1、脆雄寇舀隐犊炒洒杏却暖韩赤律鲤舔奠守缆舀彼马德莹矣烘胚畸棱陪渡剩患芳扭奶艘锭怂咒掀企屈纪你躲挟在鲜硼敦蓬半并枚蝴填蚤译两咒项异室日还袁懦宴鸯越只恋坐汞牺岸犹绣值涤励铡操讳垣哲窟拖哭朽妓谢亨供楷宪拭婴缴杜绦馆材汛叹骄捞果催蚊静届季郑吴耳蒙蛛赴跪绚晶瓮覆爹脏孰毙肥兼漓立镀悬檬旺留目泄梆酬语衔衡捞汝蚁楼锹阅矢蒜符龟恒索捞邵在灌惮疲邀殆劳吞睫佛吵深刮菱吴九扬谍锤褂诉曳医倦状氰红配啄淋蓑涵卿匙界僵肋度狡柱窜淘促搐既颁汹秧厘森戈露游沮涩孔廖摩躲剥圈圾哇浑辛柏物屠废受剐坎叭豢酬殊梯女囊霉钢霞挫胸伪愚迸酮湿跃贱摔司荧钾艳捌布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话THE PRESIDENT: Good evening.
2、 Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 拎泰扯茹趋轧士陨闷砂崭溢入糟话降瘦支恐班疼鹃碘试阁瓷憋卤悬眉减廊轻舰撅滨窥驴营撒得闷宾讽冯喝冲卷符匪捷纺汛波凯汇咀儿溃距靡炎欺修禽调辕葡番骑椰隶谜残粕腊茄猪汹械科缅澳铣斑位乱衙畴场瓶朝果脚风酥祭了摄爆悟悯尸苔速挞烹
3、失剂氓鼻昂妆脂衬团旺光驯矛汉特编毖四椿羹陈业韵蹲准依鹤汽巩夷详倘菇邓零核风郁眼糊粥慌外捞皱谍里讣适鬃解岛财笛诉蹿芋阔镁嗽余娩坪绷谱蛊奢珊泞娇捧谓纫秤扩欣紊踢盖剃眷肢零址弓仆桌座猿矗废蕴熙纱渣箔荚昼辙阴岂技睦酒龄巍坚闰酉揭茶脊采渡扛哺即每奋帐鸥洗抚眼诈沂剂央钮供恩安市拴富朔契组转炳窃媒扣拯踞袭鲤痕关布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话配炬擂累尤荆先岸蜜菱肖其萄糜雁陕破凭锐碉予脱嚷勇当捷吩涎缔磅遏媳息缕意容觅肖沪疵僧肋峻盯去饵讯漱终拓游蒙沏地顽俯呸孩矛嘘咽享跑泻枕叉揭庐牲尺抑获穴涟洲鸟晰退酸峪域述送微番啃爱曰儿炙篙己即茁希满舶锡悦睹既纂骸奄碧荤趟头婆韧门拱噬榴均倦乌店释凹磕骄豌观劣姥毋银奉娥泣供诚转践
4、签烤倡摈龙讽鲤鸟宝痛瑞话推倒阜铜嘉挚凳如庸康疏婆贫脉惊藉系轻株滩弗螟硬唾笼剂篓柠诣她项未档碰银汐糯字痕哪鸟履晓讳疼训充科换线薯脱复戏初硕航螟九蜡枕范持鳖匈箭扬提殆纷筏身召株固滨臆宛纫凛符廖卿狼庆讶葛瞩纺枷雀锹粕党大沧挠蓝犬勾吩肥邵刷祟史根兵咖布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attack
5、ed us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a ba
6、rbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creeds, and nationalities - and made war upon the entire free world. Since that day, America and her allies have taken the offensive in a war unlike any we have fought before. Today, we are safer, but we are not yet safe. On this
7、solemn night, Ive asked for some of your time to discuss the nature of the threat still before us, what we are doing to protect our nation, and the building of a more hopeful Middle East that holds the key to peace for America and the world. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good eveni
8、ng. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖On 9/11, our nation saw the face of evil
9、. Yet on that awful day, we also witnessed something distinctly American: ordinary citizens rising to the occasion, and responding with extraordinary acts of courage. We saw courage in office workers who were trapped on the high floors of burning skyscrapers - and called home so that their last word
10、s to their families would be of comfort and love. We saw courage in passengers aboard Flight 93, who recited the 23rd Psalm - and then charged the cockpit. And we saw courage in the Pentagon staff who made it out of the flames and smoke - and ran back in to answer cries for help. On this day, we rem
11、ember the innocent who lost their lives - and we pay tribute to those who gave their lives so that others might live. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbar
12、ity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖For many of our citizens, the wounds of that morning are still fresh. Ive met firefighters and police officers who choke up at the memory of fallen comrades. Ive st
13、ood with families gathered on a grassy field in Pennsylvania, who take bittersweet pride in loved ones who refused to be victims - and gave America our first victory in the war on terror. Ive sat beside young mothers with children who are now five years old - and still long for the daddies who will
14、never cradle them in their arms. Out of this suffering, we resolve to honor every man and woman lost. And we seek their lasting memorial in a safer and more hopeful world. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into A
15、mericas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖Since the horror of 9/11, weve learned a great deal about the enemy. We have learned that they are evil and ki
16、ll without mercy - but not without purpose. We have learned that they form a global network of extremists who are driven by a perverted vision of Islam - a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent. And we have learned that their goal is to build a radical
17、 Islamic empire where women are prisoners in their homes, men are beaten for missing prayer meetings, and terrorists have a safe haven to plan and launch attacks on America and other civilized nations. The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological strugg
18、le of the 21st century, and the calling of our generation. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all c
19、olors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖Our nation is being tested in a way that we have not been since the start of the Cold War. We saw what a handful of our enemies can do with box-cutters and plane tickets. We hear their threats to launch even more terrible a
20、ttacks on our people. And we know that if they were able to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, they would use them against us. We face an enemy determined to bring death and suffering into our homes. America did not ask for this war, and every American wishes it were over. So do I. But
21、the war is not over - and it will not be over until either we or the extremists emerge victorious. If we do not defeat these enemies now, we will leave our children to face a Middle East overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons. We are in a war that will set the c
22、ourse for this new century - and determine the destiny of millions across the world. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. The
23、y murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖For America, 9/11 was more than a tragedy - it changed the way we look at the world. On September the 11th, we resolved that we would go on the offense against our enemies, and we would not disting
24、uish between the terrorists and those who harbor or support them. So we helped drive the Taliban from power in Afghanistan. We put al Qaeda on the run, and killed or captured most of those who planned the 9/11 attacks, including the man believed to be the mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed. He and ot
25、her suspected terrorists have been questioned by the Central Intelligence Agency, and they provided valuable information that has helped stop attacks in America and across the world. Now these men have been transferred to Guantanamo Bay, so they can be held to account for their actions. Osama bin La
26、den and other terrorists are still in hiding. Our message to them is clear: No matter how long it takes, America will find you, and we will bring you to justice. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas me
27、mory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖On September the 11th, we learned that America must confront threats before they reach our shores, whether those threats
28、 come from terrorist networks or terrorist states. Im often asked why were in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was not responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The answer is that the regime of Saddam Hussein was a clear threat. My administration, the Congress, and the United Nations saw the threat - and after 9/11
29、, Saddams regime posed a risk that the world could not afford to take. The world is safer because Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. And now the challenge is to help the Iraqi people build a democracy that fulfills the dreams of the nearly 12 million Iraqis who came out to vote in free elections
30、last December. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸
31、诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖Al Qaeda and other extremists from across the world have come to Iraq to stop the rise of a free society in the heart of the Middle East. They have joined the remnants of Saddams regime and other armed groups to foment sectarian violence and drive us out. Our enemies
32、 in Iraq are tough and they are committed - but so are Iraqi and coalition forces. Were adapting to stay ahead of the enemy, and we are carrying out a clear plan to ensure that a democratic Iraq succeeds. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - Septe
33、mber the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖Were training Iraqi troops so they can defend their nation. Were helping Iraq
34、s unity government grow in strength and serve its people. We will not leave until this work is done. Whatever mistakes have been made in Iraq, the worst mistake would be to think that if we pulled out, the terrorists would leave us alone. They will not leave us alone. They will follow us. The safety
35、 of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad. Osama bin Laden calls this fight “the Third World War“ - and he says that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will mean Americas “defeat and disgrace forever.“ If we yield Iraq to men like bin Laden, our enemies will be embol
36、dened; they will gain a new safe haven; they will use Iraqs resources to fuel their extremist movement. We will not allow this to happen. America will stay in the fight. Iraq will be a free nation, and a strong ally in the war on terror. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening.
37、Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖We can be confident that our coalition will
38、succeed because the Iraqi people have been steadfast in the face of unspeakable violence. And we can be confident in victory because of the skill and resolve of Americas Armed Forces. Every one of our troops is a volunteer, and since the attacks of September the 11th, more than 1.6 million Americans
39、 have stepped forward to put on our nations uniform. In Iraq, Afghanistan, and other fronts in the war on terror, the men and women of our military are making great sacrifices to keep us safe. Some have suffered terrible injuries - and nearly 3,000 have given their lives. America cherishes their mem
40、ory. We pray for their families. And we will never back down from the work they have begun. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our histo
41、ry. They murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖We also honor those who toil day and night to keep our homeland safe, and we are giving them the tools they need to protect our people. Weve created the Department of Homeland Security. We h
42、ave torn down the wall that kept law enforcement and intelligence from sharing information. Weve tightened security at our airports and seaports and borders, and weve created new programs to monitor enemy bank records and phone calls. Thanks to the hard work of our law enforcement and intelligence p
43、rofessionals, we have broken up terrorist cells in our midst and saved American lives. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. T
44、hey murdered people of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖Five years after 9/11, our enemies have not succeeded in launching another attack on our soil, but theyve not been idle. Al Qaeda and those inspired by its hateful ideology have carried out terro
45、rist attacks in more than two dozen nations. And just last month, they were foiled in a plot to blow up passenger planes headed for the United States. They remain determined to attack America and kill our citizens - and we are determined to stop them. Well continue to give the men and women who prot
46、ect us every resource and legal authority they need to do their jobs. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five years ago, this date - September the 11th - was seared into Americas memory. Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history. They murdered peop
47、le of all colors, creed 且患汛庇峙浩映秧慨砒湃疙躬谣副逆类仿凭情愿杂序餐堕扳负谋晃辨浸诫乙壮巴骇畦敖泥澳蹦邮额漠盯波吼丽袁驶玉骡镍堤沟售眠它呆趣帮昌辣袖In the first days after the 9/11 attacks I promised to use every element of national power to fight the terrorists, wherever we find them. One of the strongest weapons in our arsenal is the power of freedom. The
48、terrorists fear freedom as much as they do our firepower. They are thrown into panic at the sight of an old man pulling the election lever, girls enrolling in schools, or families worshiping God in their own traditions. They know that given a choice, people will choose freedom over their extremist i
49、deology. So their answer is to deny people this choice by raging against the forces of freedom and moderation. This struggle has been called a clash of civilizations. In truth, it is a struggle for civilization. We are fighting to maintain the way of life enjoyed by free nations. And were fighting for the possibility that good and decent people across the Middle East can raise up societies based on freedom and tolerance and personal dignity. 布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话布什总统纪念 911 五周年讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Five ye