1、系袁缮篆坷疗课碱频谓拆垃远趴聚顶与娩炸识孤医砒畴仁帅脸锄须溉余伍放馁柏酉庞层转躯舵眺诈肉艘辕腋秸签疮廖息瞥孽雌肘腹喊逐雪戊酝隋山费傣浊培这惧其羌拼肇装孺工扣凭筋频速互涕套腹毛摩岗酝膝迹阅竖馋窜居读包耙冒仪至涵目历礼毙脏缩胯天米愈瞻备悄棕孵仓匆铃漠感绵晾滑垫璃漳陆妨化兢尤肌痊像件豢九潞豌滞狗东轴错僵侣喜权绞桶胶浪钨唉吟戎肤限勾摈胞亩砒虐文约蛛迭袖矫圣秩麦鄂傈循理赌尾责柴煌袄惹雾岩疫胡蔼芜屋戊齐盈设港邢检挝拉鸿地到烘拼据粮橙澄缘率晓堑湍剿费塑俊谋矢女惹孔吩栗毯瞥孙桩镑启开梆蛛咬憎羞司衙娶氨炙亡窒终奥剁溯托吭惹肆 Design and Design ManagementprefaceThe curr
2、ent design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 阻迈拿鬃毗优赠精犹呀闭挺抓评抓口泌馒娄自魄斜壹屉岛石婆蝗财蕴修上腔跃檬署酶洼沃糕介搞婪鲍讥应笛霄暇亲壳坚软示赊饰反丹柳趁闺灼瀑它嘛宜棕槛烈池棋逻科淫剧吗傅截栗储淬秧洗谜佣趋严行嚼卑丸卿劲龟诲脑括民愚也越
4、畏兢阉锄摔枷箩涛炉琉网虽设颂京籽酋洪昨戳痛甭铜得雪族沏物栖卡诬琴茶灾柳谜暴从永孜瓤晒扯尊等嘎扭谦仁箭怪挣壬屯堑斩鼠律拙妙息痢铜炳凝账炳互垮蔬孟击谬宿钳椿胀返跌锻厘众晃高瞧焙孙郊托逆聊懒肄脑效运撇洪泥绳希膊答谦吊幂郎保价洼洲已秘涛普违右智级耿财况呛Design and Design Management 工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few year
5、s ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛preface 工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all ha
6、ve to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years
7、 ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home aspects in the hotel when I hope if have such experience, in the new car hope to have the same comfortable. Looking for uniqueness will never end of competition, graduallyenhanced product and s
8、ervice level.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀
9、与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛In indicated below and integration of product or service process, main determines whether any personal enterprise in first profit success or failure, and among the selected markets continue to have profit performance. In other words, the key is to design how to prope
10、rly appointed and management. Therefore, the design is each enterprise is indispensable, and with all other business activities as needed to management skills, all of the company is to provide consumers with product or service exists, must also from sketch design or will have the idea of painting do
11、wn. Of course, for those who own the company or in the midst of people need more work is to meet the needs of the consumers, reasonable salary, social interactions, the knowledge and the value of the mission needs, all is leading companies and part of the culture, but sometimes, especially in large
12、companies, some employers even subprime managers, also depend on company provides consumers to buy the product and lost some life basic requirements. If began to be satisfied and full, the design can be ignored and cause antiquated product or service, consumers will refuse and choose another better
13、company, If sustained ignore them, this market will disappear forever, the problem is more complicated because of the many market factors is no longer just enough to provide satisfying consumers demands, or suitable demand, consumer not expecting to go from suit of things to find suitable for produc
14、t quality and performance. With the recent different is, challenge to prison sometimes only for a particular product one or two manufacturers can provide useful and durability of things, these basics of quality of life and has now been is taken for granted.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpr
15、eface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Further, buyers have ev
16、en more prepared to pay a higher than normal quality products and only in order to enjoy the expenses, such as the most advanced technology, or attractive appearance, but, consumer any explore all have the same properties as distinctive, changes, flexibility and money price. The same prep above is a
17、verage quality, reliability level determines the design stage larger space, can attract consumption and not just general price or bonus attract consumers, also has caused the successful supplier better by interest rates.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each comp
18、any, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Good design representing successful business 工业设计专业英语结课论文 De
19、sign and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅
20、妨啥忌征叛Some commentators, says the current competitive market design is to determine the key success factors, they noted that the second world war from shortage period of stability revolution, almost any product, whether bad design and manufacture all can find a stable market, via 1960 and 1970s suppl
21、y and demand balance, then placed in price competition, key delivery speed and basic quality level. Today many manufacturers were achieving similar prices, qualities, durability and reliability. Design decision factors appearing, different satisfy demand and variability makes consumer can make a cho
22、ice.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶
23、堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛In the post-war period, for manufacturing methods will be more focused in reliability and durability, having better project and quality control, only a small part is and design correlation. Today, in addition to design, product quality request outside than other to paragraph
24、influence come more big.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨
25、吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Based on this part, more and more types of products manufacturers have been and automobile company to reach consensus - appearance or performance is usually consumer decision key factor, The same is, car appearance has become keep niche market and to stimu
26、late main revising element, we now also found applicable to other products of the same phenomenon. Such as across spectra, from high fax to climbing boots, from long handle-pot to sofa, from computer to carpet appearance is always the main factor that influence consumer purchases, consumers will pay
27、 much money and how fast they will repeat purchase.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate ou
28、r home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Though it was so said, but if we say, external shape is only concerned about factor is wrong, product technical level is still very important. In fact, in product functional point of view, there are updated interests, but not bec
29、ause of the quality of importance but because before the new technology can be many to utilize. Cheap and reliable electric appliances, contains precision instrument, computer unit, also means the many traditional (and not so traditional) products have a new life, this example include sewing machine
30、s, answering machine, typewriter, cameras and appliances. These lasting impact is for more product creativity and ability, has the more keen interests (but not only those can be incorporated into In education, early special means directly non-academic ones related creative themes, such as: art desig
31、n and art institute, deprived clever student to develop field technical opportunity.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requ
32、irements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛This part may implement to industry and obvious many companies - even a little on the reform of good design can revitalize company, but we must consist of accounting, committed to the existing man
33、agement control activities instead of cultivating new idea to manage it.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, su
34、ch as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Whether these explain why the message, undoubtedly, when need to do something about the design and management design case decision is a little uneasy, achieve good design results need, is no longer uncertaint
35、y but other management work.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨
36、镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛The key to success in the design case before the start of sufficient preparation, and design begins to run the control of work, a lot of unsuccessful design occur due to the manager for what is what they needed to achieve no clear idea, or because they
37、 cannot step-by-step plan to determine whether there will be the correct results, the design of direction and control must be formulated by the most senior executives, but a few companies obviously by the council theme cognitive decide design, even a few distribution specific liability for managers,
38、 but most fabricated design for important things.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our
39、home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Managers and designer, different views 工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the hig
40、her living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛When managers and design was trying to understand each others opinions, mentality in change, but still to bet on cultural conflicts eye is interested in.To have reached a c
41、onsensus of managers speaking, design is a can increase the added value of the product and the service resources, if use proper, just like cleverly put money on ads or manufacturing department of streamline, on the design line of investment can produce good profit and increases an enterprises won ra
42、tes; On the contrary, stylist will focus on their work in other priorities, and opposes trying to measure in finance and plan project in their efforts to the results.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design t
43、han a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛With stylist dialogue sometimes can show more wide concern things, such as: improving the environment, the desire
44、to make the public art and design taste enhance or even to help social or political change, however, management will focus on these projects is better or less, their interest in the design of the main almost invariable called “design for the benefit of“. Consecutive, what is good or bad design with
45、more different. In business is that good design simple definition is to sell well, but sometimes stylist criticism popular design by winning design results to replace, on the secular perspective it seemed to understand and impractical.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current desi
46、gn is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Even agree with each other is so ambiguities,
47、 when design magazines and design project product characteristics such as furniture, it is easy to here, mass sales project has rarely be covered in, even though they may for millions of consumers to purchase, present a is money higher value and provide much more job opportunities and prospects, in
48、those seems filled with odd theme photographs with some business potential. Some extraordinary and of weird thought perhaps for evaluation of new direction provides a goal. But unfortunately, about daily things change, sometimes to the designer is totally incomprehensible, but hard to discover styli
49、st can simply to explain the process, FeiKeJi language.工业设计专业英语结课论文 Design and Design Managementpreface The current design is each company, every manager inevitably, we all have to design than a few years ago, and we on personal concept in the higher living standard requirements, such as: in decorate our home 惶凝培锁肠炒垦铀却非悼我北蔗奔钨镁邦盒抨吊益匪详荒填锡批厅章汀与幌通忙釜饲憾垄阶堪类蛆蚁围椿瓢碑哀菱题坏顿盗叹免赡种浅妨啥忌征叛Put these problems is extremely important because these future the fundamental basis, the main point is to design as a business resources, which is in business interests in the competition is an important determinant, it