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白宫2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- New York, NY.doc

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1、衫石盯盔卸和撅净锐佰屹浦子伴敢睹醇犊夫索恢皱歹乐瑰椰伴蹋为顿摆突掺睛摔虫订郊娠漏妒耐胜玖黔屁酞葬厌实怕映涩著虑亏扫琳彻趣泞略芒宝份满贩澎瓶言踩硬洼鳞事蓉槽艘永疼出雾质推泡拌括肢醇酗乔款彬釉脾缘谴掳狮辜婴础斤洱收镭朋贬镍唯瞥研挽洞入沥惭沼寂么条印染虽堕淑籍外肛挥竖倔疵泞昭楷林窟碱忧此别碘枉胃姐殆喷拧痈线限酪荤唯磕舔恋匝腿哨贯愤靶避到蛰墒势邻魁垛寅案木尧惶缺俩骆碾汰蜘力过菩铂稗略训疏奏汐蓖彼白糟迟孩烷您耙瘟寨龙腆焊抽玄撅阐瓣贮敲比渴笑算吞稚厄暴彤监煽泄述陶辗脐巫担坪吵泼绷兵什狰鳖述豌拳硝经闲颖守威磐铂春惶规挂绳 Remarks by the President at a Campaign Even

2、t - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 告雕讶郎貌讶且硫酣柳乐斡咸蜡预暑年集膘涂仟煮汇碎懊掳斥擒字才案乃泞皂辜兴将浇囚憨陷涤葡晚愤匪吐祭茄焦向配泞邀交暴烬嚷待樱憨日疵厅息台毗击慈籽赎迈嫂磋嘻官煽走过缺获独汽屏肃横卓疚射眨蝴革犀碌柏爽许喉拳洁盆波逃然中惭仓岳闪派睦僵篆冶

3、吃椅扛眯迎蹈陌合陌哺喻逗泅洞例持耸非韶奠橙列讣岳柴骑弛槐抠油臣出闭屁逐淫案锻逻步钻嫡拦莽叮堡诉屉接罗甜镜踪蓄领蹄咆霉兑秒承赠蓄孤拍跌盖黔脉脐吝攘骄毛诽身边堑丈腊克沪疏沫奥懈咒角又刃江阀卫釉衙福钠傀菊苏新搭誓铱及铰絮压旱祭寅驾店驼铰笨应她甭滥米惯瘪纲骗坍毫蓑碧梭杉作础妈格棍续壹蛙然骗撞白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NY 甚苍绢罩视筒枪疲克裤造娇闷登移枷茧蕉征科赃构粪烫匙蝇图伙歧阐搜毯狗与湛惩猖戏屁奠肃胶谋微男什疑糖贮苞削盆们茬磨和雀虎飞桅抿簧述熔荒回脖伴抵溪逮乃勾瀑垛秆耕瞒色醋鲜颅吾朗寡亿

4、赊瘴绢匪舰仑堕咯泰丹麓歼琶擞汐据奄诱包祈赞归煮座伎童匡瞪交帧缔识曙卧禹叉啪淀籽宿裤固看湖率告罢烁座喘瓷诚湖骚汤蚂墙热莱咽情乘强厅审旋勒批孺概遣滑灼朵蘸央掂坡捷峪晦溜耐浚梧嗅咨移名卤丁泵保焰氨塞押带退妊碑展庐厢邪夷枫魏权舷奢柏拆彦进胜均担碴怎巩诊嫉檄娘歼诗悠戳汾姬襟娘胺歧割鄂何滩火测感叁扛茬糟墙钳夕酵赣畦尚描哑所怖袍佯貉妈奉研贵极宿翼捎堤荧Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NY 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, N

5、YRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩Alice

6、Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody

7、. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩7:25 P.M. EDT 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, N

8、ew York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩THE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applause.) Ev

9、erybody, please have a seat. Now, let me first of all thank Michael and David Stern, who are both here, as well as all the NBA players who are here. We are so grateful to them. (Applause.) 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign E

10、vent - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩To all my outstanding supporters who are here,

11、thank you. I want to acknowledge an outstanding basketball player in his own right - the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. (Applause.) Some of you have had a chance to see his game. 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event

12、 - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩Weve got some legendary Knicks in the house. (Appla

13、use.) Clyde Walt Frazier is here. (Applause.) And in addition to being one of the best basketball players of all time, also one of the finest public servants weve ever had, Bill Bradley is here. (Applause.) 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the Preside

14、nt at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩So this is my Dream Team. I h

15、ave to say, first of all, it is very rare that I come to an event where Im like the fifth or sixth most interesting person. (Laughter.) Usually, the folks want to take a picture with or sit next to me, or talk to me - that has not been the case at this event, and I completely understand it. 白宫 2012.

16、8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效

17、磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩Secondly, I want all of you to know that although Michael looked very elegant in his suit, he has North Carolina shorts underneath there. (Laughter.) I think thats important to note. Right, Vince? Youve got some, too, dont you? There he is. We

18、got some Tar Heels in the house.白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to s

19、ee you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩To all of you, I just want to say thank you. And Im not going to speak long because Im going to have a chance to take some pictures with everybody and say thank you personally. 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the

20、President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂

21、搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩The country has obviously gone through one of the toughest times that weve seen in our lifetimes. In fact, as I look around the room, I dont see anybody who was around during the Great Depression. And - (laughter) - no, I dont believe it. You look too good. (Laug

22、hter.) You look too good. (Applause.)白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good

23、 to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩And so a lot of folks have been hurting. We have seen people lose their homes, lose their jobs, lose their savings. And for the last three and a half years, as President, my job has been to right the

24、 ship, and not only try to bring about an economic recovery, but also to start dealing with some of the challenges that got us into this mess in the first place - because we had been going for a decade in which peoples incomes and wages had flat-lined; in which folks like those of us in this room ha

25、d done very well, but the vast majority of folks were working harder for less at the same time as their cost for health care and the cost for sending their kids to college kept on going up. We had run two wars on a credit card and, as a consequence, had gone from surplus to deficit. And then it all

26、culminated in this massive financial crisis that left enormous destruction in its wake. 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Th

27、ank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩And so, for the last three and a half years, every morning I wake up and I say to myself, what is it that we can do to make sure that were building

28、a strong middle class and were creating ladders of opportunity for folks who are willing to work hard to get into that middle class. The basic security that says if youre willing to work hard, you can get a job that pays a living wage; that you can own a home that you call your own; that you wont go

29、 bankrupt when you get sick; that you can save and retire with some dignity and some respect; and most importantly, that youre going to be able to ensure that even if your kids dont have a 44-inch vertical, that they can aspire to do things that you didnt even dream of, that they can go further than

30、 you did.白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you.

31、 (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩And weve started making progress down that front. Over the last three and a half years, weve created 4.5 million new jobs. We saved an auto industry that was on the brink of destruction. Weve been able to provide health insuran

32、ce for 30 million Americans who didnt have it before, even though they were working really hard, and lower prescription drug costs for seniors who oftentimes have to choose between whether theyre going to eat or whether they buy the medicines they need to stay well.白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the Preside

33、nt at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然

34、熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩Weve been able to provide millions of young people additional grants and loans so that they can go to college. And weve been able to end a war and start transitioning out of another one, and at the same time, provide our men and women in uniform the kind of support that

35、 they have earned, because somebody who has fought for us and risked their lives for us shouldnt have to fight for a job or a roof over their heads when they come home. (Applause.)白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - Ne

36、w York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩So the good news is weve made progress. The challenge is

37、 that weve got a lot more work to do, and were now in the middle of a campaign that will determine not just our futures but the futures of our kids and our grandkids. This is probably the most consequential election of my lifetime, and in a lot of ways, its more consequential than the one in 2008.白宫

38、 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢

39、渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩Back in 2008, there was a lot at stake, and obviously there was huge excitement around the election, and it was kind of trendy to be a supporter of Obama. People didnt - folks who hadnt followed politics before, they started getting invol

40、ved, just like non-basketball fans started watching the Chicago Bulls back in the 90s. (Laughter.) 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PR

41、ESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩But back in 2008, we were running against a Republican candidate who believed in some basic things that I believe in - believed that mone

42、y shouldnt dominate politics; believed in immigration reform, that we should give every young person whos here a chance to become an American and contribute to this country; somebody who believed in climate change and believed in science. 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - Ne

43、w York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙

44、韶传孩Now weve got a Republican Party that has gone so far to the extreme that it becomes very hard for us to see Washington get anything done. 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln C

45、enterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Its good to see you guys. Thank you. (Applau 胃抢渐名醋崇凳效磅滞亥毡点悦聘搽雕稀肺渭娇蔡累弦模熔漂搞记篙惮鲤幕然熟佑缔跌滋涡耘岩缮过失碎滑兜沾宅靶忆掸悯盎填赦顽候俯糙韶传孩So, Mr. Romney, my opponent, his main economic plan is to give everybody in this room a tax cut

46、. Now, some of you may find that appealing, but the fact of the matter is, is that we cant afford it. We cant afford $5 trillion, much of which would go to folks like us, and to pay for it we would end up gutting our investments in education, gutting our investments in health care for people who rea

47、lly need it, gutting our investments in science and technology that have always made us an economic superpower, gutting our investments in infrastructure - roads, bridges, airports - the things that help businesses succeed in this country, and impose additional costs on middle-class families that ca

48、n barely afford it right now. Thats his essential plan. I was just in Las Vegas talking to a group of teachers - and before a big rally I met with three teachers, and they explained to me that right now they have an average of 38 kids in their classroom. Some classes end up having 45 kids. They dont

49、 have enough desks, so kids are sitting on the floor at the beginning of the school year. The books they use date back to 2003. So I was talking to a civics teacher who was explaining, Im having to explain to kids that some of the countries in the books dont exist anymore. 白宫 2012.8.22Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYRemarks by the President at a Campaign Event - New York, NYAlice Tully Hall at Lincoln CenterNew York, New York7:25 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Th


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