想和你对着干,为了利益,他打算招兵买马,要与你一决雌雄。(停顿)他的徒弟犹大可以利用下。The Chief priests, I have already followed your commands, and tracked him to his door secretly, it was just what you had expected, Jesus was really against with you for the profit, and he intends to recruit, to fight with you desperately. (Pause) you can u
4、se his apprentice jewish.祭司长:什么?好啊,看来他小子是活的不耐烦了。现在我命令你,找他的徒弟犹太过来,我要亲自和他谈谈.What? Well it appears that he is impatient to live anymore. Now I command you to find his apprentice, Jewish, I would like to talk to him personally.士兵:是!Yes犹大:(恭敬的)祭司长,你找我?Chief priests, are you looking for me?祭司长:犹太,我问你,你们老大
5、耶稣是不是打算和我对着干?如实招来,我可以免你一死,并给你加官进爵。Jewish, tell me ,was your boss,Jesus, going to against me?Tell me the turth, I could save you from death, and give you rise in the offcial world.犹大:(眼珠子转了几圈,双手不停的摆弄着。吞吞吐吐道) 是的,祭司长,我们老大,不,耶稣是有这个打算.。Yes, Chief priest,my boss, Jesus was going to have this idea教主:啊! 明白了
6、,行,你下去领赏去吧!(30 块银币)Ah! See, OK, go down and take the reward (30 pieces ofsilver)犹大:是,谢谢祭司长。Yes, thank you于是,犹大跟祭司长约好:他亲吻的那个人就是耶稣。Thus, Judas and the Chief priest agree on it that: the one he kissed is Jesus.旁白:(犹太退下,祭司长把士兵招呼过来,轻声在耳边细说着。因为一场阴谋正在悄然无息的计划着)(动作同时进行)(Jewish leave, chief priest whisper wit
7、h the soldier, Because a plot is on the way)第二幕 晚餐上,耶稣最后的训话 Supper, Jesus final lecture旁白:耶稣和他的十二门徒坐在餐桌旁,共进庆祝逾越节的最后一顿晚餐。 餐桌旁共十三人,这是他们在一起吃的最后一顿晚餐。他在席上站起来,脱下外衣,拿一条毛巾和一个脚盆开始为门徒洗脚。jesus and his 12 Apostles sit at the kitchen table, having celebratedr last nights meal in Passove. 13 people around the tab
8、le, this was their last meal . He stood up on the seat, took off his coat, took a towel and a basin , began to wash his disciples feet耶稣:知道自己即将离开门徒,他要跟门徒交代最重要的话,就离开位子,站起来,拿水倒在盆子里,把手巾搭在肩上,开始为每一个门徒洗脚并用手巾擦干。Knowing hed be leaving disciples, he wants to tell his disciples some important words, while lea
9、ving the seat, got up and poured water into the basin, towel draped over his shoulder, started washing his disciples feet and drying by towel众门徒:哇哦?(大家都不明白,都用疑惑的眼神望着耶稣帮他们洗脚。)Wow?彼得表示异议: 一日为师终生为父。你是我们的老师 ,你不能这样。A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime. You are our teacher, you cant do it.耶稣:(洗完
10、后,耶稣发出了感叹、捂鼻!)哎,真的是够臭的,以后要多洗脚,不然下次我就要带消毒面具了。你们叫我老师,我尚且愿意为你们做这低贱的事,因为我是要做榜样给你们看,日后,你们也要彼此洗脚。Hey, it was really stinky enough, remember to foot -washing more often, or next time Ill bring mask in case of infecting .You call me teacher,and I still do this contemptible thingfor you, only because I shoul
11、d be an example for you in the future.gradually ,you also should wash feet for each other 众门徒:是,遵命,(大家纷纷应声道。)It is, as you wish旁白:耶稣和门徒们继续吃晚餐,耶稣这时预言门徒中有一人要出卖他Jesus and the disciples continued to eat dinner,then Jesus predicted that one of the disciples will betray him耶稣:知道嘛,今天我无缘无故打了几个喷嚏,预测到有人要出卖我了。
12、You know I made a couple of sneezes for no reason today, from that someone would betray me.旁白:门徒听后个个很忧愁,显的很惊讶,纷纷问耶稣After listening , all the disciples are sad, surprised, and asked him,众门徒:“什么,老大,是我吗?是我吗“What, my bosst, it is me? Absolutely not me “? 肯定不是我”安德烈:你知道我的心,你知道我是永远不会出卖你的,我爱你。You know my he
13、art, you know that I will never betray you, I love you腓力;是谁?谁吃饱了撑的没事干。要出卖我们老大.Who is it? who had enough support with nothing to do. Would sell our boss.犹大:让我知道是谁我一定要把他 K 一顿。Let me know 西蒙:(头偏向耶稣细声问到)“老大阿,是谁呢who is it? ”彼得:(举起双手示意安静)不要吵,这么大个人了。dont make any noise,adult 犹大:(犹大靠在耶稣身上,并轻声问到)“啊,是我吗?”“Oh,
14、 it is me? ”耶稣回答 :你去买点番茄酱吧(耶稣大声说到)you go to buy some ketchup 犹大:是!(不安的走了出去。走时回头望向众人)Yes约翰:犹大,记得速去速回,我会想你的勒。Judah, remember to go back soon, Ill miss you.犹大:放心,不会消失的.Assures that i will not go away彼德:唉,什么世道啊,我们竟然有人要玩背叛,世态炎凉啊!Oh, oh what a awaful world, someone even want to betray his repectable teach
15、er 约翰:还行,习惯就好.OK, just get used to it.旁白:(犹大出去以后,耶稣延续洗脚的教训,跟剩下的门徒说)(Judas went away and Jesus continue his lessons with the rest of the disciples)耶稣向天父祷告说:“认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。Jesus prayed to the god: “know you are the only true God, and Jesus you have sent, this is life eternaity.耶稣: 我交代你们
16、一条新命令,就是要你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样彼此相爱;当别人看见你们相亲相爱时,就可以认出你们是我的徒弟了。I tzold you a new commandment, that you love one each other as I have loved you guys, you guys love each other and when others see you can know that you are my disciples.众门徒:是,谨听老大教诲。yes, follow it forever.旁白:犹大敲门 ,进来。Judah knocked on, and
17、 came犹大:老大,你要的番茄酱Boss, ketchup, you want耶稣:好,放这吧。Well, put it here犹大:我为有人出卖你而悲伤I grieve for someone betraying you旁白:犹大俯身亲吻耶稣,士兵闯进,强行带走耶稣Judah, bent down and kissed him, at the same time ,soldiers broke into, and takeJesus away forcely耶稣:徒弟们 我爱你们I love you,my Apprentice众徒弟:(先是不舍得,然后一起挥手)我们也爱你,拜拜we love you too and forever, bye谢幕,众人答谢观众。Curtain call, all thank the audience.